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This is where you post theories on equestrian history, other elements of harmony, elements of discord and such.

My theory is that Celestia and Luna are actually the same age. How? Elemantary, my dear, Nightmare Moon aged instead of Luna for a thousand years.


Just thought, one interesting thing would be sentient giraffe. IKR?

Edited by THEj

I am, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof, and incapable of error.

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My theory is that Pinkie's family was supplying dragons with rock food in the hopes that they would rule Equestria with their combined might. That's the only logical reason I could think of for having a rock farm :P



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Equestrian history, huh? Let's see. Ugh... This is going to be long... Here's my Konami theory. It's by no means complete, but it does cover alot of stuff.







The 27 True Marks of Prairius


Long ago, before the dawn of Ponykind, there were two beings called Light and Darkness. It is these two that created the world of Prairius and the race of Ponies that inhabit it. Light created the day, and Darkness created the night. And for a time, there was peace.


However, as time passed, these two beings became jealous of one another, coveting each other's work as their own. Soon, that jealousy turned to hate, which turned to war. The two clashed, mountains crumbled, skies were split, lands torn asunder. Entire nations were ravaged.


Fragments of the two beings floated up into the heavens, creating the stars. Still, more fragments fell to Prairius. The two beings, broken from the battle, retreated. Light became the Sun, and Darkness became the Moon. The fragments that fell to the surface, became the True Marks of Prairius.


From these marks, were born the Cutie Marks, upon the flanks of the ponies created in the images of Light and Darkness. The True Marks watch, and silently wait for the time when Fate will call for them again...



The True Marks of Equestria


Equestria's three True Marks signify prosperity and harmony.


Mark of the Sun - A Mark that represents the power of the Sun itself. This Mark was passed down to Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, granting her the power to raise and set the Sun.


Mark of the Moon - A Mark that grants the power of the Moon to its bearer. This Mark was given to Princess Luna, the sister of Princess Celestia, granting her power over the Moon and the tides.


True Mark of the Stars - This Mark signifies great knowledge and the power of Magic itself. It was given to Twilight Sparkle when she was a filly.


The True Mark of the Stars is of particular importance to Equestria, because it signifies the time when the Elements of Harmony changes hands. Hence, why it is not always present. It only shows up when fate deems it necessary for the well being of Equestria. In this way, it could almost be considered to be a control mechanism for the other two True Marks.



So, Where IS Equestria?

Equestria is a land on the Northern Continent of Prairius. It is almost directly east of Dream Valley, and is ruled by Princess Celestia, who was given the Mark of the Sun over 1000 years ago. As was stated before, The Mark of the Sun is one of the 27 True Marks of Prairius. The Mark of the Moon (Luna's Mark) and the True Mark of the Stars (Twilight's Mark) are two more of them.


Ok, So What Happened?

Since the Marks of the Sun and Moon are extremely volatile, they are kept in a constant state of balance by the Elements of Harmony. Without those in Equestria, the Marks of the Sun and Moon would go out of control and likely take over the minds of their possessors. That is why Princess Celestia lost the ability to use the Elements of Harmony when she sealed Luna away for 1000 years. Without the balance between the True Marks of the Sun and Moon, there can be no harmony, thus the Elements would need new successors.


So Twilight was granted the True Mark of the Stars, which holds in it the ultimate power of Magic. By extension, the Mark of the Stars also has the ability to gather others that share an amazing destiny by utilizing the power of rainbows. When the Sonic Rainboom happened ten years before the start of FiM, the True Mark of the Stars sensed it, and instinctively appeared on the pony that had the most magical energy in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. The sudden pulse of energy she displayed as a filly was a combination of the mark appearing on her flank and her own innate magical ability.


It also explains a few other things, such as why Apple Bloom started displaying a whole bunch of extra talents when she had the Cutie Pox and started getting all those Cutie Marks. Cutie Marks themselves have innate powers that enhance and sometimes even grant talents to the ponies that get them. Which is why Rainbow Dash is the only Pegasus in Equestria thus far that can do the Sonic Rainboom. Even though her Mark isn't a True Mark and therefore isn't unique, she is currently the only one that has that particular Mark. If another Pegasus ever showed up with that Mark, he or she would probably be capable of performing the Sonic Rainboom too. But since the Sonic Rainboom is legendary, it is highly unlikely that will ever happen, at least in their lifetimes.


Ever notice how Pinkie Pie's mane deflates when she gets depressed? Her Cutie Mark caused the poofiness in her mane when she got it all those years ago. When ponies reject their innate talents or go against them, their appearance and/or demeanor often changes, hence all the mental breakdowns in the series. There are probably long term consequences for prolonged fits like this, but we haven't really seen them yet, because whenever this happens to a character, it is usually quickly resolved. The one time it wasn't immediately resolved was the situation with Princess Luna 1000 years ago, and we all know how THAT ended.


The immediate consequence was Luna being sealed for 1000 years. The long-term consequence of that was the fact that the Elements of Harmony went dormant for that 1000 years. That's how dangerous True Marks are if they are misused. Remember what happened in Lesson Zero? Imagine if Celestia wasn't there to fix that.

Edited by SBaby

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Do you remember in the very first episode Twilight says that "on the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape"? No? Well, she did, it was a relatively throwaway line, but it was there. The reason I mention this is because it's never explained how the stars aid in her escape, or why they have the power to release her.


Nightmare Moon was imprisoned in the Moon for a thousand years, so my theory is that the stars, too, are imprisoned ponies. Who precisely? Well, none other than Nightmare Moon's own co-conspirators: the ponies she talked/threatened into aiding her coup, those that supported her for ideological reasons, those who were threatened into fighting, and those who read the writing on the wall incorrectly - as 'twere - and sided with Nightmare Moon for purely realpolitik reasons.


If this is true, this brings us to the frightening realisation that, whilst Nightmare Moon was imprisoned for a very long time, her peons are apparently imprisoned forever. It may be something of an ironic punishment too - the stars only come out during the night, so from their perspective they have the "endless night" they wanted, but have lost their liberty in the process. They can't sleep, can't eat, can't drink, they can't frolic in the fields, nor lurk in the night. They can't even die. They're immortal, and that is their punishment.

Edited by Krall
  • Brohoof 1
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Ugh, I don't really like that theory...it doesn't seem to fit that well into a little girls show.


Well, it IS just a theory. You don't have to take it seriously. But you have to admit, it'd make a great storyline for a game or a FanFic.


Do you remember in the very first episode Twilight says that "on the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape"? No? Well, she did, it was a relatively throwaway line, but it was there. The reason I mention this is because it's never explained how the stars aid in her escape, or why they have the power to release her.


The stars aided in her escape, because the three True Marks of Equestria cannot be separated for too long. Otherwise, the balance maintained by the marks themselves would go out of control, and potentially destroy everything. In that way, the stars are almost like a failsafe. The Mark of the Stars knows this. When Twilight go the True Mark of the Stars as a filly, it was the first sign that this time was drawing near.

Edited by SBaby

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The system of logic for MLP seems to work by twos. I like Krall's theory to an extent, and allows me to posit:


Celestia and Luna are absolute control of harmony via light and dark.


We could assume that


[stars] and Discord are absolute control of randomness via light and dark.

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For Discord here:


Discord was probably an integral part of the creation of Equestria. Think about it: He encompasses all other creatures that Celestia and Luna are not. Dragon, chicken, cow, etc. Considering before Discord, Celestia and Luna were not in power, there was a stronger being of similar or even greater magic than Discord.


Most likely what happened was Discord usurped the other being, you know, since the other being was probably a spirit of complete Order. Then the rule of Discord, the Celestia and Luna Revolution...


Which brings me to the point of Nightmare Moon...


What exactly did cause her to be Nightmare Moon and who helped her? It says in the beginning that her jealousy and hatred allowed her to turn into Nightmare Moon but what exactly is Nightmare Moon? Is it a personification of Luna's outward hatred or an external entity? My guess is that it was an external entity that found its way into Luna's own magical energy after her jealousy and hatred manifested.


Then, after that, what happened next? Who helped Nightmare Moon? Celestia has an entire army of ponies behind her.


A pony a few posts above quoted something about the stars aiding in her escape. Now that...that's interesting. I feel as though the stars themselves are incredibly strong beings from long before Celestia's regime who were either cast out or control remote places far from the planet. Perhaps they struck a deal with Luna? Since she wanted to bring an eternal night, the stars would obviously have more power.


Alea Jacta Est

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I hope they explain it! For now though I just imagine it was founded by pinkie, and her family, simply from her line! WOO!!!


Yes and Pinkie and her rock farm was once supreme rulers of Equestria



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  • 4 years later...

Rough time line of EQ

G1 Megan, thousands of years ago (if at all) So very long that even the rules of magic have changed.  (Like in Donaldson's novels about Thomas Covenant)  Possibly Discord did this


Hearth's Warming Eve events.  Celestia & Luna weren't mentioned, so plausible they weren't born yet.

Luna & Celestia born


Starswirl the Bearded born


Discord's misrule  In one of the novels it was stated that Starswirl brought the Elements of Harmony to Luna & Celestia to fight him.  It is possible this came before Hearth's Warming.  Discord's screwing w the weather caused massive crop failure & led to the collapse of pony civilization.  C & L ruled some of the ponies, but not all.  Platinum & pals were a separate group.  C's nation spread & gradually absorbed the others.  The nobles were allowed to keep courtesy titles, which is why Blueblood is a Prince.


Luna gradually becomes Nightmare Night


Celestia uses the Elements to banish Luna (1000 years before the pilot).  The show doesn't make clear how general the struggle between them was (Civil war, or just a cat fight?) before C banished L.


About this time, Sombra rules the Crystal Empire & is banished for 1000 years.  Given the timing, it is likely there is a connection.  My head canon is C did this to put off the struggle w Sombra until Luna was back to help her.  C used the Elements to do this before she used them on Luna & broke them.  This is why she didn't just rebanish Sombra in the season 5 finale.  The alternative is that Sombra was losing & did it to try again at a better time


Celestia rules alone for 1000 years until the pilot.

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Do you remember in the very first episode Twilight says that "on the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape"? No? Well, she did, it was a relatively throwaway line, but it was there. The reason I mention this is because it's never explained how the stars aid in her escape, or why they have the power to release her.


Nightmare Moon was imprisoned in the Moon for a thousand years, so my theory is that the stars, too, are imprisoned ponies. Who precisely? Well, none other than Nightmare Moon's own co-conspirators: the ponies she talked/threatened into aiding her coup, those that supported her for ideological reasons, those who were threatened into fighting, and those who read the writing on the wall incorrectly - as 'twere - and sided with Nightmare Moon for purely realpolitik reasons.


If this is true, this brings us to the frightening realisation that, whilst Nightmare Moon was imprisoned for a very long time, her peons are apparently imprisoned forever. It may be something of an ironic punishment too - the stars only come out during the night, so from their perspective they have the "endless night" they wanted, but have lost their liberty in the process. They can't sleep, can't eat, can't drink, they can't frolic in the fields, nor lurk in the night. They can't even die. They're immortal, and that is their punishment.

the stars aren't ponies, when the stars aligned it simply made her powerful enough to escape. since luna and celestia are the wielders of the sun and moon they probably become more powerful at different cosmic events.

img-36578-1-img-36578-1-Samwise-Gamgee-s A wizard is never late, nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to. quote from starswirl the bearded

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changelings are evil alicorns who had there power stripped and were banished during the war in pony heaven. because there power was taken most changelings are not very powerful, but if there leaders find enough love to feed on they can become more powerful than celestia. to stay immortal and keep there power changelings feed on others love.

img-36578-1-img-36578-1-Samwise-Gamgee-s A wizard is never late, nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to. quote from starswirl the bearded

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there are only six elements of harmony, starlights cutie mark is the cutie mark of nullification magic and starswirl is not dead.

img-36578-1-img-36578-1-Samwise-Gamgee-s A wizard is never late, nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to. quote from starswirl the bearded

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