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Ask Sunset Rose


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3 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:


Parents are both only children or aunts/uncles haven't had children?

3 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Favorite bird... well I love hummingbirds because they're so adorable, but I can appreciate a crow's intelligence as well. And despite the cawing, they really are fun to watch in their own way.

Which do you see more often in Canterlot?

Are there many birds that flourish at such high ground altitudes?

3 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Uhhh, well I don't think ponies tend to use middle names often, or maybe that's the excuse I use because my family has none.

Ach, I know of a stallion named Hayseed Turnip Truck, but I suppose he's probably an extenuating case.




Which way around do toilet paper rolls go?

Corollary: Do ponies even use toilet paper or is there some sort of hoof-friendly substitute?

What are your thoughts on bow ties?

Stainless Steel Rivets: Blessing Or Curse?

What is your favourite natural phenomenon?

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6 hours ago, Duality said:

Parents are both only children or aunts/uncles haven't had children?

My parents are both only children.

6 hours ago, Duality said:

Which do you see more often in Canterlot?

Are there many birds that flourish at such high ground altitudes?

You see crows more often in Canterlot but hardly ever hummingbirds.

6 hours ago, Duality said:

Which way around do toilet paper rolls go?

Corollary: Do ponies even use toilet paper or is there some sort of hoof-friendly substitute?

Ponies have very good bidets?

6 hours ago, Duality said:

What are your thoughts on bow ties?

They do make one significantly more dapper. I like bow ties on guys more than ties.

6 hours ago, Duality said:

Stainless Steel Rivets: Blessing Or Curse?

I mean, at least they're stainless...? Either they're too good a thing to where you can't use any other type of rivet or there's been some kind of allergic outbreak to chromium.

6 hours ago, Duality said:

What is your favourite natural phenomenon?

I don't know that they count so much as a phenomenon but I really like blue holes. It may just be an aquatic sinkhole, but there's something about their particular danger and allure that I like.

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On 9/28/2017 at 6:47 PM, Sunset Rose said:

@Wacko Wolf

I very much appreciate compliments, but if there's a motive behind it I'm afraid it won't go anywhere. Romance is a powerful thing, but it's restricted to fiction for me. 

I can relate to this tbh. I feel more connections with something like that in a fic than I ever have irl.

So, my questions are, what do you think about the world in general? Do you like what our species has done in terms of accomplishments? Do you dislike what our society has turned into or are you quite content with it?

Shadows await you all.


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Ponies are incredibly industrious creatures. Despite having such variety in our own racial talents we subconsciously find that magic in unicorns, flight in pegasi and hardy strength in earth ponies tend to never erect a developmental barrier when in other cultures such extreme differences would not only result in segregation of cultures, but maybe even seeing each other as differing species entirely, with what all that might entail. I think it's thanks to this incredible acceptance and understanding of our differences that keeps us an ever-thriving society. I will say that I have very few reserves about ponies as a whole- they tend to exist on the individual level- but with so many dangers out there it's a fascinating conversation topic on what exactly it is in pony nature that keeps us this way.

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9 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Ponies have very good bidets?

How do the ponies with outhouses cope? :confused:

9 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I don't know that they count so much as a phenomenon but I really like blue holes. It may just be an aquatic sinkhole, but there's something about their particular danger and allure that I like.

Belize's Great Blue Hole is a sight to behold; I concur entirely.




How do you view the concept of wearing suspenders?

Corollary: Do ponies even use suspenders?

What is the single greatest quantity of dirt you have ever carried at any one time?

Which is the more sanity-destroying game, chess or Mah-Jong?

What is your favourite pastime?

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1) I don't think ponies would have a need for suspenders.

2) So the funny thing is this is actually more relevant than it seems. I spend a lot of my vacation time in or around the Everfree Forest on my own personal research. The bizarre properties of EFF and its effects on floral ecologies are fascinating to me. One experiment I did involved the soil in certain parts of Everfree Forest.

My home is in Canterlot so it's pretty much impossible to try and experiment in removing plant life from the magic of ponies with the most powerful of them living in the city, but I have been trying to learn what makes them autonomously grow without any influence from my own magic as often as possible. There is a very subtle difference between leaving a pothos on one window with magical encouragement and another pothos on the opposite side without it. They will both grow, but only one will truly flourish. 

I've noticed that in Everfree Forest, the soil is much more... I suppose you could say diverse. It's layered and layered with dead flora and fauna, so I once tried removing a patch of that soil and replanting a avocado in it, and astonishingly it managed to root in and grow on its own for a while without magical intervention. I suppose I would have taken a kilo of it with me, to answer the actual question.

3) I spent some time playing chess with friends in school so I'd have to say that since I've only ever played Majhong with one other person and don't know the competitive intricacies of if quite as well.

4) Reading!

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30 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

I don't think ponies would have a need for suspenders.

Not even to hold up their socks?

Or is the whole 'sock' thing just an urban myth?




What item of clothing, that you consider weird, do you see ponies wearing most often?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

What is your favourite hat/head ornament (whether worn by you or by other ponies)?

How much silver is there in your house/building of residence?

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Socks are most certainly not a myth! A lot of ponies have asked me if the patterns on my hooves were socks.


1) Shoes/boots

2) Because it was tired of being told what it could and couldn't do.

3) I don't wear hats too often, it gets in the way when I use my magic. 

4) If any part of my plumbing is made with silver in any way then I guess whatever amount that would be but otherwise I don't know that there's any.

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On 10/6/2017 at 6:34 PM, Royce said:

@Sunset Rose

Why the name?

Wow, I am awful. I didn't see your post, so sorry Royce!

My name was chosen while I was out on a jog- over a series of jogs actually. I knew I wanted something that meant a lot to me, but could still be seen as somewhat unique and attractive. 

Fun fact: I had originally chose the name Rainbow Rose, but that name only lasted for like... an hour before I hated it. And before someone said it reminded them of a course from Mario Kart.

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7 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Socks are most certainly not a myth! A lot of ponies have asked me if the patterns on my hooves were socks.

No, no, I mean the 'ponies like socks' stereotype.

Is that an urban myth?

7 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I don't wear hats too often, it gets in the way when I use my magic.

I thought magic was intangible; is its effect obstructed by matter?





Who're your fav pony artists?

What is your favourite physical unit of currency (whether a coin or a note)?

Papaya blossoms?

How much do you like scarves?

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7 minutes ago, Duality said:

No, no, I mean the 'ponies like socks' stereotype.

Is that an urban myth?

Well yes, I think most ponies tend to like socks, but I think they're more of a comfort and attention-seeking thing than something you wear to keep warm more often than not.

9 minutes ago, Duality said:

I thought magic was intangible; is its effect obstructed by matter?

It depends on the spell, but most unicorns use their magic for everyday activities like pouring water, opening doors and grabbing things off of high shelves. When you use your magic in this way you imagine it being an extension of your body, reaching into a direction to grab something. Even my mane gets in the way sometime, but hats most certainly do.


1) There are so many of them, but I have to claim bias and say @Cheshers is certainly one of them! Recently @Vitaj finished a commission for me and I adore how it turned out. Bamboodog is another artist I like quite a bit, even if he and I are no longer friends. The list is unfairly long, but there are three for you!

2) Coins just because I tend to fidget with and idly play with them.

3) Papaya dance!

4) Scarves are really cute accessories, I wear them in the winter every opportunity I get.

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2 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

There are so many of them, but I have to claim bias and say @Cheshers is certainly one of them! Recently @Vitaj finished a commission for me and I adore how it turned out. Bamboodog is another artist I like quite a bit, even if he and I are no longer friends. The list is unfairly long, but there are three for you!

Ooooooh, that's some good art.

Especially that sumptuous commission. :love:




Which country do you think has the best currency/coins/bills/etc., other  than your own?

How nice is your handwriting?

Explosions or laser beams?

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@Wacko Wolf

Nothing special, really. A bath and a book most nights.



I am pretty excited about it, yeah. ^ ^


1) I often wonder what kind of currency they have in Yakyakistan... But I'm afraid I don't know what it looks like or any other country's. 

2) I like to think it's fairly nice! I write my notes in cursive and since reading a little pamphlet on unicorn graphology I've paid very close attention to the way I write.

3) Explosions! 

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Oh, cultural anthropology was a staple in my schooling but the problem is that Equestria and its bordering countries are actually fairly vague in themselves when it comes to which types of creatures and intelligent life live within it. It seems like every few years, we make contact with a far-away neighbor and their cultures tend to differ from ours so greatly. I will say that I'm confident that I have at least an above average knowledge of what's within our country and our most immediate neighbors, but I can't really prove that when Equestria herself is great at keeping things hidden from itself. Breezies, yaks, dragons and diamond dogs are fairly well-known to most ponies, but it takes some physical cultural osmosis to be able to say that your book and scroll knowledge is accurate. 

On my travels, I have been everywhere from between Vanhoover on the northwest ridge of Equestria and Canterlot in the center. I visit my parents in Vanhoover fairly often but I do stop in the Unicorn Range and Smokey Mountains from time to time for leisure and personal discovery. In terms of places I visit often, outside of Vanhoover, I'd say the Everfree Forest and occasionally Ponyville are the only things I visit when it's by myself, for myself. I haven't really traveled east of Canterlot to the more populated metropolitan areas, but maybe someday I'll have a wild hair and decide to travel around.

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~~As Pathfinder~~

I would have to agree with that personally, and it's quite the shame, really. Through my studies, as well as my experiences with my friend Sojourner, it's an amazing thing when you get to interact with other cultures. Granted; not every experience is a positive one, but that's due to my own ignorance, and I try to make amends. I will admit as to not having much experience with dragons, but yaks, buffalo, and deer especially have been eye-opening things.

You're fairly well-traveled then. Is there any place outside of Equestria you like to visit? Personally, Saddle Arabia is an amazing place to visit, though that might be due to my own desert-loving biases, haha.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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6 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I often wonder what kind of currency they have in Yakyakistan... But I'm afraid I don't know what it looks like or any other country's.

Aren't there any decent numismatists in Equestria?

I would've thought that sort of hobby would fit Canterlot culture to a tee.

6 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I like to think it's fairly nice! I write my notes in cursive and since reading a little pamphlet on unicorn graphology I've paid very close attention to the way I write.


6 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Finally, someone who appreciates my kind of incendiary overkill!

You're the first and only out of about 10 ask-threading users who's actually picked that option.

I was starting to think that I was the only one with good taste around here.




What's your favourite sport?

Which computer-keyboard key is your personal favourite?

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?

How many atoms does your left eyeball have?

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4 hours ago, Duality said:

Aren't there any decent numismatists in Equestria?

I would've thought that sort of hobby would fit Canterlot culture to a tee.

There... might be? I'm not sure if currency is a varied enough thing to study on its own in Equestria, unless its part of another study course. In my own experience, when you read about a country's culture it rarely ever mentions their currency. 

4 hours ago, Duality said:





1) I don't have one.

2) Uhhh.. yes?

3) I've subjected myself to a myriad of self-help the past few years. I guess the best I could say is that the grass is always greener on the other side... unless you take better care of yours.

4) I haven't got a clue.





I haven't been outside of Equestria, unfortunately. If the opportunity ever presented itself, (and I came across some way of making it possible,) I'd want to see how life is in Aquastria, under the waves.

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I like your spectacles. Are they glass, crystal or some other magical element?


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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My glasses? I'm... sure they're made of some kind of flexible glass. I've dropped them once or twice and they never seem to scratch or chip so whatever they're made of, it's a hardy material. I certainly can't read without them, so I'm glad for that!

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10 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I guess the best I could say is that the grass is always greener on the other side... unless you take better care of yours.

Heh, that's a good one.

10 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Uhhh.. yes?

Whoa, you must have one of those nifty modded keyboards.





How many books do you own? What are they?

How many pets do you own? What are they?

How many siblings do you own? What are they?

Note: the siblings in question do not have to be related to you.

How many pieces of furniture do you own? What are they?

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1) Oh, a few hundred... (Myself? 125 currently.)

2) None

3) You cannot own siblings! But I have none anyway.

4) A dozen or so I guess? I don't have anything interesting or outlandish though...

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13 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

Myself? 125 currently.

Oh, good show!

It's not every nerd who can cite the exact number of books they own down to the nearest 5 (or down to the nearest one, whichever be the case).

14 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

You cannot own siblings!

I've asked this question on at least 5 ask threads now, and those who have siblings take the query in stride and tell me exactly how many siblings they own (not always related to them), while those without siblings ask why I'm casually condoning child slavery or something.

My heart goes out to you, small one, for truly you have never experienced the wonders of siblinghood.

21 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

A dozen or so I guess? I don't have anything interesting or outlandish though...

They don't have to be weird and intriguing.

These questions are mostly aimed at getting to know you, after all.




What're your top 5 favourite beverages?

Shredded book or shattered smartphone?

What electrical item do you use most often?

If you could understand any single concept known to mankind, which one would you choose?

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8 hours ago, Duality said:

Oh, good show!

It's not every nerd who can cite the exact number of books they own down to the nearest 5 (or down to the nearest one, whichever be the case).

(I actually had to go count them and account for the two I left at work and around the house. You asked what they were as well but... I don't really have to time to mark them all down, haha.)



1) I like this question! But I am going to have so somewhat generalize. From most to least; chai tea, red wine, (strong) black teas, coffee, water.

2) I'll go with shattered smartphone. (I don't know if ponies have phones, but I do recall at one point somepony said something along the lines of 'call X' in the show, so... maybe.)

3) I think most people would say a light, but I live in one of the older houses on the outer residential district of Canterlot and there is no electricity. My house is primarily candlelit. If I did have electricity, (and didn't have magic,) I would say a light. Or an electric clock. Hey, at least my rent is very cheap!

4) If it's already something I can't understand, how would I answer this? 

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