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searching Hollows? Arrancars? Bleach? Oh my...

Colenso Rivers

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This will also act as the ooc.

In this roleplay, you will play a newly formed arrancar of Hueco Mundo. If you absolutely must be a soul reaper, then pm me about it and we will discuss how you may do that. This is a game is based loosely off of the hit anime series Bleach. Some of the canon characters will be there. Here how things are for now; Hueco Mundo is in shambles, most of it is really the same as it’s always been. However, the one center of their world, where hollows were united, “Las Noches,” is filled with weak, wild hollows and Menos Grande, and is destitute.

I need at least four arrancar to join me before we start. Create a character sheet based on the guidelines listed below and wait for approval. Once we start, we will be posting in a loosely turn based order, in order to make sure we are keeping up with one another. Your first post will be you making it into Las Noches, your reason why you go there is your own, but it will help bring us together. Be creative. This rp will be based off of stats and good role playing rather than rolls. If you have any question in your mind that you may be able to pull something off, then ask me. I will act as not only my own arrancar, but also all forces opposing our arrancars. If you have any ideas, please bring them up. Finally, if you want to be funny, be funny. If you want to be romantic, be romatic. Just be the character you outlined, okay?



Character creation:

Name- Any language works even made up. Doesn’t have to be Spanish, which is the norm for those native to Hueco Mundo. If it has meaning, made up or not, please do share.

Sex- Yeah, you kind of have to have one.

Immortal physical age- Real may be hidden dependent if you have a technique to do so.

Hollow/Resurrected form- Your form when you were a hollow must be similar to your resurrected hollow form (When you release your zanpakuto).

Hole location- Where the hole all hollows have is located on your body.

Espada number- If espada return, they will be selected upon not only the most powerful arrancar, but since all pc’s will be the same level, also the one that seems to represents the numbers following aspect of death the best. What is your potential number? Note there might not be ten, but Las Noches is broken, and not all can remain the same. This number will appear on your body when you reach arrancar level five. Where is it located?

Zanpakuto- What is it?

Arrancar appearance- Will be what your character looks like most of the time. I expect some remnants of your hollow form to remain on your (Human Shaped!!!) body somewhere.

Personality- I shouldn’t have to describe this.

Change- Describe the event and moment when you decided to tear off your mask.

Other- Anything else?



Arrancar Level: You will start at arrancar level one, giving you one point to spend in one stat, two points each of other three stats, and three points to put into the last stat. Each level you gain in Arrancar, you gain plus 5 to spend freely among your arrancar stats. However, each stat caps at ten, and your arrancar level caps at level eight.

Cero- Bala, Standard, Gran Rey- Determines how superior your spiritual blasts may be. Each point in this skill you have will fulfill two points in bala, one point in cero, and one third of a gran rey. One point in standard cero is about the same potential as the cero of a menos grande. You may trade any points in one for another after they are earned, but these are permanent stats. One bala point is worth half of a standard point, and one standard is worth one third of a Gran Rey. If your cero is unique, please describe it.

Hierro- Determines how strong the barrier of spiritual energy between you and the rest of the world is. One point is able to resist not totally cancel the attack of the lowest Shinigami. Ten makes you unaffected by any direct method of attack by anything but the strongest of foes.

Pesquisa- How able you are of detecting your enemy’s spiritual pressure. One means you can detect every non hidden spiritual presence within the range of fifty meters that is not undetectable. A ten means you can detect every living creature in the realm of existence you reside on at the same time, can distinguish between all of them and can tell where they are unless they are in damage range of a harmful spiritual pressure field, which may throw you off a tad, and even dead things that had been dead for up to a day. This stat may be overlooked, but be wary, because this stat also helps you detect any spiritual powers, phenomenon, etc. (Which most things in the realms of the dead are)

Sonido- How quickly you can move using your Reiatsu. One point is the equivalent of a novice in Sonido, five being an expert, nine being a master, and ten being impossibly quick, so quick that you are teleporting.

Special abilities- These are special traits you may have during any time, passive or active. These powers make you more difficult to oppose, not for reasons of strength or speed, but because they make the enemy less able to prepare for combat with you, catching them off guard. Every one point will be worth one half a special ability in your resurrected form, and one third of a special ability in humanoid form.



Regular stats- Regular stats are stats every living animate thing has. Each stat will be determined by a starting arracar stat of your choosing. Each point of the chosen arrancar stat you have at arrancar level one gives you five points in the corresponding stat. These are static in that they cannot improve by leveling up. I know this is strange seeing as I could just let you choose which stat is what, but I just like doing it this way. However when in resurrected form, these stats will double! A five is average across all soul reapers and hollows, a ten is superior, and a fifteen is dangerously gifted. Choose one stat, and add five to the stat depending on your hollow form. For example, if your hollow and resurrected form was/are that similar to a bear, add five to strength or endurance, just make sure it makes sense. Reiatsu is not counted as a regular stat.


Strength- Determines how much physical force you can exert, whether it be by moving objects or by attacking in melee combat.

Endurance- Determines how much you can be hit without expiring and how long you can exert yourself.

Agility- Determines how fast you can move and how effective your attempts are in jumping, swimming, climbing etc.

Constitution- How resistant you are to toxins, pathogens, and even illusions and things of the like.

Dexterity- How effectively you can pull off skills of finesse, balance and coordination.



Reiatsu- How powerful your spiritual pressure is, ranging from insignificant to harmful/undetectable, depending on what path you choose. The same as your arrancar level.

—Have fun lovelies—


Here is my arrancar and a generic example.

Name- Ahkliaka Kae’Aizere Vehemence. (Lost Emperor-Serpent Vehemence)
Sex- Male
Immortal Physical Age- 25
Zanpakuto- Nodachi.
Hole location- Hole in the back of his throat.
Appearance- Fair skin. Dark grey hair, straight, layered and lengthy. Hollow portions cover the right side of his face from his hair line to his upper lip, one antennae included, on his left forearm and the three middle fingers of said hand, and from the top of his chest to the bottom of his abs. He is slim, about 6’2” tall, 175 lbs. The eye on the left side of his face is violet, while the three on the other side are dimly lit embers of red.
Hollow- A serpent like hollow with prehensile claws along each side of the stomach, carapace armor, a multitude of eyes, and five bladed limbs coming from the right side of the back. From the left side extend a wing like bladed limb, which it could fold over and use like a shield, or extend to intimidate others. Two, long thick antennae extend past its head. Chains come from the ventral area closer to its head, ending in piercing tips, which are also prehensile. Its saliva, tears and all bodily fluids excluding blood, are all the same, a thin, clear and cold fluid that causes blood to thin and eats blood platelets, making it difficult to clot. The end of the tail has three bladed extensions.
Resurrection form- His resurrection form is more similar to that of a naga, but more twisted. The face mask he had on arrancar form takes over the entire top portion of his face. The chest and abs portion are more pronounced overlapping claw like appendages, plus the ones that run down the serpent like bottom half. His arms and claws are abnormally lengthy, and coming from the right side of his back are four more arms and hands. His bladed wing remains on the left side. The chains also remain.
Espada Number- Numder eight, aspect of madness, located on the back of his neck.
Personality- Kae’Aizere retains most of his predatory and animalistic mannerisms. With that said, he also wasn’t all there when he was a hollow and that has also carried over. He can often be found in a trancelike state, and will sometimes begin to sway. He thoroughly likes to gather information, and actively seeks more, but even more than that he desires to confuse and bring dread to the hearts of others.
Kae’Aizere is very well spoken, and may seem extremely intelligent and even graceful at times, but this comes from his instinctual methods of attracting others to come close to him, only so he may be closer to acting upon his impulses. In fact, when in the face of very few, he fidgits and often seems uncomfortable in his own skin. He will do what he thinks is right within the limits of his understanding of the world around him, but finds it quite difficult to understand things as most others do and will often wonder why others feel the way they do.
Change- His story of becoming an arrancar was one of neither self-conflict, searching for power, or by the methods of others, in fact he was quite unaware and content as a hollow, seeing as he was very powerful as a hollow and never seemed to go hungry. He was majestic, or so he thought. He was gaining power the traditional way, by eating souls. However, he had seen arrancar before, and one moment after killing and eating a soul reaper, whom was lost in Hueco Mundo, he finally noticed his mask. It didn’t seem like a real part of him, and it took mere seconds before it annoyed him, and then became unbearably uncomfortable. At that moment he panicked, because it became a parasite in his eyes, in response, he tore it off.
Arrancar Level- 1
Reiatsu- 1/Insignificant
Cero- 2
                Bala- 0
                Standard- 4- Cero is emitted from fingertips in a swiping or clawing motion as a thin grey wave. It cuts across the target, and while lacks the power of a traditional cero, is impossible to see it travels so fast, and therefore is nearly impossible to detect or dodge. Cut deepness a maximum of two inches.
                Gran Rey- 1/3
Hierro- 2
Pesquisa- 2
Sonido- 1
Special abilities- 3
Regular Stats:
Strength- 10
Agility- 5
Endurance- 10
Constitution- 15
Dexterity- 15
Arrancar form SA- Fear overdrive- If Kae’Aizere makes eye contact with his foe he can see any variation of the feeling of fear in them and can exponentially escalate the level of fear they feel in seconds by maintaining eye contact.
Resurrected form SA- Real Hatred- Kae’Aizere fires a black beam similar to his cero from his middle eye. Whatever it hits becomes the target of a value link with Kae’Aizere, meaning that whatever they love and value most in life will suffer any damage or effects inflicted upon Kae’Aizere, but does not work the other way. Even values and dreams may die in the eyes of one. Once the valued subject dies or if used on another target, the effect fades.
Edited by Colenso Rivers
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@@Colenso Rivers,


Hello Colenso.


While i might have been interested in joining this if i have watched the anime, i need to tell you that people find this layout unattractive. Try using some color tekst, or thick test. Make some spaces etc. Because this my friend, is very hard to read :) 

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