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Too cooooool to be hated. so yeah, I'm the millionth 'hi' on this forum

Angus McFife

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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie

How did you find MLP Forums?: An incredible adventure, but most tragically, one I cannot tell here. There are eavesdroppers and trouble seekers everywhere. Alas, my quest's beginning may never be revealed.

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: A safer tale- I will tell it.I have known the legends since I was a young colt. I jest not. My beloved mother and father sought to occupy their quite vexatious child using any means possible- thus, they decided upon the "My Little Pony" tales, quality programming, from the year of our Lord, two thousand and four. I was quite enchanted, and my interest prevailed through the many years. I was transfixed on the offspring of my youth, "Friendship is Magic." I have been to this day.

My title is "Lord Protector, Regent General, Hero of the seven realms, Angus McFife."


For srs though, just call me Angus, or McFife, or fifey, or angy, or fifey, or your majesty, I have no preferences.


As you can see, I am one pretty coooool guy. I really don't like social justice, current issues, or religious debates. If you like though, we can chat about politics, no sweat. I don't like sharing my opinion online, and really, who cares? I'll just get unnecessary hate/drama. If you do want to talk about something privately, that's fine. I just won't be participating in SJ threads.


What do I like? Worry not.

I'm into MLP (why else would I be here??), anime/manga, Disney, DreamWorks, actual quality books, Nintendo, valve, and Bethesda. I just all around like good storytelling. Though if you're looking for intense lore people, I'm not your guy. The only lore I really know is from Disney/DreamWorks and Avatar: The Last Airbender. I can also say I really like to draw, though I wouldn't say I'm the best at it. I do it for fun, mostly. I'll probably post some stuff I draw, but I won't commission or sell my art. Just keep that in mind.


You may be wondering to yourself, what is this super cooool guy really like? Well I'll tell ya.

I am pretty laid back, as you can certainly tell, but I won't mind tough questions, and I'll answer them (and talk about them) as thoroughly as I can. I mostly prefer dumb jokes, though.



Phew! that was a biggie. I hope you found out everything you wanted to about this super ​coooool guy. 





  • Brohoof 7
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Hi there Angus! ^.^ Happy to have you aboard!   :) 




I hope you have a wonderful time here! We are an amazing community and I think you will absolutely love it here!


Thank you so much for joining us! Hope to see you around more!   :lol: If you have any questions, feel free to ask.   ;)

  • Brohoof 3
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Hey there Angus, its nice to meet you. My name is Kenshiro. Welcome to forums. I am sure you'll love here and there are lots of ponies are waiting impatiently to meet with you in our community. If you wish to ask anything, you can always send PM . See you around   :)  '''

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Welcome Angus! I'm glad you are joining us for I'm as well someone new here! And congrats on being 10000th 'hi' here! And you are to cool to be hated! Also I love how you wrote everything! Ok I hope you have a great time here! :)

  • Brohoof 3
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Hiya Fifey Great to have you join our little get together. *passes s'mores around* Obviously I would love to know your most enticingly cryptic adventures in getting here. (We'll just keep it between us 30,000 ponies hanging out here). But what really matters though is that your path did lead you to be here with us, so a big win all around! And darn it, you are too cool to be hated. (Great profile, I'm jealous!)  :pout:

I also love your avatar, that just kills me!  :lol:

Anyway, welcome to the herd my friend, it's good to have you among us!  :love:

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Angus Welcome to the MLP Forums! This is a great community and I hope you'll enjoy your time here. If you need help or just want to chat, feel free to PM me.   :fluttershy: 

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