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private Abduction! RP

crispy fries

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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/148497-abduction-sci-fi/


@@Acnologia, @@Drago Ryder, @@reader8363,


Ballpoint sat nursing a beer, mostly ignoring the other patrons. A light flickered above her and off to one side a jukebox was playing. She had stopped at a dingy roadside bar on a lonely country road on her way back to Canterlot. Ballpoint's cap was gently nudging her horn, and her blue coat contrasted the brown of the bar. So far, it had been a quiet night.


Suddenly, a Zebra across the bar sat up and said to nopony in particular, "The winds tell of something not right."


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Kyubi sat in silence, simply looking out a window and towards the horizon. The bar pong had come to the bar for a job, and figured that it wouldn't hurt to stay for a bit. She didnt drink, though. That would basically mess up whatever senses she had left. Instead, she just had a simple meal. "Those stories couldn't be true, could they?" She thought to herself.

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Gale sighed as she laid behind the building. She loved watching the stars fly by during flight and feeling the cold night air under her wings. She wasn't at the front of the building, though. The dragoness had made sure to land in the fields of tall grass behind the building so as not to attract unwanted attention and had made sure not to make any noise.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Travelture got up from his seat and went outside, to get away from all the noise. He looked at the sky, grew wings and took flight. He enjoyed the wind rushing past him and after a few minutes, He landed on the roof of the building, went back to a white unicorn stallion, and laid down.

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The lights in the bar suddenly flicked on and off, and the jukebox cut out. The TV on the bar turned to static, and "This is the emergency broadcast syst-" was heard before it turned off entirely. Ballpoint looked out the window, and saw a bright green light shining through.


'What the hell is happening?' She thought to herself.

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Kyubi was brought out of her thoughts when she heard strange noises. She could tell that something wasn't right and looked around the room. From the way sound was moving, she could tell that there were at least two other ponies in the building. She was blind to anything outside. "What's going on?" She asked.

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Gale looked up in surprise as a bright green light appeared over her. She didn't know what it was, and she couldn't even move due to fear. "Why can't I move?" She thought to herself. The dragoness had seen a lot of things ever since she had left her home, but nothing like this. "If I die here, will the others ever find out?"

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@@Drago Ryder, @@Acnologia, @@reader8363,


The jukebox and TV began to make incomprehensible sounds and the entire bar began to shake. Ballpoint looked up only to see the entire roof lift off to reveal more green lights. The lights reached out and grabbed her in a paralyzing grip, lifting her up. They proceeded to do the same with Gale, Kyubi, Travelture. 

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It didn't take long for Gale to notice that she was being lifted up, and even less time to figure out that there was nothing she could do about. The dragoness was a bit put off by the fact that she was being forced into the air and a single tear rolled over her scales. "What's going to happen to me?" She thought.

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Kyubi simply looked up as she was lifted into the air, unable to even believe what was happening. Aside from the other two ponies, she could now detect a dragon that seemed to be a bit young. The worst part was that Kyubi couldn't even tell how long it would be before they were where they were being taken. She didn't even make an attempt to run, not that she could. Whatever had a hold on her was very fast and would've been impossible to dodge given her situation.

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Travelture looked up to see a green light, he shrugged his shoulders, thinking a unicorn was messing around, and turned into a pegasus. As he was being pulled up, He grabbed a sizeable cloud, fluffed it up a bit and took a nap on it, wait for the unicorn to stop.

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As the light kept pulling her up, she saw a bat pony, a small dragon, and oddly enough, a pegasus sleeping on a cloud being drawn up as well. The light produced a blinding flash, and everything then went black.


@@Acnologia, @@Drago Ryder, @@reader8363,


When Ballpoint regained consciousness, she found herself strapped to some kind of sideways table that was moving up a large metal chute. She looked around, and saw the others who had been pulled up from the bar on the same kind of table moving up with her.


"What the fuck is happening!?" she panicked.

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Kyubi sighed as she glanced at Ballpoint. "I don't think now would be a time to panic." She said. "We need to find a way out of here." The bat pony then noticed that the necklace she normally wore was missing. "Either it fell off when we were brought here, or whoever did this removed it." She thought

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Despite what Kyubi said, Gale couldn't help but struggle. Her wings, tail, and legs were all bound to the metal plate, and the cold metal in of itself was making her feel a bit sluggish. "What do you think they want with us?" She asked, somewhat worried. There had to be some reason why they were abducted.

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"Well exuuuse me for not keeping my calm when I get abducted by a bunch of GREEN LIGHTS IN THE SKY!" said Ballpoint as she struggled in vain against the restraints. She tried using magic, but her horn kept on puttering out.


The metal chute gave way to a large chamber with suspended rails that moved the sideways tables. There was a large window in the chamber, revealing a view of the entire earth.


"Sweet Celestia," whispered Ballpoint.

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@@crispy fries,@@Acnologia,

Travelture groaned and said as he got rid of his wings, 

"Will you two be quiet and not give what the unicorn want. He or she probably wants us to freak out and then comes out to say it was a prank, then falls over laughing."

With the wings not there, he had a little room to turn over.

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Gale rolled her eyes at the three ponies, and was both amazed and scared when she saw the Earth below them. She had long since stopped trying to break out of her restraints, though. She couldn't shot her flame in such a tight space and position and whatever was holding them down was stronger than any metal she had seen .

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@@Drago Ryder @@Acnologia @@reader8363,


As the bunch passed a platform, a pony with strange markings appeared on it.


"You will be free, brothers," he said as he planted a beeping device on a the support the platform was on.


The device exploded, and the restraints on the tables receded, dropping the group into a pit that was comprised of organic material, as if they had been dropped into the belly of some beast.

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"Sorry, but I don't really know how bad the situation is. I'm a bit short of sight." She dead panned. The bat pony then heard another pony speak before she fell into the pit. "Sorry, but pretty sure three of us are female, and one of us is a dragon." The bat pony didn't know what the new being was planning, but hoped that they could go home soon.

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Gale hit whatever the ground was made of and quickly stood at her feet. Something about all of this wasn't right, and the dragoness doubted that whoever this thing was had their best interests at heart. "Are you the one who brought us here?" She growled, her flame building in her maw.

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Travelture landed on his stomach, changed him into a unicorn and sat down and said once ha realized his bag was missing, 

"You all can stop acting. I already know it a prank, and could a give me back a bag, it has my map in it or do ya want to draw a 15 year old map."

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@@reader8363, @@Acnologia, @@Drago Ryder,


The first thing that hit Ballpoint was the smell. The pit reeked of something she had never smelled before. As she got up, she noticed that there was a narrow passage in the pit, leading to a wall made of the same organic matter that opened as she approached.


"Guys, this way," she said.

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Gale was brought out of attacking the pong when she heard Ballpoint's voice. "On my way." She muttered to herself. The dragoness then ran towards the pony. Something about this didn't feel right, though. Why would that mysterious pony simply let them out, and what was he doing on the same ship as them. Right now, there were far to many questions that needed answers.

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Kyubi turned her head to where she heard Ballpoint's voice and carefully made her way towards the open door. The feeling of whatever was under her was sickening for a normal pony, but it was even worse with her enhanced senses. She could feel every detail and the smell was something else entirely. "Do you see a way out of here?"


@crispy fries

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@@Acnologia, @@Drago Ryder, @@reader8363,


As Ballpoint walked through the opening, a strange female voice that came from nowhere but could be heard everywhere said, "Well, this is certainly... unexpected. No matter."


As soon as the voice finished, a yellow portal opened behind Ballpoint. A tall bipedal creature with sharp teeth, a helmet with glowing orange eyes, and a strange weapon pulled her into the portal, which immediately closed. Portals opened behind Gale, Kyubi, and Travelture, and they were all pulled in by the same kind of creature.

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