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private Abduction! RP

crispy fries

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@crispy fries


Gale nodded slightly as she tried to catch her breath. "Nice to meet you, Ballpoint. I'm Gale, and I was taken up here with you and the other two ponies." She said. The dragoness then shifted her body so that she was lying on her underbelly, to tired to stand for the moment. "To be honest, I thought I was going to die back there?"

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@@Drago Ryder,


"To be honest, I kinda thought you were gonna bite it too. It looked for sure like those robots were gonna get you. Oh man, this whole thing is messed up. We got abducted by aliens. I mean, how fucked up is that?  You always hear about some crazy person yelling about getting abducted, but it actually happened."

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@crispy fries


Gale nodded slightly and figured that both of them freaking out wouldn't really do any good. "I haven't really heard much in terms of stories, but we should be careful for now. We don't know what these things want, so we need to stay hidden." The dragoness then heard a low grumble emanate from her stomach and she winced slightly. "You wouldn't happen to have any food on you, would you?" The dragoness hadn't really had that much to eat before being abducted and had no idea how much time had actually passed.

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Travelture thought about it and said, 

"Maybe it's some sort of tazer like numbing agent. If it works like both of them, then it should wear off."

He looked into a room and said,

"Hold on a minute, I want to check this room out."

He walked into the room and noticed a few books. He picked one up and started skimming through it.

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@reader8363 @crispy fries


Kyubi nodded slightly, but didn't like being left alone. If any alien approached the area where they were, they were as good as dead if Travelture had to carry her. "I might as well try to see what I can find." She thought, before dragging herself into a room not to far from the one Travelture was in. The room itself seemed to be a storage area from what she could tell. Several canisters litters the ground and she thought it would be best to leave them be.

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@@Drago Ryder,


Before Ballpoint could respond to Gale, a team of hunters burst through the door. As she whipped around to see the commotion, a bolt of energy from one of the hunter's weapons struck her in the head. Ballpoint fell to the floor, dead.


The hunters proceeded to fire a black projectile at Gale. Upon impact, the projectile expanded into a black gel, immobilizing Gale. The hunters then pressed a few keys on the control panel, opened a portal, and pulled Gale through.


(This is my last post.)

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Gale's eyes widened in horror as aliens rushed into the control room and killed Ballpoint. She didn't even have time to move before something hit her in the back and what felt like rubber spread over her body. By the end of it all, only her eyes and nose holes were left uncovered. "No. This can't be how it ends." She thought, he vision filling with white.


@reader8363 @Acnologia


As Kyubi and Travelture looked through the room, they could hear footsteps outside of the door. Nothing seemed to come inside, though. St least, not yet.

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@@Drago Ryder

Travelture heard the shot echo through the halls, or, at least, the air vents, then he heard footsteps. He placed the book he was holding and head over to the door, poked his head out and said,

"Hello, this is a good prank, but it's getting a little bit old. So why don't we just end it?"

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@reader8363 @Drago Ryder


As soon as Travelture spoke to the aliens, Kyibi crawled behind a bookcase and in an attempt to hide. It was a tight fit, but she would have to make do. "What was the sound earlier? Could one of us have already been caught?" The bat pony then bit her lower lip in an attempt to stifle the sadness welling up in her. The reality of the situation was crushing to say the least.

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Gale watched the hallway pass by with half lidded eyes as she was moved to whatever awaited her. She hadn't eaten or slept in what felt like hours. The material around her had stopped any attempt at possible escape by binding her legs to each other and her wings to her body. Eventually, she was brought into a room with what looked like grass, a stream, and a forest. She was set on the ground and the hunters with her left. Whatever was on her soon disappeared and the dragoness could move freely. "What is this, another illusion?" She thought. To her surprise, the air carrier an actual sent, and the river contained large fish and drinkable water. With little control, she happily ate and drank her fill, before falling asleep.




The hunters turned to face Travelture when he spoke and they immediately started blasting at him. The blasts were meant to stun and more were coming. On a nearby console, a green light was flashing

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@@Drago Ryder,@@Acnologia,

Travelture ducked inside went to the air duct and slipped in. He crawled around in there, then silently dropped behind the hunters, then he noticed his bag was missing, he teleported it to him and placed it on. then changed his hooves into paws and took off, heading to see where the gun shot came from

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Unbeknownst to Gale, a few aliens were watching her via camera. For now, they would simply observe her behavior before doing any actual experiments. They figured that the dragoness must've been hunger after everything that happened and knew any deterioration to her health could alter the results of their experiments.


@reader8363 @Acnologia


As Travelture ran down the hall, several of the aliens that had been shooting at him gave chase. The others entered the room he was in and began to look around, making sure that no one else was in the area.

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@@Drago Ryder,

one of the shots glazed his ear. It stung a lot. His eyes widened when he realized this wasn't a prank. He put more speed in and twist and turned to lose them. After a few minutes, He ran into a room and slammed the door shut. He turned around to see aliens watching the cameras. He screamed and slammed his book into their head a few times. He checked their pulse and sighed that they were still alive. Then he listened to see if anyone was coming

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Kyubi listened to the aliens move about the room and tried to calm her breathing. It didn't sound like they were close, but that could only be a trick. "Where is Tracelture?" She thought. The bat pony then sat on the floor and tried not to move to much. She couldn't get caught.

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Gale sighed as she woke up and stretched. It had been some time since she could relax, even if she was currently in what was basically a jail cell. The dragoness felt more energetic than she had before and began to pass the time exploring the room she was in.




The aliens in the room with Kyubi didn't suspect her to be hiding behind a bookcase, but they were moving closer to her.




The aliens pursuing Travelture hadn't expected him to take a sharp turn, and they passed the room he was in, thinking he had continued on ahead. As for the room Travelture was in, it was a simple security room with several monitors. The screens themselves showed several parts of the ships. From this, one could see Kyubi and Gale's current situation, but there was no indication as to where they were. There was also a big lump in the corner of the room.

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@@Drago Ryder,@@Acnologia,

Travelture cleared his throat and said as he changed his voice, 

"Attention, a prisoner is escaping. the creature is heading to the escape pods, he just changed into a small creature. He can be anywhere in that area, so search high and low for the prisoner."

He undid the mic, then noticed the lump. He walked over to it and nudge it with his foot.

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@Acnologia @reader8363


Thankfully, the most of the aliens tasked with catching Kyubi and Travelture, including those about to unknowingly catch the former, seemed to buy the latter's ruse and rushed towards a different part of the ship.


As soon as Travelture touched the lump, it rolled over, revealing the dead form of Ballpoint. It seems that the aliens had yet to clean up their latest kill.

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@@Drago Ryder,

Travelture jumped back away from the body and turned to the screens, He noticed that the guards ran over there.  He hacked into the door and closed them. He said as he opened the cell door,

"At least, I know where that shot came from. I wonder what they do with the dead, a burial would be good."

His ear still stung. He went over to the vent and pulled off the cover. and when he was in, he placed the cover back on and fell asleep once he was far from the cover to not be seen.

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Kyubi sighed as she heard the aliens leave the room and felt like she was able to relax. She knew that it would be foolish to leave her hiding spot for now, though. The bat pony then leaned back and closed her eyes, hoping to at least get some rest before she had to do anything else

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(Time skip: 8 hours)


As time passed, the aliens began to continue with their plans, whatever they may be. Gale couldn't really do anything beside eat, drink, sleep, and pace around in her room. The dragoness doubted that she would be able to escape with just her fire. It was then that she began to think about what had happened. Four had been abducted. One had been killed, another captured. As for the other two, she could only guess. "Why didn't they kill me? Do they want me alive for something?" She thought.


An information console lay within the library that Kyubi was in. Unbeknownst to her, it contained the plans of the aliens that had been abducting ponies for who knows how long.

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@@Drago Ryder,@@Acnologia,

Travelture woke up and headed out of the vent, went to the computer and placed the mic on two cameras. He said as he opened the cell door,

"Um, excused me. but could both of ya kinda hurry. I don't know exactly if there is another way they can get through."

He noticed the body was still there. He pulled out a cleaning kit and started cleaning up the blood 

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(Kyubi isn't in a cell. She's still in the what I assume was a library.)


Kyubi sighed as she woke up and moved out from behind the bookcase she was using s a hiding spot. The bat pony then stretched slightly before noticing the console via echolocation. She then pressed several buttons until she heard a disk eject itself and grabbed it. She then moved out of the room and began to look around for where Travelture was.

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@reader8363 @Acnologia


It didn't take long for Gale notice the opening in the wall and she began to run for it. Unfortunately, the aliens were aware of what was happening and quickly sealed the door. No alarm went off, though. For now, they thought it was a glitch in the system. The dragoness managed to stop herself before she hit the wall and sighed in frustration.


As for what Kyubi had, the disc contained data recorder from all the past experiments. The only question is, why would the aliens need that?


(Gale isn't in a normal cell and she's being monitored by alien scientists. It won't be that easy to get her out.)

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Kyubi soon found Travelture and gave a slight sigh. "Good to see you're still safe." She said, a bit bitter about the fact that he left her. The bat pony then held up the disk and placed it on the main table, not noticing the dead body. "I think I found something."

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@@Acnologia@@Drago Ryder,

Travelture stood up and placed the bloody rag down. He moved the body before cleaning under it so that it leaned against the wall. He walked over and said, 

"Glad to see you're alright as well. Might hold something that can get us out of here."

He levitated it to the computer and placed it in and started it up. the computer starting up hurt his ear that was shot. He clutched it trying to make it stop hurting.

(The moving of the body was before Kyubi got there)

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