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private [RP] Dancin' In The Moonlight {1x1}


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OOC LINK: https://mlpforums.com/topic/151462-ooc-dancin-in-the-moonlight-1x1/




The line of Lunar Guards all snapped to attention as one, rows of professional soldiers, prepared one and all to lay down their lives in service to the protection of the most important Princess in all of Equestria... well, in THEIR eyes, she was...


As they stood there, she entered the hall; she was exquisite to behold, from the dark blue coat she had, to the beautiful folded wings on her back, to her flowing and rippling mane.  Her stride was confident, her eyes were electric and observant, and her poise was perfect.


Luna made her way down the rows of Lunar Guards, inspecting each one with a critical eye as she passed them.  This was routine, as it was done once a week - 'to ensure the guards will always be prepared for anything' was the general reason given... but to be honest, it was mostly to give the usually bored guards something to look forward to.


As she passed each one, there was the slightest of respectful nods from each one to the Princess, almost as if it was simply a matter of common courtesy - which it was, of course.  After all, the Princesses did SO much for Equestria... it would be downright RUDE to deny them anything they desired.


Luna desired to let her loyal guards know she appreciated them; hence, the weekly inspection.  Besides, Celestia had claimed that either Luna got outside more, or she would be locked out of her room.  Celestia was PROBABLY kidding with her on that matter... but she wasn't about to test that theory.


Reaching the end of the line, she turned back to face the rows of armored batponies, and addressed them in the Royal Canterlot Voice, to be certain they all heard her.




With that, each guard first saluted, then turned and left, single file, for their assigned posts.


As Luna watched them all go, she gave the softest of sighs... 


They all have each other... yet I find myself alone... yet again...


She turned and left the Grand Foyer, just as another, smaller group of armored guards were led in.


"All right you lugs - HALT!"


The group stopped, and the older guard in front stepped forward.


"You recruits are going to be stationed here TONIGHT - it will be your FIRST foray into being one of the Lunar Guard, and you'd BEST take it seriously!  Now, sound off!"


There were five of them, in all.


The first one in line said, "Dark Rider, sir!"


The second one in line said, "Moonlight Saga, sir!"


The third one said, "Pale Starshine, sir!"


The fourth one said, "Midnight Comet, sir!"


The fifth one in line was Mist Twister... and it was his turn to sound off.

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"Mist Twister, Sir!" shouted Mist confidently as he stood proudly in line with his Batpony bretheran. If anyone saw Mist right now they would see a tall, serious pony completly in tune with the world. But inside Mist was exploading with excitement. He couldn't believe he was finally here, finally working under Princess Luna as a Royal guard as his family had done before him. Well except for his Father, Grandfather and Great-Grand Father. Sadly weren't able to become royal guards. Infact Mist was the first of his family to take the job since Luna's bainishment over a thouasand years ago.


Mist felta certain pride as he wore his official guard uniform. It was a beutiful tone of grey and covered all but his flank. Which showed of his cutie mark, a Moon crested shield and a sword. It was a sign that he was desitnined to protect Princess Luna with his life.


Although Mist had been traing for about 10 years he still felt that he was a little unprepared. He had no idea what his first job was to be. But what made him the most uncertain was after he had seen Luna for the first time. Sure he had seen pictures of her before but up close she seemed so much more...beautiful. He sighed internally as he felt something weird in his gut. He assumed it must just be respect for the Princess and ignored it.


"Ready for duty, Sir!" he shouted along side his fellow guards as they all saluted the commander and awaited further orders.

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@Dapper Charmer


Jaded Moonstone looked at the new recruits, inspecting them closely before he cleared his throat and spoke, unfurling and spreading his large, leathery and scarred wings for maximum effect.


"NOW,"  he began, "you five have made it through the rigorous training that each Lunarian must finish to be allowed the HONOR of serving in the Lunar Guard."


He turned to give them a scathing look.


"So what!?  You want a MEDAL?"


The other recruits simply stood there, proud and tall.  After a moment, Jaded smiled.


"Good... no foals in THIS batch, eh?  We'll see how well you hold up after a week or two of DUTY around here!"


Actually, they'd probably do just fine; there had't been any action at the palace for quite some time now - even the Element bearers had their own palace with Princess Twilight, so they rarely came here anymore.  Jaded was simply using the moment as an excuse to endear himself to these greenhorns before they simply got tired of caring and stopped giving him any sort of notice - just like all the others he'd trained over the years.


"Now - I need TWO of you to head to the front gates; relieve the guard there, and stand post.  You'll be done when somepony comes to relieve you, so don't bother asking when!  YOU two!"


He pointed at Starshine and Midnight, both of which nodded and took off for the courtyard.


"Okay, now I need one of you to get to the smithy... something about needing some steel plates from storage..."


Which meant a LOT of hauling was ahead for that poor schmoe.


"You - Moonlight!  Get to it!  HUP!"


Moonlight Saga took off like a shot, the look on his face speaking volumes about his new position... and how quickly he might lose it.


"YOU... aaaaaaand YOU," he pointed a hoof at Dark and Mist, "head down to the kitchen; the cook there has a little something for you to do."


He grinned wickedly at that.


"... MOVE IT!"


Dark wasted no time, and headed off towards the kitchen.

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Mist wasted no time either as he quickly followed Dark to the kitchen. As he was running he wondered what their task was to be. Hopefully it was something intetesting. Don't get Mist wrong, he had no visions if grandure. He knew he wouldnt be doing anything majorly important on the first day. But he hoped that his task wasn't just doing dishes or peeling potatoes.


Mist and Dark got to the kitchen at roughly the same time, although technically Mist got there first. Not that he was bragging or anything. Both Mist and Dark stood in front of the chef and saluted. As the did they both said, "Dark and Mist reporting for duty, Sir!"

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@Dapper Charmer 



The kitchen was alive with activity, as cooks and bakers were running all over the place, trying to get things ready for whatever Royalty wanted to dine on that night.  Pots clanged, steam hissed, and kettles bubbled as the two of them walked toward the stallion wearing the biggest hat.


Golden Ladle had been working here for so many years, nopony could recall when he first came on staff - but he knew his stuff.  As soon as he saw the two guards, he rolled his eyes and yelled at his current crew to keep going, then approached the two young recruits.


"Excellent - both as I requested.  Jaded did well to send you to me!"


His accent was a bit strange, but he was still in charge, regardless.


"Within the Royal Pantry, there is a cake which is of the UTMOST importance to Her Majesty, Princess Celestia!  She wants me to see to it that NOTHING, I mean NOTHING, happens to that delicious dessert!  Now, the two of you are to keep a close eye on it and anypony who comes NEAR it!  Not... one... hoof is to touch it - OR IT SHALL BE THE END OF YOUR SHORT CAREERS!"


He stepped back and regarded them both for a moment, then pointed.


"Through the back, to the area with the large wooden door - the cake is inside.  Best to keep it SAFE; Tartarus hath no fury like a Princess scorned, you know!"


With that, he swiveled around and went back to fussing at the kitchen staff.


Dark sighed audibly.


"Guarding... a cake?  REALLY?"


He tossed a look at Mist.


"Great first night, hunh?"

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"Better than being on dish washer duty," Mist chuckled, "come on. It may just be a cake but I don't think that guy was lying when he said we'd been in a heep of S#!£ if anything happens to it."


Mist and Dark walked to the cake, making sure to follow the chefs directions. As they walked Mist hoped that he wouldn't mess up. He'd hate to be fired on the first day for a ruined cake.


When they got to the wooded door that the chef talked about Mist checked inside to make sure that the cake was alright. He was glad to see the cake in one piece. He looked around the small room and found that it was empty except for the cake and the only door was the one he currently had open.


He closed the door, making sure to lock it, and stood on the left side of it. Dark stood on the right side. They both stood at attention and began guarding the door.


After a few minutes Mist decided to try and strike up a conversation with Dark. "Isn't Princess Luna magnificent," said Mist bringing up the first thing that came to his mind, "I mean I've seen pictures of her but she's so much more amazing up close."

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@Dapper Charmer



Dark gave a slight grin over Mist's words.


"Her Majesty is magnificent, yes.  She is the epitome of beauty, and there is no other who can match her strength and wisdom..."


He looked around a bit before adding, in a low register, "not even Princess Celestia!"


Dark was tall, but lanky - he didn't seem to have enough meat on him to make an entire pony... but all that sinew and muscle was mostly fat-free, so he looked to be a rather able flier.  He kept his navy blue mane done up in short, neat dreadlocks and his tail was braided thick and hung down almost to his hooves.  At the base of his braid, there was a small charm bracelet with a single sapphire hanging from it.


Otherwise, it was impossible to tell him apart from many other Lunarians; just the way they all kind of wanted it.  'Batponies' seem to enjoy the idea that others have a difficult time telling them apart; they somewhat pride themselves on it, as it can be quite useful in a number of situations when the enemy can't figure out who you are.


Dark looked about a bit, then sighed.  


"So, I suppose we're waiting here, guarding this cake that's not even FOR Princess Luna... how long are we going to have to DO this?  I mean, I don't know about YOU, but I joined the Lunar Guard to guard... you know... LUNA.  THIS is a waste of BOTH of our time; they CANNOT be serious..."


That being said, Dark wasn't leaving his post, either.


An hour passed... then two...


Halfway into the third hour of standing there and making sure that potential cakenappers were deterred, Dark yawned and stretched.  Scratching his flank for a moment, he then turned to Mist.


"Okay, I can't continue to do this without SOME sort of relief here - would you be willing to keep an eye out here while I walk a patrol?  I mean, I'm mostly going to take a quick stroll around the palace to get my circulation going; you can be next when I get back.  What do you say?"

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"Go for it Dark," Mist said with a smile, "just don't be too long. Cause if our commander comes I telling him you went to a strip club."


Dark rolled his eyes as if to say 'whatever' and began walking down the hall.


A few minutes after he left Mist quickly opened the wooden door to make sure the cake was still all in one piece. Mist breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the cake still whole. He closed the door with a smile and went back to guarding.


After a bit Mist thought about what Dark had said. Now that he thought about it it did seam really weird that Luna's guards were guarding a cake for Celestial. Mist shrugged. Work is work he supposed.


But now that his mind was on Luna he suddenly got that weird feeling again. He knew he'd felt it before but he couldn't pin it. Originally he thought it was respect but that couldn't be right. He knew what that felt like. After all he respected his commanding officer. Mist was confused and he didn't like it.

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@Dapper Charmer



It was quiet in this end of the pantry.  Dull and quiet.


Quiet and dull.


Nothing seemed to happen in great abundance; when that was done, more nothing popped up to occur in its place.  This grand and glorious parade of nothing whatsoever continued to happen for a while.


Then, something actually happened.


This end of the pantry hadn't seen anypony come through besides Mist and Dark... and Dark was no longer here.  He'd been gone for a little while, but not long enough to worry about, when there was a shuffle from the outer hall.


Mist hadn't heard a soul pass through the outer hallway since he'd gotten here, and the steel hoofguards of the Lunar Guard had a very distinct metallic ring to them when a guard stepped - this was not that sound, but the soft tap of hooves trying to sneak through someplace unheard.


Who could it be?

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Mist needed to investigate the noise. He slowly began walking towards it with his sword at the ready. But after a few steps he stopped and looked back at the wooden door. Dark wasn't back yet and if Mist left now nopony would be guarding the cake.


Mist thought about and quickly came to a decision. Mist needed to find out who this person was that was sneaking around. For all he knew it could be a thief or even a assassin trying to make an attempt on Princess Luna's life. Okay that may be going too far.


Mist kept quietly walking towards the noise until he could see the feint outline of a pony. "Who goes there?" he asked as his readied his sword, "as the royal guard of Princess Luna I demand you reveal yourself."

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@Dapper Charmer





Around the corner came none other than Princess Luna herself!


She wasn't wearing either her tiara or her royal outfit - she had on a set of dark blue pajamas that had little stars and moons on them.  Her mane was still flowing, but seemed to be a bit more subdued than usual - same with her magnificent tail.


She stepped lightly across the floor, making her way to Mist as she looked him over.


"You are... not familiar to us- I mean, me.  You must be one of the newer recruits that was sent to the palace today... I heard about that directly, and I do wish I had the chance to meet each of you before you began your duties."


She smiled softly, obviously not used to chatting this early; but she didn't at all seem adverse to the idea.


"I do try to meet every Lunarian under the palace's employ... it is only proper, after all."  With this, she made a small curtsy.  "Greetings unto you, my loyal Guardpony... I am Luna, your Princess and ruler."


Standing back to full height, she gave Mist another gentle grin.

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Mist's face went a deep red from embarasment. How could he not recognised the ruler of the night. He gave an apologetic bow. "Please forgive me Princess Luna I didn't recognise you without your royal garments on."


After standing back up Mist realised that since Princess Luna had introduced her self he should probably do the same, "My name is Mist Twister loyal guard and servant to you Princess Luna," he said with a bow as respectfully as possible.


"It is a pleasure to have the chance to meet you your highness but I am afraid that, now I know you are not an intruder, I must humbly return to my duties."

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@Dapper Charmer



She lifted an eyebrow.


"Well... I..."


Luna looked somewhat surprised... and a bit hurt.  She'd been lonely lately, and here she had been hoping to speak to SOMEpony who wouldn't ask that she do this, or remind her to do that... but she took Mist's attitude for a lack of interest in such.


"I... *ahem* very well, then.  It is as it should be, we are certain."


She turned to leave, then stopped.


"... oh."


She turned back around and looked at Mist again.


"Well, you... thou should continue guarding, of course.  We shall not keep thee from thy duties."


She took her royal air again, and strolled regally across the floor to one of the far cupboards.  Opening it, she began looking through whatever foods there were in stock.  Apparently not finding what she sought, she moved to the next cupboard... and the next... and the next...


Eventually, she reached the end of the line of storage spots.  With a deep sigh, she turned from them all and looked once more to Mist.


"Pray tell, what would the... would... the..."


She let out an exasperated sigh, and gave Mist a look that was a bit embarrassed.


"Uhm... would you know if there's anything tasty to eat in here?"


Luna blushed a bit, somewhat ashamed to be caught by one of her own guards, sneaking a snack.

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As Princess Luna asked that questions rolled through mind. The first thought was that the cake he was guarding would be the perfect nighttime snack.


The second thought was a lot stranger. For some reason Mist couldn't help but think how cute Luna's blush was. Mist snapped out of it. That was no way for him to think about his Princess.


Mist looked up at Luna and was about to inform her about the cake. But then he remembered how he was guarding it for Celestia. Wait a minute. He was Luna's guard not Celestia's and if Luna was hungry then he had a right to tell.


"Well you see Princess the thing I am guarding happens to be lovely cake. However I was told that it for Celestia." A devious thought entered his head, "but I suppose if you ordered me to let you eat it. I'd have to let you." Mist gave a small grin.

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@Dapper Charmer



"My SISTER'S cake?  Oh ho ho HO!"


A wicked, fillyish grin spread across her features - it was the look of mischief.


"Well, then... perhaps we should see the glory of this cake for ourselves?"  She moved to the door and opened it gently.


The cake was BIG.  REALLY BIG.  It stood on a wheeled cart, and had five layers to it, each one supported by small columns, apparently made of sugar.  The frosting was a soft white, and the icing trim was the same color as Celestia's cutie mark.  It was, indeed, a treat fit for a Princess... but it was quite probable that the cake wouldn't be eaten by the Princes it was MEANT for.


Luna stared at the gigantic cake.


"Oh... my... goodness..."


She absent-mindedly wiped the corner of her mouth, then made her way into the pantry.  After a moment, she stuck her head back out and smiled at Mist.


"Wouldst thou care to join me in a feast to remember, Sir Mist?"

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Mist blushed, "Y...you want m....me to join you?" he said with a wide eyed expression if surprise on his face. He couldn't believe it the Princess of the night just invited him, a mere guard, to eat with her.


Of course there was only one answer he wanted to give, "I'd be honoured to join you Princess," Mist said with a big smile.


Mist followed Luna into the pantry. He stared at the cake in awe. It truley was a sight to behold. He looked over to Luna and blushed, but then again so was Luna. Mist frowned to himself. There was that odd feeling again.


He looked back at Luna and smiled politely, "after you your majesty."

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@Dapper Charmer



Luna turned to the beautiful cake and gingerly, ever so gingerly, took a small swipe of icing from the very edge of the bottom-most layer.  Bringing it up, she licked it off the end of her hoof; making a thoughtful face as she savored the flavor-rich confectionery cream.


"... this IS good... very, very good..."


She took another small swipe, the frosting this time across the middle layer.  Trying this, her eyes widened in surprise.


"Oh!  It's lemon creme!"


A small smile lifted her lips, and she then turned to Mist, a spark of wonder in those beautiful aqua pools that beheld him.


"I think each layer may contain different flavors..."  Again, Luna's grin took on a mischievous tilt.  "My sister would be RATHER upset if anything were to happen to it, wouldn't she?"


A fillish giggle escaped her, and her smile broadened.


"Then again, perhaps we should ensure that she can continue to fit in the throne, shall we?  After all... is it not your solemn duty to protect royalty..?  If so, then could that not be applied to helping her maintain a healthy diet?"


She turned to look at the cake again.


"So, if I am saving her from herself... and you are protecting her dignity... then I believe we should begin this difficult, arduous task, shall we?"


Her horn began to glow, and a small section of the top-most layer broke carefully off, surrounded by Luna's magical aura.  She brought the chunk to her mouth and promptly ate it, her eyes closing in reverence.


"Ohhhhhh... blueberries and chocolate!  Oh, it is simply DIVINE!"


Another piece broke off, levitated by Luna's magic, and floated up in front of Mist's muzzle.


"Please, DO try it - it is delicious!"


Princess Luna... was offering... to feed him cake...



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Mist had watched in awe as Luna tasted the cake. Not only was he overtaken by her beauty, but he was surprised at how carefree she was acting. It was as of she were a filly again.


Mist stared at the piece of cake that Luna was offering him and gulped. The cake did look delicious and it smelled even better. "Thank you your majesty," he said as he ate the cake.


Mist smiled widely as he swallowed the cake. Luna was right, this cake was amazing. He wanted more. He stuck his muzzle into middle row of the cake, sending frosting flying.


He ate a fair chunk before looking up and realising that some of the frosting had landed on Luna. "I'm so sorry your highness. I don't know what came over me."

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@Dapper Charmer



Luna lifted an eyebrow, grinning at the cake-munching Mist.


"... I believe we shall chalk that up to flavor, Sir Mist!"


At that, the lovely alicorn mare followed suit, slamming her face into the dead center of the middle layer with a peal of laughter.  The top layer tumbled off, and landed with a >SPLAT< on her head, the icing oozing down around her horn and rolling down her muzzle.


Gulping down a huge dollop of cake, she cast her eyes upward at her new crown and smiled.


"Ha HA!  We are the newly-crowned Princess of Cake!  And THOU!  Thou art..."


With her magic, Luna tossed a large piece of cake into the air, then lowered it neatly on top of Mist's head, bits of loose frosting falling down onto his armor.


"... The Pastry King!"


Luna burst out into uproarious laughter, apparently truly enjoying herself for what seemed to be the first time in quite a long while.

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Mist couldn't help but join in with Luna's uproarous laughter. He had no idea that Princessess knew how to cut lose like this.


Mist smiled as he ate another piece of cake. He wondered what would happen if Dark walked in right now and saw him and Luna eating the cake they were suppossed to be guarding.


Mist looked at Luna and couldnt help but blush. He looked at her cake crown and decided he'd play along.


"Cake thou hath been accused of being too delicious," Mist said in regal tone, "and I the Pastry King sentence thou to being eaten. Princess of Cake care to carry out the sentence on the accused?"

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@Dapper Charmer



She took on a sporting grin, and gave a sharp bark of a laugh.


"HAH!  Prepare the guilty... FOR THE BELLY DUNGEONS!"


She dove into the remainder of the cake, with the entire thing shifting sideways and falling straight into the floor.  This didn't deter the Princess in the least; in fact, she was having quite a ball!


Her eyes narrowed, and that wicked grin returned.


"Oh!  Your majesty!  CUPCAKE ASSASSINS!"


She then took a hooffull of cake, frosting and icing trim, and threw it right into Mist's face, turning him into a cake-faced gremlin while Luna was besieged by a massive case of the giggles.  She looked ready for a food fight... and Mist was the only target here!

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Mist smiles widely as he wiped the cake from his eyes and licked his hoof. He couldn't believe he was having this much fun.


After all he was a guard who had been told that this job was on of the toughest on the planet and yet here he was getting assaulted with cake by Luna herself.


Mist grinned playfully as he pick up a hoofful of cake. "Oh no Princess more assassins," he said, throwing the cake at Luna. If it was food fight she wanted then a food fight she would get.

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@Dapper Charmer



Luna gasped when the cake struck her mane... then looked up at Mist.


And smiled.


"And so... the war... HAS BEGUN!!!!!"


Suddenly, her horn began to glow brightly, and pile after pile of ruined cake levitated off the floor, hovering around her and surrounding the Princess like a mushy cupcake armada.


"Now, prepare thyself!"


And Mist was besieged by a swarm of cake bombs!  Through the storm, Luna laughed happily and grandly - she hadn't had the chance to play like this in SUCH a long time!  With all her royal duties, she didn't ever really HAVE time to have any fun anymore... but THIS?  This was WONDERFUL!  This was SO MUCH FUN!  


And it was all due to her current target - Mist Twister, her loyal guardpony... and newest friend.


"What... in..."


Luna froze.


At the door to the pantry stood Dark Rider.  His eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.



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Mist stared at Dark Rider. He dared not make a move, hopeing deep down that if he stayed quiet enough Dark would just ignore the chaos in this room and move on.


But Mist knew that realistically that wasn't going to happen. After all Mist could only imagine what the situation must look like to Dark. For him to find his fellow soldier playing in cake like a foul.


He tried to think of some excuse, some explanation as to why he and Princess Luna were in the pantry covered in cake. But he couldn't think of anything.


After a few minutes of awkward silence Mist spoke up, "uh....hi Dark. I see you're back from your walk," Mist said awkwardly. He picked up a piece of cake off the ground and held it out to him, "saved you a slice." Mist smiles awkwardly.

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Dark stood there staring.


Here he was, his first night on patrol - and this is what he had to deal with.


On the one hoof, he had a job to do - which was now worth absolutely bupkis, as the one thing he was left to guard was now coating almost every corner of the trot-in pantry.  He had sworn an oath, and he was supposed to obey it.


However, the very princess he'd swore this oath to was ALSO right in front of him, covered in a layer of cake herself.


Dark continued to stand there for a moment, then looked down at the chunk of cake Mist was offering him.  He looked back over at Luna, then back at Mist again.  Then back at the chunk of cake once more.  Then he closed his eyes, and put a hoof over his face.


"Your Majesty... I... we were supposed to be GUARDING that cake for your esteemed sister, my liege!  We'll spend time in the DUNGEONS for this!  Mist!  Why did... I mean, you allowed... uhm..."


He looked back and forth between his fellow guard, and his sworn Princess.  Luna, however, simply smiled.


"There is no reason to fear; I shall assume FULL responsibility for this... incident.  You-... THOU shall not be punished for mine own crime, loyal protector!"


She stood up, and using her magic, she began to clear the hunks of cake from her coat... or at least as much as she could.


As she did, Dark leaned in close and whispered to Mist, "What in the wide, wide world of Equestria HAPPENED here?"

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