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private Sanctuary, Appaloosa (1x1 Reboot w/ driz)

Jack Baker

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/167122-sanctuary-apploosa-horror-1x1-reboot/

June 12, 20XX

7:00 PM

Sanctuary, Apploosa


Raze drove the small sedan along the dirt road, occaisonally looking left to admire the scenery ahead of him. After traveling out of the small town and through 4 miles of wetland, he was now on a small forest path, approaching his destination. The path split into two, and he turned towards the right. From here, it would be only about three minutes before they arrived.

As he drove, he thought about the job at hand. The details of it seemed pretty weird. After all, the property had only been abandoned three years, and now ghosts suddenly show up? To him, it didn't make much sense, but then again, the supernatural doesn't really work in ways you'd expect. He dismissed the thought, then slowly brought the car to a stop when he saw the road end. They had arrived.

"Alright, this is the place," he said to his partner, getting out of the car. "From here, it should be a short walk to the main property." He pointed in front of where he parked the car, where a smaller dirt path led deeper into the forest. "Come on, let's get set up." 

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During the drive towards their new destination, Lory sat silently on the passenger seat. She scrolled through her phone most of the way through, not paying much mind to the environment surrounding the two explorers. At the end of the day, more important than admiring and enjoying the trip was to keep the Paranormal Equestria social pages up to date - or at least she figured. Nevertheless, this lasted until the device vibrated on her hands to alert low battery supply. "Tch..." The mare clicked her tongue in a displeasurable manner, and sighed. Luckily, however, they were nearly arriving.

34 minutes ago, Jack Baker said:

"Alright, this is the place," he said to his partner, getting out of the car. "From here, it should be a short walk to the main property." He pointed in front of where he parked the car, where a smaller dirt path led deeper into the forest. "Come on, let's get set up." 

Lory hopped out of the vehicle, stretching out her limbs and displaying a cheerful smile on her feature. She looked over at the winding path that awaited them, then the eerie woods that extended ahead.

"Wow... Talk about living in recluse." She commented. "These guys really didn't want to be bothered by outsiders, huh?" Then, she walked back near the car and picked up her backpack, containing a few pieces of recording equipment and some personal belongings. When a chilling breeze broke through from within the forest, Lory brought her hands together and rubbed them near her snout to generate some heat - the sun was almost disappearing in the horizon, making way to the cold forest mist.

"So, how's this shot for the opening?" She suggested. "Or do you wanna go 'til we get a clear view of the actual Haunted Mansion to start recording?"

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Raze opened the trunk of the car, and took out a large handheld video camera, the professional kind. Along with that, he grabbed a backpack, unzipped the front compartment, and pulled out a SoPro camera with a head strap, and put it on his head, putting the backpack across his shoulders.

"I was thinking we get a look inside first, then do the intro," he said to her. "I feel like it'd add to the... 'spooky' factor, or whatever. C'mon." He began to walk along the path, signaling for her to follow.

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"Sure thing, Ray-Ray." Lory said as she adjusted her bag and began pacing right behind her partner.

"I just hope the hillbillies at least had electricity running in their little shack. I forgot to charge my phone back in Appleloosa... Oh, speaking of which." She took a few wider steps ahead so that she stood right next to Raze. "Click." And turned on a small, pocket flashlight in front of the two, brightening the path amidst the moist woodlands which got progressively dimmer as they progressed further.

"And then Celestia said, let there be light!" She joyfully waved the lantern around with a giggle, casting the beam of light towards random directions.

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Raze sighed, but smiled. He slowly followed the path, waving a few flies off while he walked. 

"Figured I should go over the stuff we have on the place while we're at it," he said to Lory, reaching for a small notepad in his pants pocket. "Place has been abandoned for three years; the family that used to live there were known as the Goldhoofs. Pretty quiet, but a upstanding family, from what I've been able to gather. They ended up disappearing after a violent storm hit Appleloosa and were presumed dead. However, people who've been to the property since have reported sightings of figures around the perimeter of said property. Oh, by the way, there's more than just this house apparently; there's also an old house they used to live in, an entire barn, a guest house, and a boathouse. We might be here a while..." He flipped through the notepad, stopping to a particular page. "Also... I'm not sure if this is related to anything, but... ever since the Goldhoofs' disappearance, there've been... increasing reports of missing people being made to the police station here and the sheriff's office back in Appleloosa. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or whatever, but... you know, something to be aware of, I guess..."

He looked up as the path led them to the gates of the property. 


"Huh... this must be the main house," he said. "The barbed wire seems a bit much, but hey, if it keeps trespassers out..."

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"Welcoming." She sarcastically notes upon gazing at the house's entrance gates. Even though she had been distracted playing with the flashlight during Raze's explanation, she was able to gather most of the story. From the sound of it, it didn't seem drastically different from the countless other ghost tales the team had tackled in the past: a multimillionaire family perishes in a unprecedented accident and their isolated mansion becomes haunted from their hatred of the entire world and its inhabitants. An overused trope, she thought. However, one detail in particular perked up her ears: the reports of missing individuals.

"Well, who knows... Maybe they were just a bunch of troublemakers that decided to inhabit the Goldenhooves hideout and didn't tell anyone... I sure can relate." She scratches her head. "Just rumors, probably. You know how these dumb horror stories are spread. Anyway... Only one way to find out." Lory then takes a step forward and stops in front of the closed gates. She grabs the iron bars with both hands, steadily rocking them back in forth in an attempt to break in.

"Help me out here, will ya? You're the brawn of the duo."

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Raze stepped forward, setting the camera down gently on the dirt, then rocked the gate back and forth. It wouldn't even budge an inch. Looking further down, he saw the gates held together by thick chains and a lock.

"Well there's the problem... it's chained shut," he said to Lory. He stepped back, picking up the camera and looking around. He saw that the dirt path continued left of where he was standing. 

"Looks like the path continues somewhere else," he said. "But first..." He took a few more steps back, raised the camera, and hit the record button, trying to get a good shot of the main house. After a few seconds, he hit stop and reviewed the footage. 

"Alright, good," he said to himself. "This way," he motioned to Lory with his head to follow the path, and he began to walk.

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After patiently awaiting for the cameraman to perform his cinematic take, she began following him along the small pathway found to the left of the gate. While they were walking, she placed her right hand onto the bars, running it along the extension of the iron fence and admiring the colossal size of the building on the other side.

"Wow..." Lory gasped. "This might just be one of our greatest episodes ever, I can already tell. Just look at this place! If there aren't any spooky spectres in there, they aren't gonna be anywhere else." A wide grin suddenly appeared on her face as her eyes glimmered with excitement. "Oooo! I'm getting pumped!~"

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Raze carefully looked around, observing his surroundings. "Yeah, it could be... hopefully, we'll be able to find another way insi..."

His words trailed off as he saw another smaller gate that was open, but that wasn't what got his attention. It was the small wooden sign next to it.



The words were written in giant, messy red letters, almost like something straight out of a horror film. Raze's eyes squinted suspiciously. It could be a prank, maybe some teenagers planted it here to scare people. If it was, then it sure looked very convincing.

"Hey, what do you think of this?" he called out to Lory.

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"What the hell?..." She silently asked as she approached the mysterious sign and began investigating it. A couple of seconds past, the mare took a few steps back from the scrawled message on the wooden panel. Her expression became one of fear and dread as her eyes widened and she began shivering.

"Oh no... Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no!" She started to freak out. "T...This is... This means that..." She looked over at Raze while stuttering. "T...This must mean that... a girl... had a birthday party, but didn't like the gift she received, so they're giving it away!! THIS IS TERRIBLE!!" The mare brought both of her hands to her head and started pulling hair, shortly before finally ceasing the act and raising a brow with a smug smile. Perhaps she shouldn't take that joke much further.

"I have no clue what it means, Ray-Ray. Maybe some inside joke, or some deep part of the lore we haven't found out about yet." Lory then began making her way towards the hidden entrance. "Never mind that. Let's get inside already!" And she walked through the gate.

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Raze raised a brow as she walked through, then shrugged. Still, that sign looked like it could make for some good footage, so he raised his camera and took a shot of the gate with the sign. Afterwards he walked through the gate quickly following behind Lory. The path led around a small marshy lake and appeared to go around the main house, possibly a back entrance of some sort. He looked up.

"Looks like the sun's about to go down..." he said. "Great... at least we'll have a bit more ambiance for the show..."

He began to walk ahead of Lory, and after a minute he stopped, noticing something to his right. He couldn't tell exactly what it was; crows were surrounding it. The most he could make of it was a bony limb, and bits of what appeared to be rotten flesh. It looked almost like... a cow's leg?  As he slowly made his way over to get a closer look, the crows noticed his presence and quickly flew away from the thing they were surrounding. Raze quickly stepped back, slightly startled.

"Geez... frickin birds..." he said to himself, turning around and stopping once again in shock of what he saw.


He didn't know how to describe it. Demonic was the first word that came to mind, then grotesque. It was a demonic, grotesque... thing. He noted the rotting cow legs and head, along with the saw blades hanging from the ends of the rope that tied the whole piece together. Swarms of flies were buzzing loudly around it.

After looking at it for a while, he then began to notice the strong, rotting smell it gave off. He pinched his nose in disgust.

"Ugh... that's fucking disgusting..." he said, gagging. "Just who the hell came up with this shit anyway?"

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"What? What now?" Lory came jogging right behind. Taking into account that their last encounter had been of a plain wooden plate with a random text written on it, it's safe to assume that she was not expecting that kind of jump in the eeriness level. As soon as the uncanny monument came into her field of view, she stared at it for a few seconds in shock - complete silence, attempting to grasp just what exactly stood in front of the two.

"What the actual fu--" Just then, the rancid smell of rotten flesh made way inside her nostrils. The feeling of nausea kicked in immediately, as the mare promptly covered her mouth with her hand, stepped back and looked away in order to hold back whatever was trying to come out. After coughing a bit and recovering, she returned to stare at the repulsive figure. "Ugh... O... Okay... Now we're entering the fucked-up realm..."

"Come on, are they trying to make it look like some sort of occult demonic ritual or something? Like, this is not even funny! This is just... demented! These people are taking this hoax way too far, seriously." She became somewhat peeved. Slowly and steadily, she made her way closer to the object, now intrigued by it more than anything else. "...Kinda looks like a scarecrow of some sort... Or maybe... a scarecow?... I feel like breaking it. Can I break it?"

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"Wha--? No, No! I don't want that thing coming down on us," Raze said, sighing. He saw that there was some space underneath it for them to crouch through, where the dirt path continued. "Look, we got a job to do, let's just get it done, and get out of here." He quickly crouched under the monument, ignoring the buzzing flies, and quickly followed the path once more. A few seconds later he saw the path end with a small drop to lower ground. Dropping down, he noticed a small building ahead of him. 


"Ok, this looks like it might lead to the main house," he said. 

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After being prohibited from smashing the sinister piece of art, she puffed in annoyance and followed Raze towards the hut at the end of the path. Once again, Lory could barely contain herself from the thrill of exploring that place - despite having nearly been turned off by the flesh scarecrow from earlier. Readily, she skipped right in front of her partner and turned around to face him.

"How about we do the intro right here? Showing us entering the house for the first time and our reaction to it." She suggested. "We oughta film the outside before it goes completely dark. Whaddya think?"

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Raze nodded in agreement. "Sure, why not? Sounds like a good idea to me," he said, getting his camera ready to record. He checked to make sure the lens wasn't dirty, then raised his camera up, and turned it towards Lory, hitting the record button.

"Alright, whenever you're ready," he said to her.

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Lory nodded as she slid into frame and looked at the camera lens. From her backpack, she took out a small, wireless microphone and clipped it to her shirt's collar. She brought a hand behind her neck and flipped her hair as to straighten it. After a moment of preparations, she was finally ready. A large smile took over her expression as she got into character. Lights, camera and...

"Paranormal Equestria! Lory here and welcome to a very... very, special episode. This time around we find ourselves in a somewhat forgotten little region called Sanctuary. Not very far away from Appleloosa, it's a place mostly consisting of thick forests and foggy swamps. However! What lies deeper within it is the one - the only - Goldhoof property."

"Now to give you guys a bit of background to this legend: the Goldhoofs were a very mysterious family that used to live in complete solitude here in this place, until a huge storm raged through and decimated the area. After that, the word was spread that the family had passed away during that storm and that their massive place of residence was left vacant."

"However... Trespassers who dared approach this off-limits location reported an unusual activity inside the house, claiming to have spotted mysterious silhouettes and figures pacing by the windows at night. Moreover, Appleloosa's local police station suddenly began receiving countless reports of missing people, all of which... were never found. A coincidence? Well.. Tonight, the Paranormal Equestria team will venture inside the mansion and put these allegations... to the test. Come on!" As she signaled for Raze to follow along, she turned her back and slowly made her way up to the shack's porch.

"Now, this is what we believe to be the back entrance to the house. The front gates seemed to be chained shut, so we had to make a detour. We passed by this weird... cow... bovine thing... satanic ritual dripping with blood... actually, wait. I'm not sure if we can say that. Shit... Edit that out." She giggled. "Okay... Now this is what we believe to be the back entrance to the house, since the front gates were completely closed shut. Hopefully we can have access to the whole interior from here. So... Here we go..." Lory approached the wooden door and carefully pushed it open.

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As Raze followed her inside the house, he made sure to get a nice view of the house beforehand, then quickly went into the doorway. He coughed a little bit from inhaling the dusty air.

"Damn," he said. "Dusty as hell in here... not like I expected it to be the epitome of cleanliness, but still... hey, turn on the flashlight, yeah? It's a bit dark..."

In front of them was another door, which Raze slowly opened, revealing a short corridor.


He slowly walked through it, recording the old paintings on the walls. The corridor led right, into what appeared to be a kitchen, which he also made sure to get footage of. 



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"Oh, yeah! Right." Lory reached for her pocket, taking out the flashlight she'd been playing with earlier. Switching it on, she made her way inside the entryway and followed along the corridor.

"Wow... This is creepy, huh..." She commented. As the two of them proceeded, she remained quiet, having only the creaking of the wooden floor beneath their hooves to break the silence every now and then. Upon reaching the kitchen area, she made sure to check every corner of the room before moving forward. Distracted by everything, she momentarily forgot about the fact that they were doing a show.

"Welp... Seems like nobody's home." She commented as she began searching inside some scattered pots and random cabinets, looking for anything worthwhile."This place has been ravaged by a storm, alright. My goodness... How's this even still standing?"

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"Well, if they were smart, they should've prepared for it, like board up the windows and doors and whatnot," Raze said to her. "Besides, if this family can afford this much property, I'm pretty sure they could afford a sturdy house..."

He looked at the table, noticing a closed pot sitting inside. He slowly took off the lid and cockroaches suddenly came crawling out of what looked like rancid stew. He dropped the lid in shock. A few seconds later, he felt something crawling on his hand. He quickly turned it over and saw a cockroach on his wrist.

"Agh! Fuck, fuck!!" he quickly swept it off and backed away from the pot. 

"Celestia damn it all... fucking bugs..." he looked around the table more, and noticed something else: an old VHS tape. After carefully observing it for more cockroaches, he picked it up and looked at the label.

"May 15, 2017... this was only a couple weeks ago... also, who the hell has VHS in day and age?" He eyed the tape suspiciously. "Something feels... off about this being here. Wish there was a way to watch it..."

He walked a couple more steps towards an entry way leading deeper in. To his right he saw a flight of stairs leading up, to the left of the stairs was a straight hallway. Suddenly, he began to hear something in the distance... almost like... static?


"You hear that?" he said quietly to Lory.

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She promptly stopped on her tracks, completely still in order to have a better listen to the strange noise Raze noted. As it became clearer, she figured it sounded similar to a television static, having been forever plugged in after their owners were gone. Upon reaching that conclusion, her face distorted into a somewhat anxious smile.

"Yeah, I do. Sounds like they forgot to turn the TV off... Heh... Their bill ain't gonna look pretty." She commented, then thinking back to what she'd just said. "Hang on..." Her face suddenly brightened up with pure joy. "...There's electricity in here!!" She exclaimed as quietly as she was capable of. "Dude, I just really have to charge my phone! I swear, it won't take long. Just like... Maybe twenty, or thirty, or fifty percent!... Only..." Lory then looked at the two paths that split at the end of that hallway.

"Where's it coming from?"

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Raze sighed in disbelief at Rory exclaiming about charging her phone. "You really didn't have time to charge it before we left?" he said. "Besides, aren't you forgetting something? Like how strange this whole situation seems? Why would there be electricity here if no one's been home for three years? Power company would have shut it off a long time ago. Unless they had backup generators or something, which even then someone would have to keep those fueled... you know what, forget it. Let's see what that static is.

Raze began walking towards the direction of the noise until he found himself staring at a door to his right. He opened it, and entered what looked like a living room or a lounge.


In the right-hand corner of the room, he could see a TV, still functioning... somehow; the source of the static. He slowly walked over to it, and noticed a functioning VHS player sitting on top of it.

He took out the videotape he grabbed earlier out of his backpack and looked at the player. 

"How convenient..." he said. "Well... better time than never to see what this tape is." He put the tape carefully into the VHS, and hit play.


The VHS color bars appeared, followed by a loud droning beep. The footage then cut to a screen showing basic information about the tape, with the date and the supposed title of the video: "House Footage". A name was shown underneath the date: "Arctic Breeze".


Probably the guy who recorded it...  Raze thought to himself.


The screen cut to outside the guest house. It was late at night, from the looks of it.


"Alright then!" An energetic teenage mare with a yellowish coat and light orange mane popped up on the screen, grinning in front of the camera. "Arctic, you recording?"


"Yeah, I got it," said a stallion from off-screen.


"Perfect! Hello there anyone who's watching this! I'm Honey Glow, and today we're gonna be exploring this spooooky looking building! Well, we're not going to..." She went off-screen and pulled another stallion out; this one had a grey coat and black mane.


"Good 'ol Silver Colt here is gonna be doing it for us. He lost a bet between me and him in a game of cards! Isn't that right, Silver?"


The stallion, looking somewhat annoyed, rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."


"Aw, come on now, big guy! Don't be so glum! You lost fair and square, and besides, I know how much you loooove haunted houses."


Silver Colt sighed as he looked at the camera. "Do you have to record my reactions?"


"Of course! That was another part of the bet after all. Besides it'll be funny, trust me. You'll laugh at it too once you watch it for yourself, you'll see."


"Tch." he shook off Honey Glow's grip on him and began to walk inside. "Let's just get this over with, please?"


"Okie-dokie! Alright everybody, follow me!"


The scene then began to move towards the house. Honey Glow opened the door leading inside and they all walked in, with Silver Colt leading them.


"S-so wait... what's the story about this place?" he asked. "Didn't the owners of the property, like... disappear in a storm three years ago?"

"Why do you ask?" Honey Glow said. "You scared already?" She giggled a little.


"N-no! I just wanted to know what I'm getting into, is all."


"Hee-hee... well, to answer your question, yeah, that's what the townsfolk were saying when we came here. They were just... gone. Not a trace of them left behind."

"Well... i-if their disappearance is so recent... then, there's no way they could be haunting the place, r-right? There's no way that a house could become haunted that quick, r-right?"

"I don't know Silver, that's what you're gonna find out!" Honey Glow responded with another giggle as they entered the kitchen. Silver and Honey coughed a little at the dust all over the place.


"Wow... it's really dusty..." Honey looked around, observing the different parts of the kitchen while the cameraman followed her. Silver, meanwhile, looked around for a little bit, heading to the hall leading to the living room.


"Things got old in this in place really fast, huh?" Honey Glow said to herself as she looked around some more. She yelped as she appeared to have stepped on something in front of her. "EEK! Ew, a cockroach!" She shook her left leg quickly, trying to wipe off the cockroach she had stepped on. "Oh well... at least I wore my old shoes today..." She then saw a painting of an old, creepy looking house across from her. "Ooooh... this looks pretty creepy!" She walked up and stood in front of it while Arctic filmed her. "Looks like an old farm house or something. Hey Silver, come take a look at this!"


She waited for a response from him. Nothing.




No response again.


"Hey, Silver!"



"Arctic, where did Silver go?" 

"I don't know, I was following you," he said to her.


"Silver! Siiiilveeerrr!!" Honey Glow went out of the kitchen and towards the living room hall. 


"Where did he go...? Silver?!" She kept calling out for him, looking around the hallway. Suddenly, there a loud crashing noise coming from the living room.

"What was that? Did you hear that?" she said to Arctic. 


"Sounded like a banging noise," he responded.


The look on Honey Glow's face began to become more worrisome by the second. "Silver?!" She opened the door to the living room. 

"I-if this is some kind of joke, then it's not funny!" She peered around, trying to find the source of the noise. 

"Doesn't look like there's anything here," Arctic said from behind the camera. 

Honey Glow still kept looking, then noticed something: a small fireplace to the left of the TV. She slowly approached it, something catching her eye. She crouched down to get a better look.


"What is this?" She reached out and grabbed a small handle in the fireplace, and gave it a tug. Suddenly, a small compartment opened up from the wall next to her, reavealing a hidden area inside.


"No way..." she looked at the camera, then back at the newly discovered area. "O-o-ok. Never mind the bet, I'm starting to get scared. L-let's just find Silver and get out of this house..." She began to crawl inside, with Arctic following suit. Inside was a somewhat tight, smal corridor with a ladder leading down a dark hole. Honey Glow stopped in front of the ladder, giving Arctic time to catch up to her.


"What's the matter?" he asked her.


She looked at him. "Do... do you think you could go down first, please?"

"What? Why me?"


"Because! Because... y-you have the camera, which has a light on it! You can see better down there than I can, and it's not that big either! S-so just do it!"


"You're just scared aren't you? Fine..." The camera began to shake all over the place as the person holding it was climbling down the ladder. Once he arrived, it revealed a black, dreary looking area, with walls made out of cobblestone.


"Well? What's down there?!" Honey Glow asked from up top. 

"I don't know, I don't see anything..." He then turned around, camera in hand, and was a bit startled when he saw a figure with it's back turned towards his. A sigh of relief could be heard as it turned out to be Silver Colt.


"There he is..." He began to approach him, putting a hand on his shoulder to turn him around. "Dude, where've you been? You've been making--"


He stopped talking after what came next. The camera showed Silver Colt, bleeding from the eyes and the face, his mouth impaled on a sharp, rusty pipe sticking out from the walls. When Arctic turned him around, it managed to unhook him from the pipe's sharp edge, with a wet, squishy sound.


"Gah... AAAAAAHHH!!!!" Arctic screamed as he fell on the floor, dropping the camera. Silver's body fell on him, and his upside down face landed right in front of the camera, blood dripping from his red blood-covered eyes. In the background, Arctic could be heard gasping for breath, when suddenly, the camera caught someone walking over towards Arctic. From the angle of the camera, only their legs were seen, not their upper half.


At this point, the footage began to get staticky, but the audio was still somewhat coherent.


"Fuck! No! NOOO!!" was what Arctic was screaming before a loud grunt could be heard by what sounded like the unknown figure and a loud thud, then... silence. The video then cut back to the colors bars, before turning back into loud static.



As the tape ejected out of the player, Raze stood there, in shock of what he just saw. 

"What... what in the actual..." was all he could say.


((OOC: Last post for tonight. Will continue this tomorrow :) ))

Edited by Jack Baker
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Lory stared intently at the video that played on the TV screen, standing still right next to Raze. As it progressed, undeniably, her feelings and facial expressions perfectly mimicked his. At the end of it, both of them were shocked - utterly speechless.

She looked over at her partner while trying to come up with anything to say. After a few seconds, she slowly began to laugh, although evidently it was out of nervousness and uneasiness.

"T... That's garbage!... Am I right?" She yapped. "Just... Just look at that amateur acting and... and... and those ketchup-looking-ass blood effects. I mean... come on! They-they-they were even imitating us, you saw that? With the recording of the cameras and such!... They were probably fans... of the show... pulling a prank... is all... Hurr, look at me, I'm Silver Coat, oh no, I died! Blaaaargh! Hahahah!... Hah..." The mare tried to convince herself with her own words - to no avail. Her face was as pale as the ghosts that were supposed to be there, instead of whatever they'd just witnessed in the tape, and her voice was trembling.

"Ray-Ray... D... Did we get enough footage? Maybe we should just... uh... leave?"

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Raze looked at her, then put both hands on her shoulders.

"Look, calm down. I don't know what that was--well, I do know what that was but-- that's besides the point!"

He let go of her and began to think. "This could have a something to do with those missing persons reports back in town. Something's not right with this place, and it's not ghosts. Least, I hope it isn't..." he looked at Lory. "Alright, we gotta leave, c'mon!"

He quickly made his way out of the living room and back around the kitchen towards the front door. He stopped and saw that it had mysteriously closed.

"Wait, we didn't close that, did we?" He walked up to it and turned the knob. The door began to move, but stopped.

"What the--" he tried again and again, forcing it to open. He tried kicking it twice, but it wouldn't budge.

"Damn it!" he said, banging his fist once on the door.

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"You cannot be serious right now..." She proclaims in disbelief after seeing that the front door had been locked while they were inside. She clenched her fists tight and grit her teeth, stomping towards Raze, then pushing him out of the way. "Let me!" She commanded angrily as she placed both of her hands on the door knob. After trying to force it open once, she began to tackle it with her shoulder, ramming against the door full-force using her entire body mass. It didn't work, however.

"NNNGH!! Gahh... This... This motherfucker sure is sturdy for a three-year-old abandoned wooden cabin door, I can tell you that much..." She then stepped away from the barred exit and threw her arms into the air. "This is stupid!!" Lory shouted angrily. "Are we in some goddamn cliche-ass horror movie??" She huffed while trying to come up with any other place from where they could escape.

"...The windows!" She exclaimed, immediately rushing back towards the kitchen area. "Give me a hand! Come on!"

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Raze was about to grab the boards off the windows, but then stopped after getting a closer look.

"Wait, wait!" He told her, grabbing her shoulder to stop her. "Look carefully. The boards... they're covered in barbed wire for some reason. No... there's gotta be a better way." 

He went back to the living room and straight towards the fireplace shown on the tape. Sure enough, the handle was still there. He gave it a tug, and the secret compartment opened. 

"Hey, come on!" he called out to Lory. "I found another way!"

Edited by Jack Baker
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