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open LOTG - Cold-Hearted Resonance


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[LINK TO OOC HERE: https://mlpforums.com/topic/154530-lotg-cold-hearted-resonance-oocsearching/?p=4602603



The winter was always cold, always so forboding. Even when ponies, zebras, Diamond Dogs, and others were driven below the surface following the greatest war in history, the sense of dread always seeped in somehow, causing suspicion to arise when tiny things would happen.


Things like hydroponics supplies either going bad or suddenly freezing.


Hidalgo knew them all too well. He had lived through them, watched as he tried to follow his quest from Celestia, to no avail so far.


However, it was the grand annoucement that drew everyone together that day. The announcement that the doors to the surface would be open soon, and only a select few would be allowed to join the expedition to search the surface for anything usable.


"Four scavenging parties sent. Only Rearguard's returned without casualties. There's nothing out there but snow, ice, and Windigoes. What do they expect to find?"

Edited by FullMetalParagon


signature by John Washington

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Copper was resting, waiting for his time to be out in the sun once again.  Ever since gaining his alicorn powers, nothing has been the same since.  With the war that had happened, he was forced underground like a few other ponies.  Who knew what could happen from here on out?


He woke up, hearing the sound of somepony saying that the doors would open again, and a select few would find anything usable.  He smiled, then trotted to the area, where he said as he arrived, "I don't want to stay down here.  I wanna see the sun once again, and help find the useful thing."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Ponies, he was almost always surrounded by ponies. Even now, even when he was under ground, and after all their kind had gone through, more ponies.


Not that he minded to much, they weren't that bad, of course he did miss the few diamond dog dames he would see on occasion... they were nice. Of course with all the comotion going on he didn't have much time to be all broody.  Pulling his now fur lined vest closer around him, he trudged to where all the ponies were gathering. 


It wasn't out of pure curiosity and starving off boredom though that drew him in, much like everyone else in this wretched hole he wanted to get to the surface, to see what was left, to see if he could salvage anything for himself... see some of his own kind again. 


"A scavenger party? Sounds fun, sign me up. I can't wait to search for death... and frost bite... and hunger... And lost artifacts that may save us all, sounds like a blast" he yawned, he wasn't the former "sleepy the clown" for nothing. 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Hidalgo trudged through the dirt that made up the floor of their subterranean dwelling, Unterlot. He could see the crowd gathering, some familiar faces in the few Diamond Dogs and dragons present - though they were naught but young drakes - and his eyes fell on one he had seen around a few times. He had heard the stories behind his ascension, but with no kingdom to rule, he was just about the same as everyone else.


Stepping closer, he stood beside the alicorn, clearing his throat.


"This is proving to be a rather momentous day.. again. Fifteen years. We abandoned the surface because of the Windigoes. Only Rearguard and her team survived their excursion, and we can't talk to them after whatever they saw drove them insane." He turned and looked at the alicorn, frowning.


"Name's Hidalgo. I've seen you around, but I think this is the first time we have ever met."


signature by John Washington

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Copper looked over to see Hidalgo talking to him.  He never saw him, but at least the other did, so he knows that the former Earth Pony has ascended to alicorn-hood.  He smiled slightly at Hidalgo and said, "Name's Copper Strikes, former Earth Pony who is destined to rule... eventually, once we clear up this mess.  I'm hoping I get a chance to see the sun again after being stuck here for so long, because I haven't gotten a chance to fly freely since, well, ever!"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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There was a lot of chatter of course, but not much that interested him, however when he heard of a pony, scratch that an Alicorn (yeah they had those apparently), talking about he was apparently destined to rule.


Talk like this set his old gears into motion, ponies like this always attracted trouble, and more often then not, if things did get "back to normal" someone, somewhere would want his head on a stick. So either to protect or to attack this future, would be ruler it made sense for a former Merc to get to know the guy

Shuffling through the crowd the diamond dog made his way over to the two ponies conversing "Eh, pardon me and my, obviousness, but I couldn't help but overhearing some interesting information. " is he came off as suspicious that was ok, not many people trusted a guy who had a purple star painted over his eye  

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Hidalgo turned around, staring at the Diamond Dog behind him. Sighing, he looked back over at Copper Strikes, rolling his eyes before he turned around to face the Diamond Dog. He looked the Dog up and down with a bored look, only to sigh and rub his forehead with his hoof.


"Look, I know Copper here thinks he's got a kingdom to rule someday, but unfortunately, who's to say that will ever come within our mortal lifetimes?" He stuck out his hoof in a gesture of civility, his eyes snapping full open.


"Name's Hidalgo. I'm Canyon. I guess Copper over there ascended after the Fall, but your eye... that's a rather interesting mark. I mean, you've got the zebras with their tribal tattoos, but that's more interesting than the rest."


signature by John Washington

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Cyan Flare roamed the underground aimlessly, until she heard the call. She spread her wings, and carefully flew her way through tunnels narrow and wide, making her way to the gathering place. Landing quickly and listening to the announcement, Cyan felt he heart flutter. She had not seen the surface since she was just a young filly; she hadn't seen her family since then, either.



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Bowie sighed a bit "What this?" he pointed to the star "It's just something from my past" he tried leaving it at that when he noticed the pony out stretching his hoof for a polite shake. Figuring it was better to have friends then enemies he received the shake well enough


"I suppose your looking for my name then? It's Bowie, not much more to say really, expect like the other lot here I'm looking to go to the surface."   


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten @@FullMetalParagon @@DwhitetheGamer

Looking around, and over her shoulders, Cyan Flare took in the sight of so many ponies (and a few diamond dogs and drakes) here in the cave. All of a sudden becoming numb with nervousness realising she was surrounding by such a large crowd, she glanced from pony to pony to see if she could spot anyone she recognised. There was a small group of stallions, accompanied by a diamond dog, talking just a few meters away. Shrugging, she made the decision to trot over and possibly ask them what was going on; she felt she was already acquainted with two of them, though she could not recall their names. Friends of her friends, possibly? 'Surprising how little I know about everypony down here...' she thought. 'Suppose all of my friends would rather stay here, where it's safe.'

Edited by Wolves



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@@FullMetalParagon@@The Down Trotten


Even though he wasn't seen initially, Copper shrugged, as he knew the other was right.  He may not be able to rule, but at least he'll make an effort to try and fix the damages.  "Yeah, I may not be able to rule, but we can try to rise from the ashes, or in this case, the underground of this place anew."  He was being honest, and his tone showed it.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@ - 'The Down Trotten'

@ - 'DwhitetheGamer'

@ - 'Wolves'


Hidalgo sighed, staring up at the podium near the massive twin doors, gigantic slabs of steel, that guarded the entrance to Unterlot. Looking back at Bowie and Copper, he noticed a mare somewhat standing off from them, but glancing at them occasionally. Looking down and frowning, he motioned his head towards her.


"I wonder what her deal is? I mean, she's been staring at us for a bit now. I would think that a little suspicious." A blue wisp hovered around Hidalgo, slightly lighting up the area.


"You consider everything suspicious, Hidalgo. She's just curious as to why a Canyon pony, an alicorn, and a Diamond Dog are standing together."


"True, Witcher, but I don't watch ponies or other beings out of curiosity. I only do it if they might be a threat." He sighs, looking back towards the podium.


"They should be starting soon."


signature by John Washington

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@ - 'The Down Trotten'

@ - 'DwhitetheGamer'

@ - 'Wolves'


Hidalgo sighed, staring up at the podium near the massive twin doors, gigantic slabs of steel, that guarded the entrance to Unterlot. Looking back at Bowie and Copper, he noticed a mare somewhat standing off from them, but glancing at them occasionally. Looking down and frowning, he motioned his head towards her.


"I wonder what her deal is? I mean, she's been staring at us for a bit now. I would think that a little suspicious." A blue wisp hovered around Hidalgo, slightly lighting up the area.


"You consider everything suspicious, Hidalgo. She's just curious as to why a Canyon pony, an alicorn, and a Diamond Dog are standing together."


"True, Witcher, but I don't watch ponies or other beings out of curiosity. I only do it if they might be a threat." He sighs, looking back towards the podium.


"They should be starting soon."

Cyan Flare pricked her ears as she heard the pony begin to speak, assuming by the glance she was shot that he was referring to her. After he had finished, the snippets of his words she had overheard caused her to reply; "oh, I'm sorry," she began. "I didn't mean to stare. I just could've sworn I recognised you - a friend of my friend, maybe? - and I just wanted somepony I was acquainted with to stand by. I suppose I may have been mistaken, though... Sorry."

After apologising a few times too many, Cyan Flare followed Hidalgo's gaze to look up at the podium.

Edited by Wolves



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Bowie sighed, he certainly hoped they would start soon , all this random milling about was beginning to get grating. True there were a few Diamond Dogs down here, but  they were... meh.


He needed to breath fresh air, and see the glory of treasures of the surface,,, and maybe get a decent drink for once


Of course he'd have to be picked for a scavenger party, but then again he had always bee good at find things that weren't excatly suppose to be his anyway 

"so whats this about them starting huh?" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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A hush fell over the crowd gathered as Rearguard, the only sane survivor from the only living expedition, stepped onto the podium, followed by Bronze Leaf, the current 'Mayor' of Unterlot.


"Fellow Dwellers! Once more, we look to the world above, the frozen wasteland that the Windigoes brought unto us! The time has come for the newest expedition to be brought forth and readied!"


"Copper Strikes!" Silent murmurings could be heard as guards ushered the stunned alicorn to the front.


"Bowie!" The path cleared for the Diamond Dog with the purple eye, who stood beside the alicorn in confusion.


"Hidalgo!" Hidalgo sighed, slowly trotting up and glancing around. He could have sworn that the mare he had seen was still watching him.


"Three of four have been chosen! We do have need of one more, but only that one can be-"


"Cyan Flare!" The stunned mare was led to stand beside the other three, staring out at the crowd as the most unusual of expeditions was suddenly slotted together. Hidalgo turned to the others, shrugging.


"Looks like we lost the lottery, folks. Now it's our turn to die up on the ice. Well, Shaper gives and takes, builds and breaks. We'll be fine as long as we stick together up there. By the way, Cyan Flare? I'm Hidalgo."


signature by John Washington

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Copper heard his name as the announcer came on the stage, and he trotted up to the main stage.  He cricked his neck a couple of times before saying to Hidalgo, "Don't be saying that, Hidalgo.  We might be able to survive up there, we just need the will to do so."  He gave a reassuring nod to prove his will to live.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@FullMetalParagon,@@DwhitetheGamer, @@Wolves,


"Its not like any one of us are getting any younger down here anyway, so I guess dying by frostbite or boredom is about the same. So what exactly is out mission here? Find some stuff and make it back alive?" the diamond dog tossed a throwing knife idly, mentally getting ready to go 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@FullMetalParagon@@DwhitetheGamer@@The Down Trotten, Cyan Flare wore a shocked expression on her face as she heard her name called. She would be a part of the expedition to the surface! Standing next to Bowie and Hidalgo in a stunned silence, Cyan glanced from pony to pony. Many gazed up at her, and Cyan spotted one she recognised - her friend, Sunrise Seashell, who donned a look of concern and nervousness. Cyan, however, felt strangely excited. This was a great opportunity for the surprisingly ambitious young mare to prove her worth, and possibly make amazing discoveries. Of course, the path head was dotted with Windigoes, with danger lurking around every corner; this memory put Cyan Flare on edge, but she knew that she couldn't give up now. She had to do this.

"Nice to meet you," Cyan greeted Hidalgo, shyness creeping into her already quite shaky tone.



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Hidalgo nodded silently, looking over his shoulder back at Bronze Leaf, watching for any reaction. The mayor did not react for a minute, before continuing.


"You'll have all the time to get friendly when you begin your trek on the surface! You have two hours to prepare before Rearguard opens the surface door, and you are ushered out into the white wasteland of the surface!"


signature by John Washington

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Hidalgo nodded silently, looking over his shoulder back at Bronze Leaf, watching for any reaction. The mayor did not react for a minute, before continuing.


"You'll have all the time to get friendly when you begin your trek on the surface! You have two hours to prepare before Rearguard opens the surface door, and you are ushered out into the white wasteland of the surface!"

"Two hours..." Cyan Flare repeated to herself, almost silently. "Two hours to say goodbye to my best friend... everypony I know... and possibly for the last time..."

A sudden pang of sorrow hit home. She flicked her bright pink and blue tail nervously from side to side, wondering if she would actually return from this expedition. The experience of a lifetime - the chance to help everypony be free again - could end in tragedy. Suddenly, however, she found herself chuckling slightly.

"Golden Spell," she began, half to herself and partially to the others beside her, "would never go up there. Not in a million years... that coward..."

A sad fondness tainted her tone. She hadn't a clue if her brother was alright; she had not seen her family since she was separated from them as filly, during a Windigo attack.


Shaking her head, clearing her mind, Cyan concluded that, seeing as she had no choice, really, she would march out into the cold world of the surface with enthusiasm, hope, and determination. Putting on a brave face, she prepared to bid her closest friend farewell, and get to know those who would be accompanying her to explore the 'white wasteland of the surface' as the mayor called it.



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"Two hours?... I could be ready in a half hour." Bowie sighed "Then again all I gotta do is get my stuff." 


Without another word he trudged down to his living area, not much more then a hole in the wall. Garbing the bag filled with basic equipment he trudged back to the entrance and looked for his future companions, waiting for the rest of the time to go by. 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@FullMetalParagon@@The Down Trotten,


Two hours.  Two hours to prepare to see the light.


Copper nodded at the mayor, then went to his own living quarters to get his scarf that he made for himself.  He would need it for the journey ahead.


When returning, he followed the diamond dog, where he took a spot and spoke to him, "I wish you the best of luck on this endeavor."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@FullMetalParagon,@@The Down Trotten, @@DwhitetheGamer

"I guess this is goodbye..." Sunrise said to Cyan, as she watched her friend pack a small rucksack full of preserved food, her bow and arrows, a small dagger, and other survival equipment. Cyan nodded, bouncing excitedly from hoof to hoof whilst also wearing a sorrowful expression. "Hopefully, not for the last time."

Cyan shook the hoof of her best friend; "I'll try my very best. But in such a dangerous situation, I can't make you any promises."


Cyan Flare looked over her shoulder once more, smiling a silent farewell to her friend, before facing the gate again. It would soon open, and anticipation was rising in Cyan's rapidly beating heart.



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Hidalgo left the group to enter his small quarters, where everything he owned sat in a pair of saddlebags. He had known for a while that he was going to be sent up to the surface. Anyone who had been a participant in the war was sent up, Bronze Leaf had made sure of it. His relation to Hirsan Keln of Great Canyon made him a prime pony to go to the surface. Pulling out a photo, he sighed as he slipped it into his winter coat, suiting up before sliding the saddlebags on and cinching them tightly.


Returning to the group, he made sure his goggles and face mask were tight and secure before he nodded at his new companions.


"I once fought in a war. Survival isn't something new. We've got to be ready for anything, my new friends." He looked up just in time for the doors to begin creaking.


Gears clanked, motors whirred and chains moved as the twin steel slabs swung open, a light dusting of snow slowly floating in.


"Once you are outside the protective tunnel, you will be in the blizzard! Rearguard will give you all trackers so you won't lose each other! Good luck to you all, and may the light of our ancestors guide you!"

Edited by FullMetalParagon


signature by John Washington

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@@FullMetalParagon@@DwhitetheGamer,@@The Down Trotten

Cyan Flare's heart raced as she heard the echoing clanging of motors and gears. Watching in both and awe and terror, she finally caught sight of the raging blizzard outside. She could barely even see the sky, as she took several nervous steps forward with a glance at everypony with her.

'This is it...' she thought to herself. 'I do hope we're successful... And I pray I don't drag this team down.'



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