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private The hectic ponyville hospital


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It was a hectic day at the ponyville hospital. Four ponies with different things got brought in.
One of them is moonshy.she was found unconscious in a park. So they rushed her in a room.
Mistflow got brought im after he was diagnosed tuberculosis.
Ratchet was brought in after screwing a stunt up.
Dynamo pad fell off the stairs giving him a super complicated hoof fracture and a cracked horn.

Nurse wolftracks and nurse lucid dreams are trying their best to let all of them heal up.


(the ooc thread for this rp is here https://mlpforums.com/topic/149890-planning-a-hospital-themed-rp/?p=4451831 )

Edited by moonshy

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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[Mistflow is male. :D]

Mistflow waited in the room where he was checked up on after the Doctor got a reading on his symptoms and took a second to "see something" he was patient, and decided to just look out of the window. It was probably not something that was going to be too bad is what he told himself. But the blood discharging from his cough was a little worrying. However, he was sure it was just the intensity of his cough, probably rubbed his throat raw or something.

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Moonshy got brought in with an ambulance and she just woke up but she coughed very intense and also blood came out with the coughing. Then she was rolled thorough the waiting room mistflow was and she was rolled in a room. At that point moonshy had fainted again because of the bloodloss

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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As the doors flew open, Mistflow looked on to see another pony wheeled in on a gurney through the doors, coughing up blood. Like him, she was still young. Too young for this. He had always been sensitive, so when he watched her pass by his eyes started to shine as he brought his hooves to his mouth in horror and whispered a weak, "Oh, dear"

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Dynamo Pad was brought into the hospital on a stretcher. He was still knocked out from falling down the stairs and injuring himself. After being brought into a room, he came too and woke up to a doctor writing down notes on a clipboard and tried to figure out what had happened to him. After being told of his injuries and that he would have to stay a while in the hospital, the doctor left, leaving Dynamo alone in the room with a Pegasus asleep in the bed next to his. "I sure hope she's okay. She doesn't look too good." He got comfortable in his bed and began to massage his forehead where his cracked horn that was giving him a headache was.


(Dynamo Pad is a male. Just wanted to let you know.)

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Then another pony came in on a stretcher. Maybe it was the stress, maybe it was all these damaged ponies coming in before him, but before he could start crying, he began to cough, and maybe it began as a minor thing, but soon he was doubled over on the ground, hacking up blood, his pupils dilating. And as he collapsed to the floor, waiting for a favorable verdict from the doctor who was looking for something, he began to shiver. Maybe, maybe it was him turning his cheek to tuberculosis for a couple months too long.

Edited by Colenso Rivers
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Moonshy soon woke up and saw a unknown pony next to her. She asked to dynamo pad "where am i i i.." She tried to finish her scentence but her cpughing cut her off making her shiver uncontrollable. She started to tear up as she got scared by the sight of blood

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Dynamo Pad heard noises and turned his aching head towards the sound and saw that the Pegasus was awake. He started getting worries after seeing her shiver and cough after she tried to ask him something. He looked around the room to try and find any way to help her. "H-hey, are you okay!? Hello, is anyone out there? Nurse!? Doctor!? Somethings wrong and we need help in here, please!" Dynamo started getting teary eyed at feeling powerless to help the patient next to him. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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One of the nurses from another department rushed in to stabilize moonshy and the coughing stopped. Moonshy tried to ask to the pony next to her " wh.. Who are you" and all that came out was a weak mumbling. She was very weak cuz of the bloodloss and the nurse attached a blood bag. Moonshy laid there and she felt all her hope was gone

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Dynamo sighed in relief that a nurse had come to help the Pegasus next to him and wiped away the tears that were in his eyes with his good hoof. "I-I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that. C-could you please r-repeat that?" He looked towards his roommate and saw the look in her eyes and couldn't help but feel sorry for her. "H-hey, are you going to be okay?" He wanted to try and help in any way that he could. 

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"wh-who are you"she asked again in a weak voice. meanwhile the nurse was giving her oxygen through a canula and she connected moonshy to an ecg. moonshy answerred weakly. "i-i-i don know if ill be ok". once the nurse had connected her to the ecg there was a very abnormal heart rhythm which was worrying

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Dynamo had managed to hear her that time and tried to reply, despite being shy and nervous."O-oh, my name's Dynamo Pad, it's nice to meet you. What's your name?" He saw the nurse hook the Pegasus up to a machine and the abnormal heart rhythm gave him an unnerving feeling. "So...d-do you know why you are in the hospital for? If you don't mind me asking that is." He asked while treading carefully on the subject. He didn't want to upset the mare, or make her feel uncomfortable.

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Ratchet swore loudly as doctors lifted her off of the stretcher and gently onto a bed close to the middle of the room and her hind leg jarred slightly, sending a shot of pain all the way through her body and to her head. Watch it, okay?! She tried to say in a tough voice though there were clearly tears in her eyes and her voice cracked a little. 


The nurses and doctors shook their heads and one nurse remained behind, sitting on a stool next to her bed and said in a soothing voice, holding the young mares hoof, Try not to stress yourself out too much, I understand it hurts, and we are going to get you cast up as soon as possible. Just relax for a while, that was quite the accident you had, and it's a wonder you didn't come off any worse. 


The nurse smiled as Ratchet looked at her and gave a faint smile, the grey mare was in a battered state, her uniform was shredded in multiple places, her purple mane was smeared with dirt and parts of her body were bruised with small cuts and grazes. The worst of the damage though was to her hind leg, loosely bandaged, black and blue from bruising and not sitting in a natural angle it was clear she had broken the bone badly. Ratchet sat up a little and sniffed, she squeezed the hoof of the nurse gently and said, Thanks, I think you g-guys must be getting used to me by now, isn't this like the third time this year? She tried to laugh but winced, instead lying back down, looking up at the bright lights , feeling a little woozy. 

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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"well one thing is visible and i have severe lungcancer"she said in a voice which made clear she had lost het hope"so dynamo why are you in herevif i may ask"" the oxygen had made moonshy feel a lot better and she saw another pony being brought in. she saw the injuries and her heartrate all of a sudden went sky high as moonshy hold her heart cuz it hurted

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Dynamo's eyes had widened in shock at the revelation of his roommates condition. "It's kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but I-I'll tell you. I was trying to practice learning some new spells. I thought since I had a talent for playing video games, I could try and make some kind of video game type magic. That being the case, I decided to experiment with a spell that would make one play faster by using the ability of the mind. However, I failed to grasp the power I was putting into the spell and it backfired, sending a sort of shock wave that sent me flying down some stairs. The end result left my front hoof broken and I think the spell I was trying to cast had cracked my horn." Dynamo had heard another pony being brought into the hospital and had felt a little sick and worried at the state the pony was in. "By the way, I-I'm sorry about what happened to you and I guess I shouldn't of asked. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable, I...I'll just stop talking now." He turned his head away from the pony in the room. He felt tears build up in his eyes again after everything was going on. It didn't help that his cracked horn was giving him on and off headaches every now and then. He put his good hoof up to where his horn was to massage his head and hope that the pain would go away soon.

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"dynamo you didnt make me feel uncomfortable. you are so kind. i would hug you if i wasnt that weak. and a cracked horn is maybe more severe than what i have. you might never be able to use magic anymore"moonshy said while turning her head sideways and she tried to sit up.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Lucid had no idea how hectic the day was about to get for him. He lazily was reading in his office, waiting to be called. He eventually started to get a bit unconfertable from the lack of commands and went to the ER. He was quickly shocked by the amount of help needed. "Why did the secretary forget to call me...."

Lucid picked up a medical report that never got to his office. "Great, im late because this never got to me... Where am i needed?"


(Moonshy, i'll let you decide where lucid goes to help based on where he's called or what his report says. Also, lucid is a doctor, not a nurse, haha.)

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moonshy pushed the button for help and a call went to lucids peeper. as she watched the display you saw my heart rate was too high. moonshy had her chest hurting and she curled up cuz of the pain. she said weakly" please come over someone i i it hurts so bad"@@Lucid Dream,

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Dynamo's ears perked up at her comment and turned to look at his roommate. Those words of reassurance were enough to put a small smile upon his muzzle. He then saw her curl up in pain and as carefully as he could, got out of his bed and made his way over to her. He got onto the bed and carefully as to not irritate his broken hoof and the wires connected to her, pulled the Pegasus into his lap and gently stroked her mane. "Don't worry, everything is going to be okay. The doctor is coming to help you, I promise." He looked down with a small smile, but raised his head to look at the open door, heart pounding in fear. He hoped and prayed to Celestia that the doctor would get here soon. 

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moonshy was in a lot of pain and as the heart rate dropped to normal her pain kept bugging her. she hoped that her lungs would do long enough so the doc could help her. meanwhile she said in a voice clearly giving away her pain. "please kay down dynamo". with those words she went unconscious 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Dynamo heard her voice and looked down to her to see she fell unconscious. "I know you probably can't hear me and I know I might get in trouble for being out of my bed and resting, but I can't. I hate seeing others in pain or hurt and feeling powerless to make others be happy in a way." The pain in Dynamo's horn came back and the short walk took a lot energy out of him. "Oh man, I guess I should have listened to her after all." His eyes started to slowly close as he passed out from the pain.

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she was unconscious her heartrate dropped and the ecg started alarming. . she heard his words and woke up but was very pale. She hoped docter lucid would come soon. She really need a docter soon cuz her heart is doing very weird stuff. Moonshy asked ratchey what happened to him/her

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Well doc i have severe lungcancer and apparently my heartrate is irregu..." She said bt her coughing cut her off and she coughed up a lot of blood which stained on her bed. Moonshy fainted again cuz of blood loss. Her ecg went crazy and counting in much extra beats


(Ooc. Imma go sleep)

Edited by moonshy

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Ratchet woke up from her semi daze and looked across the room to see a doctor (@@Venomous,) enter the room, she sat up a little, her frizzed mane hanging over her face slightly, she blew it away with a puff of air from her mouth to watch what was happening. Feeling woozy from the pain as well as the painkilling tablets she had been given, her eyes kept shifting out of focus, making her feel even worse, she lay back on her bed and groaned, tears welled up in her eyes but she bit down hard on her lip to stop herself crying. 


As she lay there, she couldn't help but wonder when her friends would be allowed to visit her, some of her best friends were performing with her when it happened, she could vaguely remember seeing them as she was carried out of the stadium by the paramedics. Hopefully they aren't too worried, I really want to see them right now but these damn doctors are so slow.... buck my leg hurts... 

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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Dynamo had woken up after some time and found he was back into his own bed. He heard some noise and turned to see that it was a doctor coming into the room. "Hello Dr. Wolf, apparently I cracked my horn and broke one of my front hooves. It happened after falling down some stairs when I was practicing a spell." 

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