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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Dynamo felt his jaw drop from the sudden revelation of the pink alicorn. He picked his jaw up and rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing and hearing everything correctly. "So, you mean to tell me that you're not a pony? That you were created and then sent into this dimension and became an alicorn?" He blinked a couple of times, before slowly nodding. "It almost seems too crazy to be true, but I can believe it. With all the legends that have been told in Equestria, it doesn't sound too far fetched, in a way." His eyes widened in shock, as a question quickly formed in his mind. "I have to ask you something, but I'll wait until all of the introductions are taken care of."

He turned his attention back to Pinkie and nods happily at her explanation. "I think laughter fits you well Pinkie. Just talking on your way here and you made me laugh so easily. Even my dad was a goofball from time to time, but he never acted the way you do. I remember being told that my dad acted that way, so that the bad times wouldn't get him down. So, I completely agree on how you like to make other ponies smile. You sound like an awesome friend, in my opinion, Pinkie" He grins and nods in agreement to her making cakes. "I concur on your baking skills. I remember you made a cake for me when I first arrived her. That cake was tasty and I even had a stomach ache after that whole party." He looks from side to side while cupping a hoof around his muzzle. "It was totally worth it though." He whispers with a chuckle. He then blinks in surprise at the mention of Gummy. "Isn't a crocigator kind of dangerous? Does he hurt people by biting them, or something along those lines?" He asks while looking between both the blue Pegasus and the purple alicorn. "It looks like you two are the last to go for introductions. Who would like to start it off?"

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Kitty: *I wasn’t necessarily ‘sent’ here, I just came here on my own will, haha.

Pinkie: “If he bites you, its just for play and since he has no teeth, he can never hurt you.”

Rainbow Dash: “I’ll go!”

”I’m the Element of Loyalty. I always stick to my friends when they need help! I’m a part of the Wonderbolts, the greatest flying team in all of Equestria! Its so cool!”

”I’ve done two Sonic Rainbooms. They used to say it was a legend that nopony could ever do one!”

”I have a turtle named Tank. He flies with a special magically powered helicopter on his back. The reason I picked him is because he saved me from being stuck in an avalanche during a race and we crossed the finish line together. So cool, right!?”

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Dynamo chuckles and nods. "Fair enough, then. That's still pretty cool. Glad you were able to come to this dimension, Kitty. It's great to have you as a friend." He turns to Pinkie and nods in understanding. "That's good to hear. Now I get why he's named Gummy. Having no teeth is like gummy teeth, or something like that. Pretty clever, Pinkie." He chuckles before calming down and turning his attention to the rainbow maned Pegauss. He whistles in amazement over her being a Wonderbolt. "I've heard of the Wonderbolts. I think they do some racing events every now and again. My dad was a racer back in the day and would have other ponies come down to a track to compete. I wonder if some of the old Wonderbolts visited to compete." He says and smiles at Rainbow. "You sound like a pretty awesome mare, Rainbow. I don't think I've ever seen a Sonic Rainboom before, but it sounds pretty legendary. It seems like a tortoise and you don't seem to fit well, since it seems as if you like to fly fast. However, after what you said, it sounds like you fit each other pretty well. It must be pretty cool to be able to fly with your pet, even though Tank doesn't have any wings." He turns his attention from Rainbow to Twilight. "It looks like you're the last one to go, Twilight. I'm all ears on what you have to tell us." 

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Twilight: “I represent the Element lf Magic, the final Element of Harmony. I used to be a student for Princess Celestia until I became an alicorn. I did many studies on friendship and I still learn more about it today.”

”Spike the dragon is my personal assistant and he’s a great guy to be around. He’s a really big help around the castle. I got him when I got my cutie mark at a magic test for gifted ponies. It was great!”

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Dynamo listened intently and smiled at Twilight's accomplishments. "Being a student of Princess Celestia must make you a magical student." He chuckled at his slight joke, before continuing. "I still think that's pretty cool. It sounds like you've come a long way since your studies in Canterlot. It's like myself when it comes to my gaming. I've come a long way from facing my bullies, gaining my mark and working hard at my passion. I still have a long way to go, but I'm glad to be on my journey. I've always wanted to be a student to Princess Luna." Seeing their confused looks, he decided to explain. "You see, I've heard rumors from other gamer's and even my boss. They've said that Princess Luna was once a gamer before she was banished. After being freed by you guys, it's been said that she's looking for a student to pass on her knowledge of video games. However, it's still just a rumor, so I don't know it's truly accurate or not." He shrugged his shoulders while shaking his head. "Whether it's a rumor or not, I still want to accomplish my dreams and make a special dream a reality."

He smiles as she brought up assistant, Spike. "I've seen him around Ponyville from time to time. He sounds like he's a helpful and true friend. He sounds pretty cool in my book. I hope I get to meet him sometime. I think it'd be pretty cool to hang out and become friends." He says and looks towards all the ponies that were present in the room. "Thank you for telling me a bit about who you all are. I know I just met you all, but I feel as if we will be true friends." He rubbed a hoof through his mane, as he felt awkward for just assuming things out of nowhere. "I mean...we are friends...aren't we? I hope I didn't jump to conclusions or anything." 

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Twilight: “Of course we’re friends! Youve been great to us, who wouldnt wanna be friends with you?”

Pinkie: “I totally agree!”

Rainbow Dash: “Ive actually heard of your gaming skills now and then. Getting to know you more was AWSOME!!!”

Rarity: “I think its safe to say we all agree with Twilight.”

Kitty: *Indeed. Youre a great buddo to be with!

*Now you had a question, right?

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Dynamo had a stupefied look upon his muzzle. He only met them not even 24 hours ago and already they were friends. He smiled softly as he almost felt tears were welling up in his eyes. He shook off the tears and gave them all a grateful look. "Thank you. All of you. You've been great to me and all of you are truly the best." He had a look of surprise on his muzzle, due to Rainbow's mentioning of his gaming skills. "Wait a minute. You know of the gaming name, Kyubiki Tenchu?"  He blushes slightly at the compliment, but tried to be modest. "To be honest, I'm actually surprised you know about my gaming skills. I guess word gets around because I've been building up my gaming knowledge in Fillydelphia. I've only been here for around six months, so I didn't think anyone would know about me. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend." He says, before giving the group a polite and humble bow. He stood up from his bow and nods at Kitty's question. "That's right. I do have a few questions, if that's okay." He says, as he turns his attention first towards Kitty. "You said that you've come from another dimension. Does that mean there is more than one dimension besides our own? Is this a whole multi verse theory, or something along those lines?"

He then turns his attention over to Twilight. "I remember you, Kitty and the others were talking about helping me with some magic. Do you still intend to help me out with that? Would Starlight also like to help in the future? If so, then I'd gladly accept the offer. I'm still learning how to harness the power of my magic. That, and I'm not sure what kind of magic would suit a pony, whose cutie mark is a video game controller." He looks down to examine his mark. "I mean, I remember being told that unicorn's have a little bit of magic that's based on what their cutie mark is. I've always wondered if there was some kind of video game type of magic, but it seemed improbable to me." He then looks up to focus his attention back towards the purple alicorn. "I was also wondering one other thing. Do you know of the Haycart technique?"

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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Kitty: *Yes. There are far more dimensions than I can count, and they are all in one universe. There are, however, multiple timelines; where there are very similar worlds, but some actions can be different than another timeline.

*For example, In one timeline you couldve picked Squirtle as your starter, and in another one you couldve picked Bulbasuar.

*Unlike my ability to travel dimensions, I cannot go to or view other timelines. I am often selected to go to a branch of the main timeline, or the main timeline itself, depending if there are multiple selections one can choose.


*Of course! We’d love to teach you some magic!

*Often times there is magic connected to their cutie mark. Yours could be the ability to predict moves and you can find a pattern in someones moveset.


Twilight: “Hmmm I dont think Ive heard of it.”

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Dynamo was surprised, yet he had a contemplative look upon his muzzle. "That's interesting to know. It's just that I've been wondering if there's a gaming dimension. A dimension where all video games are somewhat connected. A place where you could go into the world and use the same weapons, magic, abilities and so forth of any video game character. True, there might be some limits, so you don't become overpowered. However, I've always wondered that since you told us that you've come from another dimension." He grinned while jumping in place at the recent discovery and theory. He stopped hopping and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He soon donned a look of confusion and felt as if he was getting a headache. "That really sounds complicated, but I'll take your word for it. I guess you mean that you can only go to a part of a timeline, but not change anything of that certain timeline?"

He smiled gratefully at their agreement to help him out. "Thank you and I could really use some help. I felt as if I wasn't that helpful in last night's battle. I know of the light spell, a weak laser attack and teleportation if I concentrate. The teleportation is pretty rare since it doesn't always work a good majority of the time." He put a hoof to his chin at the possibilities towards his mark. "I've never really thought about it that way. When I gained my mark, I felt as if I was fighting as one with the character. Being able to outsmart the other player fighting me, but it doesn't work all the time. Maybe my talent is being able to outmaneuver my opponent in battle and adapt to new situations." He smiles at the idea and nods happily. "I think we should try that idea sometime, but maybe later or when we have time." He says, before turning his attention towards Twilight. "I don't know if this is correct, but it's what I've learned. It's a spell that allows you to transport yourself into a book. It helps you learn more when it come to reading and it feels like you are in a story. I'm wondering if it can be altered, so that you can enter video games. With what Kitty had said, I do wonder if that would be a way to enter the gaming dimension." 

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*There are multiple dimensions on games, and we get our games from them. Same thing for TV shows. Every game has their own dimension.

*There is a way to make your own dimension and you can make it whatever you want and you can edit it as you please. This, however, can often only done by Spirits, the creators of dimensions. There is one instance however when an evil being was able to make his own dimension and he enslaved many people. Nobody knows how he got the power to make a dimension.

*With the timeline thing... there is no possible way for me to see whats in another timeline, except for a few on a rare occasion. There is this one dimension where I can view many timelines, but not in my perspective.


Twilight: “Oh, that sounds interesting! I’ll see what I can do to alter it.”

Kitty: *That wont be necessary. I can simply teleport you to a game dimension, if you ever want me to.

*Do be cautious though. I don’t know if you’ll become human, or if you’ll stay a pony. Im also not sure what can happen if travel to you if you go to many dimensions, as youre not intended to be a dimension traveler like I am.

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"I remember Pinball Wizard gave me a book that had Haycart's technique, but I never knew why he gave me such a spell to master. I always thought he wanted me to learn spells other than the light spell and offensive magic. Maybe more to protect myself and to help sharpen my mind. Knowing that there really is a gaming world out there must've been his intentions all along. I'll have to give him a message to let him know. Maybe even visit him and see if that was what he was talking about." He thought out loud to himself, only to stop as he listened about the spirits of dimensions. His eyes widened at the revelation, but nods. "I don't want to make a world on video games. I'd maybe keep the world as it is and visit the characters of that world. The way that individual captured and enslaved the world. I wonder...do you think he could have done it by using an alicorn amulet?" He asks, turning his attention to the mane 6 to gather information. "It seems like a long shot, but it makes sense. An amulet like that can give you the power to do anything your heart desires. In essence, you could control and shape a dimension to however you'd see fit." He shudders at the thought and shook his head. "I'd hate to rule a world like that. I'd rather be a guardian and protect the gaming characters from evil purposes. It's better to do that and make friends instead of forcing others to be friends."

Dynamo smiles at Twilight, who was planning to alter the spell in her spare time. His ears perked at the mention of Kitty being able to create a portal. He smiles, but politely shook his head. "While I do appreciate it the gesture, I'm afraid I'd have to say no. I mean, I wouldn't mind being able to see what the gaming world is like. Plus, I would like to get a better understanding of what you mean before trying to learn the spell. It's just...what if you go off on an important mission, or you're busy? It'd be great to master the spell and then work on how to go to the gaming world with my own strength." He chuckles at the idea, but shook his head and grins. "I know the risks would be crazy, but I'd give it my best try. You never know? I could still be a pony, or human, but I'd still be able to go to the gaming world. So long as I have a way back, then it'd be worth it." He says, but then stops as an idea came to mind. "What if we had a sort of conductor to use the spell? Maybe use the spell while you have a gaming console around you. If you concentrate on the object, then maybe you can get transported to the gaming dimension. Would that idea be plausible?" 

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Kitty: *He didnt use an alicorn amulet. He’s also from another dimension.


Kitty: *Its not really a spell you can learn... Even if you could learn such an ability, Youd need a power much greater than all Celestia and Luna’s power combined! I simply got it naturally, and thus it is very easy for me to travel.

*If you were to travel to another dimension and you were still a pony, that would be a good thing. You would be labeled a vistor, and nothing would happen to your code. If you were human, youd be considered a resident, and somce youre not a true resident from that dimension, you cant connect to it like youre supposed to, and thats what causes glitches. This is extremely rare, and my glitches are different and way worse, so dont worry too hard.

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Dynamo sighed in relief, but still felt worried about how dangerous this individual could be. "It only makes you wonder what kind of power this person has. Something that can take over a world for evil is no joke. This person...is he still out there? Is he still taking over worlds? It would make sense, given that we saw that random creature from last night." He places a hoof under his chin while being deep in thought. "I wonder if this person and last night's creature are connected in some way." He pondered.

He was brought out of his thoughts at the explanation of said spell to travel dimensions. Dynamo didn't know why, but he felt sad. His ears drooped and he couldn't help, but sigh softly. He felt he could make a dream become a reality, but he didn't expect it to be that difficult. "So, such a spell to visit is impossible? Even if you were trained by Celestia and Luna themselves? I'm sorry, but it just feel like a bummer. I knew it would be difficult, but nothing this complicated." He says before nodding in agreement. "I could guess that you look like a pony, but you would be walking on two legs. Sort of having to adapt and fit to be like the gaming characters in their world. It's only a guess, but it's better to identify that you're either a visitor or resident." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Kitty: *The person who came to us last night and the one that I explained are not the same person, nor are they connected. In fact, they both are from different dimensions.


*I can always bring you to another dimension any time you want, Im usually not so busy that I cant bring you back and all that. I can be in multiple dimensions at once, and thats why.

*In fact, I usually have nothing on my ha- er hooves to deal with, and if I ever do, its very minor.

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Dynamo's mind tried to comprehend the massive amount of information, but he couldn't make heads or tails of the situation. It was as if steam was pouring out of his ears from how confused he was being. He shook his head to compose himself and chuckles slightly. "Sorry about that. I guess we can worry about what happened another time. Besides, this is a party we are supposed to have. It's time to enjoy spending time with friends!" He cheers as he begins to enjoy the festivities once more. He looks back to Kitty and smiles with a nod. "Thank you and I really appreciate it. Maybe we can all go to the gaming world together sometime. It would be pretty awesome to see what the gaming dimension is like. Plus, it'll give me time during then to learn more magic." He raises an eyebrow at the near slip up on Kitty's response, but shrugged his shoulders. 

As the party was going back on, the blue unicorn turned towards the rainbow maned Pegasus. "Hey, Dash! You said you've heard of my gaming name, right? Want to put your gaming skills to the test?"

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*Kitty glitches again, not nearly as loud as the last one, and she has a solemn face for a moment, then perks up again with her smile.*


Rainbow Dash: “Aw yeah! That’ll be so cool challenging you! What game do you want to play?”

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Dynamo gave a look of concern, as he noticed Kitty beginning to glitch again. He smiles in relief once the glitching effects had ended. "The glitching effects are something that I'll have to get used to, but I'm glad it wasn't as bad as before. I felt worried since those glitches look either painful or scary." He said before pausing for a bit of thought. "Has anypony here ever seen the movie, Wreck it Ralph? I remember there was a character, who had a glitching ability. I think her name was Vanellope von Schweetz. Do you think those glitching sequences are the same idea, or something along those lines. Sort of like teleport, or a cool ability." He says before turning back to Rainbow with a grin. "Awesome! Hmm...I do have a good library full of games. I'm more into fighting games, but I do like action/adventure, RPG, and some racing games. Do you know of the video game, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4? If so, do you want to battle against me in that?"

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Kitty: *It does kinda hurt for a bit, but its not too much.

*Ooh! Ive seen the movie!

*Unlike Vanellope though, my glitches dont give me any sort of ability. Theyre just sorta there, heh.


Rainbow: “I havent heard of it, but I think I can get used to the controls. I’ll totally battle you!”

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Dynamo nods in understanding towards Kitty's explanation. "I just hope you'll be okay. Is there any way to stop the glitches from happening?" He says before grinning widely. "I love that movie and it's pretty funny. The weird thing is that I've seen that movie recently. I've never seen the movie when it came out to theaters. I guess I didn't see any appeal to it, but I gave it a chance and I liked it. I can't wait for the sequel to come out!" He jumps around in joy before calming down and turns his attention to Rainbow. "The controls are pretty simple and it's a pretty fun game, in my opinion. I look forward to battling against you as well, Rainbow."

He begins to head towards the door. Making his exit of the castle towards his house. "I've got to go and get the console and game from my place. Does anypony want to go on a gaming hunt with me?" He turns back towards the others as he stops towards the door of the party room.

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Kitty: *Theres no way for me to get rid of em. Theyre usually not bad.


Rainbow: “Cool! I’ll wait for you here.”

Kitty: *I’ll stay here and look for some spells to teach you. I dont even know what a gaming hunt is and i dont want to delay your battle with Rainbow, so I’ll search it up later, heheh.

(Applejacks and Pinkie Pies cutie mark start glowing)

Pinkie: “Wowie! We’re being called again!”

Applejack “I really wanted to go gaming huntin’, but I guess I cant. I’ll see y’all later!” (the two leave to check where they need to go)

Rarity: “I suppose I should go with you. I dont want you alone, darling!”

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Dynamo frowned, but nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry to hear about that. If there was a way to get rid of those glitches, then I would do my best to help. Glad to hear that it's not really that bad." He says and nods towards Rainbow, while chuckling slightly at Kitty. "When I mean a gaming hunt, I mean going back to my place to pick up all the video games that we can play." He says and gives her a thankful smile. "Thank you for the help, Kitty. I hope that I'll be able to learn a lot from you, Starlight, Twilight and the others."

He was about to head out, but stops as he noticed Pinkie's and Applejack's cutie marks start to glow. He was intrigued that this 'cutie map' was calling them for a mission. He frowned sadly that his friends had to leave, but he could understand that it was a mission to help friendship. "It's a shame that you have to leave so soon, but business beckons. Hopefully we'll all be able to hang out again. We can go look for more video games some other time, Applejack. See you guys soon!" He waves as the two earth ponies retreated from the castle. He nods appreciatively to Rarity, as the two exited the castle. "Sounds like a plan to me. My place is right around the arcade, so it won't take long."

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Rarity: “Very convenient! I bet since youre a big gamer, theres gonna be lot to choose from!”

(at this point, they have left the castle)

”Since Kitty is from another dimension, she probably knows quite a bit about games too, but likely not nearly as much as one with a gaming cutie mark, thats for sure!”

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As Dynamo and Rarity left the castle, the blue unicorn chuckles while nodding in agreement. "You'd be right. It's pretty convenient because it's Pinball Wizard's summer home. He'd always come to visit Ponyville during the off days. He decided to give me his home since I was planning to move down here after finishing school. He even had some old arcade machines placed in my room, so it's all the classic and modern games you can think of." He says as the house was coming into view. He looked towards the fashionista and nods with a thoughtful look on his face. "I guess that's true. Honestly, I've only seen a few ponies with a gaming cutie mark. Pinball once told me that a gaming cutie mark is pretty rare. Usually the talent differs from one pony to the next. I know it's my love and passion for games that got me my cutie mark. Yet, I've always wondered what my hidden talent is." He closed his eyes as he continues to walk. He felt a nice, calming breeze brush past him. "I can tell you one thing, though." He smiles softly while opening his eyes. "Whatever my talent is and what the future holds. I can't wait to see how it'll all turn out." 

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Rarity: “I’m sure you’ll find out what it is. It’s going to be fabulous! Maybe your games can inspire me on my dresses too!”

(they have arrived at Dynamo’s house)

”Wow! Thats a lot of games I can see, and that’s already more than I expected! I cant wait to see what others you have!”

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Dynamo grins at the idea and nods happily. "Thank you, Rarity. I'm glad you and the others believe in me. I think you'll make amazing outfits from games. Some games give a lot of attention to detail on outfit designs. I mean, take Final Fantasy for example. There are some of the most intricate outfits in that game. They are pretty stunning and it makes gamer's and fans dress up as those characters." He says as they arrive at his house. He opens the door and allows her to step inside the house first. They head upstairs to his room as they walk in said room. He chuckles and nods in agreement. "You've got that right. Ever since I gained my mark, I've been sort of collecting games. I've categorized them from different genres. You've got action/adventure, puzzles, RPG's, fighters. I've even got my personal favorite games on one shelf." He chuckles as he went over to the RPG section. He pulled out a couple of Final Fantasy games and levitated them over to Rarity. "Here you go. You can borrow those games for your dresses. I think they'll be great inspirations on what you have planned." He says as he takes out a few fighting games, racing games and party games. "I think those games will cover everything. Let's head back, so I can show Rainbow what I've got." He chuckles as he puts his games into his saddlebag. Once Dynamo locked up the house, the duo left his home and made their way back to the castle. 

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