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The New Element Of Harmony

~Natural Beauty~

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Manehattan was the largest pony city in Equestria.  Buildings rose high above the streets forming a skyline almost like mountains.  The streets were filled with ponies many pulling various wagons and carts.  And on each street corner, a armor-clad guard was standing.  Some were ponies, some were bat-ponies, many were changelings.  They kept watch over the populace, ready to enforce the will of Sombra and Chrysalis......  and of a certain city governor.

A blue pony with black-rimmed glasses was trotting down the street, heading in the direction of one of the tallest towers.  Arriving at last, it shifted the small but stylish saddlebag it was wearing and entered the building, not really paying much attention to the others around it.  A small mare approached.  "Welcome back, sir," she said with a bow, "Sakuya was hoping you would have time to meet with her about some city matters."

"Sakuya," it said, and stared off into space.  It's eyes flashed.  "Ah yes, Sakuya, my trusted right-hoof.  Yes, I must meet with her."  Then, as if distracted, it continued on past the mare, leaving her standing confused in the lobby, and headed for a bank of elevators....


Canterlot was the royal capital of Equestria.  Its towers rose gracefully along the mountainside, a waterfall majestically flowing out from its center square.  The streets were filled with ponies wearing fancy outfits, as armored guards kept watch over them.  This was the former home of the Princesses, and now housed the Queen and King.

A blue pony with black-rimmed glasses was trotting down the street, heading in the direction of the Canterlot Library.  The current rulers had ordered it closed to the public, but this pony was one of the few still allowed access.  With a nod to the guards, it pushed open the doors and stepped inside.  The smell of old books was in the air, a slight layer of dust covering most surfaces.  Clearly, since being closed, upkeep on the place had come to a halt.  

The pony wandered through the rows of shelves, until finally rearing up to reach a single, old-looking book.  It pulled it down, took a look at the changeling silhouette printed on the cover, and with a grin wandered back towards the entrance....


Ponyville was a small community in the center of Equestria.  Here most ponies were a simple folk, not as busy as Manehattan nor as fancy as Canterlot.  But they were still a proud community, with a fierce independent streak.  That was most likely the reason the rebellion and formed here, and was always able to draw strength from the population.  No guards could be seen, and they had been defeated the last time they had marched here in numbers.

A blue pony with black-rimmed glasses was trotting down the street, heading in the direction of a small house near the edge of town.  It didn't bother to hide its presence by sneaking around or wearing a cloak.  It simply continued on its way as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

Approaching the house, one could see that it had been empty for some time.  The windows were dirty, yard unkept, old letters still in the mailbox.  The pony walked up to the door and pushed it open....





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