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Naruto Shippuden: Wrath of the Moon Goddess


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"Long ago, before the first shinobi war or the era of warring clans, an ancient tree that reached into the heavens and with roots that reached deep into the Earth, brought to bear a single fruit, one that held great power. In an attempt to stop a war that was ravaging the land she ruled, a noble woman ate the fruit and became the first to use what we now know today as chakra, eventually passing it down to her two sons. There is a well known saying, however; power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That was no different for the woman. Having felt like her power had been stolen from her with the birth of her sons, she began to sacrifce humans in an attempt to have the tree bear another fruit and eventually went as far as to fuse with the tree, creating a monster of untold power with the sole purpose of destruction. The sons, however, knew that they could not allow such a thing and fought their mother. In the end, the beast was sealed into a pocket dimension, the moon we see in the sky today acting as the barriier to ours, while the two sons spread their near infinite amount of chakra across the world. Over the course of the remaining years of their life, they taught humans how to harness the power of chakra and paved the way for the wirld we live in today."

~Excerpt from Myths of the Shinobi world


Kyubi sighed as she closed the book she had been reading for the past hour and stood. The girl had been sitting on a park bench for most of the morning and had nothing to do for the day, "Who would've thought that becoming a chunin would free up so much time." She thought to herself. "I'm sure something will come up eventually, though." She eventually found herself within one of the many markets within Konoha and decided to browse whatever she could. 

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The chatter of the horde became whispers…

Something akin to it at least. Everyone knew the procedure when the rabbit ears had become present in any of the great nation’s villages. Kohonagakure was no exception from that rule as they followed the unspoken word as if by religion, marveling at the figure who had walked down the streets. Bodies would motion to the sides of the streets as if waves parting, and the small child’s eyes were covered and motioned away in mid-stride. The parents would make sure that they were not in the meeting path of the rabbits whenever they would come, even if it was just a single one.

Still, the day was lovely, even with hostility.

So, it did not affect the single rabbit that went down the street. His violet hair cascading upon the beautiful woven kimono. The embroidery was glistening in the light as the sleek obsidian pattern ran along the edges as trim, and patterned to be what seemed like the paw of a rabbit upon his back that seemed broad. However, the form of the figure seemed so delicate as his pale face had brandished a warm smile that made the heart-shaped marking on his right cheek stretch ever so slightly. However, his most captivating feature, his hazy faded eyes, had life in them even though they saw nothing but pure darkness.

Even still, he seemed capable, more so to even wander into the nearby market place that he desired.

“That aroma was here…” his gentle voice projecting the innocent, curious thought. He had walked, lightly, stopping in his trail right behind the female, Kyubi. “There you are!”

He called out with his gentle feminine tone of voice. They clearly was around the same height, unless she would take notice to the standing rabbit-like ears on his head that seemed to twitch as he stood there behind the shinobi. His hands were concealed in the large sleeves of his robe, but he dangerously revealed his gentle demeanor as his relaxed shoulders and charming smile remained upon his face. It was not purposeful, but rather a clan trait if anything as the rabbits were known to have been quite beautiful.

“Eww! Already she’s claiming one!”

“In such a public place? Those rascals have no shame!”

“Well HE needs to go back to his hole with the rest of ‘em!”

“Wait! They CAN be male?!”

It was enough to get gawking eyes and vile whispers.

His ears twitched, hearing each one, but he seemed to ignore them. They were as clear as day to anyone, even if the rabbit had used the active ears upon the top of his head or not. However, that would not keep him from his goal as the figure had broken the bridge that was his hands across his body from under his sleeves and gesturing with one of the limply hanging clothes like a hand to the female in his general direction before him. “Those fruits behind you, ma’am.” he continued, “I-I desire it you see, but I can wait until you are done browsing. It is not all that important.”

It seemed the only thing that stood between the rabbit-like figure in the market and a bin of assorted exotic fruits was Kyubi. True to his word, with a smile, he stood there awaiting patiently for herself to be done browsing.


OOC Notes: Since no one else posted, I will do so myself.

Now Listening To: Nothing at the moment.

Edited by Divine_Heart


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Blitz watched the clouds drift by as he laid in the clearing where he had first met Yuki. It had been years since he had lost his family and the friendship he shared with his kitsune summon, Yuki, seemed to be the only stable thing in his life at the moment. Of course, that probably wouldn't be the case if he opened up to others, but that wasn't important. How no one had discovered that he had a summon animal, let alone a kitsune, amazed him, but he didn't question it. He was lucky to even have her for more than a few reasons.

Speaking of which, the white kitsune was simply enjoying the tranquility of the clearing as she laid next to her summoner. While most summons, meaning those without a summoner, prefered their own plane of existence, she simply came and went between the two worlds as she pleased. Even before she had met Blitz, she would always explore the human world. The excursion that resulted in her meeting the teen shinobi was pretty much the closest she had ever gotten to a hidden vilage and at the time, it was one of her first. That was pretty much the only reason why she didn't reverse-summon herself to escape the cage she wa stuck in. If her summoner hadn't been there, she didn't know what would've happened to her. "So, got any plans for today, or are we just going to continue training?"

The teen gave a light sigh as he trailed a hand through Yuki's fur. "Nah. We've done enough for today." He said, before standing. "Please behave, I should be back shortly." With that, the ninja jumped into the trees and made his way back to the village.

Yuki simply gave a slight huff and smirked. "Do I ever, Blitzy?" She thought, before silently following him.

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Kyubi was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a voice behind her and turned to see Xenneth. Of course, she didn't know his name, but she could tell that he was a few years older than her. His outfit seemed a bit odd, but she wasn't one to judge. "Oh, sorry about that." She said, giving a somewhat sheepish smile as she moved out of the way.

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“No need,” he replied kindly, “I should do better at not interfering with someone’s shopping.”

He said that in a joking manner of course, his misty eyes staring straight as he had taken his time walking to the bin. The steps he made were smooth and with a stride, conveying just how easy going. His smile cool and reassuring, regardless of the whispers. It was not until his ears twitching, noticing Kyubi still in his vicinity that he had become interested in her. After all, not many who seen him or his kin would simply reply so kindly to him and still be around afterwards. 

As he reached to the bin, sorting through the fruit, he had mused with his pressed lips.

“Excuse me, ma’am!~” he sung, “You are a shinobi, yes? I noticed your footsteps.”

Maybe that was where her fearlessness come from? The Rabbit heard so much about the Land of Fire shinobi. He had observed her promptly as if he had eyes on the back of his head. His ears had twitched hearing her breathing, her heartbeat like a symphony that would tell of her details from the length of the hair to the single movement of each toe had she made one. However, the color of her eyes, hair, and the pigments of her outfit was lost to him.

The blackness of the void was always there for comfort.

Regardless of just how morbid his fate was, the rabbit still had a radiant aura. The smile that matched was clear as day as he turned, watching Kyubi and reflecting her image into his hazy irises. He patiently waited for the response of the female, intrigued by her solemn nature. Now, he was only curious to know if she honestly would speak to him in that “disgusted” manner or not.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Kyubi's eyes widened slightly in surprise, before she gave a slight laugh. She could tell that th e man in front of her was obsevent, so lying would be pointless. "Well, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Not bad, considering that I haven't seen you before. My name is Kyubi, by the way. So, are you a shinobi as well?" Her tone held only warmth and a slight hint of curiosity.

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If ignorance was bliss, this young woman was nirvana.                                                              

“No,” his head shook gently. His violet strands of feathery dyed hair remained in place, “Nothing of the sort I am afraid. Though, I heard it is a courageous way of life. Something that eludes me.”

He sounded unhappy even as he smiled. His slow movements a mixture of wonder and melancholy as he reached back once more. Just beyond his reach of the fruit bin was an assortment of vegetables. His right digit tapped the side of the barrel. It only took a single wave of sound for him to identify the difference between a cucumber and a carrot, and so he reached over grabbing the orange veggie…from the mid-center of the barrel where his perception reached.

He pulled it, presenting it along with his strange motif that the young woman probably could have noticed by now. His rabbit ears atop his head that twitched with each puzzling movement from his tapping, then to his sway of his body. His smile brandishing as he held the veggie close to his face.

“I guess you can call my kind ‘entertainment’ miss,” he began, “Or at least, that is what they refer to us as. I am visiting from the Earth Country. My clan is nomadic, so we do not affiliate with villages and their militia system. In other words, I am simply a traveling with my kin.”

Kindly exclaiming, the whispers still polluted the store. His ears could hear every voice speaking of the young rabbit speaking to the young woman. It was common, no matter had it been himself, or his family, the world of shinobi and other worlds alike ran parallel with their opinions on the Usagi Clan. However, it was easy for the young violet haired boy to ignore. 

Even more so now that he was talking to someone who seemed less judgmental and more kindly.


Edited by Divine_Heart


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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As she progressed through the city of Konoha, Yuki stuck to back alleys and shadows so as to not be seen. The last thing she needed was for Blitz to find out about her little excursion. A low growl in her stomach alerted her to the prescence of her hunger and she mentally face palmed. "Knew I should've gotten something to eat. Maybe I can swing by the market for a chicken." She thought.

Blitz sighed as he walked through the small compound that had been his home. His family hadn't been very big before the night of his tenth birthday, at least compared to some of the other families in Konoha, but now it felt like a shell of its former self. The one small hope was that his brother wasn't found among the dead, so there was a chance that he was alive. "I promise, I'll find you and make the bastard who did this pay."

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Kyubi didnt really know how to react to the new information, but simply shrugged. She didn't really seem to care that he was from a entirely different country and his clan was nomadic, so there was probably little chance they were spies. "I'm not much of a fighter, actually. I'm more of a healer." She said. "By the way, I'm not oblivious. I just like the rabbit theme you have going for you, so I did't make a big deal out of it."

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“That’s even better!” he countered, “If people have to fight, I am much happier that someone like you is out there to make sure they are okay.”

The young Usagi smiled warmly as a chuckled escaped his lips. He had heard of Medical Ninja, but not actually seen one in person. The clan was mostly distant from anything entirely cultural from the world of shinobi, until recently, but he digressed. He had the honor of meeting the young woman, and it was enough for him. She was kindly, and so it seemed to also reflect to her role in battle. Hearing this, as well as her disinterest in his motif, he had weakly displayed his joy for her lack of judgment.

For some reason, the expression seemed as if it was pitying her.

“I see. You are too kind, Miss.” he commented, stepping lightly to her side. He twirled the bags in hand, sealing them, as he grown silent for only a moment. “I am Hikari Usagi, a member of the Usagi Clan. I am here tonight working with my family Ms. Kyubi. If you please, come to the local Ramen Shop, tonight? I fear that if you stay here talking to me…” he leaned over with his voice become even gentler than possible.

“You may be mistaken for a promiscuous woman…”

His face did not change, remaining as still as ever. His eyes had a look of shame to them as he spoke to her, as if he felt sorry for whatever destiny this young woman entangled herself within. Still, he was more than happy to have met her, and hoped he could at least see her again one more time. Even if he had said none of this, the feeling from just standing in this market, this village, and meeting at least one person who spoke to him – it was relaxing.

“Goodbye for now, Miss!”

He begun to walk away, heading out the market with a few pieces of shimmering change that he left walking out. He did not care for the change, or even for the fact that he did not get the young woman’s name.

Perhaps it was for the best.


Edited by Divine_Heart


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Yuki gave a sly smile when she noticed a large chicken that had been left unattended and didn't take long to commandeer it in the name of her stomach. Of course, the kitsune had been noticed and now she had to get out of the city with a angry butcher on her tail. "Totally worth it." She thought. Blitz would probably pay for the meal in secret, so technically it wasn't stealing.

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Kyubi blushed slightly, but was still curious about Xenneth. If anything, she now considered him as a friend. "I guess I'll see you tonight." She thought, before seeing a fox run by with a chicken in its mouth. The ninja was a bit stunned, but figured that it wasn't a concern to her.

In the office of the hokage, a old woman that had seen more than any one should looked over a field report from one of the chuunin teams she had sent out to investigate strange occurences near the western border. From what she could discern, it seemed like animals with a strange chakra were attacking travellers and the had barely escaped eith their lives. "I'll send a few more in the morning. With the other nations looking for the tailed beasts, this could be troublesome." She thought to herself, a few ninjas already coming to mind.


(Timeskip- 6:00 P.M)

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Bitz frowned as he walked through Konoha. He had already paid for the chicken Yuki ate, and was a bit angry with the kitsune at the moment. "I swear, that fox is just destined to get me in trouble." He thought, a slight smile spreading across his lips. He then entered a random ramen shop before opening a book to read.

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It didn't take long for Kyubi to find the ramen shop Xenneth was talking about, and noticed that only a few people were there. "I wonder if he's here yet, or if he'll just find me." She thought to herself as she sat down and ordered a bowl of vegetable ramen. 

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@Acnologia @Drago Ryder

A gentle hand reached before his very eyes, Blitz’s vision would be blinded from the words on the pages.

The hand was not malicious at all, slow and easily, it had moved to touch the cover of the book. His fingers sliding as they reached for the paper in the pages and lifted afterwards to show the cloudy eyes of the violet haired young lad that was standing before him. “My apologies,” he spoke, “I was curious to know what book you were reading. As you can see…words are lost to me, but the sensation of feeling the covers and the heavy ink on the fresh smell of the pages as I move my fingers. It’s soothing!”

He had an innocent smile, but, his bizarre outfit was anything but innocent.

The boy stood back revealing his tight body suit that he was serving in. One could have sworn he was preparing to go train rather than visiting as the suit pressed itself against his upper body. However, this did not tell the same story as the leggings that reached to his ankles and reached to his middle toe. His feet were cushioned by his sandals. However, once again, these conflicted as the final touch of the outfit were the strange rabbit ears. Finally, there was the final feature of the white rabbit ears on top of his head, alive and twitching as they were syphoning in the sounds of the ramen shop as was his cotton-like tail was just sitting there.

“Please,” he noted, “Can I please serve you? Consider it on the house as I have interrupted your reading. What is it that you would like to eat?”

The Ramen Shop seemed to be alit tonight.

The residents of the area were particularly excited. The sounds of the criticism of the bar was still there but they were muffled and smothered by the sound of excitement. Their voices were more enchanted and excited as the area had been filled with females that were dressed similar in the style of Xenneth. Much like him, the females were serving Ramen and what could have been thought as sensory dulling drinks that were most likely not for the youth.

“Umm…do not mind my appearance, please,” he continued as he held out a pamphlet to Blitz. “Surely, you know of my clan. They are putting on their entertainment tonight as they are staying at the village for one day. We do this in all the five great nations in exchange for work, and as you can see, no one attests as we bring in a lot of the profit. Just, please, enjoy yourself and simply call one of us when you decide what to eat. Trust me, we will hear it.”

There was like a hundred heartbeats, but he knew there were many more. If not inside the small shop, they certainly would be within the radius of the area. Hikari could hear them all, along with the whispers of his clan members. Each one of them making him frown a bit, sadly, but he tried to enjoy the night. After all, he was only to be entertainment, and hopefully…that was all.

However, among those voices…

“O-oh! I-it’s her!”

Her voice was like music to his ears that night. Above all the benign compliments and vulgar speech, it was comforting to know that one of few people who looked at him strangely was about. It was comforting. His ears twitched as he could hear whispers of the orders that were coming in and to which table. He closed his cloudy eyes, and opened them as he heard the information he was looking for. Vegetable Ramen? Table twelve?

“I-I will take that one!~”

He wasted no time sweeping by one of the workers in the shop, reaching and taking the tray in a gentle stride as she was coming towards the general direction of the table. He assumed it was her order, smiling innocently as he did not explain himself to his kinsman. He could make out the faint scowl from the sound waves that came over the face of one of the rabbits working with him that night.

“I hope you are not getting involved!” she exclaimed, “Remember why we are here tonight.”

He gave no response, nor even moved a muscle. Shutting down, he waited for her to leave, and then afterwards, continued to the table as he stood before Kyubi. His hand reaching down as he presented her with the bowl of Ramen, but stood right before her wearing his bizarre serving outfit while showing that gentle smile, trademark from the earlier hours he saw her in the market.

“Hello again,” he greeted Kyubi in his warm voice, “F-forgive me if my clan’s cloths are a little…revealing.” he blushed looking towards the young woman.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Insettsu wandered through Konoha, returning home from his training. Everyday in and out he has trained since becoming a chuunin. Today was the same routine as last week, a two hour run in the forest with weights, chakra control and training his eyes as well as the control of the chakra it produces. He felt as if he was close to the second stage, yet as far away as he was at the start. It was as if an invisible barrier in his body blocked the chakra from connecting. no matter how much he studied no book in the clan, to what he had access to could explain it. His thoughts about it spread throughout his whole body as he became almost unaware of his surroundings... Then suddenly, his stomach growled and he smelled a sweet scent from the market district "I'll take some ramen... Shouldn't have myself waiting at home" he thought to himself.

He entered the market of Konoha. He was immediately shocked by the amount of people... At this hour, he would be expecting it at a bar, but not here. He sighed, might be some festival that he forgot today. He was reluctant to stay, as he didn't quite enjoy going to such festivities alone. But, his stomach has other plans. So he went and took a seat in a pretty crowded ramen shop. He ordered some ramen that contained about a fifty-fifty ratio of meat to vegetables. He was a bit cautious of these bunny eared people. They didn't seem like normal workers, mostly because of one of them actually being male... He just found it strange is all, so he decided to filter out a very small margin of chakra into his third eye, so that it opened just slightly slightly. Enough not to be seen, but enough for him to use his vibration sensing. He knew that if something startled him, that is if something outside of the shop happened, the eye would fling open.

Edited by rolle

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Blitz was a bit surprised with Xenneth's sudden appearance and subsequent departure, but only shrugged before looking over the menu. "Might as well get smething to eat while I'm here." He thought to himself. The ninja then gage a slight smile as he placed an order for chicken ramen. Even if the meal was 'on the house', as Xenneth put it, he would still pay for the food.

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Kybui wasn't expecting Xenneth to be the one to bring her order and she felt a light blush form on her cheecks at the sight of his outfit. "It's fine. I- I didn't know you worked here, though." She said, stammering slightly. She was naturally shy, so she didn't know how to react.

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The rabbit smiled kindly towards Kyubi.

“I-it’s a part of the privilege,” Xenneth said pulling out the chair and carefully sitting down. He reached his other hand out, taking a green tea off the tray and sitting it before Kyubi.  He reached rubbing the back of his neck. “Being a ‘rabbit’ has its perks after all. We do more than just go into markets and eat fruits and vegetables. Once again…I-I am really sorry for interrupting your day.”

He was earnest, but the rest of the atmosphere did not have the matching warmth.

Even as the night went on with the jolly men who had their fill of ale and food, but seemed to dull to notice the faces of the rabbits. Their lips moved, their ears twitched, siphoning in whispers that were like cries out in the noisy bar. The violet haired rabbit’s ears twitched as well, but he seemed to retain his composure, eyes staring especially to Kyubi as he genuinely enjoyed their company. He smiled weakly, thinking perhaps he could take his mind off the voices as if they were something in his head.

@Drago Ryder @rolle

Regardless, the area was still filled with a hint of ominousness that was unmistakable. The rabbits that would be serving one customer the next would look off into the distance as if ignoring the busy night. Occasionally, one would take a glance at the local shinobi and pedestrians in the bar and would either narrow their eyes or evade the contact made with the ninja. One could have brushed them off as prude, but the mask change could not be mistaken as they would change their facial expressions quickly to keep the facade of being joyous workers who took orders and fetched trays.

It was only Xenneth who seemed to be genuinely lost in the moment as he smiled to Kyubi and continued their conversation. 

“So, to repay you, I thought it would be best to cook you something to eat and tell you a story, if you’d allow me. I know it must be weird seeing a bunch of rabbits in your village all of the sudden.” he placed his hands upon the table, a sign that he had nothing to hide as far as anyone knew. He liked the atmosphere; the ability to be able to relax and talk to someone was something reinvigorating and was not easily experienced in these times.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Blitz shrugged as Xenneth addressed the room. They made good food, and he wasn't one to judge based off of apperance. So long as they didn't do anything to threaten those he cared about, they were fine in his book. "Wonder how they would react to Yuki." He thought, referring to both Xenneth's clan and the villagers of Konoha in general

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Kyubi smiled slightly and nodded."It's alight. If you didn't, I wouldn't have met you." She said, warmth evident in her tone. She didn't know if he meant the tea to be for her, so she simply let it be. She then watched him address the room and gave a slight nod to his offer for a story.

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As he sat there and waited for his meal he constantly watched the vibrations of the entire shop, even into the cooking area. Any little movement was recorded by his ability, so he filtered through them to see any weird actions. Such as poisoning, sneak injections and other attacks on anyone in the vicinity. Although, he couldn't see much apart from directly in front of the store using this technique. He also shouldn't make hand signs inside of a market. So, this was all he could do. Except listening in via the vibrations, which made him able to get garbled up speeches as there were so many around him at once.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@Acnologia @rolle @Drago Ryder

A story it was! Maybe that was enough to take his mind off of things.

The rabbit sat down, carefully, tugging at the suit so it did not restrain him in all the wrong places. One would say it was nothing more than a training suit with a more elaborate look. Gazing upon the young woman made him nervous, even if he seen nothing but darkness. It was just the feeling that he may have been staring at a young woman or perhaps it was a regular reflex of a male. So, he had shifted his body in the seat, made sure his feet were flat to sense vibrations, and readied himself for a story.

“Ms. Kyubi, Earlier you said that you liked my rabbit ‘theme’ when we met. Please, keep that in mind, I hope not to deter you from such an adoration after you hear my story,” he began with a smile, “I guess you can say, by example, that it is more of a ritual than a theme. At least, I think so. The waitresses here, even now, are of my clan. We have a unique ability that is has developed with time. Not like those that are from Noble Families.”

His eyes were closed completely as he spoke; something better than shades for someone like him.

Even as the rabbit had begun to speak, he could make out in the distance the rabbits that were approaching the tables. Two in particular, two rabbits stopped at Blitz and Insettsu’s table, and strangely enough, they looked almost completely identical except a bundle of feathery hair fallen upon their opposing shoulders. Their age looked to be in their mid-twenties, well over the age of the rabbit that sat before Kyubi. The both asked a similar question:

“How can we serve you, master’s?”

However, for Hikari, it was different as he sat before Kyubi, smiling happily, “Do you know of the Nobile Families, Ms. Kyubi?” the rabbit asked, “You mentioned that you were a shinobi, so it would be a given. My family, work, even now, as servants. Therefore, we have a habit, even now, of referring to others as ‘Masters’ as we serve them. It has been this way because my family, our ancestors, ran away from the civilization of the village systems before they had established fully.”

Xenneth’s smile became weak as he asked, “Do you know why?”


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Kyubi was thoght for a few moments about what Xeneth had said as he asked his question. Obviously his clan had seen some problem with the villages that had yet to be discovered by others. "No, I can't say I know for certain. If I had to guess, it would be the fact that, during a time of relative peace, the villages are in an arms race."

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To be honest, Blitz was a bit surprised that the waitress had called him 'master'. He had never veiwed himself as better than anyone else despite his clan. "I... I'll just have a bowl of miso chicken ramen with green tea, please." He said, hesitating slightly.

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