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searching Will it happen again?

Tone Shift

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I'm searching for someone, preferably a mare character/Roleplayer for a 1 on 1 romance Roleplay between my OC, Stinging Nettle, and one other character. I haven't RP'd in a while, so my skills are likely a bit rusty.


To summarize Nettle's story in a brief summary (I wanna leave a large amount of it to be discovered in play), he fell in love with somepony a ways back who wound up vanishing on him. She moved to Canterlot from ponyville, where both of them lived, and after a couple of years, she vanished without a trace. While the majority of the mourning and grief has passed, he still occasionally suffers from these emotions.


So, anypony interested?

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

Link to my YouTube Channel

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