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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Bracket Sparks

Illiad Easle

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OOC thread: https://mlpforums.co...tural-exchange/

@@Bracket Sparks


It was a cool and calm night.


Midnight Star, was slowly making his way back up Archback Mountain from his recent excursion in the Shimmerwood forest, he had been visiting the outpost colony that the Children of the Moon had set up a few years back when he had come across an interesting flyer advertising a cultural exchange. Though he was normally busy he had found that his workload had shrunk as the Children expanded, so he thought, Why not? He sent in his information and gained Sir's permission to host a guest in the future. A few days letter he received a reply telling of his acceptance and his subsequent paring with a young Earth pony stallion from Ponyville. He raised an eyebrow at this, he supposed it had been a long time since he was last in Equestria, for he had never heard of the town before. He was given the stallion's mailing address and was instructed to write a sort of introduction, he sat down to write and hoped that his words would come across right, he wanted to make a good first impression after all.


Greetings Mr Sparks,


My name is Midnight Star though many refer to me as the Black Knight and I was selected to be your pairing in the cultural exchange. To tell you a bit about myself, I am an adult Earth pony stallion like you currently living in the castle on Archback Mountain near the colony of the children of the moon. I have a coat as black as the night with small white tufts on the back of my forelegs. I have a long-ish white mane that extends down the back of my neck and long, well groomed, white tail. My mark is a simple white star which symbolizes the hope I bring creatures in their darkest moments, a literal midnight star if you would. My life's quest has been to right the injustices of the world, though from time to time I take a break for a year or two, like now. In my travels I have fought much against oppressors and thus know a few different forms of combat. I lived in Equestria for a few years before I moved away, but it has been a long time and no doubt much has changed, if you would be willing to tell me about it I would be happy to answer your questions about Archback castle and the Children of the Moon in exchange. I look forward to hearing about you and I can't wait to show you around.




Satisfied with the letter he had written Midnight passed her letter off to Sir to be delivered. That taken care of, he began his latest report from his most recent excursion.


(You receive a notification from the Cultural Exchange program stating your acceptance and informing you that you have been paired with Midnight Star, an adult Earth pony of undisclosed age in the colony of the Children of the Moon, it instructs you to watch for a letter from him and to respond in kind when it arrives. You receive Midnight's letter the very next day.)(Questions can be asked in quotations or in the OOC thread)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Bracket Sparks was on his way home from a walk though the evergreen forest. This was something he did often and enjoyed, as he was exiting the forest he noticed a flyer that interested him. It spoke about a cultural exchange, a way to see new parts of the world. Bracket smiled as he quickly wrote a description of himself and dropped by the post building to send it off. The next day he received a letter instructing him to watch for a letter from one Midnight Star, an earth pony like himself. The location of this earth pony confused him, colony of the children of the moon? He had never heard of a place like that, Bracket was curious and tried to find a map that listed it's location. The next day he received a letter from this midnight star. He quickly read over the discription of the other pony, and found the inclusion of Midnight's past occupation quite odd. Oppressors? Injustices? What was he talking about? The last oppressors Bracket had read about were Discord and King Sombra, but both of those problems were solved unbelievably fast only taking a few hours at most. Bracket quickly grabbed his own paper and began to wright.


Dear Midnight,

As your partner in this exchange I am eager to answer any questions you have about equestrian, and I hope you are as equally interested in equestria as I am about your colony. I am an inventor here in ponyville and have not travelled very far, but I am eager to see this colony of yours. I have a bronze colored cost and an ash grey mane. I suppose the most interesting thing about me is my prosthetic front right foreleg. It's mechanical and has several built in utensils that help me in my inventing. My cutie mark is no where near as special as yours, and is two interlocking gears. I do have some questions about you, and I hope I am not being too intrusive.


You told me of your life's quest to rid the world of injustice and oppression, no doubt a noble endeavor, but I fail to understand what injustices and oppression you speak of. I may be just ill informed about the rest of the world but the only injustices and oppression I've seen have been resolved rather quickly. Other than the changelings and our prejudice toward their entire species now. I realize that all of these changelings can't all be parasitic and at least one must be good. But i'd still like to now what oppression you fight.


Also I don't see how much could have changed since you were last here in equestria, other than the return of princess Luna. How long has it been since you where last here?


Bracket Sparks.


Finishing the letter bracket started to clean his spare room, sighing to him self as his accommodation must look woefully inadequate to someone who fights oppressors. Bracket dropped the letter off at the post and eagerly waits for Midnight's response.

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@@Bracket Sparks,


Midnight was surprised at the promptness of the response, he supposed the Equestrian Mail Service had gotten better since he last checked.


Evening Mr. Sparks,


I am pleased that you responded so promptly and thoroughly, you far exceeded my expectations. To respond to your letter, just because someone may seem more impressive that shouldn't dictate how you see your own self worth. What you do is who you are, and no one can be you better than you can. And really, my mark isn't all that impressive, it is different to be sure, but not really too special.


I am again impressed by your line of questioning, clearly I should raise my expectations as it refers to this exchange. Indeed the recent conflicts in history haven't been all that impressive or drawn out, but hundreds of years ago things were quite a bit different, especially since we didn't have both princesses or the elements to help.


I realize now I left out an important part of my own description, first of all I am quite tall, with proportions similar to your princesses. Secondly, as of a few months ago I am 1017 years old, with no sign of my longevity ending. There is a possibility that I may even outlive your princesses despite my best efforts.


That said, the oppressors I faced were those that existed so very long ago, soon after the Zebrican Isles were discovered they were quickly taken into slavery by the ancient Equestrians, Sir and I fought against these slavers to restore them to their freedom and since then I have been working to protect the innocent from those that oppress them, though recently that has only entailed breaking up bandit clans and the occasional mafia.


As to the changelings, your views are very open from what I've heard of Equestrians, but yes, I too believe there are changelings that act differently from the ones that Canterlot had the misfortune of encountering. Though perhaps they would like to remain hidden?


As to how long it's been since I was last in Equestria... Well, I left before Luna did, but not by long.


Now to ask some questions of my own, You mentioned you were an inventor, what sort of things do you invent? I would assume the prosthetic you mentioned is one of them. I would have asked your opinion of the changelings but you've already made that known, so what is your opinion of Equestria? Do you like living there?



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Bracket was excited to see a response letter arrive quickly and eagerly read over Midnight's letter.



First off I am amazed, I never thought i'd ever meet somepony who was as old as the princesses and not to mention being paired with them! I can't wait to meet you, but in your letter you speak of outliving them, "...despite my best efforts." something about the way you said that makes me think you are losing a purpose in life, so to speak. I hope i'm not being to rude, picking apart your words and all. 


Your adventures must have been amazing! living that long ago, I've been told recently that the Crystal Empire has "reappeared", were you around during the foundation of the empire? when King Sombra took over? I'd love to hear all about your adventures and experiences. I'd also like to know about these "Bandit clans" and mafias, everything you have to offer makes my life seem so small and inadequate! 


You mentioned one "Sir" in your letter, who is he? he seems like a partner, from the way you phrased it, but i couldn't know. Who is he?


I Suppose much has changed in 1000 years, you must have been younger than me when you left, only around 17. Maybe I can show you some things. Now to answer your questions. probably should have put this higher up the letter. 


I invent a lot of different things, i suppose my only large projects have been a bicycle that when peddelled turns a propeller lifting the whole contraption up, i made that for a pony here in ponyville, i suppose i fix and make things for ponies rather then actually invent things, but i am working on a pair of wings that can be attached to a pony's back. 


My opinion of equestria? I'm not going to be all Equestria is the best! miracles happen in Equestria! but i suppose it's as good as anyplace, we do seem to have a lot different races. Like some gryffons or zebras along with ponies, and the occasional dragon migration. I do like living here in ponyville, but one problem that occurs with inventing is that there's too much magic here. unicorns don't see a need for machines. 


~Bracket Sparks~

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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr. Sparks,


I'm not exactly paired with the princesses, in fact we don't really interact all that much ever since Luna left, and not even all that much before she left either given we were, well, attacking their citizens for being slavers. As to when I said my best efforts, I was not referring to any attempt to actually end my life, but rather I haven't been cooping myself up in my castle like your princesses are, I regularly put myself in dangerous situations where death is not an unbelievable outcome. It is in fact directly related to my purpose in life, breaking up bandits isn't exactly the safest of quests now is it?


Sir and I only arrived to this land two or three years before Luna left, so a bit after the crystal empire had already disappeared and Equestrians were already beginning to forget it had ever existed. I'd be happy to tell you about my many adventures in life, though breaking up bandits really pales in comparison to when Sir and I ventured all across the countryside freeing slaves and capturing slavers through the night. The tale doesn't transcribe well though, so I'd have to tell it to you in person to really get the right effect.


Though your life may be shorter than mine, you can still do amazing things with it, I don't experience the same drive to do things that you do, I act mostly out of boredom while you have a special drive to succeed, be the best you that you can be and I'll be the best me that I can.


Sir is my closest friend and ally, we've been together since I was but a yearling, though I don't remember much of anything before we came to this continent. From what Sir tells me we were an excellent fighting partnership, he having trained me all my life to perfectly compliment his abilities. We were fighting together against a great evil that plagued our homeland which eventually drove us out when it finally defeated us. Since then we've worked here to make this land a better one than the one we left. In certain ancient history books you may hear tell of one Black Knight, it would describe me but it really refers to Sir and I, though not in a very flattering way.


I was actually fourteen or fifteen when I fled Equestria, and while much has changed in my absence I fear that i actually hasn't changed enough with all that's happened in the rest of the world. It may be that Equestria is falling behind in her efforts to keep the populous from discovering anything she doesn't want them to. I'm sure though you will be able to fill in the gaps of my own knowledge quite nicely.


Self propelled fight is quite the impressive feat to have accomplished, I would guess you tap into a similar magic as a pegasus' flight in the propellers for added stability and power? If not it may be something worth looking into. Are the wings you're working on meant to act as prosthetic? Or as something to give flight to otherwise ground bound individuals?


Your view of Equestria is refreshing, too often I encounter ponies who think that no other nation could possibly do anything better than Equestria can, though I suppose that is really to no fault of their own. Though when you talk of machines, perhaps you would do well with the deer, they do a whole bunch with machines despite having magic of their own to work with, I think I could arrange for you to meet with some of them if you would like.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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You think Celestia might be blinding us? that's certainly interesting, I'd have never thought of such a thing, not that i think our princesses are dieties or perfect, but that just seems incredulous. Why would she? But now that i think about it, any books that were used in my canterlot school only discussed equestrian history. Why wouldn't there be world history books?


I'd like to think that my inventions are quite interesting, and yes i did use some form of stabilizing spell to help it. Not really sure myself, as my unicorn friend was able to do it. As for the wings, I suppose that they could be used to work as a prosthetic, but i would have to look into Pegasus anatomy. Currently they are designed to give ground bound ponies and creatures flight, I believe that they will function quite well, though much slower than actual wings.


These Deer, have magic you say? what kind? I understand all three pony races have some form of magic, how do the deer use theirs? is it similar to the unicorns? or intangible like a Pegasus' or earth pony's? I'd love to meet with them, and would also like to see their machines.


~Bracket Sparks~

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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr. Sparks,


Think? I know that Princess Celestia has been manipulating what you ponies learn and know about history and science. As to why, well its the same problem that all us potential immortals have, we need to feel needed, thus we have to strive to stay relevant to those we interact with. I have my place secured as the official patriarch of the children of the moon, though I still stay relevant by keeping up with the times and acting as a mediator in global affairs. Celestia does not really have the same luxury, she's altered history to make herself appear infallible and her way of doing things perfect so that her subjects won't ever consider replacing her. Thus she's downplayed all the other nations of the world to the point of barbarism so that all other forms of government seem woefully inferior.


Your inventions do seem quite impressive and will likely do a lot of good in the world. I can think of a few instances where they'd be useful here on the mountain.


As to a deer's magic, it's a bit of both. During the spring and summer seasons bucks have horns through which they can channel magic in a similar manner to a unicorn, but for the rest of them for the rest of the year they have an innate guiding magic to them, they can see the best way to move through situations, both in the physical and mental sense. This has lead to them being excellent guides through treacherous terrain as well as negotiators and general problem solvers. They build machines to solve the problems caused by their periodic lack of magic, leading them to be far advanced in the realms of science, but lacking in applied magic.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,



I don't know how to respond to your insight on the princesses, it's quite odd to think of the princesses as needy and selfish like that. But i suppose that just furthers your point, as they have made themselves out to be perfect. but Barbarianism? i don't quite understand, but then again i don't know much about what is out there. i know that there are gryffons, zebras, dragons, and deer, but not anything about how their civilizations work or their governments or if they even have them. As this letter conversation goes on I continue to realize my incompetence about the rest of the world!


I thank you for your compliment about my inventions, they aren't really noticed around here. What exactly could i do in the mountains?


The Deer's magic is quite different from what i had expected, here magic is just there. something you get along with, not something you really can lose. if a unicorn lost their magic every winter they'd be urgent to use machines too.


So far we've learned a lot form each other through these letters, I can't wait to meet you in person. But i am concerned, who is to host first? and when will the actual exchange start?



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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr. Sparks,


I'd hardly say that the princesses are needy and selfish like you would. They have needs too and why shouldn't they think of themselves on occasion? I of course disagree with how Celestia went about fulfilling those needs, which is why I ended up fleeing Equestria, but I do believe she still deserves to have her needs met. The retribution for her actions will come, and we can only hope the backlash will leave the rest of the world standing when the full truth is revealed.


What I meant by barbarism was to say just what you describe, very few Equestrians know of the rest of the world, and those that do believe that the other governments of the world are hardly functioning and fully corrupt unlike Celestia's monarchy. As to the races of the world, there are the three main races of pony, then the crystal, alicorn, and thestrals, zebras, griffons, yaks, buffalo, dragons, deer, reindeer, minotaurs, draconequi, diamond dogs, camels, and changelings with their queens, and finally cows. Each race has its own sort of government and a home nation with the exception of alicorns and draconequi to the best of my knowledge. Each nation of the world excepting Equestia has submitted a permanent delegate to the world council which Sir and I oversee here at Archback Mountain and it's castle. I would be happy to arrange for you to meet with some or all of them if you so desire.


Here on the mountain your wings would be useful as a safety measure first of all to protect against anyone falling off the mountain, and secondly it would help with the transporting of supplies up and down the mountain whenever we're at a lack of winged individuals.


The deer don't really lose their magic persay, their magic is the guiding force, what they gain and lose is the ability to affect the world like a unicorn does. But they always retain their ability to sense their way through situations. They know their telekinetic abilities aren't permanent so they don't rely on them outside of convenience.


As to hosting, I would be glad to host first since I would think I am the most experienced in hosting guests. Attached to this letter is a map of the continent with a few possible routes marked out between Canterlot and here. I would recommend taking the train to Manehatten then catching a riverboat up to the base of the mountain.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle




I meant, when i said it was odd to see them as needy and selfish, that the princesses are seen as deities, along with their Alicorn status they seem perfect. (I use status but i mean race.) I can see your point, it's unclear to me what other nations are even out there, and as such i would have earlier assumed that they are not capable. I am intrigued by this World council, Would Equestria ever get a delegate? what types of topics do you discuss? have there been any wars? I would love to meet with them as well, though it seems as if our week will be packed on your end. What do you want to know about equestria?


I'd have to bang out some problems before actual testing occurs, and of course they'd be slower than actual pegasai, but i can see how it would help especially if your terrain is rugged. I'd love to have them ready by when we meet but it may have to wait until after the exchange. I'll get to working on that!


The deer's magic is quite different from what i observe here in equestria, it's quite interesting.


Thanks for the map, when are we going to start? If you give me a few more days i can hopefully get the wings working! Also ask more about equestria, i'd love to return the favor on all this information you're giving me!



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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr. Sparks,


I'm glad to see that you're starting to get interested in the rest of the world, perhaps your inventions would do some good there? Anyway, in regards to the world council Equestria will get a delegate as soon as Celestia bothers to send one, but for now she has refused to, though it could be due to that fact that Sir still hates her for what she did to him. Anyway, the purpose of the council is for nations to settle their disputes on neutral grounds in the hope that such conflicts do not escalate to war or any other undesirable circumstances. There have been wars in the past, and minor battles since the council has been founded, but no wars recently, though that may change if the reindeer and deer can't settle their differences soon, I've sensed a great disturbance on the horizon and I fear we will be unprepared for it when it arrives.


I would be happy to show you around the different delegates if you wished to, I'm sure they'd be delighted to see an Equestrian that has actually taken an interest in the other nations of the world. If you do need more time before you come here then that's fine, I'll be ready to recieve you at any time, and so long as you give me a notice I'll be able to meet you at the river dock when you make your way over here, I'm sure you'd appreciate the help getting your stuff up the mountain anyway.


As to my questions about Equestria, I suppose I hadn't put any thought into what I might ask. How about you give me a rundown of what you know has happened in the last few hundred years and I'll ask questions from there.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle




I do hope that some day my inventions will reach to other parts of the world, but for now i am content. I am happy to hear no war has broken out, though if it comes to it I'd be happy to help in anyway I can if such a situation arises. I can't wait to hear about their cultures as well, and I'll send word when i get the wings working, as of now the left pinions have started to loosen.


As for Equestria, not much has happened, and i only really know the big stuff, but here's a short list.

Luna turns into 'Nightmare Moon', as Celestia told us it was because of her 'Jealousy and resentment from Luna living in Celestia's shadow' which I think is bonkers. So Nightmare Moon attacks Celestia fights her with the Elements of Harmony and banishes Luna to the moon for a thousand years. Next Celestia moves out of the castle in the everfree and declares Canterlot the Capital of Equestria. Small villages and towns are founded like Ponyville and Appleoosa, Fast forward a couple centuries and Nightmare moon returns. Fortunatly before she can do any damage she is thwarted by six ponies and a baby dragon, using the elements of harmony. I'm not sure how the elements were passed to those six ponies but it happened.


I hope that sums up Equestrian history for the years you were gone.



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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr. Sparks,


I'll be sure to keep your willingness in mind if a war ever does break out. Though as an inventor I think the best place for you in a war is as far away from it as possible. Great minds don't do the world any good as a casualty.


I'll forgive your rather simplistic summary of Equestrian events, I doubt that's all that's happened, but Celestia was always good at manipulating history, or rather, manipulating those who wrote the history books. In any case, I did hear about Appaloosa, it nearly started a conflict with the Buffalo and had it escalated it could have started a war between Troy and Equestria. Really Celestia should never have allowed them to settle that town so far outside of their own borders, and really it's like she was trying to provoke them by settling on their land. Anyway, I do know a bit about the whole Nightmare Moon incedent, I may have inadvertently caused it actually, I guess I'll tell you.


So way back when I had a thing for Luna, and she had one for me too. She had opposed Slavery like I did, but Celestia continued to allow it since it provided such a benefit to 'her ponies' Thus when Sir and I started attacking the Slavers and Slave owners Celestia wanted us eliminated, while Luna silently cheered us on. On one occasion where Luna was supposed to capture us, we talked instead and really started a great friendship. She would attempt to 'apprehend' us quite a few times over the next year, and each time we 'got away'. Anyway, she really took a liking to me and eventually decided to magically extend my lifespan so that the three of us would live as long as the rest, Since Sir was already biologically immortal and the princesses are pretty much the same as well. Anyway, Celestia found out and was furious. In short we all had to fight. I fought Luna while Sir fought Celestia, though it was really just Sir verses Celestia while Luna and I pretended to fight. Though Luna started to take it too far, likely due to something Celestia had said or promised if she managed to win the fight. Sir saw that I was losing, and agreed to surrender in exchange for my freedom. Celestia agreed and turned him to stone. I was then taken into Luna's custody instead of given my freedom. Luna too declined to give me my freedom, so I parted with her on some rather harsh terms and biting words before fleeing Equestria all together. It may have been that which finally pushed her over to giving in to the darkness within her.


I haven't seen her since, nor do I doubt she still resents me for what I said to her that day.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


(This letter is sent in a hospital envelope.)




I also doubt i have the correct collection of events that transpired over the time you were absent. Your relation with luna is unique, not that i would know, but i think that if you ever cross paths with her again, ask her if she remembers. Then if she does; apologize, this probably wont fix the situation immediately but it can start a good bridge, if she doesn't... It's up to you to decide to remind her or leave her be, i suggest doing the latter.


In regards to a war, I'm thankful for your concern. 


(there is a smudged out line here and a crease, the following text would appear on the back of the paper if the crease were folded.)


Project W: Status- unfinished

Pinions fixed, brass filaments working properly, Cog #3 is cracked, Cog #3 replaced. ready for testing. 




FAILED, no lift




minor gliding achieved





on flap right wing snapped




glides well, flapping resulted in drop of altitude no break.


That's the wings so far! i broke my right foreleg, but other than a few scratches i'm good!



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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr. Sparks,


My condolences on your leg, may you have a swift recovery.


As to Luna, I fear to approach her at all, much less remind her of that night by asking about it. I have no doubt that she remembers it as I have yet to forget a single detail of that night. I think we should put that behind us for now, perhaps one day she may forgive me, but until then I'll give her her space.


And extra congratulations on the progress of your project, it seems a bit too dangerous to present to my children, but with time I'm sure you'll make sure it is just as safe as real wings.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle



Thanks! I'm going to consult the best ponies in town on wings, but i think if i can get some magic to work on them the flapping will actually work. I, as a mortal, like to resolve issues as soon as possible as long as i can get a feeling that it's the right time. If you feel hesitant it might be best to wait until you feel like she could forgive you. Its not like a miracle's going to happen so I'd sit tight. I'm being released form the Hospital tomorrow. I'll get back to testing after then. and writing longer letters.




Bracket closed the letter and put it in a hospital envelope. then turned to the pony in the room. He was a stallion like bracket and had an oak brown mane with a light dirt colored coat. Like bracket he was an inventor, a very avid one, but didn't sell his inventions. Mr. or Dr. Whooves was very intelligent and bracket knew he could figure it out.


"Mr. Whooves"




"Wings, i need to know why my wings didn't work."


"Simple, your design was based off of a pegasus' wings. actually an almost perfect replica."


"What?" Bracket looked at Dr. whooves with a very confused expression "Why is that a problem?"


"Pegasai use magic, innate magic, and so your wings need to be larger, large enough to support your heavier frame." Dr. Whooves smiled and rolled out a blueprint for larger wings both in length and width.


"How'd you figure out the scale for dilation?" Bracket asked looking over the designs.


"Oh you know, science." Dr. Whooves smiled wider and continued "I used an algorithm based off of your mass and density. You remember me measuring you earlier right?"


"yes, i thought you were making me a get-well scarf." Bracket smiled


"Oh, well no. I'll leave you with those and be on my way."


"farewell Mr. Whooves"


"it's Dr.!" and Dr. whooves left the room, leaving bracket to study and memorize the designs.

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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr. Sparks,


Normally I would agree with you, in that it is best to get this sort of the problem out of the way early, however Luna could very well kill me if she doesn't forgive me, and that is not a conclusion I wish to encounter, though an idea comes to mind. I could invite her to see her children, the ones I've been watching all this time. That way I would see at a distance whether she would forgive me. That and she should be appreciative of the fact that I have been taking care of them while she was gone.


I think I'll try that, Hopefully I'm not dead when your next letter arrives.


In case I am though, good luck on those wings.




That letter written he took a deep breath before retrieving a folded piece of paper from a nearby drawer, he opened it to look it over.


My Dearest Luna,


It is with humble heart that I ask your forgiveness, while the words I said were correct it was wrong for me to say them. I know who truly was at fault and it was wrong of me to blame you for my situation. I see now that you were just as powerless before her as I was.


Though now I fear it is too late to apologize, with you so far out of my reach now, so I will do what I can while I sleeplessly await your return. I've found your children, and have begun to help them establish a small colony outside of Equestria along with the zebra slaves Sir and I freed. It won't be easy, but I will ensure that their descendants will know of you as their mother. It is all I can do to ever hope of gaining your forgiveness. 


Sorrowful, yet vigilant. ~Midnight Star.


He sighed, the old parchment having deteriorated quite a bit from when he had written the letter many centuries ago. He took out a new piece of paper to write a new letter.


Dear Princess Luna...

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Um, What exactly did you say to Luna? Killing you seems pretty harsh for what i assumed were words, that ended a 'friendship'.

Best of luck in your endeavors, I have acquired a larger design based on a friend's 'algorithm'. and i wait to be released today to rebuild it.



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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr Sparks,


Well, we were a bit more than friends, and what I said really hurt. For example, I may have said that I considered her worse than Celestia and even worse than the slavers I had been fighting. I told her she was cruel and heartless in her keeping me captive, among other things. I dared her to kill me when I left and when she didn't I may have called her a coward as I took the cowardly way out by fleeing the country.


So there's that.


Anyway, I'm not dead yet so things do seem to be on the positive side. For now. Best of luck to you as well, though don't hog all of it because  do believe I will be needing some of my own.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,




I cannot possibly imagine what your words may have done. I'm not a psycologist nor am i luna herself; but if i know anything about luna, and it's likely i don't, i think she will be willing to forgive you. I do not wish any harm to befall you, as it would cut this wonderful advetnure short and be sad to lose someone who i can now consider at least a trusted pony, and at most a friend.


News on the wings, THEY WORK!! I got them working after having to make 100 more brass pinions. I went up to my launching spot, on the mountain in the everfree, and jumped off! i glided for a while and when i slipped my hooves into the straps and flapped... I ROSE! I don't know if these wings will need adjusting for ponies lighter than me, so i do not know the adaptability for your friends in the archback. I'm not too big but a little bigger than most ponies. how large are your friends in the mountain?



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@@Bracket Sparks,


Mr. Sparks,


I'm glad to hear you've gotten your wings working and I do sincerely hope that you're correct about Luna's forgiveness. Time will tell I suppose.


As to the others here at Archback, they're all about the sizes you'd expect for ponies, most average with some smaller or bigger than normal.


Anyway I assume since you've finished your wings you'll be finally making your way over to Archback soon? Do let me know when you intend to arrive so I can be waiting for you.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,




I'll be arriving as soon as i can pack up the wings and get on the train! I hope this letter reaches you before i do. I'll wait a day after sending it and then procure a ticket. I can't wait for the adventure to begin,




Bracket quickly stuffed the letter into an envelope and sent it off then returning to his workshop he looked around and thought.


This is the cleanest it's been since i bought the place and you STILL can't see the desk! i hope Midnight doesn't think ill of me. the spare room is clean and ready and so is the kitchen, but my room... oh well. I'll have to buy food for the both of us, i wonder what types of food they eat in the archback? 

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@@Bracket Sparks,


Midnight received the letter, almost beginning a response by instinct before remembering that the response would likely not arrive before Bracket left.


He had still not recieved a response from Luna, and that worried him. She had always been so passionate before, so quick to action. He feared this inaction had troublesome happenings behind it.


Nonetheless, he had things to prepare for, the castle cleaners had been sure to prep the Equestrian room for their new guest and the kitchens had been notified to expect an extra guest for a few days. Now all there was was to wait.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


After cinching his saddlebags to his bag bracket strapped on the wings and off he went, nodding to the few ponies he passed bracket made his way to the train station. as he waited for the train he pulled out the map that Midnight had sent him and chose the appropriate route. Canterlot was the first stop. then following midnight's suggestion he would travel to manehatten and get a boat up to the base of the mountain. 


"So far so good", bracket spoke to himself and looked around the train station, wondering what he would encounter, and what he could possibly do to entertain a pony like Midnight. Ponyville was small after all. 

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@@Bracket Sparks,


The Canterlot train station was just as packed as one would expect, with a multitude of ponies of the three races going every which way as well as the occasional griffon or thestral mixed into the fray. On a board that announced the arrivals and departures of trains there was one train leaving for Manehattan in an hour, plenty of time to get a ticket and get aboard before it left.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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