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open My Little Creepypasta


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Recently, in ponyville, ponies have been disappearing. Even scarier, is that they were apparently kidnapped. Crime is a rare thing in Equestria, even more rare for it to happen 10 times in three weeks. 


To top all that off, before the kidnappings there was reports of strange creatures. Ones that have never been seen in Equestria before


And last of all, a pony named _____ found a scroll that says:

"The time is near, they are awakening. "


It's meaning? It's clear enough by now. There's something out there hunting us... But what in Tartarus is it?




If you've chosen to be hunted by...




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The Rake


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Masky or Hoody


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I'm back now, so continue to RP :D

Edited by Zalgo


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Splinter was walking in ponyvile. Waving to his Friend from the Academy. ''Thanks for the Nintendo 64!'' Said Splinter to his Friend while Carrying a Nintendo 64 in a Black bag. He then went to his dorm to play Super Smash Ponies on it. 3 hours later Splinter was bored. He got tired of Beating Level 9 CPU's. He then started to Search for more N64 Games. He found Goldeneye, Ponymon Stadium, F Zero, And two more Controllers for 2$. As Splinter carrying the Giant Bag of N64 Games and gear he had found,he noticed a old Stallion having a Garage Sale. Splinter was Curious, So he walked up to the old Stallion. ''Hello. Do you have any Old Video Games?'' Said Splinter as ready to hear the Old Stallion ask what a Video Game was. ''As a matter of fact. I do! I'll be back a a jiffy!'' Said the Old Stallion as walking into his Dorm. Splinter took the Time to look at the other things the Old Stallion had. There were very Uncomfortable Paintings. ''No wonder no one is here.'' Said Splinter to himself as Looking at the Strange Paintings. Then the old stallion Came back. Giving Splinter a Crooked Smile and Had a ''Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask'' Cartridge. Splinter Inspected the game Carefully. ''How much do you want for it?'' Asked Splinter as looking at the Cartridge. ''You can take it for free.'' Said the old man as Flashing another Smile. Splinter Took the Cartridge out of the Old Stallions hoof. Then Splinter shook the Old Stallion's Hoof. ''Goodbye.'' Said Splinter as proceeding to walk back to his dorm. The Old Stallion just flashed another Smile at Splinter as he walked off.


((How Good was my First Post?))

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Midnight was startled from his book, hearing something shattering, he frowned and got off his bed, making his way downstairs he could hear some rustleing down in his kitchen.

midnight frowned and slowly made his way inside, only to see nothing, nothing except his destroyed kitchen, and his broken window.

he frowned, and looked out his window, he could see something in the shadows, running away, but it looked back and as it did, it locked eyes with midnight, its read eyes creeped him out......alot,

as it dissappeared midnights jaw hung open "that, is the scariest, bucking thing, i have ever seen in my entire life."

Edited by Midnight Moon
  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Night Wing walked around the out skirts of Pony Ville when he saw sudden movement in the air.

"what the buck?" he said and looked around, but found nothing.


He continued to walk, then started to whistle a familiar tune.


Movement again.

This time when he looked, he saw what was moving around; a crow.

"oh no..."

He looked behind him. Another crow.

He looked to his right. Another.

The crows formed a triangle around him.


"Oh buck no..." He mumbled, then started running as fast as his hooves could carry him.


You see, all his life, everywhere he goes, Night Wing sees three crows. They either form a triangle around him or a line.

He doesn't know why they do this.

And he doesn't want to find out.


After 20 minutes of running, there was no crows to be seen.

Night Wing collapsed on the ground. All that running had made him very tired.

"Oh Celestia, why do I keep making such a big deal about those damn crows. I'm not a bucking kid any more. It's not like they're going to attack me, right?" Night Wing said out loud.


After 5 more minutes of pondering about random things, Night Wing looked at his surroundings. He was in a dense forest, in front of an old building.

"Great. Just great. How the hay did I manage to get myself in this mess"

He paced for a moment.

"wait... I have wings." he says, then face hoofs.

Before taking off, he looks into the window of the old house.

"what the buck...?" His eyes widen as he sees a pale white face in the window, smiling at him.

"aaaaaaaand.... IM GETTING THE BUCK OUT OF HERE!!!!" he says, then takes off into the air.


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Shadow always enjoyed his daily walk through the Everfree Forest, even though other ponies told him it was dangerous he didn't care. It always helped give him inspiration for his poetry, and he found the forest to have a calming affect on him. Even with the dissapearences lately he didn't see anything dangerous just in taking a quick trek into the forest. He followed the barely visible path worn into the forest floor, flowers surrounded the path on both sides giving way to thicker trees which hung branches just over his head. There was no wind in the forest, which was normal, but something did seem off. Everything was too quiet, no birds or small animals moving around, not even the insects were making any noise. Also, the forest felt much darker than normal, as though it were much later in the day than it should have been.


He keeps walking trying to keep his mind of the disconcerting feeling forming at the back of his brain, urging him to turn around and go home. He had not yet missed one day of walking in the forest, and he wouldn't let a little quiet and darkness deter him. He continues down the dirt path...

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Pencil Doodle was doing his usual daily routine; walking the streets of Ponyville, looking for any crime to clear up.

As you see, Pencil doesn't have a house of any kind, he lives on the street to prevent Celestia's forces from tracking him down. Ever since that where he... he still doesn't like discussing the awful things he did... but ever since that night, his life has just been running and tracking. Running from soldiers, Tracking his enemies. Even if he had no current enemies; he'd look, and sometimes even make them. But nothing could prepare him for what would happen next...


It was a cloudy day in Ponyville; most ponies were indoors, watching TV. But not Pencil, he was still, and always has been wondering the streets. He was looking around, when suddenly; he noticed a small gathering of scared looking ponies.

"This looks suspicious" Pencil thought to himself as he wrestled his way into the crowd. As he got further and further in, Pencil could finally make out what all the commotion was about; the mayor was giving some sort of speech.

"Don't panic everypony, there's no evidence that this was a forced effort just yet" The mayor shouted, trying to calm her citizens

"Forced effort, what are you talking about? Some sort of crime?" Pencil mumbled to himself, trying not to seem rude

"We are aware of the missing ponies, and we have set out to find them; but there is no need to worry about your own safety at this point in time"

Pencil was getting more and more puzzled by the second. Missing ponies? No one ever goes missing, crime is a rare thing in Equestria, rarer then natural disasters.

Pencil sets off, trying to find more information on the subject. Then he comes across the local newspaper stand; "That could help" Pencil says aloud as he walks over to get a good look at the front cover.

"Family of 3 disappear" It reads in huge, black font. The rest of the writing is small and boring, but in the middle of the page, there is an image of the three missing ponies. Amusing that that's the last image taken of them, Pencil stares into the image; observing the unfortunate mares. When suddenly, a little figure within the image catches the corner of Pencils eye. He slowly moves his eye over it to make the image out, when he manages to make out all the details. Still starring at it, Pencil finally makes out what this figure looks like; Someone in a black suit with some kind of white flesh. But the scary thing is, it isn't a pony...

  • Brohoof 1



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Pinstrype was walking through Ponyville, carrying a box of cupcakes. The moon was glimmering in his face. He had to deliver the box to Pinkie, who was having a huge party at Sugarcube Corner the next day. "Dammit, why do I have to deliver..." Pinstrype panted to himself, "...these cupcakes... at the middle of the night!" He finally collapsed, groaning. Just then, he heard a slight tap from behind. Looking back, he saw a crow. Another tap. A crow was in front of him. A final tap. Another crow was to his side. With Pinstrype's heart racing (partly from the box, mostly from the crows), he got up and ran away, as fast as he could.


He finally arrived to Sugarcube Corner, the lights still on. He knocked on the door. "Pinkie!" Pinstrype called. "I got the cupcakes. You want me to just leave it on the..." the lights suddenly shut off.


"Um... I guess I'll just leave it on the doorstep," Pinstrype said. He started back to his home when he heard a piercing scream, making him jump. It sounded like it came from Sugarcube Corner. Sweat dripping from his face, he turned back around. He could just make out a pale face staring out from the window. "Wait, what is... oh no... OH BUCK!" Pinstrype ran off as fast as he could.

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Yawning and opening her eyes SkittleBloom lazily made her way to the living room, dragging her hoofs over to the computer. She flapped her wings a couple times to get over to the large computer sitting on a tall desk against the wall. She hovered up into the chair and let loose another over exaggerated yawn before pulling up her email account, EpicBloom@ponymail.com. She noticed a couple new messages, some from friends and others from random people that had pried their way into her daily life. Bloom never really used the internet, but for some reason she had an unexplainable feeling to get on this morning. Her eyes were drawn to one message in particular, one from a pony she had never met before. The strange invoice was titled, 'Smile smile smile' and from someone with a bunch of odd numbers in their name.


Bloom clicked it, not having the slightest idea what she was getting herself into.


As the message was read aloud in only a whisper by the confused mare, she felt shivers run up her spine. She knew not why, but she pressed onwards. Watching with a slight sense of dread as an eerie smiling dog covered her entire screen.


She recoiled, screeching and falling off her chair. She crawled towards the door and flew out as quickly as she could, in the midst of the morning fog she couldn't see behind her. But a lingering feeling of fright hung thin in her mind.


'What was that...?'


She questioned in her mind, her thoughts looming on the worst possible outcomes. She thought she heard something behind her, but she couldn't be sure....

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Comet trudged through the woods, holding his camera. He turned it in different directions to take in his surroundings. It was a beautiful night, and it seemed like nothing bad could happen. Suddenly, something rustled in the bushes behind him, and he whipped around, camera aimed at whatever it was. For a second, he thought he had been imagining things. Just the wind or something. he thought, sighing with relief. No need to- Then it emerged from it's hiding spot, and Comet wished it hadn't.


It was short and somewhat lanky looking, with claws shaped almost like rakes. It's head cocked to the side as it studied him closely. A grin formed over it's monstrous face, and Comet felt a sense of fear wash over him. "W- what in Celestia's name are you?!" he asked it in horror, not really expecting an answer. The creature made a bizarre sound in response, creeping closer and closer. It made the sound again as it raised it's claws. Comet's camera started distorting, and he noticed an ominous, more taller shadow looming in the darkness the thing had come out of.


He made up his mind, then. He didn't know what these things were, but he didn't plan on sticking around to find out.


The monster lowered itself into a crouching position, getting ready to spring. At the same time Comet turned around and prepared to fly away, he heard it leap at him. He managed to get away just in time, feeling one of it's claws swipe the air behind his left wing. He took off into the air, flying to a safe distance above the forest. Checking his camera, Comet noticed the distortion had stopped. He turned in Ponyville's direction and began flying.


Without warning, he started feeling dizzy and light headed. Turning his head back around to look at his left wing, he saw a gash in it. Not a deep one, but still painful nonetheless. "Oh buck, this is not good."he swore to himself. As he said this, he felt his wing slowly but surely giving out. He started lowering himself to the ground, feeling his blood trickling out of the wound. There was a house nearby, he realized. Maybe they could help him.


Just as he was a foot or two off the ground, he collapsed. Working on sheer determination now, he crawled to the door with what little strength he had left. He raised his hoof and hit the doorbell before passing out. As darkness came over him, he realized that the noise the creature from before had been repeating was actually a word.


Habit. It was saying "Habit".


- - - - - - -


Red heard the doorbell almost instantly and jumped out of her bed. Mommy and Daddy weren't supposed to be home for another hour or two, and she couldn't imagine anypony that normally came at this time. She trotted down the stairs and to the door eagerly to greet whoever it was. Then she stopped and remembered all of the missing ponies lately. What if that's whatever's kidnapping ponies? she worried. I could be letting him in!


She nervously went to the window to check the door. To her suprise, it was a pegasus. He looked like he was hurt, and Red couldn't turn away somepony that was hurt. Going back to the door, she opened it to get a better look at him. "Hello?" she asked him. When he didn't respond, Red realized he was unconscious. She managed to drag him inside and shut the door. "You shouldn't be out here at this time of night." she mused to the pegasus, seeing that his wing was wounded. She went into the bathroom and got some bandages, coming back and applying them on the wound. Good thing my daddy's a doctor. she thought with relief. Otherwise I wouldn't know what to do here.


Her job done for now, she carried him up to the guest room and placed him on one of the beds. He's really heavy, she noted. I hope he's not dead.


As she placed his camera on the table next to the bed, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She quickly turned to face it, but it was gone by the time she fully faced the window. She growled in frustration, peering outside. Whatever it was, it had been stalking her for a while now. She wondered what would happen if she finally met it.

Edited by Deshi Bashara
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- Fifield, Prometheus

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((OOC: Some of us should head to pony ville and say what's happened to us))


After flying for an hour, Night Wing finally could see pony ville.

He dove down, then started running trough the streets to tell the mayor what happened.


Maybe the figure he saw was one of the kidnappers? It did fit one of the descriptions...


Night Wing arrived at the location of the mayor and told her about what happened to him.

When he was done, she told him to describe the thing he had seen in the woods to the police.


Night Wing nodded then ran off.


  On 2012-05-19 at 9:45 PM, 'Just Derpin'' said:


At this point, you will start having the seizure. It will seem as though smile.dog is following you, or in front of you.


((on my way to the police station, I'm going to pass by you and notice something is wrong.))


  On 2012-05-12 at 8:43 PM, 'Calirolls' said:


((You can go back to your dorm, and start to play the cartridge))


  On 2012-05-13 at 5:52 PM, 'Nevermore' said:


Only 30 feet behind you, he's watching. You feel a sudden, unnatural fear wash over you. Edited by Zalgo


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Bloom noticed something... Following her... She slowly began to trot away, trying to avoid the smiling figure behind her. She swore she could hear it's talonous claws clicking along the pathway. Go away! She cried aloud, quickly hushing herself as she increased in speed. The dog only began to grow faster with her though, keeping about 3 feet away at all times. It's tail swayed casually, though it's zoned out eyes were focused only on her. Bloom started to panic and ran all the way back to her home, but not before stopping by SugarCube Corner. She had a feeling something... Eventful would happen there. She looked around a little bit, but when she looked ahead of her again the smile.dog was there to greet her. She turned to bolt away but then...

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Comet groaned quietly, his vision slowly fading into focus. When he could properly see again, a tiny green pony with a silver mane was standing next to the bed he was in. She wore a red cloak with a little hood on it. "Hiya!" she greeted him, eyes staring at him curiously. "My name's Red. What's yours?"


Comet groaned once more before managing to speak. "My- my name's Comet. And thanks for answering the doorbell there, you probably saved my life." he responded. Carefully sitting up, he felt bandages on his wing where the gash had been. He briefly feared that he had lost his camera, and was relieved to see it on a nearby table.


"You're welcome. My parents said I should always help injured ponies that come to the door, so that's what I did!" she explained proudly. "What happened to you, anyway?"


Comet paused for a moment, trying to piece together what happened. "There was some sort of monster out there, maybe two of them. They didn't look like anything I've ever seen before." he recounted, frowning to himself. "One of them got me on the wing, and, well...here I am. I'm lucky I had the sense to-" he stopped. "Did you hear that?"


"Hear what?"


"That buzzing noise. I could've sworn it..." Comet muttered, looking out of the window. "Look, I need to go right now. As long as I'm here, I could be putting you in danger from those things."


Red patted his shoulder in assurance. "Don't worry, they won't get in here. If you don't want to go to Ponyville alone, though, I'll come with you. My daddy's working at the hospital down there, I think."


Comet blinked. "Are you sure? I don't think you should...well, if you insist. But stay close to me. I'm not your brother, but I wouldn't feel good about myself if one of them dragged you off while I was there."


"Gotcha. Let me just get some things, and we'll be off!" Red winked at him, scampering out of the door and into her room. Comet got out of bed, picked up his camera, and followed her.



- Fifield, Prometheus

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