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@Techno Universal @Stardust Balance @Superwholock

Scripted Scribble was sitting by a bench on Ponyville, reading the newspaper. The only real reason he was reading it was because of that small comic series- Marble Horns. it was written by two stallions and a new page of it was in the newspapers almost daily. And the main topic of it was all about a horror creature named "Slendermane". It was obviously all fantasy, though the series just...stopped. Around two weeks ago.

In fact, one of the news on the newspaper was about ponies actually going to investigate the Slendermane, thinking that he was the cause for the comics to stop. But that was just stupid, Scribble would never do such...would he?


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Techno was one of the one's investigating the slender mane for a little fun as he just wanted to do something fun for once instead of sitting in his lab. He also had his massive five meter long cape on and it was navy blue with blue cercit board patterns all over it. It was also really soft and warm...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Arctica stepped off the train from Manehatten, breathing in the fresh country air. She hadn't been to Ponyville in a while, having only ever come by to drop off orders from her parents cafe. Understandably, this didn't happen very often.

Arctica adjusted her saddle bags nervously and headed into the station and out the other side into Ponyville. On her way through, she picked up a local newspaper and began flipping through it as she headed up the street. Specifically she was looking for the comic pages and a strip called Marble Horns.

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Utterly. Ridiculous.

Hot air of irritation blew from the Earth Pony's gold nostrils, hazel eyes scanning the contents of the open pages with narrowed perception. The golden stallion walked through Ponyville park down a light pathway, reading today's news with neither love nor amusement. His dark blue cape flowed gently against the soft breeze, and his fedora of similar colour spinning in his other free hoof, the stallion walking on hind legs because the average laws of walking for equines means nothing to him.

What spouted his irritation so early in the morning? Why, Princess Celestia of course! The Godforsaken alicorn has declined a promising trade agreement between Canterlot and Griffonstone, expressing "concern for the lack of benefits to Equestrian kind." Stardust rolled his eyes, evidently the Princess only looking out for one species over the other, the biased wench. Huffing, the Earth Pony scanned through the other pages, barely noting an article regarding the rumours over a creature named the "Slender-"

Stardust groaned, promptly throwing the useless paper in the nearby bin and twirling the fedora onto his dark brown mane, the beard twitching with his muzzle in irritation. Time to find something better to do that let Celestia's oh-so consistent incompetence get the better of him.

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Arcitca found the comic pages, disappointed to see that Marble Horns still hadn't updated. She sighed, although she'd come to expect it. After all, it was the very reason she was here.

She'd met one of the creators briefly at a convention for aspiring comic artists, a genre of art that Arctica had been carefully testing the waters for a few months now. He'd given her a few tips on her sketches and some other really good advice that Arctica had appreciated. After that, they'd sent a few letters back and forth whenever she was struggling for ideas. He was incredibly kind and patient with her, a task she was well aware wasn't that easy. When Marble Horns had suddenly stopped, she'd sent a letter to make sure he was okay. That was two weeks ago; she hadn't heard back.

True, she wasn't really friends with the stallion, but he'd been kind and helpful and she felt she owed it to him to at least figure out what was going on.

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Scribble kept reading the comic-less newspaper. Witness said that a slender creature can be found at the Everfree Forest at night, and that ponies are already writing about their personal investigations on the forest. He could't help but chuckle a bit. Sure, he did enjoy supernatural stuff, but that was just plain funny. Marble Horns was nothing but a little comic about the creature.

But you know, investigating too sure would't hurt. Even though it would be a waste of time.


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Five minutes later...

Nothing to do!

The residents weren't helping either, the general chatter Stardust picked up from around the ponies enjoying themselves in the park based around some creature lurking in the depths of the infamous Everfree Forest. The Earth Pony wanted to groan out-loud; the forest held plenty of deadly monstrosities, what makes this one any different? Of course the populace would be interested in some random creature plaguing the forest instead of Celestia failing them all as a ruler again. Stardust huffed, loudly, and continued down the pathway.

Maybe if he gets bored enough, he might investigate himself... Y'know, if he had a death wish.

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At this point Techno has red through the comics quite a bit and he got soo interested that he had to investigate himself. Plus he was walking around the park currently...


TU: Yeah this is something that definitely must be investigated! Like it might be a new major threat to equestria and that would be the worst thing for me!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Arctica began her investigation by asking the local residents if they knew who had written Marble Horns. After about ten interviews, she began to think that no one here knew anything. She felt her heart sink. If she couldn't find someone who knew something, her investigation would end before it had even begun!

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Alright, but would he seriously considering it? Scribble began to ask himself. Sure, that would be intresting! However, if he was really going to the Everfree Forest, he needed to get the things needed for a proper exploration. Like, a candle, something to write on, and his good old magic pencil. Is the Slendermane weak to fire?

Anyways. Scribble left the newspaper on the bench, and began to fly over to his house.


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TU: Yeah I feel like sleeping a bit now!


Techno then decided to take a nap in the forest so he laid down and wrapped his cape around himself...


(The others are probably going to find Techno when they enter the forest! :) ) 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Well, looks like destiny had new plans for him. Typically Stardust paid no attention to destiny and preferred his own path, but the path he took seemed to have led him regardless right beyond the edge of the Everfree Forest. Y'know, the forest housed with many deadly and unnerving creatures no one in their right mind would venture or even sleep in...

Unless you're a zebra.

Regarding the still trees, the gentle rustling against aging leaves, Stardust gazed around solemnly, as though waiting for something to happen. According to today's news gossiped by everyone in town who have nothing better to do with their meager lives, the 'Slendermane' was a creature that only appeared at night. Although Stardust would regularly dismiss such claims about a night creature which takes ponies, a inkling of curiosity presented itself. Ponies disappearing... Everyone talking about a monster...

It could all be total bogus and a waste of his time but...

Eh screw it. He had nothing better to do. Might as well prepare.

Turning around, Stardust sought down the right path leading to Sugarcube Corner itself, arriving to such a destination under eight minutes. If he was going down tonight by a terrific monstrosity, he might as well have a good last meal. Thankfully the line wasn't too long today, so Stardust had no troubles reaching the counter to make his order. The stallion was gonna dine like a King.

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And, Scribble is back to his house, which is near the river. It was pretty big, and it is painted in sky blue. There is also a staircase over to a big cloud, that seems to be a workshop of sorts. He unlocked the door of the actual house and got in. His macaw, Squake, was sitting by the couch on the living room of the first floor. The pegasus flied over to the second floor, which was the kitchen, and grabbed his pencil, that was on the table, along with a few blank papers. He was a pretty messy stallion, so he just grabbed both of these. Right after, flied over to the third floor and then to his cloud-warehouse.


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Arctica entered the bakery, a decent sized building dubbed The Tasty Corner.


She stepped inside, finding herself at the back of a fairly short line. While she waited, she let her gaze drift over the shop, taking in all the kinds of baked goods on display. There were a lot of cakes, though she wasn't seeing any muffins. Crap, did this place only do sweet goods? Just when she was starting to fear that that was indeed the case, she caught sight of a small muffin display tucked away in a corner. Thank Celestia! It looked like they were pretty good too. Her stomach grumbled at the sight, reminding her of how hungry she was.

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After a few minutes of looking for things in hier workshop, Scribble found everything he needed. Blank papers, his pencil, a normal quill and feather, and a candle. He stored them all in a bag. Before flying off, he noticed newspaper on one of the shelves. The pegasus used to keep all newspapers with the Marble Horns comics, though he stopped doing so after the comic also stopped. But maybe it would be usefull, and thats why he grabbed them too.

Now all he had to do was waiting for nighttime, though it would take quite some time. He decided to fly back to the plaza, and wait for night there. He knew exactly which bench he sat on- that was his favorite bench, after all- and got back into it right after arriving. The newspaper was still there.


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