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Xbox Scorpio; Microsoft's belated April Fool's joke?

K.Rool Addict

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So, Scorpio finally has its specs revealed



^And Jesus, is it disappointing. The moment he said "2.3 ghz CPU clock speed" it was all over. I CANNOT believe that Microsoft refused to learn form the MASSIVE disappointment of the Ps4 Pro with its incredibly dated CPU bottlenecking its decent GPU. Now we have the Scorpio, delivering all its fabled 6 TFlop GPU performance, BUT it still has a variation of that TIRED old obsolete Jaguar CPU from half a decade ago. The Direct X 12 on board chip is going to alleiviate all the shortcomings of the CPU, you say? Ok, thats great for new titles that SUPPORT DX 12, ..... but what about the MASSIVE number of titles that either already exist on the platform, or will come out eventually that do NOT support DX 12? *SMFH*

For all the idiots saying "this thing is cutting edge!" ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AiQlu7h5C4&feature=youtu.be&t=15m11s

First the Pro: disappointed on all fronts but I got one just cuz I needed a PS4 (and I had waited til this point to buy one so why not get the *slightly* better version?). Then the Switch, which is a complete piece of trash (which brings a fucking tear to my eye considering how freaking amazing Nintendo was in the NES-NGC generations). Disappointing last-gen Tegra x1 chip integration, when the Pascal iteration would have been better in every single way (while still being cheap AF). Switch was just a plain facepalm for me, after waiting months in anticipation; and that is without mentioning all the damn hardware problems the thing has. Now the Scorpio is once again leaving me out in the cold with NOTHING to look forward to in the forseeable future for gaming. And don't tell me "oh get a PC then" because I find PC gaming to be a huge pain in the ass. Gaming is meant to be an enjoyable experience; PC is just a frustration inducing nightmare with how much micro-management is necessary to get things to run "perfectly". Yes PC is objectively BETTER, but I personally don't want anything to do with it -.-

*sigh*.... Idk, man. Things are just getting straight up depressing. All I can do now is wait on Sony for the PS5, which will likely take forever and underperform when it finally hits the market judging by all these other failures so far....

I wish another company came outta nowhere and just blew me tf away with a new console. Like if Sega came back with a "Dreamcast 2" or Atari with some crazy new console. Things have become stagnant, and I am not liking it.


Please tell me this whole Xbox Scorpio "reveal" was merely an April Fool's prank and Microsoft will actually give us the REAL specs at e3, showing off that it actually has a PROPER Cpu running around 3.5-4 ghz clock speeds... (please, please, PLEASE! Q.Q)

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Okay, Jaguar? Seriously? I like AMD, I really do, but you can do better than that. Intel has low-heat, low-energy yet powerful processing platforms that sometimes - no, most of the time - preform WAY better than the AMD Jaguar architecture now. Even ARM has some nice processing platforms that are very powerful now, and they're used in everything! ARM processors can even run in 64-bit via ARMv8 now! If you want to really make something nice, work with all the part makers to make something great - I'd perhaps find a low-heat Intel Core CPU (or even a Ryzen, though that just came out, so they couldn't have really used that), maybe a nice GeForce GTX, a decent amount of DDR3L RAM (DDR4 maybe, if it doesn't raise the price too much), and somehow find a way to combine that into a nice little console.

Though, I can see Microsoft doesn't want to be like the PS3, where the console is nearly $600 at launch - many gamers will see past that price tag and buy it anyway, but we'll still see many complain about how it's too pricey. That still doesn't excuse them from using previous-gen hardware just to save maybe $100-200 off the price. Microsoft's just gone insane recently, from Windows 10's spying, to this now....

(yes, I know everyone spies, but I don't want to see it in the OS)

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Overreaction much? On all 3 accounts?

I mean, I'm not a fan of the Scorpio by any stretch(because fuck mid-gen console upgrades), nor am I very tech savvy, but the Scorpio sounds like a beast compared to the PS4Pro. But at the end of the day, it's still just an upgraded Xbox One


The only thing that can really kill this is the pricing, $500+ for what is just a console upgrade will make this thing DOA

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1 minute ago, Whompy Whomperson said:

Overreaction much? On all 3 accounts?

 Scorpio sounds like a beast compared to the PS4Pro. But at the end of the day, it's still just an upgraded Xbox One

^No doubt it'll blow the Ps4 Pro outta the water, but why must the handicap themselves with such a horrendous Cpu? At LEAST get a Cpu that runs at 3 Ghz... 2.3 is a total joke (Pro runs at 2.1 Ghz btw)


12 minutes ago, Cloggedone said:

Microsoft's just gone insane recently, from Windows 10's spying, to this now....

(yes, I know everyone spies, but I don't want to see it in the OS)

^I hate to derail so early in this thread, but would you mind elaborating on this? I use Mac (which I HATE) and I was thinking of getting a Windows 10 laptop soon. I have heard ramblings here and there about Windows 10 "spying" on people, but I never really looked into what exactly this was about, or if it was even real to begin with. I agree with pretty much everything else you posted btw; Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar company, they can afford to take a slight loss on the Scorpio.

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I can believe this will technically the most powerful console, but running native 4K @ 60 FPS is still hard to do. You can, but you need a lot of performance to do it. My PC has a GTX 1080 in it, and I would consider that to be bare minimum for running 4K at an acceptable framerate.

29 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

And don't tell me "oh get a PC then" because I find PC gaming to be a huge pain in the ass. Gaming is meant to be an enjoyable experience; PC is just a frustration inducing nightmare with how much micro-management is necessary to get things to run "perfectly". Yes PC is objectively BETTER, but I personally don't want anything to do with it -.-

I have been gaming on PC for over a year and a half now, and it is no harder than using a console. It's no more complicated than just clicking on things, because all you're doing is using a damn PC. Nobody these days who says it's "hard" has either never tried, or they don't know what they're doing.



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It's branded under telemetry. They used to really only ask you if you wanted to give feedback or system details on things such as crashes and performance of the OS, but now it's generally forced, with much that cannot be turned off easily. There's documents out there on what Microsoft really takes in the telemetry, but I don't have any handy on me. A quick Google search should turn that up. Trust me, it's A LOT.

Luckily, pretty much all that can be disabled with certain anti-telemetry programs. I'll leave it at that.

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13 minutes ago, Vulon Bii said:

It's no more complicated than just clicking on things, because all you're doing is using a damn PC. Nobody these days who says it's "hard" has either never tried, or they don't know what they're doing.

Well, I'll tell you right now, I definitely fall into the latter category xD 

I had an MSI "gaming" laptop back in 2012-2014 and Jesus was that thing a pain in the ass lol. Ever since I was a kid I always hated traditional computers. Windows, Mac OS, it matters not, it just gets under my skin. The streamlined nature of consoles is something I am extremely happy still exists. Even if these new consoles have now adopted many of the annoyances of PC gaming (updates, disks downloading to hardrive instead of running straight off the disk, requiring accounts for everything under the sun, etc.)

19 minutes ago, Cloggedone said:

It's branded under telemetry. They used to really only ask you if you wanted to give feedback or system details on things such as crashes and performance of the OS, but now it's generally forced, with much that cannot be turned off easily. There's documents out there on what Microsoft really takes in the telemetry, but I don't have any handy on me. A quick Google search should turn that up. Trust me, it's A LOT.

Luckily, pretty much all that can be disabled with certain anti-telemetry programs. I'll leave it at that.

Yeah that sounds pretty freakin bad lol. Maybe if I eventually do get a windows computer, I will just install Win 7 instead O_o


20 minutes ago, Vulon Bii said:

I can believe this will technically the most powerful console, but running native 4K @ 60 FPS is still hard to do. You can, but you need a lot of performance to do it. My PC has a GTX 1080 in it, and I would consider that to be bare minimum for running 4K at an acceptable framerate.

Well, ofc it will be the most powerful console. There is no argument here. 4K 60 fps I would say is even possible for this thing; the problem is the graphical settings. There is no way in hell the Scorpio could run a game like Red Dead Redemption 2 at 4k Native, 60 fps, with high-to-ultra settings. That is just lunacy. YET, this is what the Scorpio devs claimed it would do in their initial teaser trailer.

If you ask me, Xbox should have invested in a decent Cpu and let the thing run games adequately. Still wouldn't be getting 4k, 60, max on Red Dead 2, but 1440p, 60, high-ultra would have been feasible. 

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37 minutes ago, Vulon Bii said:

I can believe this will technically the most powerful console, but running native 4K @ 60 FPS is still hard to do. You can, but you need a lot of performance to do it. My PC has a GTX 1080 in it, and I would consider that to be bare minimum for running 4K at an acceptable framerate.

I have been gaming on PC for over a year and a half now, and it is no harder than using a console. It's no more complicated than just clicking on things, because all you're doing is using a damn PC. Nobody these days who says it's "hard" has either never tried, or they don't know what they're doing.

I have been gaming on PC for 8 years and I beg to differ.

On consoles you don't have to update libraries and drivers regularly, you don't have several different platforms (such as Steam, Origin, a game's own launcher) each with its own interface to learn and account to remember to play games on, building or choosing your own gaming rig can be extremely difficult for the non tech savvy and, unless you have a top-tier expensive gaming rig which can run everything on max settings, chances are you'll have to tinker with each game's settings to find your preferred balance of graphical fidelity and smoothness.

Yes, we have 4k60fps,. Yes, we don't need a subscription for multiplayer, yes we have much more freedom, but you can't deny it's much more difficult to get into "proper" PC gaming. Unless, you know, you're the kind of gamer who plays one popular game which can run on nearly any pc (such as LoL or CS:GO) and thus doesn't need to get too technical.


40 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

ail so early in this thread, but would you mind elaborating on this? I use Mac (which I HATE) and I was thinking of getting a Windows 10 laptop soon. I have heard ramblings here and there about Windows 10 "spying" on people, but I never really looked into what exactly this was about, or if it was even real to begin with. I agree with pretty much everything else you posted btw; Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar company, they can afford to take a slight loss on the Scorpio.

They gather data on you (like they've been doing since W7's release or even earlier) such as how you type, which websites you visit, how you use the OS and so on, kind of like basically every single service on the internet right now, web-based or not. If you don't want to get 'spied' on get your laptop, replace w10 with your favorite open source Linux distribution and refrain from using any proprietary software or visiting any website that uses cookies to 'improve your experience'. Also drop your gmail account and subscribe to a paid email address, preferably one with end to end encryption

Hello everyone  :grin:

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6 minutes ago, Soul Flare said:

They gather data on you (like they've been doing since W7's release or even earlier) such as how you type, which websites you visit, how you use the OS and so on, kind of like basically every single service on the internet right now, web-based or not. If you don't want to get 'spied' on get your laptop, replace w10 with your favorite open source Linux distribution and refrain from using any proprietary software or visiting any website that uses cookies to 'improve your experience'

^Lol I may be paranoid, but idk if I'm THAT paranoid >.> 

I mean, I always have cookies disabled and I have a habit of clearing we history, cookies, log-in data, etc whenever I shut down my computer (even if I just go on for like 2 secs to check directions or something). 

Linux is still supported for high end PC gaming? I would think that things would be poorly optimized :o Windows 10 is required to access the new Windows store, right? Just curious if Win 7 would be locked out of that feature.

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1 minute ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Linux is still supported for high end PC gaming? I would think that things would be poorly optimized :o Windows 10 is required to access the new Windows store, right? Just curious if Win 7 would be locked out of that feature.

It definitely isn't. Believe me, I tried.

Some games have native Linux support and Wine is a thing but forget about games running on it as well as they do on Windows. If you want to play games on PC, you'll need windows.

As for spying and paranoia, chances are w10 isn't gathering more data from you than Apple already is. And even if they are, I'd bet my boots that there are some registry hacks out there to stop windows from doing so. Haven't really looked into it myself because, well, I don't really care anymore at this point.

Hello everyone  :grin:

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8 minutes ago, Soul Flare said:

As for spying and paranoia, chances are w10 isn't gathering more data from you than Apple already is. And even if they are, I'd bet my boots that there are some registry hacks out there to stop windows from doing so. Haven't really looked into it myself because, well, I don't really care anymore at this point.

Well thankfully I didn't register to have my laptop linked to an Apple account. I know I am missing out on many features without account registration (and even the sales guy tried to get me to set it up when I was at the Apple store) but it just seems too damn fishy to me. Like, why should I need to provide my IRL info like street address & social security number just to download system updates? It's crazy af.


Regardless, I should prolly try to get back on topic with the thread lol. You seem to be familiar with PC gaming; how the hell is Scorpio gonna run most games at 4k 60 fps while keeping graphics settings decent? It seems impossible to me. I remember hearing about a "sparse rendering" technique, which is basically another form of checkerboard upscaling that the Ps4 Pro uses. Problem is, that doesn't count as native 4k lmao (which is what Microsoft promised from the beginning)



^1:18 - 1:44

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10 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

how the hell is Scorpio gonna run most games at 4k 60 fps 

It's not.

Name me a platform that both costs 500$ AND can play AAA games at 4k60fps at 'max settings'. This includes PCs.

Hello everyone  :grin:

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46 minutes ago, Soul Flare said:

It's not.

Name me a platform that both costs 500$ AND can play AAA games at 4k60fps at 'max settings'. This includes PCs.

I know, that's the problem. Xbox already has enough bad PR, now that they are caught in multiple lies, it's not gonna reflect well on them.

I honestly WISHED that this system would be amazing. I have enough money to afford it (finally) and would have been happy to trade in/ sell my old fat Xbox One in exchange for this new one. How cool would it be to have both the Ps4 Pro and the Scorpio at the same time? But while my Ps4 Pro is currently serving me as it delivers on all those awesome Japanese experiences (like NieR:Automata, The Last Guardian, Nioh, Persona 5, etc) the Xbox is basically just sitting under my TV collecting dust. The Scorpio had the potential to become my #1 choice for multiplats, if it really offered everything these spokespeople claimed. But I dont think I can justify dropping another 400-500 USD on a system that is basically just an underperforming, gimped PC.

I actually bought my Xbox One right after e3 (in other words after being aware of the Slim and the Scorpio). Why? Because my local Gamestop got so desperate that they dropped the price from 350 to 250 USD. This is for a New, 1TB, Xbox One with Halo 5, Gears Ulti Ed., Rare Replay, and Ori & the Blind Forest (all on disc besides the last one btw). So it was a killer deal considering I didn't even have a Ps4 at this point (my only other system was a Wii U).

Well, I played my Xbox and got a decent amount of enjoyment out of it, but now I've got a Ps4 Pro, so what do i need the Xbox for? There was ONE game that had me super-duper excited for Xbox in 2017, but Microsoft decided to freakin CANCEL it >.<; Scalebound looked so freakin amazing...

So, idk, Xbox will clearly perform better on multiplats than my PS4 Pro, but not nearly better enough to warrant the price. With the lack of exclusive titles on Xbox it makes the purchase even less enticing... I mean, if they dropped a Forza HORIZON 4 on Xbox Scorpio day 1, That might be enough to sway me, but all that is confirmed atm is Forza Motorsport 6 which isn't my cup of tea. Gears has gotten pretty boring for me, same with Halo; just the same old shit over and over again. I mean, where's my freakin Sunset Overdrive 2, Microsoft!? xD

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2 hours ago, Soul Flare said:

On consoles you don't have to update libraries and drivers regularly,

I can't speak for Origin or Uplay, but I know Steam automatically downloads and installs updates. Driver updates at most require a few mouse clicks, or at least it does with Nvidia. I assume it's the same for AMD.

That's all it really is, just clicking on things.



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I am definitely not tech savvy whatsoever, but apparently, the Scorpio can run Forza 6 at native 4K resolution at 60fps without any problems whatsoever and only use 66% of its power. I'd say that is pretty impressive and definitely good enough for me.


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Just now, Kyoshi said:

I am definitely not tech savvy whatsoever, but apparently, the Scorpio can run Forza 6 at native 4K resolution and only use 66% of its power. I'd say that is pretty impressive and definitely good enough for me.

Supposedly the "66%" GPU usage is NOT due to the system having power in reserve, but instead the bottlenecking of the CPU which doesn't allow it to go all out.

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1 minute ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Supposedly the "66%" GPU usage is NOT due to the system having power in reserve, but instead the bottlenecking of the CPU which doesn't allow it to go all out.

Like I said, I am not tech savvy, so who knows, maybe you are right, but for now, I am going to wait and see.


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Just now, Kyoshi said:

Like I said, I am not tech savvy, so who knows, maybe you are right, but for now, I am going to wait and see.

Yeah, waiting is really all we can do at this point. I really hope they prove everyone wrong and deliver a hellava console; my wallet is itchy xD

E3 is sure to be exciting no matter what =^-^=

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2 minutes ago, Vulon Bii said:

I can't speak for Origin or Uplay, but I know Steam automatically downloads and installs updates. Driver updates at most require a few mouse clicks, or at least it does with Nvidia. I assume it's the same for AMD.

That's all it really is, just clicking on things.

By libraries I mean things like Visual Studio or whatever the heck it's called, DirectX and whatnot. I know most setups install or update those after the game itself, but some do not, which results in the user ending up with a missing DLL error.

Driver updates requires knowledge of your GPU's brand and model and where to get its drivers, otherwise you're stuck with whatever old ones were installed by your OEM or downloaded by Windows 10. Do not take for granted that everyone who uses a PC know which hardware it's running on. I've met more people who play games on PC (usually undemanding cheap/free ones such as LoL) who had no idea of what their GPU was and how to update its drivers than I'm comfortable with.

Hello everyone  :grin:

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Ok, so here we have Kingdom Hearts 1 running at 4k (obviously downsampled and compressed by Youtube) at 60 fps.

Kingdom Hearts  is a Ps2 game

The normal Ps4 CANNOT run it at 4k 60

It took the Ps4 Pro with 4.2 TFLOPS of GPU power and 2.1 Ghz CPU clock speed to achieve this in the console space.


How the bloody hell is Scorpio going to deliver ALL NEW games at MAX (aka Ultra) PC settings at 4k 60 fps!? This may seem like a silly question out of nowhere, but you wouldn't BELIVE the amount of idiots I see spamming Youtube comment sections who completely believe Scorpio will be doing 4k native 60 fps max settings for EVERY new videogame release -.-

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On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 3:48 PM, K.Rool Addict said:

Yeah that sounds pretty freakin bad lol. Maybe if I eventually do get a windows computer, I will just install Win 7 instead O_o

Yes windows 7 is better, I got 10 on my laptop then it just died, and it has ads IN the start menu.

All things that interact with the world exert a force. All things that exert a force have an opposite and equal force. Ergo, nothing immaterial exists [because where would the opposite force be without material as a medium?]. Ergo god doesn't exist immaterially. Also if the universe were infinite itd take infinite time for a god to make it. If it were finite it'd be subject to entropy. Which means an eternal god can't exist.


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I have been watching extensive amounts of videos detailing Xbox Scorpio specs analysis of such, and general speculation. My conclusion is Scorpio will basically a "closed-off" Steam Machine type PC replacement with a very good bang for your buck.

I don't understand why they are trying to sell it as a console when the thing would sell WAY better as the ultimate budget PC. This also makes me wonder why they would "close it off" instead of allowing it to function as a proper Windows based PC. If I could run all my favorite MMO's on this thing, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Ofc, the CPU is trash as I said before, but they could have marketed it in a way that it would have literally no other competition, since there exist no other ultra cheap 4k gaming PCs. 

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