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Octavia's Bow

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The two made their way down the street when another shout came from behind. Nel turned just for a second to see the guard returning a with a group of back up. He immediately turned around and began running with Dancer.


"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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"Side street, quick!" *Dashes left*


Ach! GTG)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(oh ok I'm finishing my next chapter anyways. :D)


(Okay. Get your plan going.)


Red smirked. He's not for sure what Steady is doing, but he has a couple of ideas.


(I suppose we could still prolong Steady's side of the plan while we wait.)


Steady traced her hoof up and down his body as she gently breathed into his ear.

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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(I'm going to change it up a bit With Dawn's side because I feel we need to bring everything back to the same page.)


Steady ran her hoof through Red's mane but Stopped when she heard a loud knock on the door.

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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Nel: "Red! You gotta let us in! The guards could be anywhere right now!" Nel spoke between breaths with Red doing the same behind him.

Edited by Twinight125

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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Nel nodded and took one last look as Dancer went in before him.


"Thanks Red, the guards were looking for us after the concert. Somepony repor- Steady? What are you doing here so late?" Nel looked between the two.

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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"Yeah! But that's not important right now, are you two okay? They didn't hurt you did they?"


Nel: "No, we're both fine. But it looks like we'll have to sit here for awhile in case the guards come back. Is that alright Red?"

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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"Thanks Red, you're a good friend..."


Steady walked over and sat next to Nel. "So what happened exactly?"


"I don't really know, Dancer and I had just left a restaurant when a pair of guards walked up and tried to arrest us. We kind of fought back.


"WE?" Dancer scoffed from a stool nearby. Nel just laughed.


"But what about you Steady? I haven't seen you very much lately. What have you been up to?"


"Oh um, I've been hanging out with Red. Getting to know him better."




(gtg, I'll be up early tomorrow since I have Fridays off :D)

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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Steady: "But what about you and Dancer?"


Nel: "I guess you could say the same thing." Nel looked between the two of them again but simply sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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(Lets see how well Twinight got Dancer down)


Dancer blushed and kicked the ground. "Anypony got some water?" she asked, looking a little tired*


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(i hope you didnt mean me having to sift through this thread for answers to random trivia..)


Nel walked to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water. "You sure you're alright Dancer?

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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She nods and takes the water* "The guard was kinda heavy."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Nel: "I'll say, that guard was twice your size atleast! It was amazing to see you knock him out so easily. Where did you learn that?


Steady yawned and laid her head on Red's shoulder. "I think it's time me to go to bed, wake me if anything happens." She then stood and slid under the covers of one of the beds.

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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"My family had money. So it was dangerous, and they spent some of it on self defence training."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Hm, I guess it really worked, guess I don't want to poke too much fun at you." Nel laughed and nudged her playfully.

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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She grinned and nudged him back*


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"... Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, we could let ourselves get caught and break out the other musicians... We could run from the law... We could- Hey, where's Strobe?"



Strobe was led by the house under guard*


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Nel looked outside in the direction of the concert grounds but stared wide-eyed as Strobe walked by.


"Damn it, looks like we don't have a choice now. Steady... you need wake up." Nel gently shook Steady which made her slowly rise.


"Something happened already?" Nel looked her in the eyes.


"Yes, I have to go to the jail." Steady's eyes went wide.


"Why would you do that?!"


"Strobe got himself caught so somepony has to help him break out."


"But what if you can't get out? I don't want to lose you like my father Nel!" A tear formed in Steady's eye.


"Don't worry Steady, I promise I'll be back soon." Nel sat her down again and walked over to Dancer.


"You want to come? It'll be dangerous but I'll do my best to protect you."

Edited by Twinight125

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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