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@@crispy fries


Hooligan felt his lips and his face and noticed a faint scab from the cuts. He nodded at Redwood with a smile, "My face ain't bleeding, so its time to get beating," Hooligan said, answering Redwood's question with a smile. He slid the food tray over to her, "why not take a swing at me with this?"

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Well, ain't that a coincidence. Ah was about to do just that," Redwood said as she picked up the tray. With a short wind up, Redwood hit Hooligan across the face with it, creating a loud smack. "These things are more durable than ah thought. Well, that just gives us more options then."

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@@crispy fries


Hooligan grinned and laughed as blood from his freshly split lip trickled slowly into his mouth. He spat some of it onto the ground. "You have a really nice swing going there," Hooligan chuckled, "I suggest you tryout for the prison baseball team." Hooligan laughed again and waited for another swing.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rather than swinging at Hooligan's face again, Redwood jabbed him in the stomach with the edge of the tray.


"Don't puke," she said. "Ah'm gonna be real pissed if y'all puke all over me."


Despite her warnings against puking on her, Redwood was having fun with Hooligan.

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@@crispy fries


Hooligan felt like puking a lot thanks to the jab from the food tray. But he managed to hold it in. Afterall he really didn't wanna piss Redwood off, especially since they were having do much fun. "Hey Red, you think Shadow will ever find out about the arrangement we have?" asked Hooligan

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Ah don't think we got much to worry about. After all, ah'm in charge of shapin' y'all up, and considerin' y'all stabbed somepony with a damn carrot, it sure looks like y'all need a lotta shapin' up. Besides, Shadow and Nightmare Moon are busy dealin' with that other new prisoner," said Redwood before she smacked Hooligan in the face with the tray again.

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@@crispy fries


"Oh yeah, I forgot the new prisoner was coming yesterday," said Hooligan as he spat out some more blood, "I can't believe I haven't introduced myself yet. Oh well I'm sure we'll meet some time." Hooligan looked over to the first aid kit and smiled, " that kit has needles right?"

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Nightmare thought about it and said,
"Sometimes it works. You could give them a flower and all that. Is there any place you want to go before the break is over and you being watched until dinner?"


Shadow looked through his papers and one of the regular guards came in and handed him a letter. He read it and ran out the door, with the letter in his claw.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Ah know what yer thinkin', but no, ah ain't gonna stab y'all or nothin'. That's takin' it a little too far, even fer me. Plus, ah think it ain't as satisfyin' as doin' this," Redwood then punched Hooligan in the side. "Anyways, ah especially don't like th' new prisoner, and ah'm glad ah don't gotta deal with him."

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Missklang looked from left to right.


I still have no clue about what there is in terms of interesting places. But I can't shake off a strange feeling that things are about to go complete madness soon. Well, things do usually go that way around me, and I do contribute a lot to that... But that's not that this time. I feel like something is going to go very wrong.


He looked at Nightmare.


You know? Like when you suddenly realise that something is wrong, to discover that you are in some sort of dream or illusion and everything is about to crumble in most bizarre way imaginable...


He shook his head.


Or maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid in a new place... Just..Just forget it... Perhaps it's better to move towards my cell. After all, it's in the opposite side of the prison. Better to be there when the break is over then to make guards nervous...

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Nightmare nodded and said,
"Yeah, I guess you're right. Let's head back"


As they were heading back, Shadow ran up to them and said as he handed Nightmare the letter,

"Nightmare, hey missklang, you need to see this."


Nightmare took the letter and read it. She looked up and said,

"Is this for real?"

When Shadow nodded, Nightmare cursed and said as she gave it back to Shadow, 

"Thanks for giving me the heads up."

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Missklang bursted into a silent laughs.


Well isn't that just perfect? I suppose this would be the calamity trigger that I was talking right now eh? Hello shadow.


He looked at him, then back at Nightmare.


I suppose it's something important, isn't it? Confidential information for private ears only or I get to know as well? But after all, I don't really mind.

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After getting the letter back, he ran off. Nightmare turned to Missklang, shaken slightly, and said,

"Don't take it personally, he's like this everytime. Let's get you back into your cell."

While they walked that way, she couldn't get it out of her head, why early, why not wait till next week. 

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Well, that is something.


Missklang was following Nightmare towards his cell.


This is looking to be interesting. I can only imagine what could make so preoccupied. It almost looks like some extremely important guest is arriving. A prisoner? Perhaps someone to check how things are going? Heh. If it's Celestia that is coming that would be fun to see... Hmmm. Your majesty, I wanted to ask if it's possible to have some sheets of paper brought to my cell? It is kinda boring and it will be better than teasing the guard without a purpose...

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Nightmare looked up and said,

"What, oh, yes."

Her horn lit up and a stack of paper materialized on her back

"You do know that you don't have to call me majesty. Don't try to get the guard angry at you again."

When they arrived at the cell, she said, 

"Well, we're here. I'll try visiting before dinner, if I can."

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Missklang smiled as they arrived at the cell.


I thought you like it. But if it's okay, then so be it. Well, I guess I have a lot of time to fold paper until dinner.


He levitated the pile of paper inside his cell.


I guess I will see you soon then. I will try not to escape or be killed until then. Good day to you.


He turned to the guard and gave it a friendly smile.


Hello there. How is your day?


He entered the cell and sat down near the pile of paper.

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Nightmare walked away to get ready.


The guard glared at Missklang, but didn't say anything. It just sat there and  watched Missklang, 

The annoucer came on the said,
"All regular guards, please come to the staff room for an important announcements immediately." 
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Missklang grinned and sat just in front of the guard, looking through the glass door.


Well well well. I guess we will have to solve this conflict somehow, don't we?


He chuckled.


So let's set it straight. I saw your face. Now you and your race want to... let's just say I will not stay in this cell for long. I, on the other hoof, have three options. First: I just ignore it and accept my fate, being confident that you won't be able to do any harm to me, which is almost totally correct, but this option is not fun at all and I don't want to take unnecessary risks. Second: I just eliminate you instead. But I can't be sure if you told anyone already, so it's out of the question. 


He glared at the guard while his pupil becomes a thin vertical line.


So, the last option is. I will have to do a favor. So, if you are in the mood, we can barter this out. You name what you want. Service, elimination, knowledge, information. I can do a lot. Perhaps a simple hug will suffice. Or perhaps you want a kiss. But then, how not to be sure you won't chop half of my head off or suck my soul off... not that I have any left. hehe.


He levitated one of the sheets of paper and slid under the door.


Well, you can either write down what you want, I know you have a pen. I saw it in one of your pockets before. Or you can take the paper with you, in that case, I will wait. Or you can ignore it, destroy it or hiss at me. In that case, I will wait too...


He glared at the guard smiling widely.


So, what's your choice?

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The guard straightened its back, surprised. No one has ever tried to bargain with it before. It looked at the paper, then back at Missklang with a confused look on its face. It looked up and thought about what it want. Then it looked at him and wrote jokingly,

"Your face."

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Missklang smiled and look at the guard without blinking.


Interesting choice.


He started to laugh.




He stopped laughing abruptly.


You need to be more precise. I could, of course, cut of my physical face. I won't die. But I doubt you would need it. Or perhaps you need my identity? Well, in that case, you can have it too. After all, it's just another mask. And I have many. Or perhaps you want the true one? In that case, I will just have my masks to replace it. But I doubt you would like the real face that is hiding under the mask. A face is just a mask, easily replaced.


He levitated out of his hair a pen he took from the library and drawn a face on one of the sheets of paper. It was emotionless, without eyes and looked like Missklang, but was a mare, judging by the long eyelashes and more thin muzzle. He then pressed the paper to his face, as the sheet glowed. The image changed and the picture was no longer a mare, but usual Missklang's face. When he levitated the sheet away, his face was changed and looked exactly as the one he drew. Missklang smirked and levitated a dozen of pieces of paper, drawing a different one on each. Then proceeded to levitate them above the head in a circular pattern.


You see?


Missklang said in a feminine voice.


It might have been a joke. But just look. Even a joke can be true if asked the right person. So, do you still want my face?


Missklang grinned again.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Sorry Hooligan, but ah guess y'all just gotta beat yerself fer now," said Redwood as she left the room.




Redwood was a bit irritated that she had been interrupted for some meeting.


"What's goin' on that's so important?" she asked as she walked into the staff room.

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@@crispy fries

Shadow said as he sat down, 
"I just got a letter from the princesses, and they are thinking of coming early as Tomorrow instead of in a week."



The guard stood up and backed up a little. it shook its head and wrote,
"I don't know what I want, never tried to be bargained with."

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"Shit," cursed Redwood. "So what does this mean? Do we got any acts that we gotta clean up or skeletons that we gotta hide in th' closet?"


An inspection from the princesses wasn't good. She might get in trouble for her little arrangement with Hooligan, and she couldn't run that risk. Although, it seemed like Missklang might be a much bigger problem than that.

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Missklang puffed and said amusingly.


Hihihi. The gender swapping always works. Relax, I'm not a changeling, I was joking as well. But well, now I am a mare... Huh. Feels strange... Well, I can't fo anything about it. At least for a certain time... Cooldown time and stuff...


Missklang looked at the guard ad blinked her eyes.


But, there is gotta be something that you want, no? I mean, anypony wants something... But hey, since you are in the mood to talk, is it possible you tell me what's the big deal with the face taboo and stuff? If listened to Shadow, he made it almost sound like a high blasphemy of some sorts... But I guess, everyone looking same... and...and wearing the same uniform. It must be so hard! Not to be able to express your personality! And you are stuck here and can't go to the town to see stuff to buy! It's so saaaaad! Waaaaaaaah!


Missklang dropped down and started to cry loudly, versing a torrent of tears. After a few seconds, she stopped and wiped off the tears.


Sniff... I'm...I'm sorry... I'm much more emotional in this form... It's so embarrassing.


Missklang hid her lower part of the face with her tail.

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The guard laughed and wrote,

"We're kinda lone tribe, no one sees us and the outfits are to add mystery and not to scare prisoners. We don't leave often since Shadow gets us the stuff we need."


@@crispy fries,

Shadow said as the other left, 

"It's just that this place needs to be clean and Missklang to behave himself. How's it come, 'Shaping' Hooligan?"

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