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private College Love (private with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Kitty giggles as she felt Derek pull her into his embrace and kiss her cheek. She purrs while returning the kiss and snuggles in the embrace. "Thank you, darling, but to be honest, my plan is just an addition towards your plan. I think this'll be a funny last prank for your dorm room."


Gabby nods in understanding while returning the nuzzle. "Hey, it's okay, Stella. This will never hurt your big brother. It'll leave him momentarily confused and slightly mad, but don't we all get angry when someone pulls a prank on us? He'll get over it and appreciate the good sportsmanship. Besides, it could be worse. We could have taped his bed to the ceiling. Now that would be a crazy type of prank, if you ask me." She giggles, but frowns and nods once again. "I'm not entirely sure, sweetie. However, I think we've caught them asleep in each others embrace. Not once did I see Jenny thrashing about in her sleep. Usually most of the time she wakes up screaming from her night terrors. I think Zeke has a good idea on what's going on, but I have hope that they'll be just fine. I believe in their love and know that their love will remain strong."


Xavier smiles softly and nods. "I think those are really great dreams, Aaron. I think you'll be able to accomplish them in due time. Anyway, that's the end of my three questions. It was truly an honor to meet you. I hope to hear from you again sometime." He gets up from his seat and takes Aaron's hand in his own. He gently kisses the top of his hand, before walking over to the back of the stage.


Lou smiles and chuckles at the display. He nods before turning his head to look at Zeke and Jenny. "Well that's all the guys, Zeke. It's time to bring this game show to a close. What do you think, old friend." 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek smiles and nods as he begins to collect all of the Monster energy drinks from the fridge and cupboards, even searching the secret hiding places that Devin didn't think that he knew about. "Alright, that's about all there is, the rest is up to you love, I think the Dean should be awake still" he says as he stretches and looks around the room and smiles before leading the girls out of the door. He locks the door behind him and leaves the key in the mail box. "Well, it's certainly be fun girls, but Miss Kittyanna and I have a couch to snuggle on calling our names right now"


Stella giggles and nods as she is lead out of the dorm room with the others by Derek "This is going to be fun, and you're right Gabby, Zeke is a capable man and will be able to help her with her night terrors" she says with a soft smile.


Aaron nods but then as he hears what Lou says, he tilts his head with one ear folded "Game show? W-what d-do you mean?" he asks


Zeke nods and chuckles "Well Aaron, son, you see, Derek had set up a little game where you would meet three of the skate crew members who have massive crushes on you,those being Xavier, Alex and Daveth.So how about it, which one will you choose?"


Aaron looks around "I w-was b-being s-set up?" he stutters then looks to the three furs, they were all cute as they could be, but he had to choose one, and only one. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty helps out by finding any Monster energy drinks that she could find. Once all the energy drinks were collected, the group started to exit the dorm room. She smiles and nods at Derek's remark. "I think you're right, sweetheart. I'll go and check right now. The Dean's office isn't that far from here. I'll be back in just a little bit." With that, Kitty starts to make her way across the campus towards the Dean's office.


Gabby smiles and waves, as Kitty walks off. "Good luck, Miss Kittyanna! Hope the chat goes well!" She exclaims, as she smiles and nods at Stella. "This is definitely going to be a lot of fun. Plus, I know Zeke will be okay with taking care of Jenny. If we are still worried, I would say we call Jenny tomorrow. This way, we can make sure she didn't a night terror and that Zeke made sure she was safe."


Jenny giggles slightly at the confused look on Aaron's face. "G-Good luck, Aaron. N-No pressure, or anything. D-Do your best!" She cheers as Daniel nods apologetically. "We're really sorry about this, son. Derek and Tara thought it would be nice for you to have a special someone. They asked me about this idea and your mother and I thought it would be okay. We should have asked you, but then it would have ruined the surprise of the game show. We love you son and your mother and I are proud of you, no matter what."


Xavier, Daveth and Alex look at each other and nod while turning to Aaron. "Hey, Aaron. It doesn't matter who you choose, okay? We all agreed that no matter who you choose, we all still want to be your friend. You are an awesome individual and we all love you. So if you choose one, then listen to your heart." Daveth said while the other two nod in agreement.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek smiles and waves goodbye to Stella and Gabby then goes back to his car to wait for Kitty to return.As he awaits, he looks around the campus, "Won't lie" he says as he notices Kitty return "Not going to miss the loud noises and bright lights at night time, I'll hopefully get some better sleep now" he says, nuzzling her lovingly and getting into the  car "ready to set off home love?" he asks softly


Aaron eeps Why do they all have to be so cute!? he thinks to himself and looks at the three furs, he then smiles "I choose Xavier, also I look forward to being friends with Daveth and Alex as well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gabby smiles and waves back to Derek. She and Stella then proceed to head on back to Gabby's room to rest for the night. Kitty soon returns with a smile on her face. She purrs softly as she returns the nuzzle. "I'm glad to know you'll be able to sleep better, sweetheart. I also have some good news. The dean was up surprisingly. I ran the idea to them and they said they are all for it. They'll make sure that Devin is not allowed to take any energy drinks tomorrow. The prank is in place and ready to begin." She giggles and hugs him close. She then nods as she begins to get into the car. "I sure am, my love. It's finally time to go home. To our home, Derek."


Daveth and Alex looked disappointed, but couldn't help smiling and Aaron. "We're glad to be your friend, Aaron. I hope we see you around sometime." Alex says before he and Daveth walked into the crowd. Xavier smiles, as he skips over to Aaron and pulls him into a hug. "I-I'm so happy you chose me, Aaron. I promise to be the best special someone I can be." He giggles while jumping up and down in place. He then looks away slightly while shuffling his feet around. "W-Would it be okay...if I, uh...give you a kiss?" 

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Gabby smiles and waves back to Derek. She and Stella then proceed to head on back to Gabby's room to rest for the night. Kitty soon returns with a smile on her face. She purrs softly as she returns the nuzzle. "I'm glad to know you'll be able to sleep better, sweetheart. I also have some good news. The dean was up surprisingly. I ran the idea to them and they said they are all for it. They'll make sure that Devin is not allowed to take any energy drinks tomorrow. The prank is in place and ready to begin." She giggles and hugs him close. She then nods as she begins to get into the car. "I sure am, my love. It's finally time to go home. To our home, Derek."


Daveth and Alex looked disappointed, but couldn't help smiling and Aaron. "We're glad to be your friend, Aaron. I hope we see you around sometime." Alex says before he and Daveth walked into the crowd. Xavier smiles, as he skips over to Aaron and pulls him into a hug. "I-I'm so happy you chose me, Aaron. I promise to be the best special someone I can be." He giggles while jumping up and down in place. He then looks away slightly while shuffling his feet around. "W-Would it be okay...if I, uh...give you a kiss?"

Derek nods and drives off "Good to hear love, today's been one surprise after another." He says as he looks at her and kisses her cheek softly at a set of traffic lights. "I'm honestly so tired that I think I might just go straight to bed, after my shower of course"


Aaron waves to them before he looks at his boyfriend "I promise to be the best boyfriend I can be too, and uhm..sure"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty smiles and nods as they drove off toward her house. She purrs from him kissing her cheek. "Today has been a roller coaster of emotions today, sweetheart. I'm glad everything worked out in the end. You and I are getting married, you and Tara have parents and everyone is with someone they love. I think that sounds like a good idea, Derek. I honestly feel so drained after attending that party. It might be an easy day for my gym class tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. I also might take a shower in the morning. I might pass out once I land in my bed." She giggles softly and leans back in her seat to enjoy the ride home.


Xavier laughs and nods. "That's all I ask from you, Aaron. I'm new when it comes to relationships, but I'll do the very best that I can." He slowly walks up to Aaron and places his hands on his shoulders. He slowly leans in and places his lips on Aaron's. As they continue to kiss, Xavier wraps his arms around Aaron's neck to deepen the kiss. After a few moments, he breaks away from the kiss and shyly looks at Aaron. "W-Wow. T-That kiss was...a-amazing." He chuckles while sheepishly rubbing a hand through his hair. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek nods and smiles once they arrive at their house and he parks their car in the long driveway "It's going to take time getting used to living here" he says with a smile and as he picks up the rest of his bags, he looks through his planner "Oh, what do you know, I have the entire day off anyway, gives me time to walk around and get used to the surroundings, plus you can take the car as well" he says, kissing her and shifting his bag to his other shoulder and picking up the bag of energy drinks.


Aaron blushes "I-it was a-and it was my first kiss too" he says, blushing even deeper before taking Xavier's little paw "Lets go get some snacks and watch the others skate" he says, dragging the bunny off towards the snack table.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty smiles as they soon arrive at her home. She unbuckles her seat belt and steps out of the car. "I'm sure you'll get used to being here with me, honey. Maybe I can give you a grand tour of the house. I'll have to do that after classes have ended, however." She returns the kiss and walks up to the door. She pulls her keys out of her pocket and unlocks the door. She steps back and lets Derek into the house first because of all the belongings he had. "It's a shame that you won't be having classes tomorrow. You will be missing the prank of all pranks. Hopefully someone can record the prank happening and save the footage for you." She giggles at the potential thought.


Xavier smiles softly and blushes, as he felt Aaron take his paw with his own. He so desperately wanted to jump around in joy, but decided against it. He leans his head on Aaron's shoulder and wraps his arms around Aaron's arm. "That sounds good, Aaron. T-That was your first kiss? Well to tell you the truth, that was my first kiss as well." He leans up and licks Aaron's nose, before placing his head back on his boyfriend's shoulder. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles and flops onto the bed "Mmm, I'm sure one of the girls will film it for us, maybe even Tara would' he says as he then begins to get undressed "You wouldn't mind if i have a shower and then sleep in my boxers, would you love? It's been kind of a hot and tiring day" he says as he winks at her, grabs a clean pair of boxers and looks around "Uhm...gorgeous, where's the shower?" he asks with a slight blush.


Aaron blushes and nods then wiggles his nose cutely, nomming on the snakcs he and Xavier had gotten from the table, he then holds up a treat to Xavier's cute little bunny mouth "Open wide" he giggles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty giggles as she watches Derek flops onto the couch. She lays down next to him and nuzzles him, while purring happily. "I don't think Tara would film this. I want to surprise her about this ingenious prank. I have a feeling the girls will record the moment. Hopefully they will have a camera or their phone on standby for when it happens." She raises her arm and points out the door. "The bathroom is down the hall and second door on the left. Also, I-I'm completely okay with you sleeping like that. It wasn't that bad out today, but it got a little hotter in the afternoon." She blushes as she shyly smiles at him.


Xavier smiles and begins to eat the treats that he and Aaron got. The sat near the snack table in case they were still hungry. Xavier looks to Aaron and blushes at him holding a treat for him. "Ahhh..." He opens his bunny mouth and awaits the impending snack.


Daniel smiles at the interaction between Xavier and his son. He wraps an arm around his wife's shoulder and holds her close. "Isn't that just adorable, sweetie? They look so happy together. I can only hope for many more good days like this one. Should we start to leave soon, honey? It's starting to get a little late." He says while looking at the time on his wrist watch.

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@@Dynamo Pad


"Thanks beautiful" he said as he makes his way to the bathroom.


-About five minutes later-


Derek comes out, rubbing himself down with a towel, dressed in nothing but his boxers. He wasn't all that muscled or well toned, but he did have a good physique from keeping fit and healthy. He smiles as he then lays down in the bed "Mm so darling, are you going to return the favor? Or...do you have something...special for our first night as a engaged couple?" he chuckles and puts his hands under his head for support.


Aaron smiles and nods as he gives Xavier the treat and smiles at his parents


Gracie smiles nuzzles him "Rather adorable indeed"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"You're welcome, sweetheart. I'll see you in just a little bit." She says as she lays down on the bed to relax. She looks up towards the ceiling and smiles. 'Today has been such a great day. I can only imagine things getting better from here.'


-About five minutes later-


Kitty's ears perk as she heard the bedroom door being opened. She sits up and blushes at Derek's appearance. She drools slightly at the sight of his physique for his skating career. She watches as he lays down on the bed and stares up to her. "Well...I suppose you have a point, my love." She says as she begins to get undressed. She then appears to Derek in her bra and underwear. She blushes heavily while looking slightly away from her fiance. She began to shuffle her feet while swishing her tail. "D-Do I look okay, D-Derek?"


Xavier giggles while holding up a treat of his own. He then presents it to Aaron. "It's your turn, boo. Say aaaah, Aaron."


Daniel nods and returns the nuzzle. Maybe we should invite Xavier over sometime. It'll be nice to get to know our son's boyfriend a little more." He says before cupping his hands over his mouth. "Hey, son? It's time for us to go. We got an early shift tomorrow. I don't want you falling asleep on me now."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek slowly opens his eyes and as soon as he does, the immediately widen and he had to stop himself from drooling "Oh my lord...Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that you'd be even more beautiful than I thought possible" he says and gets up, quickly pulling her into a tight embrace, kissing her deeply before gently laying her on the bed and climbing on top of her... 


Aaron giggles and opens his mouth, but then hears his father's words "Yes father, coming" he says before hugging and kissing Xavier "see you around Xavy, maybe come see me at work tomorrow?" he asks, kissing his cheek once more before skipping off to go home with his parents. 


-A while later-


Derek lay next to his fiance and sighs softly "I just c-can't b-believe we just d-did what we did" he says, panting softly, rolling over to wrap his arms around her and kissing her "I mean, don't get me wrong, it was absolutely amazing but...wow, I hope I didn't hurt you darling, you kind of squeaked and mewed a fair few times..though if I'm to be honest, those squeaks and mews were just so damned adorable!" he exclaims, climbing ontop of her again, kissing her once more "Round two?"


-A month later-


Derek and Kittyana had been together for a month now, and in all honesty, Derek couldn't be happier. On a very sunny Saturday morning, he opens his eyes to see that his fiance was not in the bed with him, but he was hearing noises coming from the bathroom, so he gets up and walks into the bathroom. Seeing Kittyanna throwing up in the basin, he stands behind her and gently holds her hair up for her "Are you alright sweetie, you've been acting...odd lately" he says, gently holding her around her waist and kissing her cheek.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty blushes deeply, but smiles softly at the praise. She gasps in surprise from the sudden kiss, but giggles and returns the kiss. She nuzzles him and purrs happily. "Thank you for the kind words, my love. You've made me the happiest kitty in the world. I'm glad you think I'm beautiful. You're just the most sweetest and most handsome man I've ever known." She says as she feels Derek push her gently on the bed.


Xavier smiles and gives Aaron the treat. He frowns slightly, but smiles once more and nods. "I understand. I think that sounds like a great plan, my love. I have two classes tomorrow, but I'll be sure to visit." He says while hugging and kissing Aaron in return. He waves as Aaron leaves, while blushing at the nickname his boyfriend gave to him.


-A while later-


Kitty sighs happily, as she purrs while laying next to Derek. "I can't believe it myself either, but it was so beautiful." She smiles as she felt Derek roll over and wrap her in his arms. She shakes her head while nuzzling her face in the crook of his neck. "You didn't hurt me, darling. You were absolutely perfect. I'm glad you think my mews were pretty cute." She returns the kiss, before breaking the kiss and nods. "Of course, my love."


-A month later-


Kitty awakens to a bright and beautiful Saturday morning. She smiles as she thinks back to all that happened in one month. She smiles, but soon gets up quickly and runs to the bathroom. She then proceeds to throw up in the basin. After catching her breath, she feels Derek holding her hair back. She smiles and looks up at him with a thankful look on her face. She purrs softly, as she felt him kiss her cheek. "Thank you love and I'm not sure, to be honest. What do you mean by odd, Derek?"

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles  as he holds his fiance close "Well for starters, those adorable little purrs in your sleep have gotten louder, you're eating a lot more than usual, and what's more my darling fiance.." he says, kissing her lovingly,  "I'm not the only one who has noticed your gorgeous belly has gotten bigger, or any of the other things too darling" he says, gently rubbing a hand on her belly fur. He then nuzzles her lovingly "Come now love, I'll cook you up a feast for breakfast" he says before letting go of their embrace and walking off towards the kitchen.


As he arrives, he begins to dance around the kitchen while preparing the feast, he in truth knew full well why his fiance was acting the way she was, and he couldn't be happier. As he danced around the kitchen, he begun to sing:


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty tilts her head cutely, as she listens the things he listed off to her. She returns the kiss and purrs softly, as she felt Derek rub her belly fur. She nods before following him into the kitchen. "I-I guess all these things you've noticed mean something. D-Do you know what they are, sweetheart. Is something wrong with me? Oh, I hope it's something special." She says while shifting from one mood to the next. She shakes and closes her eyes while sighing. "I'm really sorry, honey. I guess I never really noticed before. Even now, I think I've gone crazy or something. Do you think we should go to a doctor to know what's going on?"


She nods at the suggestion of breakfast. She watches him dance around the kitchen while making breakfast. She giggles at the way he was acting, but couldn't help the smile that was adorning her face. Her ears perked as she heard a song escape from his lips. She smirks as she glances at him. "Really now, Derek? That's Pokemon you're singing, right? I never would have thought you would still be into that show. I remember you collecting cards when you were little. I seem to recall you even had a game here and there." She says while closing her eyes, as she remembered the good old days.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles and hugs her before swinging her around "You honestly don't know sweetheart? You're a female and you're older than me, yet you don't know when..." he hugs her closely and kisses her, rubbing her belly fur once more "when you're pregnant?" he asks with a smile and kisses her again before going off to finish cooking her the feast of a breakfast. He then laughs "It's a good show, well for the most part, I did grow up watching and reading it, I still have that special foil card you gave me when I was little"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty gasps in surprise, but giggles as she lets Derek spin her around. Her eyes then widened and brimming with tears, as he stopped spinning her around and told her the good news. "I-I can't believe it. I never would have imagined that I would be pregnant. I guess I didn't really notice the signs that much. I thought I wasn't feeling good and tried to wait and see if I would feel better. I guess it makes sense, now that I think about it." She giggles and returns the kiss. She nuzzles Derek as she felt him rub her belly once more. She sits down at the table and starts to wipe her tears away. "I remember now. I think it was that rare holographic ancient text Mew card. I think those were one of a kind and I knew you wanted it. I remember you used to talk to me so much about Pokemon. I got into the show myself a little, but dropped the show after some time. Maybe you and I can watch the show sometime, my love." She smiles brightly from the realization. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek smiles and kisses her before he starts to cook up their breakfast "We're going to be parents can you believe it darling, oh we need to get you an appointment with the doctor so we can have an ultrascan done and see for ourselves" he says, laughing happily as he dishes up the hearty breakfast of sausages, bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, pancakes, fruit salad, ice cream and of course Salmon and Trout, especially for Kittyana "well dig in  my love, I'll make the arrangements"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty returns the kiss once more and nods happily. "I really can't believe this, Derek. We're going to be parents. Oh, I can't wait to see our children. I wonder if it's one child or twins. I think getting an appointment is a good idea. We want to make sure our unborn child is healthy and is okay." She says as a thought had just occurred to her. "I guess this means we'll have to let the others know.  That being your sister, Miss Gabby and Miss Stella, Miss Jenny, Zeke and the other skate crew members. We'll even have to let your mother and father know what's going on as well." Her train of thought was cut short as she saw the giant breakfast placed before her. She almost didn't notice the drool escaping the side of her lips, as she looks at how good the food looked. She nods appreciatively and uses a napkin to wipe the drool away. "On second thought, we'll worry about that more later. Right now, it's time to eat. I'm really hungry. Thank you so much for the breakfast, darling." She began to pile the different combinations of food on her plate. She then combined some of the food and began to eat. She ate heartily, but made sure to chew properly while eating.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek smiles and nods as he too piles up his plates "I'm going to have my hands full with our little ones, this also means you'll have to take maternity leave, and as your future husband and the father of our children, I won't take no for an answer" he says with a smile and kisses her cheek "I'll also put my studies on hold for now, I'm sure the dean and the rest of my teachers will understand" he says and nuzzles her before he begins on his sausages and bacon. He then smiles at her once more "And I hope that it's twins and kittens"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty pouts at his remark, but reluctantly nods. "I guess it can't be helped. I can't be doing anything to strenuous while being pregnant. As a gym teacher, it probably wouldn't be the best idea. I guess I'll have to let the dean know. Afterwards I will take maternity leave in a few months. I can still teach gym class, but I won't join in the class. I'll probably have a guide to show them what needs to be done. That would be okay. Isn't that right, sweetheart?" She giggles and swishes her tail, as she returns the kiss. She frowns slightly at his other piece of news. "You don't have to stop your studies because of me, sweetie. You can keep going to classes, but you might have to leave school early when the time comes. A few months won't be that bad, darling." She smiles at the thought of what their children would look like. "I'm happy if it's human babies, or kitten. I think having twins would be delightful, but we should see what the ultra scan says first."  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles and nods  as he continues to eat "Well, we will see what happens darling." he says and smiles as he feels her tail brush his side and gets out his phone. He kisses her cheek and walks off to make the appointment. He returns about ten minutes later and kisses her cheek "The doctor has an appointment free in the afternoon so I took it up" he says. sitting back down to eat his breakfast. 


how-ever, there was obviously something on his mind and deep in his heart that troubled him, where he could normally eat three or four helpings of a feast like this, he simply pushes his plate away and walks away into the backyard, laying down and closing his eyes, heaving a heavy, long held in sigh.

Edited by Carmine Strider


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty nods as she continues to eat her breakfast. She giggles from the kiss as she watches Derek leave the room. Once he returns, she smiles while swishing her tail, as she heard the good news. "That's sounds good to me, darling. It's the day off for the two of us, so it shouldn't be a problem. We can just relax for a little while and then head out." She started to add another serving onto her plate.


She frowns slightly as she notices him pushing his plate away. She puts her utensils down and got up to follow him. She finds him laying down and could hear him sigh. She sits down next to him, before gently laying her head on his chest. "W-What's wrong, love? You were so happy just a minute ago. Now it looks like your down in the dumps? Was it something I said? Did you not want to have the children with me? P-Please talk to me, honey. I'm right here and I wish to help you." She nuzzles the nape of his neck while taking one of his hands in her paws. 

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