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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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@Dynamo Pad 

OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/176293-ooc-of-roleplay/


*Kitty Cat is headed home after the Grand Galloping Gala. She is extremely exausted from dancing, and she cant see where shes going very well.*

*She accidentally bumps into Dynamo*

*Oof! *falls down

*After a bit she regains control.* *Sorry, sir. Did I hurt you?

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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It was a peaceful evening in the lavish town of Canterlot. The stars were shining, the moon had a beautiful glow and there was barely a cloud in the sky. It was here where the blue unicorn, Dynamo Pad, was currently making his way down the road towards the train station. He had visited Canterlot to see others were attending the Gala, but was more interested in visiting the arcade. As he exited the shop, he had to strain his eyes as it had gotten pretty dark outside. Even with the glow of the moon and stars, he was still finding it difficult on where to maneuver. He used his magic to make his horn glow like a flashlight and sighed in relief. Thankful that he was able to learn such a basic spell. As he began to make his way to the train station, he pulled out his portable gaming device and decided to multitask. "Hmm...judging by how far I've played, I should be able to complete the game by this weekend." He softly whispers his thoughts out loud to himself, smiling widely at feeling accomplished in his endeavors. He hummed a soft tune as he continued to make his way to the station.

As he walked, he failed to notice someone walking in his direction. He bumped into said stranger and grunted while falling to the ground, losing concentration and control of his magic in the process. He shook his head to help gather his bearings and used the light spell once more. Seeing the pony he bumped into him, he slowly got up and shook his head while offering a hoof to the mare. "Oh, no. I'm completely fine. Just a bit dazed, but I should be asking the same thing. It should be me who should be sorry, ma'am. I was so focused on my video game, that I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. You aren't hurt are you?"

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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*Oh, I’m ok. Did you go to the Grand Galloping Gala? It was pretty nice. It probably needed some not-so-fancy kick to it though.

*Oooooh gaming? I love games! I dont see very many ponies with a gamer’s cutie mark. By the way, what game are you playing... if you want to tell me that is.

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Dynamo smiled in relief to know the mare in front of him was okay. "That's a relief. I've heard of the Grand Galloping Gala, but I've never been to it, to be honest." He says while looking down at his attire. Which only consisted of his black jacket and saddlebag. The weather wasn't cold outside, but the brisk feeling of the wind felt somewhat calming. He looks back up to the mare and nods softly. "I've been hearing about that from other ponies. The Gala does sound like a lot of fun on paper, but it feels like somepony needs to liven things up now and again."

He smiles brightly as the mare had become invested in the subject of gaming. "You like games as well? This is awesome! I don't know that many ponies who are into gaming like I am. Even if their marks aren't video game related, it's never a hobby or interest that's brought up. I guess I'm a rare pony to have the mark of a gamer, huh?" He chuckles at his poor attempt to make a joke, but shook his head with a smile. "It's quite alright and I don't mind. I'm happy to show friends what kind of video games I like to play. Now where did I put my game?" He says, but suddenly freezes. His jaw drops slowly, as the cold sensation of reality hit him. He began to look around the ground frantically, shining his light spell all around the pavement. "Where is the game console? I know it slipped out of my magical grasp, but it shouldn't have landed far away. I was so close to beating the elite four and champion! I even had a pretty neat Pokemon team in my arsenal!" He breathed heavily, fear and panic beginning to take a hold over him. He tried to take deep breaths while trying to stay in a calm and collective manner. "You wouldn't happen to know where my handheld is, do you? I seem to have dropped it when we bumped into each other." He says while giving her a pleading look.

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*She is thinking for minute or two... and then has an idea.*

*I will bring it to you, but first, what does it look like? This will help me find it.

*Her horn glows a bit as she readies a spell*

(stinking threshold is too small, so here is a random sentence. By the way I have school tomorrow so I wont be able to reply for the next 4 days)

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Dynamo smiles softly while giving her a thankful expression upon his muzzle. He opened his mouth to reply, but his sentence was caught in his throat as he began to hear the faint sound of the train horn. He felt his heart begin to quicken slightly as he felt himself begin to panic again, but took a calming breath to keep himself together. Even though he just met this mare and didn't know much about her, he felt as if he could trust her, in a way. "Okay and thank you. You really don't have to do this, you know? It's an ebony colored Neightendo 3DS. It's a special made 3DS that has a design on the front of it. The design is yellowish markings that resemble something from The Legend of Zelda. It even has some crossbows and ocarina's on it. The game inside said 3DS is Pokemon Ultra Moon. Thankfully I didn't saved before losing it, so I'm not worried if my portable gaming console loses power and/or turns off. The name on the trainer card is Kyubiki. I hope the information I've given helps in the search of finding it."

The blue unicorn contemplated on staying where he was, or hurrying to the train station, so that he wouldn't miss his ride home. "You said that you'd bring my handheld video game if you find it, but you probably don't know where I live. My original home was in Fillydelphia, but I've recently moved to Ponyville a few months back. My house is right around the arcade and the market place. Do you live in Canterlot, Ponyville, or do you live somewhere else?" He asks, as he blinks in surprise on forgetting to introduce himself to the mare before him. "I hope you can forgive me, but I don't think I've properly introduced myself. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo."


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*Her horn glows more, and suddenly his game console is in the air held by her magic.* Here you go! *she smiles*

*Oh, I live in Ponyville, too! Nice to meet you! I’m Kitty Cat, Princess of Peace... although I honeslty dont really like the “Princess” title. 

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Dynamo turned his head as he contemplated on worrying about the game later, but stopped as her voice reached his ears. He turned at a break neck paced, eyes widening in surprise as the portable game device was found. He smiles widely and without thinking, rushed over and hugged Kitty tightly. "I can't believe you found it. With how dark it was, I thought it would be lost forever. Oh, thank you so, very much. I really do appreciate it." He exclaims before his eyes slowly opened. Realization beginning to dawn upon him. He quickly let go of the hug and backed away a few inches apart from the mare. "I'm really sorry about that. I honestly don't know what came over me like that. I don't really exactly run into nice ponies. Growing up in Fillydelphia, it was either join others in being rude, or grow a backbone. Moving to Ponyville was a nice change of pace and it's always, or mostly really peaceful, in my opinion. Plus, with a lot of random moments happening, it never really gets boring." He closes his eyes and chuckles. A small blush of embarrassment glowed upon his cheeks, while giving an small, yet apologetic smile. 

He takes the handheld device back into his magical grasp and stores it away into his saddlebag. His eyes open while raising an eyebrow in fascination. "You're from Ponyville too? Have you lived there long, or have you lived there recently. It's also nice to meet you as well, Kitty." He says before noticing her folded wings at her sides. "I'm surprised to see that your'e a princess. Not that it's a problem or anything. It's just I've only ever heard or the two Royal sisters, Princess Twilight, Cadence and Flurry Heart. I'm guessing you don't like being treated like royalty, or something along those lines?" He asks before slowly turning around and began his trek back to the train station. "Do you wish to walk with me? We can get to know each other more since we're both going back to Ponyville." 

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*I love hugs! Its ok. Ive only been in Ponyville for about a year.

*And yeah I dont really like being treated like royalty, but it is nice to be known though.

*Sure! I’ll walk with you! *she follows him to where he’s going.*

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Dynamo smiles while sighing in relief. "That's good to know. Also I'm surprised I haven't run into you sooner while in Ponyville. I've moved there recently and have only lived there for almost half a year. What do you do for a living while in Ponyville? I'm guessing since you're a princess, you have a special goal of some kind. For example, how Twilight is the Princess of Friendship and Luna is the Princess of the moon. I was fortunate enough to have an arcade available at Ponyville. I found work and run the shop from time to time." He says while looking to his side to notice that she was walking with him. "I understand what you mean though. It's good to be known, but it's better to be treated like everyone else, or something along those lines. I've won a few tournaments here and there and ponies treat me like a celebrity. It's okay, but honestly I love to play video games. It sort of feels like I'm a part of the gaming world, if that makes any sense." He says as he reaches his destination of the train station. He sets his saddlebag down as he began to wait for the arrival of said train to Ponyville. 

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*Oh, I often just hang out with the Mane 6 and Discord.

*Hahaha, well theres another thing we have in common!

*suddenly she stops in her tracks, with a shocked face. she whispers to herself: *Oh no...

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Dynamo whistles in amazement towards her statement. "That's pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. The mane 6 are pretty cool, but I've never had the chance to meet them myself. Maybe see them in town here and there, but never in person. I think I did meet Princess Twilight's student, Starlight Glimmer, at one point. It's been a while since we last saw each other, so I'm hoping she's doing well. She helped me out a lot. After learning something that happened back home in Fillydelphia..." He trailed on his thoughts as his eyes looked downward. The ground looking more interesting to him at the moment. He shook his head and decided to not dwell on the past. Raising his eyes upward, he couldn't help, but join along in the laughing fit brought upon by Kitty. "Haha, I can't argue with you there! We aren't really the best of fans when it comes to publicity. I'm glad to know I'm not alone on that." He breathed out while clutching a hoof to his side. It took him a few minutes before the laughter subsided. He almost missed the whisper, but turning to see her shocked expression was enough for him to worry. "Hey, what's wrong Kitty? What do you mean by oh no?" He asks in a serious, yet calm kind of tone.  

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*Hide. Something evil is coming!

(A large, black figure with red eyes is suddenly behind them. Kitty notices and starts attacking it with tremendous magic power.*

(The figure attacks back, but Kitty is quick to dodge its attacks.*

(The figure goes to attack Dynamo, seeing he is helpless with his lack of magic ability.)

(Before it gets a chance to, Kitty takes the hit instead.*

*Go! Bring others with you to safety along the way!

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Dynamo noticed Kitty firing off a tremendous amount of magic, but he couldn't understand the reasoning for it. He quickly turned to the source as he was met with a gigantic, dark figure with red eyes on the offensive. His jaw dropped slightly in shock and fear. Eyes widening at what the mysterious creature looked like. He saw the creature go to attack him, but was pushed out of the way by Kitty, who took the hit instead. Dynamo fell to the ground, as he shook his head to gather his bearings. He was about to call out to her, but was given the order to go save the other citizens. He wanted to argue about not leaving her, but he decided against it. He narrowed his eyes and turned to run toward the castle. As he ran, he turned his head at the retreating forms of Kitty and the creature. "I'll be back as soon as possible! Make sure that you stall the creature and hold on as long as you can!" He exclaims as he continues to run towards the castle. As he ran, he made sure to tell any incoming citizen to turn back and take shelter from the creature.

He could feel his heartbeat quicken like a bongo drum. His hooves sore from running with each step he took, but he continued with the task he was given. 'If only I could have Sonic the Hedgehog's running speed, or run as fast as Naruto. I need to get some help as soon as I can. I can't just leave Kitty to fend for herself against that creature. What even was that creature to begin with?' There were multiple thoughts running through his head, but he couldn't come up with an answer to any of them. He could see the castle in sight and began making his way to the castle gates. He was about to head inside the building, but was stopped by the royal guards, who were guarding the entrance. "I need to speak with Princess Celestia, or Princess Luna right away!" The guards could only stand in place, their stoic faces unyielding before the blue unicorn. "The Princesses have turned in for the evening. The Gala has just ended and everypony has begun their journeys home. You should do the same before you get yourself into some serious trouble." Dynamo could only growl before stomping with his hoof in frustration. "I don't have time for this! Princess Kitty Cat is currently fighting a giant unknown creature at the train station! I need Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, or anypony else that can help back her up. She may be an alicorn, but nopony should have to fight anything on their own. I need help and I need help now! Please, let me into the castle!" 

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(Dynamo feels as if a hoof has been placed on his back)

Twilight Sparkle: “Ive heard about the creature. My friends and I are on the way to help her. No need to worry about us, we’ll be fine.”

(Twilight runs off to help Kitty along with the other 5 mares.)

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Dynamo jumped slightly, as he felt a hoof was placed upon his shoulder. He turns around quickly and is met with another pony. He was surprised and relieved that it was Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. He also noticed the other 5 ponies behind her, who were already making their way towards Kitty. He could only nod wordlessly, as she left to catch up to the other five mares. Dynamo was glad to know that everything would be okay, but sighs as he lowers his vision towards the ground. 'I know Princess Twilight and the others can handle any situation, but I can't help but still feel worried. They are the Elements of Harmony, but I can't just leave Kitty on her own. There's got to be something that I can do to help.' He thought as he closed his eyes to figure out a plan. He slowly opened his eyes and began to run as fast as he could to the mane 6.

It took a grueling few minutes or running, but Dynamo had managed to catch up to the others. "Princess Twilight! I'm sorry, but I have to go back to the train station. I know you all can stop this creature, but I can't leave Kitty all on her own. I know she can take care of herself, as well, but I can't abandon a friend." He says as he continues to keep pace with the others. "I don't know if I'll be much help, but I want to help to the best of my abilities. Is there anything you can tell me about this creature? Is there any way to stop this creature, as well? What can I do to help?" He asks as look of seriousness was painted upon his muzzle. 

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TS: “Just do what you can. We are going to need all the help we can get... this creature appears to be from another dimension.”

(The monster tries to hit Rainbow Dash, but it misses)

TS: “Let’s go!”

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Dynamo audibly gulped, as he could only imagine how dangerous this creature could be. It didn't take the group long for them to make their way back towards the train station. Dynamo sighed in relief, as he saw that Kitty was okay, but he couldn't stay relaxed until this creature was stopped. He nods to Twilight, just as Rainbow was about to be hit by the creature. Dynamo wasted no time in trying to shoot lasers from his horn at the creature, but it seemed to do nothing. The blue unicorn tried to even maneuver himself to land some kicks at said creature, but it looked as if it wasn't fazed. 

Dynamo felt the air was knocked out of him. The creature swiped at him, knocking Dynamo back against a wall. He groaned while trying to get back onto his hooves and tried to think of a plan. He couldn't understand what was making this creature so durable. This creature was from a different dimension, but what kind of dimension did it even appear from. He shook his head in frustration, before turning towards Twilight. "Hey Twi! You said this creature was from a different dimension, right? Is there any way to send it back to where it belongs!?" He exclaims, as a crazy idea was beginning to form in his mind. It was an idea in theory, but he hoped that this plan would work. 

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TS: “I believe that Kitty may have a spell to send it back... but I’m not sure.”

*Kitty realizes that Dynamo is tyere and tgat he has been injured*

*Oh dear! Here, let me heal you. *her horn glows yellow and she puts it near Dynamo, healing him*

*I’m glad you guys came to help me... I was growing tired.

*Especially you, Dynamo. Your bravery is very strong in you.

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Dynamo still felt sore from the creature's attack, but felt an aura around his body. He felt calm, as the injuries started to simply vanish. He looks to see that it was Kitty using a spell to heal him. He smiles and nods graciously, but blushes and chuckles slightly. "Thank you for healing me and it was nothing. You're my friend, Kitty. I won't ever abandon any of my friends." He says as he turns his attention back towards the creature. "Let's save the thanking for later. Right now, we have a creature to stop. If not, then who knows how much damage this creature could do?" Dynamo didn't have time to think, as he had to jump out of the way from yet another swipe from said creature. 

The blue unicorn shook his head, but knew there had to be something done. "Hey guys? I know this sounds crazy, but if there's a spell to send this thing back, then I might have an idea. Have any of you ever heard of something called Haycart's method? It's a spell that can send you into a book or another inanimate object, or something along those lines. I know it may seem like a long shot, but would something like that work in this situation?" He asks while avoiding attacks and using his magic to attack.

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TS: “Yeah. I’ve used it before!”

Kitty: *Ok... I’ve got it.

*she simply swipes her hoof in the air*


(The creature is suddenly POOF gone.)

TS: “I’ve never seen you use that spell before. It’s so.... simple.”

Kitty: *Heheh. Yeah. It doesnt even use that much magic!

@Dynamo Pad

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Dynamo was about to explain, but was stopped as the creature simply vanished. Dynamo's jaw dropped in surprise and shock, but was able to compose himself a few minutes later. "I was going to say, then maybe Haycart's technique could work in the gaming world, but never mind." He says while letting out a small chuckle. He wiped a stray bead of sweat from his forehead. He mostly battled in video games, but real life monsters' were a whole different story. "How is everypony else doing? Nopony is hurt right?"

Dynamo turned to Kitty and had a look of amazement on his muzzle. "That's a pretty cool spell, if you ask me. I'm more surprised that spell doesn't take that much magic. A spell that has that kind of effect would have to have some kind of drawback. I don't know that many spell, so I don't really have any room to make assumptions, or something along those lines." He says while running a hoof through his mane. He went over to his saddlebag and slung it over his back. "Thank again for all of your help Princess Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony bearers as well." He says while giving a bow to Twilight and the others to show respect. 

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TS: “No, thank you for being so courageous; almost nopony else would be so brave!”

Kitty: *You have truly inspired me! Im actually not as brave as you are, for sure.

*Hey, maybe I could teach you some magic? You can totally be a cool companion!

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Dynamo looked up from his bow and blushes from the compliment, but tries to be modest about everything. "No, you don't have to thank me. It's like I said before. I can't just abandon a friend like that. Even if Kitty and I weren't friends, I know I'd help her out, if there was anything that I could do." He says while giving the group a warm smile. He looks to Kitty in surprise and chuckles lightly. "Seriously? I'd beg to differ if I were you, Kitty. What you did in fighting off that creature was very brave. Most ponies would run and hide, but you didn't do that. We worked together and with some help from others, we were able to send that creature back to where it belonged. If that's not brave, then I don't know what is." He trots over and places a pats her on the shoulder with his hoof. Dynamo was surprised by the offer, but closed his eyes to contemplate. After a couple minutes of thinking, he slowly opens his eyes with a smile and a nod. "I think that would be pretty cool. Maybe we can play some games sometime and I can show you a pretty cool spell I learned for video games." He says before turning his attention over to Twilight. "Maybe I can show you the spell as well, Princess Twilight. I've always wondered if there were any video game related magic spells. I have this one spell, but would like some opinions towards it. Maybe we can all discuss it tomorrow since it's getting pretty late." He says while making his way back to the platform to wait for the incoming train.

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Kitty: *Thats sounds great! See ya!

TS: “Here’s Kittys address and the castle’s address. Cant wait to start hanging out!”

(Pinkie Pie is asleep, and each time she inhales, she becomes like a balloon.)

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