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private The Cursed Family Chainstruck (1x1)

Colenso Rivers

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The "war" between the Dismal and Radiant. How long has it been, hundreds, thousands of years? Yet still, they are in a complete deadlock. The Radiant outnumber the Dismal two to one, but the Dismal are the only ones that can claim the power of the Chimera.

With a new wave of lower ranking Radiant is being sent to the Dismal territories, there were those Radiant whom were rejected from participating, either because of their lack of skill in combat, or them being looked at as the Radiant least holy.

There are those whom would not be kept down though, so Banner of the Radiant order, one whom had been denied the blessing to invade, scrounged up those whom wanted to serve the Radiant but had been denied. With them, she planned on taking a piece of the Dismal territories, something never done before by cunning and foresight.

So she ventured into the Dismal territories and set up camp in a relatively tame area outside one of the frigid jungles. They hadn't found any trouble, not yet, but they all knew that the Dismal were as wild and evil as their lands, and they could be under attack at any moment, from any direction. Banner alone went to scout out the forest, foolhardy but necessary for their advance.


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@@Colenso Rivers,

Banner pushed away some leaves of a tree to see a light, moon light, more then she had seen coming from any other direction. This meant a clearing, ether that was good or bad she was going to it. When she got to it she found a mansion in the clearing, seemingly abandoned. This was perfect, to have shelter from the world in a mansion would be great but she had to still try to be safe. She opened the front door slowly to try and peak to see if any animals were inside other than the small spiders and insects.

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No signs of life came from the mansion. A giant, glistening and rich looking statue of a wicked praying mantis stood atop the structure as if, like a gargoyle, keeping guard. Vines and blooms grew upon the outside of the structure, giving it a natural flare, but this building, onyx and crimson, gothic style, obviously once belonged to Dismal. It was unusual to see a standing structure in the Dismal lands. The Radiant always thought the Dismal weren't capable of it. As Banner peaked into the manner through the door, a crash suddenly shook the earth from behind, kicking up dirt and plant life. It was the mantis, no statue, but a dangerous chimera. Its forlegs were like razor-sharp scythes, silver saliva flowing from its ornate maw.

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@@Colenso Rivers,

Banner when seeing this knew that she had no chance alone with this creature, no matter how strong she was. She went in the building and slammed the door shut. She got anything she could and barricaded the door as best as she could. She started looking around rapidly at the door to the windows hoping for her life.

Edited by Yoshikupo
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The mantis was about to strike, but abruptly stopped in mid strike when she passed through the doorways. It was far too large to fit through the doorway. The entry was dimly lit through the obscured windows. All noises reverberated and echoed throughout the mansion. From behind her, between both doors underneath the stairways creaked a black and violet suit of armor. A red lash mark glowed on its semi damaged and torn form. The violet form wore a slim suit. It's right arm consisted of a mess of blades, reaving talons, razors running up the fore arm and even a wrist blade. The left arm was clearly meant to be something that it clearly wasn't, through punctured holes in the armor were a multitude of bladed chains with piercing tips, all prehensile and moving with clear sentience. There were about seven of those chains.

Its red eyes glowed to life as it began its slow and deliberate advance on the intruder, one whom never so much as seen a Dismal before.

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@@Colenso Rivers,

Adrenalin was pumping throw her. This house is a death trap! She thought looking at the new danger coming closer to her. She pulled out a rapier she had as well as a buckler shield, if worst comes to worst she had to fight the armor against her better judgement. She dashed strait down the middle of the two trying to get to the stairs. She hoped she could use her rope to get down from the height, as well as hope the creature out there would not notice her leave a different way.

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It dashed in between her and the staircase as the chains reared back for a strike. It was much more agile than it seemed, but then again it wasn't a hulking mass. As it was about to strike her during her advance, a voice, male, frail and young, called from upstairs, "Protect," A figure wreathed in black, only crimson eyes revealed hobbled in sight from the second floor. The knight's chains immediately extended out towards the wall, daring her to go any further, and readied it's thresher arm in a challenging stance. The voice continued, "A Radiant?... Are you here to slay me?"

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@@Colenso Rivers,

"Uhhh.." She was dumb founded, This person is a Dismal? She then remembers the question "No, I mean I just thought this house was abandoned so my party could rest here...I didn't even know that you or these things were here" She motions to the beings to both sides of her "I'll leave immediately if you let me, not even tell the people I'm with about you or this place" She knew that if her words did not please him or were not precise then she would be slain at an instant.

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He had something acting as a cane, appearing to be made out of bone and ending it a wicked sharp tip, could be used as a viable weapon as well. He stood in silence before saying aloud, "Cease." Upon the demand, the knight calmed, pulling in its chains and taking on a more relaxed stance. The sable figure started for the stairway, continuing, "If I was whom I was formerly, I would have your heart on a plate for dinner for such an insult, intentional or not." Reaching the stairs, he seemed to rely heavily on the rail for support as he took it step by step. "But you are right, there is no pride in this Manor any longer. The name of the house is for a family long ago, now we are the fragile remnants." Making it down, he untucked the cane from his armpit and passed by the knight, whom knelt to it's master. When the figure stood not but ten feet away from Banner and came up with a deep nod as his best bow, "I, Lucian Chainstruck, invite you and your allies to seek comfort in my home, until you desire to leave."

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@@Colenso Rivers,

This is a Dismal? She thought a little dumb founded that she was not killed after thinking over the abandoned house line "Well Lucian...thanks" She didn't know how to react. She was about to jump throw a window or something if the knights did try to act...ok she knew she was basically screwed but now it seems alright, at least she thinks so. She snaps out of it "Right, my party are probably about to collapse, we have been traveling for a long time" She looks to the door that is barricaded "Sorry about that but I think a giant creature like that would scare anyone off from first glance" She slowly removes the barricade and leaves, looking to the roof as she backs away to where the rest are.


When she arrives she finds the party still in tact "I found a place we can stay, its owned by this person who spared my life from being killed by things that serve him magically" "What I'm hearing is that he is a Dismal because there is no way an Orphan or Radiant would be out here" a women in a wizard like cloak says "You met at Dismal" A man writing something on a piece of paper says as he looks up. "Why didn't he just cut your head off? Did you tell him about us? Do you have a plan if he turns and destroys us all?!" A hot blooded, barley clothed, women yells at Banner. "Look, do you want to be out here in this cold forest? We have already lost one from a sickness" The party gets quite as they remember what happened. A very giant man gets up from a tree he was laying on and pats Banner's back "See Throg is supporting me" The wizard looking women sighs "Fine, I'll go along as well, if we die its your fault" She points to Banner "If Veronica is in, I am too!" the man jumps up and goes next to her "Touch me and sickness won't be the only thing to worry about" She stares menacingly at him "God, yeah lets all get killed!" She shouts "Fine" Banner says as she leads the others away "I was just- Don't leave me jerks!" she comes charging to the others


At the door "This is hardly an upgrade from sleeping outside" "Shut up" Banner retorts "Now once we go in, don't piss him off, that is the number one rule" She opens the door "Decapitation in three, two, one-" She says trying to predict something or just trying to piss off Banner, maybe both.


(I think I made a good group, they don't exactly like each other is what I was going for) ((also sorry for the wall of text))

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He added as she moved the barricades with all the humor his tone could muster up, "Yes, I see you took some liberties with the furniture placement." And to her comment about the chimera, he answered more critically, "Only the weak." On Banner's way out, the mantis chimera was carefully climbing back onto its lookout.

The moment she left he turned towards the left entry and said, "Prepare the rooms to the dest of your abilities, you know, if anything dust things off." Then turning to his knight whom gave off a feminine sigh, "I know. but you know I can't do things myself, not anymore, and it's just the two of us." Then turning away, he said, "I'll set up for dinner, if you could also prepare heat for the Manor." They both went about their work, Lucian getting his only form of sustenance ready and the dinner table set, lighting candles around the house while the knight made the the place livable by setting fires in the fireplaces and cleaning things up. She was quick, but she obviously hated menial labor like this. By the time the Radiant made it back, the mantis chimera had taken its place back as a manor ornament, and Lucian was almost done with his task. The knight answered the door, opening it and stepping aside silently.

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@@Colenso Rivers,

"See, were fine" Banner added "I think they just plan on providing a room, I would be just fine with that" "I would too...you know it does feel warmer in here" Veronica adds "Pfft, I was never cold" The women crosses her arms. The silent man pointed to a room where he saw Lucian "That would be our host" "I think he's making food, that is a dinning room" "It is" Veronica is the first to go over "You know this is all unnecessary, we have plenty of food on our own, a room is already going above and beyond with us" "I'm not one to pass up free food." The other women comes charging up "plus I think this is like a sort of hospitality sort of thing. I mean even if the manor is kind of run down, no offense, he probably treats his guests like kings" Banner approaches the hot blooded women "You know a good impression can get you far? I don't think your making a good one" Banner looks to Lucian "Ignore Rachel over here, she is...unique" "Is that supposed to be an insult!?" The big man walks in between Banner and Rachel "Don't shout" He says with a voice like he just ate gravel 

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Lucian was finishing up the table setting when the knight closed the door behind the guests. He listened to their banter while patiently setting the table. In the middle of their discussion he piped in over them, "You are my guests, and I will to the best of my abilities serve all my guests as well as I can." There were eating implements unseen by the Radiant, and each plate held three beautiful and shimmering blossoms of light and easy colors. Ten plates were set. Afterwards he bowed at the third seat on the left side and nodded again, "Dinner is served. I apologize, I didn't quite know how many guests I would have."

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@@Colenso Rivers,

"That is understandable, we are a bit unnatural group" Veronica replied "What are these?" Rachel said looking at the eating implements next to the plates. Banner nudged Rachel and glared at her, Rachel huffed and sat down. "Its safe to say they never talked about the style that the Dismal lived in...or practically anything about there culture" The rest of the party stared at her "I like to keep an open mind and 'this'" She mentions to the room "Proves that not all are in for blood or something" "Yeah, I guess" Banner was still trying to make sense of it "Well I agree with Veronica as well" The man said siting down and getting a paper out that he started writing in. The rest sat down, Banner and The silent man surrounded Lucian. The only two not sitting on the left side was Veronica and Rachel.

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Lucian pulled his chair back with considerable trouble and took a seat, then set about showing his guests how to use their utensils. Before, however, he removed his face mask, revealing a pale but strangely young man, about nineteen-ish. Not someone whom would hobble around like he did.  One was a metal index finger glove that fit over well enough. It had a blade on the pad and point of the finger, creating a claw. The other utensil on his left hand were basically chopsticks. First, he held down one of the petals with his chopsticks, then he slid his bladed claw over the base of the petal, severing it. After, he picked it up in his chopsticks and placed it into his mouth. From the mere moments his mouth had been open, it could be seen that he had carnivorous traits. 

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@@Colenso Rivers,

Veronica looked concerned about the age of the person doing all this "Is there...magic or something that makes you look that young? No offense of course" She said nervously as she ate. Banner was just eying him as Veronica said that, if she didn't say that Banner would have. On the other hand Rachel was struggling to use the new utensils, she didn't use the normal ones in the first place. It was like something no one could not notice.

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For only the most brief of moments, his eyes widened before he answered, "No member of my family, ever since we took the name Chainstruck, have experienced the physical effects of aging." The blooms were cold, light and crisp. They were sweet and acidic, but only subtly so. Although they didn't much fill one up, they were definitely vitalizing.

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@@Colenso Rivers,

Veronica nods, like she understands "Ah...a curse, that would make a lot of sense" The party now looks to Lucian. The big man pats Lucian's back. "How about we get a little more...happy? Like introductions, I am Riften"  "Throg" "Veronica" "You know me, I'm Banner" Rachel still struggling with eating with the new utensils looks up for a second "Rachel, and all together we form this group wanting to do the thing the real Radiant army couldn't" Veronica hits Rachel's side "What? That's the only reason Radiant would come over" She goes back to eating as Veronica puts her head in her hands, pissed off. Banner is also doing the same.

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(He never mentioned a curse)

When being pat on the back, he winced in pain and involuntarily dropped his chopsticks. That very same moment, clanging metal rapidly grew louder from outside the door until the amethyst knight passed through and took on a stance, ready to pounce on the radiant closest to Lucian.

As soon as the knight passed through the door, Lucian raised on hand in front of him and said, "Cease. It's okay, I only had another surge. I'm fine." The Knight hesitantly took a more relaxed stance, but still stayed in the room as Lucian added, "I am Lucian Chainstruck, third born son of Rayleonard Chainstruck. And my friend here," Gesturing to the knight, "Is the Amethyst Blood-letter, but we now just call her Abel." He seemed awfully disinterested in the matter, but felt like he had to pipe in, "And every time the Radiant form a stronghold in Dismal territories, Helstrom gathers chimeras and stronger Dismal and tears your walls down effortlessly. No offense, but you could barely hold your own against Abel here."

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@@Colenso Rivers,

Throg felt bad after that and now is looking away from anyone. "Well we are doing it unofficially, they don't know we are here and we have tried our very best to avoid all Dismal...your the first one we have even seen" "Are you sure you should tell him that?" "Pot says to kettle" Veronica says under her breath "I think that your right about the fighting, our group could not take on much, we are not armored, have no plan, and my magic is limited" "We also lack the weapons" Riften pipes up as She explains "Seeing as you haven't actually attacked us, without any of your input" She looks to Banner "I kind of trust you...I don't think that you have any connection to the main Dismal people" She looks at the house around her. Riften now got out another paper and looked at Lucian and stared writing on it, he looked back between his paper and him.

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After finishing one blossom, he set his utensils aside and addressed Veronica, "Main Dismal? It is clear to me that you know nothing about the your enemy. After you leave here, I suggest you return to the Radiant lands." His tone was a tad condescending. "You are lucky, though. Coming across a Dismal who would take those whom would love to see him dead into his home, I guess that's where your hand lays." Chainstruck took his cane and stood with considerable effort before saying, "Meet me in the foyer when you are finished."

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@@Colenso Rivers,

The second that Lucian left Rachel started eating with her hand. "Turns out I was wrong...doesn't matter, I'm perfectly fine" Her eye twitches a little "Just be calm ok? I didn't know either and I'm suspecting something" Banner says looking very tired "Lets go" "Yeah, I'm not done with my drawing anyway" "Why do you draw everyone you meet? I mean making maps is fine but why do you do that?" "I have reasons!" Riften puts both his hands on the table and glares at Banner "I didn't know you would get defensive" Banner walks out of the room, the rest follow shortly. "What did you want to show us?"

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He waited, standing in the center of the foyer, heavily relying on the cane in his hand. When they entered, Abel following them, he nodded and said, "I apologize, but there are only four rooms that I may offer to you. Follow me and I'll show you the rooms and establish the rules of my home" He started for the staircase, saying, "Whomever shares a room must be of the same sex. If you harbor any wickedness in you, and you are within the dark, keep your eyes closed until you are illuminated again. You may not enter any room other than your own. If you must venture, do so carefully and without any evil in  your heart. If you absolutely need anything, Abel will be in the foyer, I will be on the third room on the left in the left wing. At night, I will not be in that room." He led them to the first four doors in the right wing and opened each door one by one. They were well furnished, newly cleaned and seemed cozy. He finished, "These rules are established on the sake of safety, I'm not the only member of my family whom suffers a condition, and this condition has turned some... Less than hospitable"

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@@Colenso Rivers,

Veronica turns her head at the last part, like shes thinking of something bad "We have to share? Well I think the two guys should do it" She point to them "I need some personal time alone, like I do every night!" "Right because you sleep away from the group, you are so weird and I thought you would die" "Well I made sure I wouldn't end up like..." The group all looked a little down until "You can have your room, me and Banner will share a room" "Sure, it could be worst" Banner opened up the room for both of them while the others split off. Rachel probably said something about how stupid the rules were but everyone knew she would still follow them. Banner instantly went to the left bed "You know out of anyone, I was glad they agreed with me and you" "Why?" "Because I hate being alone at night and Rach-" "I get it, I just want some sleep right now" She thought about what Lucian said. If you harbor any wickedness, and you are within dark, keep your eyes closed until you are illuminated again. And about walking out. If you must venture, do so carefully and without evil in your heart. She just thought it was so weird that a Dismal would say things about evil that way, she was sure that she needed to be like Veronica right now and have an open mind but it was just off to her

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After a second or two of their bickering, he turned away, heading down the hall and eventually reaching his door in the west wing. He opened the door to his room and entered, hobbling over to his bed and uncovering his body of the many layers of black cloth down to his basic of wear. From then he climbed into his bed after quite a strain and looked to the bit of window between the curtains, waiting for dusk to become night. 

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