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private Don't give up (Mesme Rize and Dax Blackwater Story)

Mesme Rize

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/157878-ooc-dont-give-up/#entry4686322


The Everfree Forest was home to many different creatures, that where moving around. Some where tall as high houses, like the Hydra, some where made out of Wood, like Timberwolves and some had sharp teeth like the Manticore.


But there was one creature in this forest, that was probably one of the more uniquer and more intelligent ones. Some ponies in the distance would think it was another pony, but it actually wasn't. He had 30 feet long coils, which where brown and black spotted. But on his upper body, he had hooves, fur, a yellow mane and green eyes. He was a mix of a snake and a Pony, with the name of Mesme Rize.



Mesme Rize was currently slithering through the forest tonight, with a bunch of fruits in his coils. They where growing quite nicely here in the forest and he was very proud to have catched so many, a smile showing on his face. "mmmmmm, they look ssssssssso delicioussssssss..." Mesme licked his forked tongue.


Mesme Rize was mostly night active, since he usually uses the days to sleep on his tree and take in the warm sun.

  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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"AH!  Ah... buh-bluh-BLAH!"


A voice from the hedges came forth, scaring a few woodland little things into quiet.


At this point, a young stallion came bursting unceremoniously through the brush, waving and spitting frantically as he tried to yank the spiderweb he'd walked into off his face.  He stumbled around a bit until he tripped over his own hooves, and down he went, landing with a heavy thud.


As soon as he did, he went quiet for all of a moment... then he started sniffling.


"... oh... manure..."


Now, he started crying.  Apparently, his situation was so distressing to him, that he didn't even see Mesme; he simply covered his face with his hooves and sobbed.

  • Brohoof 2

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"Huh?" Mesme heard a rustling coming through the bushes, as woodland creatures where jumping around, some of them going over his coils. Mesme at first feared that a Timberwolve was walking through this part of the forest, or maybe even something more dangerous.


Mesme was standing at the ready, when suddenly a black and green was coming out of the bushes. Mesme made a few slithers back. It was strange, since not many ponies came out here this way, so he was certainly a special sight.


Mesme saw that the Pony tripped to the ground as he tried to get something off. He could see that the pony was a bit of a dork, but he saw the pony covering his hooves and...sniffled? Mesme didn't knew what to think of it. He probably wasn't in great pain, since the crash wasn't that bad. But what was his problem?


Mesme slowly and carefully slithered to the pony. "Ähm...excussssssssssse me?" Mesme hissed. "Do you need any help?"

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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The pony jumped up, startled.  He took one look at Mesme and yelled, "AAAH!  HYDRA HEAD!"


With that, he darted into a nearby tree... but instead of reaching safety, he caught a strap of his satchel on a branch, which yanked him right back down, flinging him as if he were in a slingshot.




"..... oOOooOOOooOOooOooooh..."


The lamiapony could almost count the stars he likely saw circling the stallion's noggin.


The strange stallion blinked rapidly, then looked at Mesme again.  


"Wait... you're not a hydra...  you're a... you're..." His eyes traveled to the coils, and he lifted an eyebrow.


Now that he had a chance to look him over, Mesme got a better description of this stranger.  He was juuuuuuust underneath young adulthood, but his manner and attitude still sounded as though he had a ways to go yet.  His coat was a jet black, with bright green zebra-type stripes to go with his matching tail and wild mane.  There was a notch in one ear from some unnamed incident, but he otherwise looked okay - except for the rumpled look he now wore, thanks to the latest business.


He had big, bright and curious eyes as he looked at Mesme again, strangely unafraid, and asked, "Uhm... what exactly are you?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Mesme saw with widened eyes, as the Stallion, obviously in shock, tried to run away from him calling him a hydra for some reason, but he was quickly yanked back, as he tried to reach for safety in the tree, but sadly smashed to the ground again.


'That probably hurt' Mesme thought to himself, as he saw the Stallions eyes derping from the crash. "Hello?...Are you okay?..." Mesme called out to the Pony, who blinked a few times.


As he looked Mesme over, Mesme also looked the Stallion over, slithering a bit closer. He was black and had green stripes all over, almost like a Zebra. He was probably about 25 or so, kinda like him.


Mesme smiled at the Stallion. "Well, i am what you would call a Lamiapony." Mesme explained with a friendly smile. "Or a SSSSSSSSnakepony." Mesme tried to get a bit more closer again. "And who might you be, little pony?" Mesme had a tendency, to call ponies little, since he was so big.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Though normally there may have been a tendency for other ponies to shy away from such a creature, the stallion didn't.  He pulled himself to his hooves and stepped a bit closer as well, though it was obvious he was trying to be as careful about approaching as Mesme was.


"I'm Dax.  Dax Bla-... uhm..." He gave a nervous chuckle.  "... just Dax."


The sheepish grin that spread across his muzzle seemed to melt into a more inquisitive one.


"Laimapony?  I've never heard of that term... though I have read about lamias in a few fiction novels.  I'd kinda assume you're not fictional, though."  Dax walked slowly around Mesme, being careful not to misstep, perhaps upon a coil.


"Wow... you're really different.  But, like... not in a bad way."  His smile turned fully kind.  "What's your name?  I mean, if you do that sort of thing... eh heh."


Back to the sheepish grin.

  • Brohoof 1

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"Dax, huh?" Mesme said, wondering why the Pony what made the Pony stutter so much. Sounded like a weird hiccup for him.


Mesme giggled though. "Well, i don't know quite myssssssssssself. I am the only Lamiapony in thisssssssss Foresssssssssst. I never met anybody else." Mesme explained to Dax. It seems like the Pony was warming up quite fast to him.


Mesme then reached out his Snaketail and wrapped it around Daxes Hoof. "I am Messssssssme Rize...Pleassssssssssed to meet you Dax..." Mesme smiled friendly.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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"Oh!"  Dax jumped a bit at Mesme's speed, but relaxed and even gave a soft chuckle at his own skittishness.


"Nice to meet you too, Mesme."  He shook back in kind, then took a good look at the coil around his hoof.


"That's quite a grip - but it makes sense, I suppose.  That would mean you're sort-of a constrictor, right?"  He grinned.  "I guess I wouldn't have to worry about a bite, hunh?  But it's okay - I get the feeling you're not that kind anyway.  You seem very polite to me."


Mesme also noticed that Dax had a backpack on, and it was fairly stuffed.  There were straps for something else, but they were hanging loosely and undone.


The stallion's cutie mark was also visible; it was what looked like a rock with the tip of an emerald poking out of it.  


"So you live in the Everfree... or do you have a house or a tree... or a treehouse, maybe?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Mesme loosend his coils up a bit around Dax hooves. He sometimes forgets that other Ponies don't have as much muscles as him.


Mesme giggled. "Don't worry. I don't have any fangssssssss on my teeth." Mesme gave Dax a big grin, showing his teeth. "I have omnivore teeth, but i don't eat cute poniessssssss like you." Mesme giggled again. "I don't bite. Atleassssssst not sssssssso hard."


"I live what isssssssss mossssssst convinient at the time." Mesme said, looking around the forest. Right now, he was a bit away from his tree that he called his home right now. "I like to coil myssssssssself around high trees and ssssssssleep on them." Mesme explained.


But then Mesme got kinda curious about Dax Backpack, as he took his tail and poked it. "Are you on ssssssssssome trip or sssssssssomething?" Mesme then remembered what happend earlier. "And why where you crying? Are you hurt?" Mesme said, with a concerned face.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Dax took in what was said, and listened raptly as the lamiapony told him things he didn't know yet - Dax was a little sponge, soaking up information as fast as his mind could process it.  He seemed bright and eager... and yeah, TOTALLY a dork, but a sincere one.


When asked about why he'd been as he'd been however, Dax's mood seemed to deflate like a popped party balloon.


"I'm... going on a trip, sure."


He really didn't seem like it was any kind of trip he wanted to take.


Then, his features wrinkled into a scowl, and he gave a hard sigh.  "Yeah... a trip FAR, FAR away from ponies who don't understand what it's like to be what you are.  I'm gonna get as far from... usual... as possible, then I'll just live outta my ten-"


His eyes jerked back to where the loose straps were, and they went wide as he suddenly started looking all around.


"My TENT!  Where'd it go!  Aw, no - where am I gonna sleep without my tent!?  Where'd I lose it?  Where-..."


He slapped his hooves to his head.


"I lost it... I lost my tent... now I'm homeless..."


He sat in the dirt hard, and looked like he was heartbroken.  He turned a pitiful look up at Mesme.


"... don't mind me..."  His voice cracked a bit.  "... I'm just having a bad life; that's all."

  • Brohoof 1

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Mesme didn't liked the tone when he said that he went on a trip. It didn't sounded very honest and he also sounded kinda down in the dumb.


It felt like the emotions shifted more and more, as he explained that his trip was "far, far away" as he sounded more sadder by the minute. When he stopped by a minute, Mesme asked "Your Ten what?" He meant his Tent, when Dax was breaking Mesme up midsentence.


Mesme was shocked when he saw Dax slap himself and feeling absolutely miserable, having apparently no home to go to and having no warm place to sleep. Mesme suddenly felt very sorry for him and came very close to Dax, calming him with his stroking his mane.


"sssssssshhh, it'ssssssssss okay. Not everything isssssss bad about life." Mesme tried to calm Dax down. "We alwayssssssss have thossssssssse bad dayssssssssss."

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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"Yeah... except when they last for years."


Regardless of his doldrums, Dax did lean against Mesme for a bit, and let a few tears fall, complete with sniffles.


"Thank you... you don't even know me, but you're still so very kind..."


The stallion/colt sat there for a moment, sighing.  Occasionally, he glanced back at the loose straps hanging where his tent should have been, and sighed again.  


For what it was worth, Mesme's soothing words and calm petting did have an effect on Dax; after a moment's respite from his worries, he slowly got to his hooves and sniffled a bit.  Once standing, he gave a forlorn look around, then turned to the lamiapony once again.


"Uhm... you've done so much... I'm so very glad you were here... but, uhm... I know it might be asking too much, and please forgive me if it is, but..."  Dax gave a slight sheepish grin.  


"... any chance I could ask you to help me look for my tent, Mesme?"

  • Brohoof 1

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"Sssssssshh, it'sssssss alright...let it all out." I held Dax close, stroked his mane and just let his emotions go. Poor little Stallion, he must have really gone through alot in his life, that he was so brokedown right now.


Mesme saw the Stallion standing up after awhile. "Hope you're better now." Mesme smiled caringly. "And don't mention it, i really like to help." He listened to Dax talking about looking for his Tent that was scattered somewhere. Mesme would look for it, but there was a problem.


"Well, we could. But it'ssssssssss in the middle of the night right now and i am not sssssssssure if we can find it like thisssssssssss. Besidessssssssss, alot of Monstersssssssssss walk around here." Mesme explained. "But, i could ssssssssshow you another place to ssssssssleep, which issssssssss even warmer." Mesme smirked.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Dax gave one last, half-hearted look around, then sighed.


"Well... I don't really have anywhere to go here, and I..."


His face fell.  "... I left where I was."


Shaking it off a bit, he looked up at the kind lamiapony.  "At this point?  I just think this is one of those days it'd be better if I'd just stayed in bed.  Mesme, I think that sounds like a good idea... maybe I just need a bit of rest before I put more distance between myself and..."


His lower lip trembled a bit, but he made a big, convoluted show of stretching in a nervous yawn to hide it.


"... where is this place you're offering?"

  • Brohoof 1

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"Well..." Mesme looked around for a bit. He was a bit far away from his tree and it might be too dangerous to go back there right now. So he had to use a spare place.


Mesme then saw something. "Right up there Dax. Thissssssss issssssss where we sssssspend the night..." Mesme pointed to a tree, with a thick branch in the middle.


Mesme explained further. "It issssssssss sssssssafe up there and nobody will climb up." Mesme explained kindly. "I will keep you in my coilssssssssss so you sssssssstay warm and don't fall."

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Dax didn't seem afraid of the prospect, as much as he seemed curious as to how this would work.


"Uhm... okay.  That could be... y'know, I've never experienced anything like that before.  Of course, not that I've seen a WHOLE lot, actually - but that sounds safe enough, I guess."


He turned to Mesme.  "Warm?  Hunh... reptiles are cold-blooded, but it occurs to me that you're not... well, I dunno - how much actual reptile do you think you have in you?"


As he spoke, he moved u to the tree Mesme was looking at, and looked up into its leaves.


"Wow... that's a long way up, but it makes sense, as it'll keep most of the woodland predators out of reach."  Dax turned to the lamiapony.  "So, uhm... do I start climbing, or..?"

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Mesme was glad that Dax wasn't too afraid of the prospect, or else he had to assure him for awhile, why it is not dangerous to be in his coils.


"Well, i actually am Coldblooded. But i absssssssorb the warmness from your body in me and so my coilssssssss alssssssso get very warm." Mesme explained. "That'sssssss why it will be no problem keeping you warm at night." Having ponies coiled up at night was always great.


Mesme giggled when he mentioned climbing. "Oh ssssssssilly. There won't be any climbing for you." Mesme slowly moved his coils towards Daxs torso. "I will pull you up with me." Mesme giggled and has one lair of his coils, wrapped around Dax.


Besides wanting to give Dax some shelter, Mesme also had some other plan for Dax.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Dax put on a look of surprise when the coild wrapped around him.  "Whoa!"  But his surprise quickly turned into chuckles as he saw what was going on.


"Wow... you're really strong," he said, "I mean, you're carrying my weight along with your own - that's quite a feat."


He looked at the coils closely.  "There's a LOT of muscle in there..."  


It momentarily crossed Dax's mind that, were this a lying lamiapony, he might be in trouble; as it was, though... Dax's naivete won out, and he relaxed, watching with fascination as Mesme climbed the tree up to the branch.

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Mesme chuckled. "Well, i am about 30 feet long, sssssssso i do have quite alot of musssssssscles. I am even able to carry Manticores, if you have sssssssseen them." Mesme said proudly. It was an understatement for him, to be able to carry a pony.


Mesme gripped him very tightly, but not to tight that he will cut off his air support. "Okay, hold on my coilssssssss." Mesme then used his strong coils, to slowly climb up the tree trunk, being careful not to hurt Dax. He took things very slowly but after awhile, he reached the branch with Dax and set him on it, still holding him in his coils.


"I hope you're okay" Mesme coiled around the branch, looking at Dax.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Dax gave a slightly nervous grin.


"Eh-heh-heh... uhm, you ARE strong.  I'm glad you're a good pony-... sorry, a good LAMIApony... because I'm preeeeeetty sure you'd be able to crush me like a tin can.  And yeah, I'm okay - thanks!"


Once safely on the branch, Dax actually nestled down into the coils around him a bit.


"Y'know, it doesn't really surprise me that you're really nice - I actually got to meet an entire HIVE of changelings once, and they were so very nice.  There's a LOT of stuff in Canterlot that's far more than it appears to be, that's for sure!"

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