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private Love in the Air

Storm Spark

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Candy hugged him back and smiled "I promise will do everything we can... and I’ll stay safe" after the hug. She heard someone cry out and removed everything from the front door. It blew open with massive force she braced her self. "Good luck will find all 6... i promise" She started to make her way outside the door. She then shouted "I heard somepony are they ok?"

Edited by Midnightive
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Blushing and giving Midnight a quick kiss on the cheek he flew off north with the black cloud following him at a slow pace.

"don't worry! I'll be back in 2 days!"


The tornado stopped.

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Croaks, hearing a faint yelling, replied to it, while banging on the trapdoor, saying, "Down here!"

By now, he guessed his house was already crumbling, leaving the trapdoor alone.

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Candy herd the noise, she ran to it. She tried use her magic to open the trapdoor. She pulled a face and then tried again focusing all the energy into it. She went flying back as the trapdoor became unstuck. She blinked "Are you ok?" She then held out a hoof "i'm Candy"

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As he left Storm Spark took out an ocarina. he played a melody the felt like it was making love to someone's ears. The melody wisked through the town and covered it with a barrier to protect it from the cloud.

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Croaks replied, "No, sorry."

He came to a sudden realization, "This has something to do with the new pony doesn't it?"

As he was helped out of the basement, he then said, "Man, my house. Built it myself, only for it to be destroyed now."

All of a sudden a shield covered Ponyville, protecting it from some of the chaos.

"What's that?!"

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Candy looked up and shrugged "I’m not sure..." She then looked around. "I'll help you re-build your house when we found the elements!" she said. She looked at her blank flank "It could be my special talent" she laughed.

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"Sure, go ahead. I'll just dig up rubble and other things," Croaks said.

He flew over to what used to be the marketplace and started looking for other ponies.

Edited by Pilot (Croaks)
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Croaks moved from pole to pile, finding only a few ponies, none of which he saw today at the art hut.

"Hello?" Croaks shouted, looking for survivors, "Anypony, yell something!"

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"Is that just my new nickname!? 'Spineless'? Is that what I am for wanting to survive!? Riiiiiiight."


"If I lighted all these explosives and you ran away, I guess I would have an excuse to call YOU spineless!"

Edited by evilcorgi
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Croaks heard someone talking and looked back to see a drunken pony. "Hey," Croaks said, "I saw you from the art stand, are there anymore of you?"

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"I was under the impression that I lived in a town full of ponies, but I could be mistaken." Mask said sarcastically




"You all probably think I'm drunk, don't you? I ONLY HAD ONE GLASS!" *hic*




Mask fell to the floor "zzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZ"

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