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private Wrath is Magic

Rainbow    Dash

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OOC THREAD:https://mlpforums.com/topic/158122-protogé-of-hate/?p=4693738



"Oh yeah? Well, you borrowed my spell book and returned it with a scratch on the cover! Why should I forgive you?"


"You stole my spot in line, now you must pay!"


These and many other hate filled comments rang through of Canterlot in the early morning. The usual early birds are up and about, but it seems that they are crankier than usual. Nothing that the royal guards couldn't handle. As the day went on, more and more minor disturbances were reported. More guards were called into the market area of Canterlot.


"I don't trust that guard pony, I heard he let a changeling go on purpose!!!"

"What if he IS a changeling?"

"I'm not takin that chance, get him!"


Three ponies are sent to the dungeon. The day was winding down, and ponies were going home. However, for the guards their work was just getting started. Across the map, in a small unmarked town, a ghastly pony shows up. Reports tell the tale of a random pony appearing in towns, smelling like an unkept chicken coop. The pony would start fights by getting the others in a huff. He's nothing more than an instigator, and to the royal guards; just another pony with a quirky personality.


A month passes and now ponies everywhere are aware of this pony who instigates fights. Tips flood in as to what the 'culprit' looked like. Many ponies were on the hunt for this pony who caused distraught in quiet towns. The Princesses offered a reward for the detainment of the offender. Ponies were either scared, paranoid, or irate to the point of forming a hunting mob to exact justice on the perpetrator.


Dakota, a grey coated stallion with messy jet black mane and, strangely enough, a well kept tail. He wore a long black coat that smelled like he just came from a damp cave. Half of his face was covered as he wore a scowl that seemed to frighten little foals.

A townspony notices Dakota and immediately claims him to be the pony causing all the pandemonium. Dakota was not having it, and little did the pony know; Dakota was itching for a fight. The reason why he was scowling was his partner. His ex partner who cheated on him. Dakota was set to drown his sorrows, but beating up a random pony was just as good.

"Good, I need an excersise before I head to the local candy shop." Dakota says, getting in a fighting stance.

No guards around, a perfect situation for Dakota. He notices a few other ponies, but isn't worried. He could take on a whole army with the rage pent up inside.

Edited by Rainbow Dash

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Grace looked around has she walked through the crowd. With her scarf covering her mouth, ponies looked at her strange, one even tossed something filled water, once her tail was out, it didn't help that she wasn't one of the sirens that cause arguments to feed. 


Starry walked through the crowd, found a siren, and helped her away from the group pelting her with stuff. She raised a crystal wall and the ponies backed up out of fear. 

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Dakota began to lash out at the ponies who questioned him. He didn't care what happened, he was tired of being the blame for other ponies mistake. It also didn't seem to him that he would even get a fair trial. Dakota was lazy, but he was always in a hurry to get somewhere; even if that place is just a nice park bench.

The royal guards began to show up which made Dakota worry. He didn't want to go to the dungeons, nor was he in the mood to explain things to ponies who probably would t listen in the first place.

Dakota immediately runs away, the guards giving chase. He was now a fugitive it seems. The grey pony did not see his day playing out like this. He gallops to the city limits where most of the guards stopped. One guard seemed adamant about catching the pony a townspony claimed as the Antagonist to the plight.

Just a few miles away, Dakota spots a clearing; a nice, large, open field. Perfect enough for Dakota to take his flight. He stretches out his feathers and begins flapping them. Dakota wishes to himself that the guard pony would go away.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Tempest looked around as he walked through the streets and noticed the chaos around him. "Well, this is a lovely sight to come back to." He muttered to himself. The bat pony then looked to the skies and wondered if anypony he knew was still around. A few old memories then surfaced, causing the bat pony to sigh.


Of course, somepony just had to get on his bad side. When a vendor threw a durian fruit at the bat pony, a fireball struck it down, a dragoness landing next to her friend. "You really don't want to do that." She said, before the two continued down the road.


It didn't take long for either the of them to notice the crystal wall and it took even less time for them to fly over it. The bat pony then glanced at the siren and mare. "Anything I can do to help?"

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@@Drago Ryder


Starry looked up and said, "I' don't know exactly how you can help. I can turn them into crystals, but it has its price. They were throwing stuff at her for being a siren. Name's Starry, by the way."


Grace laid down against the wall, watching the two that just got there. 

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Tempest looked around as he walked through the streets and noticed the chaos around him. "Well, this is a lovely sight to come back to." He muttered to himself. The bat pony then looked to the skies and wondered if anypony he knew was still around. A few old memories then surfaced, causing the bat pony to sigh.

Of course, somepony just had to get on his bad side. When a vendor threw a durian fruit at the bat pony, a fireball struck it down, a dragoness landing next to her friend. "You really don't want to do that." She said, before the two continued down the road.

It didn't take long for either the of them to notice the crystal wall and it took even less time for them to fly over it. The bat pony then glanced at the siren and mare. "Anything I can do to help?"


@@Drago Ryder


Starry looked up and said, "I' don't know exactly how you can help. I can turn them into crystals, but it has its price. They were throwing stuff at her for being a siren. Name's Starry, by the way."


Grace laid down against the wall, watching the two that just got there.



Dakota continues to gallop away from the persistent guard. It was only a few minutes until the guard finally caught Dakota. After a while,they were back in the city. Nearing the gate, Dakota made a run for it, again. He rejected these ponies court. One where he doesn't get a say; one where all jump to conclusions. Dakota gallops all throughout the city, trying his best to get away from ponies who he thought were with the crowd. He stops momentarily at a group of ponies. One was a Pegasus pony, at least that's what he thought it was. The other ponies weren't ponies at all...one that Dakota has ever seen before. Just as he was about ask one a question a dark blue pony through good sized rocks at all of them. Dakota and the odd group.


"Get out of the city, you freaks! This was a good neighbourhood until you hate spreading freaks showed up!" The dark blue pony shouts.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Kyubi had been walking through the city when she heard fighting coming from a street near her. As soon as she rounded the corner, the bat pony saw a dragon,another bat pony, a few pegasi, and a few others she couldn't quite identify. The bat pony would watch them for a bit before approaching them, though.

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@@Acnologia@@Rainbow Dash,

Starry halted the rock in mid-air and said as she walked up to the pony that threw it and lifted her mask up so it was blocking the sun, "Here's an idea, why don't you quit making random assumptions or accuse ponies without proof, I had to deal with that when I was young, so I suggest you run along before I turn you to a crystal statue."


The dark blue pony backed up and ran in the opposite direction.


Grace watched the whole and started humming and melody to calm herself down. 

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@@Acnologia, @@Rainbow Dash,

Starry halted the rock in mid-air and said as she walked up to the pony that threw it and lifted her mask up so it was blocking the sun, "Here's an idea, why don't you quit making random assumptions or accuse ponies without proof, I had to deal with that when I was young, so I suggest you run along before I turn you to a crystal statue."


The dark blue pony backed up and ran in the opposite direction.


Grace watched the whole and started humming and melody to calm herself down.

Dakota looks at the group and back at the blue pony and sighs. He slowly backs away from all of them, hoping that any more interactions weren't coming up.


The small crowd of ponies soon began to whisper amongst themselves.

'It's definatly them. Demons are often well versed in our language'

'We must grab more guards, no telling what powers they have.'

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@Rainbow Dash


Tempest glanced at the crowd and shook his head. "I come out of a full six month retirement to take some job for Luna and this happens." He muttered, before glancing at the crowd. "Well, I wouldn't exactly call myself a demon. If anything, I'm more of a bat pony that just so happens to be the former captain of Luna's royal guard and the host for an ancient being that has lived longer than every pony here combined. Now, if you lot want to harass my friends and I, then I will have no problem showing you why that is the worst possible idea you could come up with.


Gale rolled her eyes and simply smirked. She knew that Tempest wasn't kidding and knew that he would defend his friends to the death.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@Rainbow Dash


Tempest glanced at the crowd and shook his head. "I come out of a full six month retirement to take some job for Luna and this happens." He muttered, before glancing at the crowd. "Well, I wouldn't exactly call myself a demon. If anything, I'm more of a bat pony that just so happens to be the former captain of Luna's royal guard and the host for an ancient being that has lived longer than every pony here combined. Now, if you lot want to harass my friends and I, then I will have no problem showing you why that is the worst possible idea you could come up with.


Gale rolled her eyes and simply smirked. She knew that Tempest wasn't kidding and knew that he would defend his friends to the death.


The crowd of ponies did not seem swayed by the bat ponies claim. However, the guards backed off. Senior guards were seen turning away quickly and trying not to be seen.

The guard ponies saw some merit into what Tempest was claiming. Few sensible ponies watched this is and dispersed. A few bowed their heads in defeat, only there to feed off the drama; or so it seems.


Dakota's heart drops upon hearing the Bat Ponies words. He wasn't sure if he was for him or not. He wasn't his friend, nor was he related to him. He looked over the others in the Bat Ponies group for a few, noticeable minutes. Noticeable, due to Dakota's inability to be discreet some times.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Rainbow Dash

Starry saw one stepping away and said as she sprouted a dark red crystal behind the pony and as her fur slightly darkened, "Where do you think you're going?" She turned to the crowd and added as she headed towards a building and as the other crystals sank back in the ground, "I don't care what you all think. If I were a demon, wouldn't I have attacked you directly by now? I need to get out of this cloak. 


Grace stopped humming and ran after Starry for protection.

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@@Rainbow Dash,

Starry saw one stepping away and said as she sprouted a dark red crystal behind the pony and as her fur slightly darkened, "Where do you think you're going?" She turned to the crowd and added as she headed towards a building and as the other crystals sank back in the ground, "I don't care what you all think. If I were a demon, wouldn't I have attacked you directly by now? I need to get out of this cloak.


Grace stopped humming and ran after Starry for protection.

Dakota stops as a strange rock sprouted from the ground behind him. His heart drops as he can only imagine what these congregation of strangers could do. One of them looked far away from home. The other was just humming a second ago. The others were staring down the crowd with eyes full of passion.

"Excuse me? You can't be talking to me. I am just a humble Pegasi that's just going to go somewhere else." He replies.

Dakota wonders to himself if acting a bit more brash was a good idea. Half of these creatures could probably wipe him out in one shot, the others looked semi-harmless.


While this was going on, the world was blind to what was now being set in motion. A dark figure walks down the tattered ruins of a destroyed house near the Dragon Badlands.

"I'm sorry, sire. I could not recruit any pony for our cause. Trouble arose in Canterlot and I had to retreat, lest my cover be blown." The figure replies.

"No matter, that odd group of ponies and their ancient friend will be good enough. Imagine, getting ancient ponies on our side! I will have unlimited power. Even better, let's clone the thing and make an army of it!" A new and deep voice spoke. It's speech was littered with a foreign accent. The accent made its speech different from the ponies.

"Soon enough we will have enough power to rule for eons!"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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