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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Dynamo whistled in astonishment at what Twilight had told him. He knew Kitty was powerful for being an alicorn, but he didn't expect her to use other types of magic for different attacks. "This is the first time that I've heard of that. I remember we were helping her fight against the creature from the night before, but I left to find you guys. So, I didn't really get to see the abilities she had. Although, there was that spell she used to send the creature back to where it came from. That must be a cool ability to use powers from different dimensions. Kind of feels like you'd keep your opponent on your toes." He nodded as Twilight was correct on the magic laser. "You're right about that, Twi. I remember my mother telling me about different types of magic, but she only had time to teach me about levitating objects, the light spell and the laser spell. The laser spell was last, so I didn't really get much practice with said spell."

He frowned slightly as she told him about his weakness of spells, but he couldn't blame her. "I hate to admit it, but unfortunately, you're right. I won't complain about it because not being able to use magic was out of my control. I'm honestly just glad that I'm able to take care of the situation now." He was surprised at the mentioning of the second factor about the creature they faced. "I knew I wasn't strong enough to fight against the creature, but it's surprising to hear you say that about yourself, Twi. I know you're talented in magic, so I would have thought your spells would have been strong against that creature. I know a unicorn's magic is based on their cutie mark, so a mark based on magic would be powerful spells and such. I guess said creature was very durable against magic attacks." He shook his head as he couldn't make heads or tails on the subject of the matter.

He nods to the Princess of Friendship as he donned a seriousness, yet confident look upon his face. "I'm ready to do my best. Where do we begin and what do I have to do?"

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Twilight: “Lets go out on an open field first so we dont hurt anyone or anything. I’ll get a few targets so we can practice on aim.” (she walks off to find some targets)

Applejack: “I’m sure you’ll do great out there. Being able to do teleportation so quickly after not being able to do it at all is impressive!”

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Dynamo nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. We wouldn't want to make a mess or damage the castle." He says as the group makes their way outside. As they reached the open field, he nods to Twilight, who walked off to find some targets for laser practice. "Okay. Take your time and no rush." He calls out, before sighing as he felt his heartbeat quicken in nervousness. He was brought out of his nervous state as he heard Applejack call out to him. He smiled softly as he shook his head. "Thank you and I appreciate the vote in confidence. I just can't help, but to feel nervous. I just feel like I got lucky with the teleportation spell. The only reason it worked was because I envisioned you and the others. All the friends that I made up to this point were far away and called out to me. I just felt a warmth in my heart and I felt so happy that I was able to teleport over to you guys."

He turned away and looked off into the horizon. "I just hope that I'll be able to figure everything out. Like I said, my mother showed me the basics of the spell, but that was it. I guess she assumed that it was focus the magic onto a single point and presto. Now I'm learning that magic is much more complicated and diverse than I ever thought it would be. I like how there is different magic and I'm learning to see what I'm capable of. I'm just hoping that I'll grasp the subject of magic someday. I'm a gamer at heart, but I want to be like every other unicorn." He turns back and gives Applejack and apologetic look. "I'm sorry about that. I guess I'm just afraid that I'll fail and that everypony here will leave. I shouldn't think like that, but I've always had that fear, you know?"

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Applejack: “Everyone has their own fears and all of them can be rid of. You dont have to worry about anyone leaving. We’re all here for you. Not all unicorns are the same. Some are just more advanced than others. Rarity, for example, often just levitates items and is able to maneuver them in the way she wants to get them dresses done and lookin’ good. I’m not too sure, but I think Ive seen Rarity do somethin’ else.... but it wasn’t really like complex or anythin’. Youve already advanced above Rarity though, and thats good for you.”


Twilight: “Ok, I’ve gotten all the targets ready. Now all you have to do is aim your horn at the target and focus your magic on attack. This often works so easily, but sometimes some unicorns need some sort of thought or something to get it focused or to get get it as powerful as they want. Try just focusing your magic first and see how that goes. If its not where you want it, try imagining something that would want you to attack something.”

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Dynamo's jaw widened slightly as he listened to Applejack's words of advice. He smiled softly and nods slowly. "Thanks for telling me that Applejack. I think I remembering you all telling me not to worry about that. I guess I tend to overthink things from time to time. I've always had a problem with failure or wanting to do something, but always being denied to do or play certain things." He shook some things as some past events came to mind. He chose to cast those thoughts away, since he was being reassured by his friends, that everything would be okay. "I'd never admit that I'm more advanced or better than anypony else, to be honest. It's like you said to me just now. Not all unicorns are the same." He smiles once more, before continuing. "I'll just have to do my best and see what I need to improve on. I'm just glad I have you all here for support." He says as he noticed Twilight returning with the targets for his laser practice. 

He listens intently as she instructs him on what he needed to do. He nods at the advice she had given him, before walking over and taking a stance. He slowly closed his eyes as he concentrated in summoning up his magic. He remembered to concentrate his power on a single point, before firing a laser at the stationed targets. He looked up to see the laser hitting the targets, but it looked as if the targets didn't have a scratch on them. He frowned slightly and wondered why his spell wasn't working. He looked behind him and turned his attentions to the Princess of Friendship. "You said to imagine something that would want me to attack something, right? Would the other reason why it's not working is because I'm not putting enough magic into the spell? I can feel the power focused on a single point, but the magic is probably not enough." He says as he tossed his theory to the group.

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Twilight: “That could be possible. Try adding more magic into your spell if you can.”

(Applejack is staring at the sky, studying the cloud patterns for any storm possibilities.)(random setence because stinkin’ thing is too small and I have no other ideas lol)

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Dynamo nodded as he looked back to the staged targets around the area. He began to try and summon his magic, but he made sure to add more into the laser spell. He closed his eyes and began to envision his friends were being taken captive. Some were in battles and were being hurt and rendered useless to fight. He grit his teeth and felt as if he was seething with anger. He quickly opened his eyes and without warning, fired a laser at the target. The laser hit it's mark, which effectively destroyed the target. Dynamo let out a breath that he didn't even realize he was holding and panted from the use of the spell. "Oh, wow..." Were the only words that he could say, before reality caught back up with him. He shakily turned his attention back to the Princess of Friendship. "W-Was that supposed to happen? Did I cast the spell right that time, Twi?"

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Twilight: “That was amazing!! You did it so well! Im so proud that you did it!” (she walks over to Dynamo and hugs him)

(she quickly lets go) “Oh, sorry. I got carried away. I mean, I know you like hugs, but that one was just sudden.” (she laughs in embarrassment)

(Applejack is shocked by how Dynamo literally destroyed the target. She is left speechless because everything went so fast before her eyes, and she hasnt had time to collect everything.)

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Dynamo was caught off guard from both Twilight's praise and surprise hug. He blushed in embarrassment, but smiles and waves a hoof to her. "You don't have to apologize, Twi. I guess you were just proud that I was able to activate my laser spell correctly." He walks over to her and pulls her into a hug. He lets go of the hug and smiles. "I was surprised that I was able to get the spell to work, to be honest. I just imagined you and the others being attacked and taken down, that I just got so angry. I felt a surge of magic and I guess I was able to take out the wooden targets. I'm going to see if I can do that again." He retook his position at the wooden targets and gathered his magic. He soon shot laser after laser at each of the targets. He tried to become daring, as he added some of his teleportation magic, before firing off another laser spell. The moment lasted around half a minute, but to Dynamo, it felt like he was moving faster than normal. He turned back and smiled sheepishly, as all the targets were taken down. "I guess it wasn't just luck that I was able to do it. I guess everypony's support and the lessons are helping me out. Thank you Twilight and thank you everypony."

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(As Twilight watches Dynamo he breaks more targets and includes teleportation along with the laser to break even more, her face shows she’s impressed)

”Amazing! I think you’ll be great for battling when we need you someday!”

Applejack: “I think that you have about half of Twilight’s ability now, but I don’t know magic too well so I may not be right.”

Twilight: “I think Kitty will be impressed as well when she gets back and hears about all this!”

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Dynamo chuckled slightly and smiled from the praise, but he stumbled forward as he felt the world begin to spin in circles. His legs buckled as he fell to the ground. He panted as he felt drained of energy. "I-I guess that's a problem with using so much magic. Not being used to using a lot of magic can be very draining. I guess I have to also practice in using my magic wisely." He grins sheepishly as he looks up to the sky. "I-I wouldn't say that I h-have half of Twilight's ability now." He says, before taking a deep breath and regains his breath. "I guess I was able to make some of the spells work together, if that makes sense. You see, in a video game, you can combine some combos together. That, or you can even cancel one combo and move into another move. If you keep the combo going on, then you can deal a lot of damage to your opponent. I was trying that out when it came to different spells. If I can teleport and use my laser, then my opponent will either have to dodge or they have a difficult time in locating me." He smiles and nods. "I hope to be able to help you out in battle someday, Twi. I can't wait to show Kitty what I was able to learn in magic. It's not levitation, but it's still better than nothing." He chuckles, but stops and clutches his forehead with his hoof. "Note to self. Never laugh when you feel drained of magic. You can get a really massive headache." 

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Twilight: “Oh my goodness, are you ok?!”

Applejack: “We should get back to the castle and get you some rest. Using a lot of magic in a short amount of time can really tire someone out. Do you want us to help you get back?”

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Dynamo looked to both Twilight and Applejack and smiled lightly. "Yeah, I'll be okay. I think I need to just rest for a while and I'll be just fine. I guess I overused my magic and didn't realize it. I did take a break and rested earlier, but it might not have been enough rest." He tried to get up, but found that he felt heavier than normal. "I think I do need some help in getting back to the castle. My whole body feels heavy and I can't get up." He nods as he tried to lift a hoof out to his friends for help in standing up.

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(Twilight and Applejack help Dynamo stand up and they lead him back to the castle)

(When they arrive, Pinkie has some news for them)

Pinkie: “Guys! Kittys back! I heard her woosh back into the map room. Wanna go see her?”

Twilight: “I think that’ll be great to see her again. It has been a while.”

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Dynamo felt as if he was lighter than air as he was lifted off of the ground. He noticed that Twilight and Applejack helped him to stand up. He smiled as they all walked back towards the castle. "Thank you and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, I'll be able to become ready in time, with enough practice." He says as they walked up the steps to the door. As they entered the castle, they were bombarded as Pinkie appeared suddenly in the room. Dynamo smiled as he heard that Kitty had returned. "That was pretty quick. I guess her map mission was a complete success. Sounds like she flew back as fast as she could to tell us the good news." He chuckled slightly and nods in agreement. "I think that's a good idea, as well. It'd be great to see our friend again. Plus, we have to tell her the progress on the magic lessons."

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Twilight: “That was her second mission. The first one took two days.”

Applejack: “Yeah this one was fast compared to the last one. Cmon, lets go see her!”

(The enter the map room. Kitty is sitting at the table writing on a peice of paper with an orange bottle with a cork in it next to the paper. Kittys hair is a mess.*

Applejack: “Are you ok sugarcube? Also, whats with the bottle?

Kitty: *Oh yeah! It went great! After I did that Sonic Rainboom, my hair got all messed up. I tried to get to fix it while I was at Klugetown but no luck there haha.

*Oh, about the bottle, I found it on the way back. It looked really intriguing, so Im investigating it.

Twilight: “How’d the bottle get you intrigued?”

Kitty: *The looks and the smell. The smell is weeeeeeeird, and the looks of the bottle are recognizable....

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Dynamo raised an eyebrow in surprise to hear about Kitty's first map mission. "Two days seems like a pretty long time. Has there ever been a mission that lasted longer than that? I guess it would depend on how far the location is based on the cutie map. Maybe I'll be able to go on a mission someday. I'm not sure how I would be of help, but I'd give it my best attempt." As they entered the map room, they were greeted by seeing Kitty, who was analyzing a bottle and writing down notes. He was about to ask why her mane was a mess, but his question was soon answered by her explanation. "I'm glad to hear that your map mission went well, Kitty. What was the mission like? What did you have to do?" He asked curiously, since he had never seen or heard about Klugetown. He began walking over to the table and took a whiff of the bottle. He scrunched up his nose and shuddered. "You're right about that, Kitty. The smell is weird and somewhat rancid. I'm not sure how the bottle can be recognizable, but hopefully you can solve the mystery." His eyes lit up as he remembered that he had to tell Kitty something important. "Oh, that's right! While you were away, something awesome happened. Do you want to know?" He grinned in excitement over his lessons on magic. 

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Kitty: *The mission was like a normal one. Just a little argument between two people over what material was better for making blankets. I decided to try to combine the two marerials and something actually pretty decent came out, and they were happy with it. 


*Oooh I love awesome! Do tell!

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Dynamo listened intently at what Kitty's map mission was all about. He inquisitively raised an eyebrow, before nodding with a smile. "I'm glad to hear that it was a normal map mission. That was an ingenious idea to combine both materials for the blanket. At least the ponies in question were able to compromise now. You did an awesome job, Kitty." He says, before nodding once more. "I was practicing some spells with Twilight and the others while you were away on your map mission. I was able to get short distance teleportation down, as well as figuring out how to use the laser spell." He grins and chuckles sheepishly. "I did overuse my magic, so I'm feeling a little tired, but it was worth it."

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*Well that’s fantastic!! Getting teleportation and a laser down in one day is very impressive!


*she sniffs the weird bottle again to try to get more info about it. She opens it and takes a peek inside.*


*I cant see it through here, haha. The bottle’s opaque and I’m just covering up the light.

*Kitty makes a glass out of thin air and pours the substance into the glass. The substance is a dark red color.*

*Kitty investigates it more.*

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Dynamo smiled at the praise and nods happily. "Thank you and it really means a lot for you to say that. It's because I had a great teacher and great friends to help me out. I just thought about all of my friends and I was able to get the spells down. I'm not sure how, but I was able to pull the spells off." He says as Kitty had continued to investigate the bottle. Dynamo raised an eyebrow as he went over to look at the bottle, as well. He couldn't help, but agree as he couldn't see the substance in the bottle. He watched as a dark red color had been poured out of the bottle and onto a glass. He leaned over and sniffed the content, before scrunching his nose and plugging said nose with his hoof. "You were right about the smell being pretty weird. I almost felt nauseous when I took a sniff. Whatever that is, it doesn't look good, in my opinion. I've never seen anything like it. I hope you'll be able to figure this out, Kitty. You said you found the bottle on your way back home. Where did you get it in the bottle in the first place?"  

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Kitty: *I found the bottle around the border between Klugetown and the Arimaspi Territory.

*Kitty’s horn glows orange and puts her horn close to the glass.*

*Looks like its got a lot of magic power in it. Very strange.

*Kitty writes it down on the paper in what appears to be either another language or just really messy hoofwriting.*

*Well, I’m gonna investigate more. If it gets in the wrong... hooves then I don’t know what could happen, especially since it has a lot of magic in it. I’m getting some ideas on what it could be, so uh, check back soon, k? 


Twilight: “I will soon. This sounds interesting to me!”

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Dynamo raised an eyebrow at the mentioning of the bottle's location, but he was still confused, nonetheless. "I know you guys mentioned Klugetown to me, but I've never heard of the Arimaspi territory. Is that close to Klugetown, or something along those lines?" He asks while Kitty continued to examine the bottle. "I wonder if this magic was meant to contain something from escaping. That, or a power that was created, but it had different results?" He couldn't make heads or tails, but he knew that Kitty would figure look into this. "Just let us know if you need help with anything. If you learn anything from this, then let us know right away." He nods as he turns his attention back to the Princess of Friendship. "Hey, Twi? Do you know where Rainbow is? I think I have an idea on the training, but I want to see what the two of you think about it." 

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Kitty: *Yes, they are very close.


Twilight: “I dont know where Rainbow went. Pinkie, do you know?”

Pinkie: “She went to her Wonderbolt practice. She should be back in an hour or two.”

Twilight: “Ok, thanks!”

(she turns to Dynamo) “Hey, since most of the others are busy doing something, I’d like to go to the arcade and see what they have there What do you say?”

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Dynamo tried to process the information given to him by Kitty, but he could only nod his head. "Huh...I never knew some places could be really close to each other. Some locations seem really far away, if you ask me." He looked back and was slightly disappointed that Rainbow was away on Wonderbolt practice, but he couldn't blame her. He had learned that the Wonderbolts were important to the rainbow maned Pegasus, so he wouldn't mind until she returned. "Thank you for letting us know, Pinkie." He turns to Twilight, who had asked if he wanted to head to the arcade. "I'd say that'd be pretty awesome! Maybe I can tell you the idea I was thinking of on the way to the arcade." He smiled and began making his way to the front doors of the castle. "Just let us know if anything comes up, Pinkie. We'll be back in a little while." He said while waving to the others. 

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