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:) Welcome to the Official A Changeling Life RP :)


Queen Chrysalis chose her changelings thoroughly. Recognizing the ones with cutie marks. She picked out five, the five that would help her get the 2 most love-full place in all of the world, not only Equestria. The five whose cutie marks were:

(Calirolls) Skull

(Rolle) Burning Horn

( Midnight Moon) Invented name: Storm Surge, Bow

And herself, Queen Chrysalis, with a broken heart of a cutie mark.

The adventure was just beggining.

Edited by pinkieluna


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((3rd Post,May as well make it Count :/))

Skull was looking at his Changeling Recruits.Seeing them Weak and Stupid was like Being Defeated by the Power of Love for Skull.He walked up to each one of them every day and all they did was start to Blush and Cry.''You all Disgust Me.How can we Take away Love from Ponies with such a Weak Band of Changelings?'' Said Skull as Going back to the Front of his Band of Recruits.''You were all Ponies one time or another.We Infected you and you became one of us.We are EVIL.We are ELITE.And if you are Too Much of a little Pony To handle that.Get Out of here.'' Said Skull to all his Pony-Like Recruits as they Cowered and Cried Lightly.''I..I want to go.'' Said a Recruit as stepping up to Skull.Skull's Eyes began to Glow Bright Red and he Smashed his Hoof Into The Weak Recruits Head.''Get back over there...Cry Baby.'' Said Skull in a Angry Tone to the Soldier as The Recruits Eyes started to tear up and they Started making Giant Puddles of Tears Everywhere.''Ugh...I need a Break.'' Said Skull to himself as walking to Queen Chrysalis.''When will we find Better Recruits Queen?The ones I'm training are a bunch of Whiny Little Ponies.'' Asked Skull as Trying to Control his anger.

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storm surge blinked watching the changeling smack the other, after he left she tactfully wormed her way around each of the others and helped the new changeling off the ground, "its okay, youll be fine." she whispered the eyed the captain or general whatever he was, she immiedietly didnt like him.


she helped the former pony stand up straight, then looked at her own, new body, her horn was jagged, her legs had sickining holes in them, if she had still been her pony self, she probibly would have joked about being a swiss cheese monster, but that was her old self, this was who she was now, might as well get used to it.

though one thing that struck her as odd, was her cutie mark, a bow, showed up clear as day, whereas all the others had faded into almost nothingness, "the buck?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Skull was Chatting with his 2nd Best Troop ''Blood''.''So far the new Recruits are pretty Whiny.But I can make them Better.I always do.'' Said Skull as He was still remembering his former Pony Life.His life before the Changelings was terrible.He was made fun of,Pushed over,and even Hurt in the worst Possible way.But when the Changelings Infected him.He was happy he could start over.Happy that he wasn't a Pony anymore...Happy Queen Chrysalis Could see the Evil in his Blood.Happy he was the General of the Changelings.But the other Ponies who were Infected weren't used to it very much at first.Some said they were a black Swiss Cheese Monster,Others said they were as ugly as Discord.But they got used to it,And began to Hate the Ponies like Skull does today. Skull has Sucked the Love out of a Couple Thousand ponies. And if he wasn't hard on the Recruits, How will we get a hall of fame filled with Changelings? The only Changeling Who should be on that Hall of Fame right now should be Blood.The 2nd in Command of the Changeling army.He was almost as Professional as Skull.Couple hundred years in the Army.Skull Put on his Helmet and Armor of Darkness and Hate and Proceeded back to the Group of Recruits.He Yelled Louder than the Royal Canterlot Voice over all the Chatting over the room.Skull made the room become silent and His voice was the only thing heard in the room.''Today is your first day of Training.I will be leading you through Basic,Normal,And Elite Training Courses.Get a Average Score on each one and you Proceed into the Army.Fail...And you take it again..And again...And again...Until you get it right.And I don't want only 3 of you to pass.Ever Since the Royal Wedding Two Fifths of our Army was Eliminated. We need at least 700 of you to pass.And if you aren't one of those 700...We'll turn you back into a pony and brainwash you.And you will know nothing about the Changeling Army.Follow me and we will go to the Basic Training Course.'' Said Skull as Doing a Signal to Follow him.''This is the Basic Training Course.One of the Changeling's Biggest Threats are Light.This is why we normally Stay in the Dark and Keep a Low Signal until we Attack.The basic Training Course is Avoiding the Light of the Course.Step into the Light?It's going to hurt.A LOT.'' Said Skull as Showing the Recruits the Training Course.He then Blew a whistle and a band of 200 Changelings Were Sneaking through the Dark without even a Speck of Light near there Body.''I think we got some Miracles...'' Said Skull as Smiling.He then noticed 50 more try to Copy them.They didn't fare so well.There Horns were almost Burnt by the Light.''Okay...Don't say things too soon.'' Said Skull as his Smile Transformed to a Frown.Most of them Made it through the Course.''Good Job to all of you!The light is one of the Changeling's Biggest Enemy's.Now that you know how to Sneak...You are one step closer to Joining the Changeling army.'' Said Skull to the Crowd with a Smile and Wink.''We will do the Next Test Tomorrow.Get your Rest.Your going to need it'' Said Skull as Sending the Changelings off.

Edited by Calirolls
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storm surge shook her head, "not the nicest of ponies is he?" she frowned, having been one of the first ones to get through without a scratch, "then again, if its the army they want to put us into i understand," she shook her head and got off her "bed" and out into the hall turning to one of the changeling guards "you have any range of some sort? like at all?"

they looked at each other, "well, theres ones the recruits are allowed into, with supervision."

she shook her head, "fine, am i allowed to use it.....?"

they looked at each other, "well, we dont see the harm, come along then." she was led into a foresty looking area, 5 targets sat about 10 15 20 and 25 yards away.


"perfect." she smiled and standing on her hind hooves, and picked up the bow, she may be a changeling now, but her tactile telekenesis still worked, picked up an arrow, nocked it focusing on the 10 yarder, and let the arrow fly, hitting the center.

"still got it." she smiled to herself, and picked up another arrow.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Queen Chrysalis eyed the recruits. She walked through and out of the lines. "Most of them sure are ponies still. They haven't sucked off enough love from other ponies, now did they." she chuckeled. She went back to her stern apperance. "SOME of you Changelings will be lucky enough to join MY GROUP to find new places filled with love to eat. BUT I WILL NOT ACCEPT CRYBABIES OR CHANGELINGS WHO STILL HAVE PONY INSIDE THEM!" she looked at one of the recruits straight in the eyes, the changeling ran away "Too scared huh? You got to get used to being a Changelings, it is a far better life then being a little tiny winie weakling pony."


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storm shook her head her arrows having hit the center of all her targets, "good, i wonder if they have use for bows in the hive?"

she mentally shrugged and exited the range, not realizing she had spent a good day in there, "whoops," she guiltily looked at the guards, "sorry, sometimes i get carried away."

one of the guards had a smirk on his face "no problem, you won me alot of money from my friend here."

she raised an eyebrow, "betting on me?"

he nodded and smiled, "he was betting against you, i took a chance and betted for you."

she chuckled, "i appreciate the gesture."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Burning Horn was in the DMF Championship his oppenent dark horn was his rival since first day of changeling shooting dark spheres at his opponent in Dark Mathro Fight in shot DMF Championship after batteling for 5 hours he won with a dark beam ¨too easy maybe i should ask if i can join the army as a fighter¨ he said to his only friend which was his horn.

Edited by rolle

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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shadow was walking down the hall when she bumped into a larger form, a little dazed she looked from the hooves up and her eyes widened, she immiedietly bowed, not wanting to infuriate chrysalis.

"ahh, m-my queen, i-im sorry, i didnt see you there...."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"I see you aren't scared of me, I think." she glared at the changeling. "Are you recruit?" She shoved her over to where the recruits where. "So as I was saying..."

Edited by pinkieluna


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storm surges heart was pounding but at lest she hadnt made her angry, she rubbed her flank softly, she did push kinda hard, but oh well.

she looked back below her cute mark, then focused her attention on it, why hadnt it gone away?


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Burning Horn walked around the barracks then got to the training grounds and found nothing intresting but he found something when h e was about to go to his work at the DMF as battler ¨isnt that the queen talking to a reqruit or another challenging whos not training for the army¨ he thought walking over there.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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storm surge frowned, then looked around herself, she shook her head and just waltzed away, back to the range, she had spent enough time being yelled at.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Queen Chrysalis saw that a changeling teleported over tot the other recruit. She focused her attention on both. They had cutie marks!"Cutie marks? What on the name of,um, myself, is that! They're not supposed to have cutie marks! But then I also have one." she looked back her flank, a grey broken heart was there. Ever since the incident in Equestria she had had it. But why, she didn't know.


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storm blinked, "umm, hello....who are you?" she asked defensively, most of the changelings she had met so far, either yelled alot or sounded angry, not the least bit friendly.

this one seemed diffrent


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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storm surge was a bit taken off guard but shrugged smiled and held out her hoof "im storm surge, if i may be blunt, its nice to meet a changeling who wont threaten to hit me upside the head in all honesty."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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stom surge sighed, "you have no idea," she chuckled, "i was just on my way to the target range," she tilted her head, "care to join me?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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storm surge nodded, "alright,"

she led burning horn to the range, where she picked up the bow, same one she used the day before, and smiled, standing on her hind legs she nocked an arrow, drew the bowstring, and let the arrow fly at the 30 yard target, and hit it in the center.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Queen Chrysalis saw the great archery of the changeling. She went up to the two with cutie marks. She smiled "You two changelings, care to join my team so that we can find food?" she asked them. "I hope they say yes, those cutie marks are something special." she thought.


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storm surges eyes widened and she bowed, "s-sure, i-id be happy too." was the queen really asking them?


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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