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private Midnight in Manehattan RP

crispy fries

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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/147808-midnight-in-manehattan-action-mystery-crime/


Janeri sat and quietly sipped tea he had brewed himself in the apartment he was staying in for the duration of his trip to Manehattan, waiting for the ponies who had answered his call for help. He was an older Zebra, an odd sight in Equestria, who wore a black cap with a short brim. The scent of herbs wafted through the apartment, with strange bottles lining the shelves of the kitchen.


Janeri had come to Manehattan with one purpose: to find a powerful artifact that had been stolen from him, although he could not do this alone.

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@@crispy fries,


Swift arrived at the apartment building indicated by the notes he took when he was contacted. He wouldn't usually go to some stranger's house in the middle of a big city, nor would he usually agree to help creatures he had just met, but this seemed urgent.


"At least the locals said they'd watch my back" he muttered to himself as he entered the building.


He became curious as he approached the door, more by the smell coming from it than anything else. Should he knock? He decided he'd wait nearby to see if anyone else approached the door first.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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( because reasons, this post will only apply after Janeri lets Swift into the apartment and closes the door )


Salleria lounged on a faraway roof, monitoring the area. Her cloak, which covered her second pair of wings hardly moved on the wind. She detected a discrepancy: a previously unoccupied apartment now housed... a zebra?


The zebra looked familiar somehow. She flipped through the logs on her headpiece ( it looks like a scooter from DBZ ), till she found a match.


"Janeri has arrived in Manehatten" she talked to herself... Or so it seemed, pushing a button on her headpiece.


Static and a barely audible voice was heard. She grimaced.


"Yes, Steel, I understand. Salleria out."


She sighed as the headpiece clicked off. 'Bitch', she murmured, flying off the roof.


Minutes later, a knock was heard on Janeri's door.

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Janeri heard somepony outside the apartment. He got up to check, and saw a pegasus standing outside the door.


"Ah, come in, come in," he said with a friendly voice, "Would I be correct in presuming you're here for the job? Please, take a seat and I'll bring you some tea."

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Malachi road the elevator up to the floor he was going to meet someone offing a job.  Normally he would do stuff like this. But the pay was pretty good for a project he was planning, Plus on the note it said it need someone who knew the underground very well. And who better then a high ranking member of the mafia.


That being said, Malachi was smart enough to bring some back up just in case. On his left was a gray stallion in a dark hoodie with the hood up. And om Malachi's right was  a mare with a mid sleeved red shirt with a black vest. He mane was curly and blond and her coat was light tan. She was also wearing glasses with an eye-patch over her left eye. She also had many scars on her arms with some on her face and neck.


When the elevator stopped. Malachi and his crew head for the room that was meant for the meeting. 

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@@crispy fries,@@Gloomfury,


(Having already approached the door)


Swift was impressed by the open hospitality of the Zebra. "I suppose I am, this is the room I was told to come to anyway." He accepted her invitation to enter, the smells were definitely coming from this room alright. "If it's all the same to you, I'd much prefer water to tea. But I thank you anyway."


He took a seat that gave him the best escape routes, even if it meant leaping through the window. The familiar weight of his wing-blades tucked under his wings gave him a little reassurance. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


"Now, I hope you are aware of the dangerous nature of this job. Something of much value has been taken from me, and I have reason to suspect a dangerous criminal organization is involved," Janeri said as he poured Swift a glass of water and refilled his cup of tea.

Edited by crispy fries
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@@crispy fries,


"A criminal organization you say?" Swift gladly took the offered glass of water, but did not drink it yet. "Then it seems you will need stealth on your side. What exactly was stolen if you don't mind me asking? It must be important if you're going to such lengths to get it back." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Janeri took a sip of his tea and said, "It is an... artifact of sorts. It comes from my native land and it holds a great deal of power. Dangerous in the wrong hands and valuable to the highest bidder, you see. I will not reveal all the details of it, as I do not yet know to what extent I can trust you."


Janeri paused and took another sip of tea. He took a moment to look Swift up and down, then said, "You have the look of somepony who is hiding something, if you will excuse me saying. But I may simply be getting old."

Edited by crispy fries
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@@crispy fries,


Swift drank a small amount of the water, it's harder to hide a poison in water. "Many creatures have something to hide, I consider myself no exception. You want to keep your artifact a secret, I can understand that. I too have secrets as it appears I trust you as much as you trust me." He gave a slight smile. "I suppose we'll just have to deal with that."


He drank a bit more of the water.


"So, do you have a plan? A location? A picture of the item?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


"The artifact is a small ruby with a Zebra symbol etched into it. When I had it last, it was encased in a gold bracelet, but the casing matters not. In terms of a plan, usually the place to start is the bottom. Bars, drug dens, the underbelly of the city. We start asking questions, and we'll likely find an answer or two. We work our way up from there. We won't be departing just yet, though. I believe there is one more who has come seeking this job."

Edited by crispy fries
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@[/]Crispy_fries[/], @[/]Illiad_easle[/]


Salleria waited patiently outside the door. The smell of tea hung heavily in the air. The smell resonated deep within her.


I brought up some terrible memories.


She forced them down. The past was the past. Tea was a common drink, after all.


She could hear voices behind the door. Conversing. She listened.




Yes. This was the correct place. Being up a claw, she knocked on the door.

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@@crispy fries,


Swift had a slightly skeptical expression, "If it really is a criminal organization that has your item, they'll no doubt notice if questions start getting asked. Your plan is a great way to get noticed, especially if someone as distinctive as you is the one asking the questions. I don't think there are many zebras in the city."


Swift got a bit more comfortable, it didn't seem that he needed to make a quick getaway just yet. "I don't suppose you know this 'other' that would be interested in the job would you?" Hearing the knock, he tensed slightly.


@[member=Capt'n Crunchy],

"I suppose they're here."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


"Well, I did say we would be asking questions, not just myself. Plus, I grew up in this city. There are a few places where I could ask questions without rousing suspicion. You do bring up a fair point though," said Janeri.


He then heard a knock on the door and said, "Ah, that would be them."




Janeri opened the door and was surprised by what he saw. He was not expecting a griffin. Janeri warmly said, "Please, come in, take a seat. I was discussing our plan with the other pony who is interested in the job. May I get you a drink?"

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Salleria was slightly blown back by the overpowering smell of tea. She barely had time to compose herself. "Yes please, though I would much prefer water" she replied, taking reference from the smell of tea and taking a seat next to Swift. She was holding onto a note.


Salleria extended a claw to shake Janeri's hoof. "I'm Salleria. I was the other 'pony' that signed up for your... Job. I'm sorry for the confusion.". She drew a curled up note from her pouch and handed it to Janeri. "I found this noted nailed to your door when I came, you might want to give it a read."

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"A shame my tea isn't wanted, but oh well," Janeri said as he took the note from Salleria's hand.


He poured her a glass of water, and sat down to read the note.


"My, my, my. That was certainly quicker than I expected. This note is from Cold Steel, a notorious mob boss. He wants to meet with me. Certainly suspicious," Janeri commented.

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Swift was already suspicious of the Griffon, they weren't usually so kind to strangers and he had had bad experiences with them in the past. He gave a light shudder at the memories before quickly composing himself.


@@crispy fries

Swift turned back towards the zebra. "I do believe we're being watched, at the very least they know that you've been staying here. They may even know we're associated with you at this point. I don't trust that meeting, it seems like more of a trap than this did."


(And with that I bid you all goodnight. 11pm here.)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle @,


"I must agree with Swift. We are likely in much danger at the moment. This meeting with Cold steel is far too suspicious for my tastes, so we must go in prepared. Salleria, tell me what, if anything, you know about Cold Steel."


(I also have to turn in for the night)

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Salleria shrugged. "Just because I live here doesn't mean I know everything about him. All I know is that he's some big mafia boss around here.", she admitted, idly scratching the table. "Which is moot, given that you already know."


She gave a sideways look at Swift. "Why not just meet him at a coffee shop or something? He can't do anything to you there."




( 2.30 pm here )

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@, @@Illiad Easle,


The phone in Janeri's apartment suddenly rang. He picked it up, and on the other end he heard, "Sir, I am calling to confirm your reservation for 2 at 7:00 tomorrow night at the Waldorf Lounge."


Janeri had made no such reservations, but confirmed them anyways.


"Steel wants to meet at the Waldorf," he said to Swift and Salleria.

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@@crispy fries,@,


Swift sighed, drinking more of the water. "I was about to say that we didn't really have a choice in where the meeting would happen. and the reservation for two is a clear 'come alone' if ever there was one." His expression grew a bit more serious. "I don't like this arrangement, too risky. And it's not like either of us could get inside to watch your back. Even watching from outside wouldn't do much good."


He sighed again, "Maybe don't show up for the meeting? That's probably an even worse idea though." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Crispy chips and Illiad easle


Salleria folded her arms and leaned back. "From what little I know of Cold Steel from his dealing with shop owners, he usually goes about extremely business like. As long as you don't try anything direct towards him, he won't kill you. Simple as that."


She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. "He probably just wants to annex this city's only zebra"

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@@Illiad Easle, @,


"It would be a poor choice on his part if he were to kill me in such a public place, but it would also be a poor choice on my part if I went in alone. Swift, perhaps you could pose as my chauffeur," suggested Janeri, "But the issue of what part Salleria could play still stands."

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@@crispy fries,


Sighing was quickly becoming one of his favorite pastimes at this rate. "I suppose I could pose as a chauffeur, but that would only get me as close as outside as one generally does not enter this sort of place with their chauffeur and the reservation is still just for two. As for the griffon, she would likely have a great view from above if he planned to ambush you afterwards." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


"If an ambush is what is waiting, you could provide a swift getaway if you were the chauffeur," said Janeri.




"Once more, Swift makes a good point. Salleria, you should keep watch."


Janeri paused again to drink his tea, stopped for a moment to think, and said, "We have until tomorrow, and we should use the time to scout out the Waldorf, or perhaps get the floor plan."

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