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private [RP] Dancin' In The Moonlight {1x1}


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"Well I was guarding the cake and I spotted an intruder which turned out to be...um...Luna," he whispered back to Dark.


"She said she was hungry so I....kinda...sorta...maybe told her about this cake." Mist blushed deeply from embarasment.


Mist told Dark about how the cake eating had let to pretending to be cake royalty which led to an all out cake fight. He told Dark every detail, well except for the weird feeling he kept getting when he was around Luna.


"Now if you'll excuse me I should make sure Luna gets back to her room safe," he said to Dark as he walked over to Luna.


"Um...your majesty shall I escort you to your room?"

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@Dapper Charmer



Luna gave dark a knowing smile as she regally made her way to the door.


"Yes, Sir Mist - we shall retire for the morning, and we would indeed be most pleased for an escort."


As she passed Dark, who was now gawking at them both, she muttered something softly to him.


"Hadst thou remained at thy post, as thou had been assigned to do, perhaps thee would have made a FINE Earl of Icing..."


She hid her giggles until the two of them were well away from the scene of the crime.  Once she had her laugh, she turned back to Mist once more.


"Oh, what FUN that was!  It has been long and long since I have felt such fun - and I feel I should thank you for such a time, Sir Mist; I do believe the other guard would have been a true 'stick-in-the-mud' about the entire affair!"


She laughed prettily.


"I would have to say that meeting you has been quite a lot of fun, Sir Mist - you aren't quite like the others, are you?"

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Mist blushed at what he assumed was a compliment, "thank you your majesty. I had fun meeting you else well," Mist said with a smile, "but i'm really nothing special." He blushed a little more.


As he walked he got that weird feeling again. He frowned slightly as he tried to figure out what it was. It was a mix of anxsiusness and happiness at the same time. It was on the tip of his tongue but he still couldn't place it.


They reached Luna's room and Mist smiled at her, "i guess this is your stop," he bowed to her, "it was and honour to fling cake with you your majesty," he said happily.

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@Dapper Charmer



Luna gave another soft giggle.


"Indeed, I would wish to do so again sometime... though I believe my duties would not grant me the opportunity to arrange to do so.  Something such as this would be a bit too... 'spontaneous' to properly duplicate, alas."


She looked down for a moment, then turned her gaze back to him as an idea crossed her mind.


"I would wish to ask thee-... I mean, you... do you play The Vidya?"


It seemed as if the answer to this question was important to Her Majesty.

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Mist was surprised at Luna's question. No disrepect to the Princess but he didn't think she'd even heard of The Vidya. Then again he didn't think The Princess would have ever wanted to play in cake either.


"I love playing The Vidya," Mist proclaimed happily, "it's one of my favourite past times."


And it was. He owned more games than he could count. Marerio, CloudRim, Exilelands just to name a few. Although lately he had been to preoccupied to play

He looked up at Luna, "am I to assume that by you asking you are implying that you also play The Vidya?"

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@Dapper Charmer



Her face lit up, and her eyes seemed to dance with excitement.


"I ADORE The Vidya!  Oh, SO much fun can be had upon such an incredible device!  'Tis a wonder why there are not MORE of The Vidya available for my subjects... yet, the device is rather difficult to come across in Equestria."


She stared at Mist for a moment, then smiled broadly.


"Sir Mist, wouldst thou-..."


She shook her head, and gave a slight sheepish grin.


"... I mean, would you like to meet upon The Vidya and play together sometime?  It would be a welcome change to my single player routine!  Are you interested?"

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Mist smiled and his eyes beemed with excitement. It wasn't just the fact that he would get to play the vidya that excited him, although he would always jump at the chance to play it, but it was also the fact that he would be playing with Luna.


"It would be an absolute honour to play the Vidya with you your majesty," Mist said with a huge grin, "nothing would make me happier."


It was after answering that Mist finally figured out the strange feeling. It was such a strong feeling he couldn't believe he didn't realise it till now. The feeling he felt was love. He had a crush on Princess Luna.


Mist couldn't believe it. It was wrong to have a crush on the Princess. He was just a guard after all. This worries him. But he couldn't let Luna catch on.


He smiled at her, "but i'm afraid we'll have to save it for tomorrow. It's been quite the day and I am beat."

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@Dapper Charmer



Luna smiled sweetly.


"But of course - such activity as we have had has surely worn on both of us.  As my sister is bound to raise the sun soon, it would be remiss of me to continue to keep you here; and it would be time for my own rest soon, as well."


She turned and walked into her chambers, yet turned back to look at Mist.


"I shall make a request of your friendship upon my Vidya - once you accept, we shall CONQUER any and all who might stand against us!  There shall be MANY pixels shed at our attacks!"


She gave a laugh... then seemed to grow somewhat quiet once more.


"Sir Mist... I thank thee-... I mean, YOU... for such fun as we have had tonight."


She then stretched out and lightly nuzzled his cheek; to her, perhaps it was simply an act of kindness toward a new friend... but to Mist?


"Good day to you... honorable Pastry King."


She gave a slight giggle, then closed her door softly.

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After Luna closed her door Mist felt the cheek she had Nuzzled and blushed deeply. He knew it had just been a sign of there new friendship but his heart had still melted at her touch.


As Mist walked back to his sleeping quarters he began to feel worried once again. How could he have a crush on the Princess. Well he understood how, she was magnificent, but he didn't understand why.


He was just a simple guard and she was royalty. No matter which angle he looked at it it would never workout. Mist sighed as he got into bed. He would figure this whole thing out tomorrow but for now he would sleep. He closed his eyes and dreamed of Luna not realising that she could be watching his dreams.

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@Dapper Charmer



In Mist's dream, he came to in a large, beautifully decorated garden.  


There were flowers, ivy and beautiful trees - many of which, Mist didn't recognize at all.  The ground had a small, carefully-laid out pathway that led directly towards the centerpiece of this garden; an enormous fountain with a statue of an exquisitely beautiful alicorn mare standing there, water cascading down the statue's shoulders from its' head, making the water appear to be the statue mare's mane.


Surrounding the entire area was what appeared to be a shining, beautiful palace, the likes of which Mist had never seen before... and yet, there was something SO familiar about it...


As he looked, the stars themselves seemed to wink at him, and he felt as if the place was putting off an aura of peace and tranquility.  Wherever it was his dreams had taken him, there was no doubt he was safe here.

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Mist was simply astonished by the magnificent garden he was in. It was just breath taking and more beautiful than anything he had ever seen in his life.


He walked around and couldn't help but smile, he had never been in this place before but somehow everything just felt so conferting. It was strangely similar to the wat he felt around Luna.


He spread his wings and flew around the garden. The crisp night air felt like heaven. Mist landed on the ground and sighed. Everything was so wonderful here but Mist felt that something was missing. Or maybe it was someone.

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(>^x^<) @Dapper Charmer



"And so... you have arrived."


The voice was smooth and melodious as it came from behind him.  Mist turned to see none other than Luna herself, but WHAT a sight!


If she was lovely in reality, then she was the epitome of beauty here in his dreams.  Her mane just seemed to be... longer?  Brighter?  Perhaps... sparklier?  At any rate, it was almost as if being in his dreams had enhanced her inner beauty to match her outer looks.


"I had begun to worry that perhaps you would not have wished to remain here, as I saw you fly off - yet you have returned... as have I."


She stepped oh-so-lightly, and made her way over to him without a single click from her exquisite hooves.


"Sir Mist, you stand in the garden of the Palace of the Two Sisters, back when it was still whole and beautiful; I have come here many times in my own dreams, and I had felt..."


She looked a bit unsure for a moment, then spoke her mind.


"... compelled... that perhaps I would wish for your company for a bit longer.  Do forgive me if it seems that I am intruding upon your desired dreams, if such is the case."


Though she stood proud and tall, something in her eyes seemed to almost BEG Mist to say otherwise.

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Mist shook his head, "you're not intruding at all your higness," he said happily, "in fact I was actually hoping for some company."


Mist looked up at Luna and couldn't help but blush. She had somehow become even more breath taking now then before.


As his heart beat in his chest he wondered if his dream would react to the way he was feeling towards Luna. As if on cue song birds began to sing and the stars and night cloud changed to the shape of love hearts.


Mist blushed even more and quickly thought up an excuse to leave the garden, "you know I've always wanted to see the Palace of the Two Sisters. Maybe you could show me around."

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@Dapper Charmer



Though it seemed that Luna had taken no notice of the lovestruck Mist's dream manifestations of his love for her, there was no way to tell for certain.  She rolled her gaze over him, then smiled as she made eye contact.


"'Twould be an honor, Sir Mist.  Please, follow me."


As lovely as she was, Mist would probably have ZERO problems gazing at the full moo- I MEAN, watching her flan- I MEAN, uhm... following her.  Yeah, that's it.  FOLLOWING her...


She strolled right up to the fountain, and looked upon the statue with emotion brimming in her eyes.


"This is a statue of Queen Galaxia, once the grand ruler of all Equestria... and mother to Celestia and I.  There are some nights that I find myself missing her so very much, yet I can return here in my dreams to visit her statue."


She grew a distant, sad look on her muzzle.  As beautiful as she was at the moment, it was heartbreaking.


"Though I have attempted to recreate her in my dreams, I have never been quite successful at it - 'twas so long ago, I fear I may not recall her as she properly was..."


She sighed, then shook her head prettily.


"It is not to ponder now.  Here, allow me to show you what once was the heart of our realm."


She turned from the statue with a bit of hesitation, and made her way regally across the garden and towards the large marble stairs the led up to the large and beautifully carved wood doors.  With a soft glow from her horn, the left one slowly swung open.


"Come, Sir Mist - there is much to see here."

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Mist quickly followed behind Luna. He was glad to out of that garden before Luna caught on to how he felt about her. If she ever found out he felt he might die of embarasment.


As he followed there was one thing that caught his eye. He knew it was wrong but he couldnt help but stare at her amazing flank. It didnt help much that it wad almost at eye level. Mist quickly ran up beside Luna before the hall suddenly filles with pictures of Luna's plot.


He looked up at her, "I'm sorry about your mother," he said compassionatly, "i lost my Grandfather a while back. I was really close and not a day goes by that I don't miss him. I know its not the same but I feel I know at least a little of how you feel."

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dapper Charmer



Luna looked at Mist with a soft, sadly sweet smile.


"But it IS the same, Sir Mist - it is the sorrow of losing a loved one, be they family, friend or lover, that is universal between us all.  For all I am aware of, your pain may be greater than my own... simply because I rule, it does NOT mean that all of my experiences are better than anypony else's."


She continued down until she reached the front hall... it was magnificent, with tapestries long rotted in Mist's time being full and bright and beautiful here.  The stained-glass windows were whole and magnificent, and the domed, gold-plated ceiling was breathtaking.


"This was our foyer, and our unofficial receiving chambers... many a happy time was had here, by many a fine visitor.  I would imagine that such is not the case today."


With a look of yearning, she turned back to the main hall.


"This way... to the throne room."

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Mist looked around the room in awe. It was truly astounding. The most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He looks at Luna and blushed. Well maybe the second most beautiful thing in the world.


"This place is magnificent," Mist said to Luna with a look of amazement, "I really would have loved to see it in it's prime. I actually used to visit the ruins when I was a kid. It's kind of embarasing, but I actually used to pretend that I was standing guard in your royal court."


Mist couldn't believe he was actually telling Luna this but he felt so calm around her. "I would sometimes stay out there for hours pretending to protect you from assasins and those who want to do you harm." Mist blushed some more, "that's problem really dumb isn't it."

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@Dapper Charmer



Luna turned to regard the the thrones for a moment, smiling at Mist's childhood recollections.


"'Tis not a thing to be embarrassed about, and 'tis harldy 'dumb' - I find it... endearing... that you would be so eager to perform thy duties at such a young age; it does sound as if you had quite a lot of work for such a colt to endure!"


Her laugh was melodious and kind, and she turned her luminous gaze upon him.


"Such nobility and loyalty... thou were born to keep my sister and I safe, and I feel that thou shall not disappoint."


She stepped lightly into the center of the chamber, her eyes roaming the walls, the exquisite stained-glass windows and regal banners that bedecked them.  Then, after a moment of this, she faced Mist once more.


"I ask of you... hast thou ever wondered what it would be like to have attended one of our Royal gatherings?  It would be a pleasure to show you how my sister and I used to cater to our guests... does such a thing hold thy interest?"

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Mist blinked in surprise. "Am I misiturpretting your words or are you implying that you wish to invite me to such a gathering."


Mist couldn't believe his ears. First Luna had complimented him on his tale of pretending to be a guard as a kid, going so far as to say he was destined to protect her. And now it seemed as though she was inviting him to a royal gathering.


"Because if you were then it would be more than an honour to attend. It's actually something that I've dreamed of since before I could rremember."

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@Dapper Charmer



She smiled broadly at Mist's enthusiasm.


"Then I heartily give you a Royal Invitation..."


She swept her hoof at the walls of the room, and almost instantly it was filled with life and activity!


Where the Grand Hall had been regal yet empty before, now there were ponies everywhere!  And not just the upper class-types either; there were ponies from ALL walks of life here, from the richest to the poorest and any kind in between.


The walls were covered in hoof-made decorations, yet there was almost a shimmer to the air that spoke of magic at work - Mist could feel the warmth of friendship and camaraderie here between everypony, and it was quite a wondrous sight to see.


Admidst the crowds dancing smoothly on the main floor was a risen stage, where a gathering of griffons were playing exotic-looking instruments in a lovely waltz that set quite a soft, sweet mood among them all.  Luna looked upon the sight and sighed.


"Back in these olden days, there were many such gatherings, usually in my sister's name.  Our subjects would come from all over Equestria, and nopony was barred from the proceedings... even the poorest in town were more than welcome.  It was quite a time to be in."


At this, she suddenly seemed to turn sad, and that look seemed to compound as her eyes wandered to the dance floor.  She gazed there wistfully, a hunger in her eyes that was both yearning and sad.


"Though I spent many of these gatherings in slumber, awaiting my turn to raise the moon... there were times I still attended.  Yet I was not as... congenial... as I have grown to become today."


She motioned to a far corner, where Mist saw what appeared to be a slightly-older-than-teenaged Luna, sitting by herself and watching the proceedings around her with the exact same hungry look as she wore now.


"And there I reside, fated to remain alone simply by virtue of chronic shyness."


She sighed, and the younger Luna sighed in eerie unison.

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Mist couldn't help but feel sad for Luna upon hearing her sad tale. As he looked around the room he saw so much joy and happiness. He couldn't imagine how it must feel to be the only sad face in the room.


"It sounds like you never got the chance to enjoy yourself," said Mist compassionatly, "never got the chance to dance."


He looked up at Luna. He really didn't like seeing her upset like this. Suddenly an idea entered his head and he hoped it would cheer her up.


"Well maybe you should get a chance now," he said extending his hoof to her, "may I have this dance your majesty?"

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@Dapper Charmer



The offer took the alicorn princess completely by surprise.  She was quite flattered, and was a bit flustered in trying to reply to his offer.


"Y-y-you would... I don't know what to say, Sir Mist!  I simply..."


She looked back to where her younger self was sitting, then smiled slowly and sweetly.


"... actually... I would make a request of you, if you will have it?  Perhaps you would be so kind as to ask HER to dance?  I am certain she would not refuse you, Sir Mist."


As she finished her statement, the world around them both shifted and changed (as dreams are wont to do), and Mist found himself standing right next to the teenaged (and quite lovely) Luna of this day-and-age, looking forlorn and sad as she stared at the rest of her subjects on the floor, having fun as she sat there alone.


Mist himself couldn't see where Alicorn Luna had gone to, so this younger version would have to be his target.  Not that asking a beautiful and lonely young mare to dance was any bit of a disappointment.

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Mist looked for Luna but she was no where to be seen. He turned to young Luna and smiled. Although this Luna was much younger, maybe about his age, she was still a sight to behold.


He blushed, he usually didn't approach mares as pretty as this, but Luna had requested it and he knew it would make her happy to see her young self dance with joy.


He walked closer to her, "you know its quite the crime to see such a beautiful mare sitting alone like this," Mist said with a charming smile, "I hope I'm not being to bold, but perhaps I could have this dance." He extended his hoof to her.

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@Dapper Charmer



Young Luna looked at Mist as if he had lobsters crawling out of his ears.


"Thou... thou art asking us to dance, Thestral?"


She looked side-to-side rapidly, as if she was afraid of getting caught.  After decideing there was no danger nearby (and that nopony was trying to fool her), she timidly looked back at Mist once more at his extended hoof.


"Thou art... kind to offer such a thing to us; we accept your invitation, then.  Allow us to commence with the dance!"


She stood up and proceeded to the dance floor, where there was enough room near the center for the two of them to go to.  Once there, she turned to face Mist, and then... she gulped, awkwardly looking to either side of herself until she finally leaned forward to whisper nervously to Mist.


"We are not certain how to begin dancing... with you.  Sir Thestral, wouldst thou be so kind as to lead thy princess?"


Though she tried to look as if this wee a commonplace event to her, Mist Twister could read the absolute excitement in her gorgeous eyes as she looked to him.

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"It would be my honor your highness," Mist said with a slight bow, "but to be honest I'm quite new to this my self."


Mist blushed slightly, astounded by Luna's beauty, as he took her hoof. The music change to something slow and melodic, perfect for slow dancing.


They began dancing the the rythim of the music. He was a bit cautious at first but soon began to get into the swing of things. He looked into Luna's eyes and his blushed deepened.


"Has anypony told you that you have very beautiful eyes," Mist said politely.

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