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private On The Run (1x1 roleplay with The Cerberus) RP

Pripyat Pony

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Fear. So much fear. Jay kept running, the sweat breaking out on her flanks as she galloped away. Behind her, lay a scene of devastation. Houses flattened, ponies dead and injured. "It's not my fault!" was the despairing cry that broke from Jay before she cut and run. Altho the terrified witnesses of the attack would beg to differ, Jay was in fact speaking the truth. The pony responsible was not Jay, the purple unicorn with the blue eyes and the black and mint mane and tail, but the evil pony who shared her mind. Jinx, a dark magic mage who had lived in Canterlot and had performed a difficult spell to give herself immortality. Practiced sorceror that she was, Jinx, a tall slate blue unicorn mare with a blue and light purple mane and tail, and blazing red eyes, had succeeded. When her body was destroyed in a battle, her mind survived... and she chose to share the mind of a shy, nervous filly named Jay. After the possession, an unnatural cutie mark of a yin yang appeared on Jay's flanks. She both hated and feared it, as it symbolised both the nightmare inside her head, and the denial of her destiny. Jinx would take over Jay's body at times to wreak havoc. Jinx revelled in unleashing her dark magic on unsuspecting victims. Her cutie mark, which had been on her body before it was destroyed, had been a skull and crossbones, the sign of her talent for dark magic. Jay hated the carnage as well as the blame which fell upon her shoulders. When Jinx did something like this, Jay had to leave her home and go on the run to find someplace where she was not known. Which is what she was doing now. Galloping as fast as she could, in an attempt to leave it all behind. Hopeless, cuz the evil that caused it lurked inside her own head.


Link to OOC Topic: https://mlpforums.com/topic/169122-on-the-run-1x1-roleplay-with-the-cerberus-ooc/
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@Pripyat Pony

Dark pegasus flew through the sky as fast as his wings carried, behind him, where there once was a town, smoking ruins, with small bursts of magic still appearing here and there. "I have messed up, I have messed up." pegasus kept repeating, when another voice was heard talking, "No, We just had little fun." "I should never have picked you up." "That's what they all say, but you'll see, sooner or later you will have true Grin on your face"

Gleaming Grin, that was the pegasus's name, he got it from his unusual problem, that he always looks like he's grinning, but his real problem, was The Mask. He had found it when he was a colt, and being as curious as he was, he tested it on, only to find out that it was sentient. It flooded Grin's mind, causing him to lose consciousness, and when he woke up, not only did he have an another consciousness living in his head that took form of a floating mask when it showed itself to others, but he had also gained magic, allowing his to do what usually only unicorns could do.

But as Grin got older and stronger at magic, also the Mask grew stronger. First, taking his Cutiemark, replacing it with itself, and soon starting to take control of the body for short times, until it was able to take his mind, causing harm to other ponies. It started from harmless pranks, but as time went forward, it got worse, and now there was destroyed town behind him.

Edited by The Cerberus


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@The Cerberus Jay galloped til she was too tired to run any more, unable to lift a hoof at all. She sank to the ground, unable to even find a hiding place. Still, the town where Jinx had wreaked such havoc was well behind her now; a place that Jay had hoped to call home, but that hope now lay in tatters along with the razed town. Tears ran from her eyes as, once again, Jay pleaded with Jinx to leave her alone in a conversation held inside her head.

"You're hurting other ponies and ruining my life! Please, please, I beg you... leave me in peace."

But as always, the answer came back that she did not want to hear.

"Now, why on Equestria would I do a thing like that?" sneered Jinx. The dark mage always spoke in the cut glass tones of Canterlot high society, which sounded strange coming from a simple filly like Jay whenever Jinx took her over and spoke thru her mouth. Jay's eyes would change colour from blue to red whenever Jinx had control; a subtle indication that nopony ever noticed that showed clearly that the pony committing the atrocities was not who it seemed to be.

"As I have explained to you, countless times," Jinx continued, "I will only leave your mind once you are mature enough to perform the spell which I require to renew my body once more. That will not happen for years yet, so you might as well get used to my company."

Despairing, Jay broke off the conversation and lay down on the damp grass, tears falling and making it still damper. Despite the other pony in her head, Jay always felt desperately alone, but she never dared to make friends as she feared what Jinx would do to anypony she befriended. In any case, what pony, once they knew, would even want to be her friend?



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@Pripyat Pony
When Grin was sure that he wasn't followed anymore, he landed to the ground stretching his hurting wings cursing the Mask. Although this was first town Mask had totally destroyed, this wasn't first time he had to run away because of it. He continued his travel walking, repeating things like "What now?" and "What do I do?" , and ignoring Mask's answers like "Have more fun."

After walking a bit, Grin noticed unicorn laying on the ground and thought to ask where exactly was he. Luckily to him, when Mask wasn't in control, he was able to stop Mask from presenting itself to others, and so he did as he started walking towards the unicorn. As he got closer, he noticed that the unicorn he was going towards was crying, and he started moving faster until he reached the crying unicorn, "What's wrong?"

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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At the sound of a friendly voice, Jay raised her head. She saw a pegasus stallion standing there and, making an effort, she sat up. "Everything is what's wrong, really," she said with a sob. "But nopony really understands."



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@Pripyat Pony
Grin figured that he needed something else to think about for second, so he tough that he could at least try to help this unicorn. Ignoring The Mask talking inside his head, he offered his hoof to Jay to help her up "Try me"


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@The Cerberus Jay hesitated, then just thought that she had nothing to lose by confiding in a stranger. After all, she had tried telling friends and family, only for them to either disbelieve her, or to recoil from her in horror. She took the strange pegasus stallion's hoof and got back on her feet. Jay sighed. "The truth is, there is another pony inside my head. She does evil things, and I get the blame."



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@Pripyat Pony
Grin was surprised "Really?" he looked concerned, or, well, as concerned as pony with a slight grin on his face could look. "Because I have more or less the same problem." "Name's Gleaming Grin, Grin for short." "What's your name?" He kept his tone friendly and calm, if this unicorn really had same problem as him, maybe they could come up with solutions together.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@The Cerberus Jay could hardly believe her ears. This pony, Gleaming Grin, was not only not afraid of her, but he also had nearly the same problem that she had! She was glad that she'd had the courage to confide in him. "My name's Jay," she replied.



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@Pripyat Pony
"Nice to meet you Jay." Grin said, keeping his friendly tone "Would you like to tell me more about this another pony?" He wanted to know what kind of evil was Jay struggling with "I could tell my problem after that." "We could maybe think some solutions."


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@The Cerberus Jay looked fearfully around her, but the two of them were alone. Nopony was nearby; they were on a vast, silent scrubland with only the lonely moans of the wind for company. Even so, Jay spoke in a low, frightened voice, worried in case Jinx should stop her. But Jinx didn't mind Jay telling all; she was in fact proud of what she had done.

"Her name is Jinx," Jay said. "Decades ago, she was the daughter of two high class ponies and lived in Canterlot. Jinx's mother was cold, but her father loved her. One day, her mother, in a fit of jealous rage, murdered her father, and Jinx slew her with dark magic, gaining her cutie mark which is the skull and crossbones and the symbol of evil magic. Jinx soon became a powerful sorceress and Canterlot grew to fear her. She soon began to experiment with immortality, and eventually achieved it, of a sort. When a unicorn talented with good magic named Starswirl the Bearded fought Jinx and destroyed her body, Jinx's spirit survived. She fled to the Northlands, but only pegasi and earth ponies live there, so altho she was able to survive by possessing other ponies' minds, she had no chance to try and recreate her body... til she eventually returned to South Equestria, and possessed me.




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@Pripyat Pony
Grin spoke calmly "So possession by a evil pony from long time ago." "I can understand why other ponies don't necessary believe you." "But I do." He kept a small pause before continuing "So, I believe it's my turn." He took a long breath, The Mask liked to be talked about, so it wouldn't be a obstacle for Grin's explanation, but it never stopped talking inside his head. "Unlike you, I don't exactly know what it is, it itself don't even know, but it has taken a form of sentient mask." "It took my cutiemark, that's why there's its picture there." "It is very very old, probably older than Equestria, nopony...or nothing knows exactly." "In short, I found it when I was a colt and out of curiosity put it on." "Now, I'm stuck it with, not only rest to my life, but if it is to be believed, even after that." "But if I have to say positives, it gave me something too." Grin then proceeded to levitate a small rock to show his magic he had despite of being pegasus.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@The Cerberus "Wow," Jay replied, impressed by the demonstration. "Thanks for believing me. It's just so horrible when ponies think that I'm lying, when I'm actually a very honest pony. I did wonder about your cutie mark; I expect you wondered about mine. It's not a real one, it just appeared when Jinx took me over. I haven't got a cutie mark of my own yet."

Jay blushed as she spoke these words; it was very embarrassing to admit that at her age she hadn't yet discovered her special talent. But of course, cuz of Jinx possessing her mind, Jay simply hadn't been able to go out and find out her destiny, so if Jinx ever left her mind, she would be a blank flank.



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@Pripyat Pony
Grin actually hadn't noticed Jay's cutiemark, but when she mentioned it, it indeed was unusual. 

He noticed Jay blushing after mentioning that she never got her's actual cutiemark, "No need to feel embarrassed about that." "I never got mine either" he threw away the rock he was still levitating "And now I'm destined to basically try to keep ancient evil from doing its thing, and I have already failed."

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@The Cerberus "I try my hardest to stop Jinx from taking me over and hurting other ponies," Jay said in a low, fearful voice. "But I always fail. So don't feel too bad about it."

She tentatively stretched out a hoof in an attempt to offer comfort to Grin.



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@Pripyat Pony
"You're right, I shouldn't feel bad from past failings." Grin sighed "Neither of us should, we should concentrate on the future."

He noticed Jay's fearful sounding voice, and got slightly curious, and worried. Grin had noticed Jinx sounding frightened earlier when she was telling about Jinx, but he had thought it was because of him. "I can't but take notice that you sound scared when you talk about Jinx." "Doesn't she like to be mentioned?"

Edited by The Cerberus
grammar and such


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@The Cerberus "It's not that," Jay replied. "Jinx doesn't mind me talking about her, as she is quite proud of what she has done. It's just that being outside in the open makes me feel nervous. Perhaps we could go and see if we can find someplace, like a cave or something, to shelter in?"



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@Pripyat Pony
Grin understood Jay's reasoning, he didn't exactly want to be out in the open either, he looked around "That's a good idea actually" "Do you want that I search with you on the ground, or should I scout the area from air." Grin knew that finding shelter would be lot faster from the sky, but that would also mean that he would be easier to be seen by somepony.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@The Cerberus "I think that we should look on the ground," Jay replied. "Jinx says that the caves are not far to walk from here. We just need to go to that rock face over to the right."

Jay pointed to a sheer stretch of rock that could just be seen above the trees to the east.



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@Pripyat Pony
"Aright" Grin said as he looked towards the rock.

One may wonder why Grin trusted something Jinx had said to Jay, but reason for that was very simple. He knew that even though it could be expected from somepony like Jinx to lead him to something dangerous, she most likely wouldn't put Jay into unnecessary danger, being in the same body. But even if she did, The Mask would make sure its host wouldn't get hurt. "Shall we go then?"

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@The Cerberus Jay nodded and set off. The landscape changed slightly, still fairly barren but now getting more stony on the ground. Jay stumbled a few times but wasn't hurt, tho she needed a rest by the time she got to the caves. There were three; one had a hole in the roof, but the other two were intact, one having a curtain of fern over the entrance.



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@Pripyat Pony
Every time Jay stumbled, Grin got ready to help her in case she needed help. Grin scanned the caves with his eyes from where he and Jay were,
"That one has hole in its roof but those two could work as shelter" he mentioned, pointing at each cave as he talked about them, "I wouldn't actually be surprised if somepony or something lives there already." "I go and check" He then started moving towards the cave with curtain of fern, he figured it would be better that he was the one to check, because he could flee faster due having wings, and he also knew that Mask would protect him, despite of its evilness.

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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  • 2 weeks later...

@The Cerberus Jay waited patiently for Grin to get back. She had already decided to stay where she was, for safety, and also cuz she was too scared to go with him. Even with Jinx in her head, Jay never really felt safe.



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@Pripyat Pony
It took a while for Grin to go through both of the intact caves but when he finally finished, he had came to conclusion that there wasn't anything currently living in them. He returned to Jay, "Empty, there might have been animals living in them in some point, but they haven't been inhabited by anything for a while."


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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  • 1 month later...

@The Cerberus (Ooc: Sorry about my late reply, I kinda got caught up in RL)


"Maybe griffons, or even dragons, but you're right, there's nothing here now," Jay replied. She sat down, glad to get the weight off her hooves.



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