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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Kitty: *Sometimes Pokémon do wander off a far ways... Its pretty odd.

*This is a female one, although I do hold a male one as well.

*I do have a full team, but this Meowstic isnt part of my main team. I was just carrying it around for training purposes. The rest of my team is like in the 40’s to near 90’s.... except for one of them, heh.

*Hang on, lemme swap out my Pokémon. *she enters the Pokémon Center again and swaps out her Pokémon.*

*she walks back out with her real team.*

*Ya ready?

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Dynamo could only raise an eyebrow in both wonder, yet confusion over the mention of Pokemon wandering from their usual encounter locations. He smiles and nods at the mention of which kind of Meowstic that Kitty had. "It really makes one wonder why a Pokemon would wander this far away. One would think they had some kind of purpose. That, or they want to explore the different parts of Kanto. Maybe they want to see what kind of trainers and other Pokemon they could meet." He shook his head as he didn't really have the answer. "I think that's pretty cool that you have both Meowstic's. It really shows that you adapt with how they are used in battle." He became curious at the mention of that Meowstic wasn't a part of her main team. "I'm guessing you have different teams based on different battle methods? I also think it's impressive that you got your team to that high of a level. It really shows your dedication and care for your team." He says as he waited patiently for Kitty, who went to the Pokemon Center to swap out her team. As she returned, he smiles and nods as he wondered what kind of Pokemon team she used. "Yup, I'm ready. I'm ready to meet the team." He says with an infectious and excited grin. 

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Kitty: *Alright! Pokémon, Go!

*she throws them all down at once. The following Pokémon appear:*

Gardevoir, level 67; Delphox, level 46; Raikou, level 87; Mew, level 28; Flareon, level 69; and a Pichu with a strange pink tint, level 84.

(this is actually my party from Pokémon games I played on ROBLOX.)

*Heh... what do you think?

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Dynamo watched as Kitty had tossed the pokeballs up into the air as her Pokemon had materialized. As each Pokemon had appeared, the blue unicorn was in awe of her team. Each member of her Pokemon team seemed both very strong and seemed to fit her well. "That's a pretty impressive lineup for your team. It's pretty neat that you have a legendary and mythical Pokemon." He says, while motioning towards both Raikou and Mew. "I hope I'm right on saying that. Sometimes Pokemon like Mew, Celebi and some others are classified as mythical Pokemon. Of course, I could be wrong on that. If so, then please correct me on that." He then glanced towards her Pichu, who had a strange pink tint to it. "Hey, Kitty? Is everything okay with your Pichu? Why does it have a pinkish tint to it?" He tried to make heads or tails of the reason, but his conclusion came up empty handed. "Even so, you have a really nice team. I hope I'm able to get my team, so I can show you what they look like."

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Kitty: *Eh, it doesnt really matter. Im as confused as you are regarding ‘mythical and legendary’. I always call rare Pokémon a legendary just ‘cause I dont really know much better, heh.

*Recently scientists have discovered Pokémon with strange auras, tints being the most common. The reason why Pokémon have them is unknown, but theyre hoping to get some answer or theory soon. So far, auras dont affect their stats or anything like that, they just look cool.

*Heh. Thanks. I think you should have your team by now. Maybe you should go check the computer in there? If you see any Pokémon you have in your game in there, your current team should be in there already or are currently looking for you.

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Dynamo couldn't help, but nod in agreement. "Thank you. I remember the company to the game had been doing downloadable giveaway to legendary's. They even did giveaways for Mew and the others, but they categorized them by legend and mythical. I was confused by that, but I mostly chalk them all up to legendary's." He says as Kitty had explained why her Pichu had a pinkish tint to it. "I think that's pretty cool how some Pokemon have those aura's. I know Lucario are a prime example when it comes to auras. I hope they can explain the theory as to why that is pretty soon." He looked around to make sure that nobody was listening, before learning closely to Kitty's ear. "Between you and me, I could imagine this discovery would help start up with the creation of generation 8." He leans back and chuckles at the possible theory.

"You're welcome and I shall go check. I'll be right back." He says as he made his way back towards the Pokemon center. He made his way towards the computer and installed his game to see if his team was there. Sure enough, they were all there and were the same from when he played the game in Ponyville. He grinned as he got his team out of his computer, while the pokeballs containing his team had materialized in his hooves. He levitated the pokeballs onto his belt and made his way out of the Pokemon Center. He noticed Kitty was waiting for him, so he quickly walked up towards her. "I got my team and you were right. They were in the computer and I finally got my team. Are you ready to meet my friends?" He asks with a grin.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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*Kitty laughs along with Dynamo as her team goes back in their designated Pokéballs.* *Maybe. That would be cool if we did, heheh!

*Oh, yes! I’m definitely ready! *she smiles in excitement and anticipation.*

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Dynamo nods in agreement, while Kitty returned her team to their pokeballs. "It's always fun to discuss game theories and possible video games with a friend. Now I'm even more excited to see what generation 8 has to offer. I know they've released a Pokemon called Meltan. I don't know what it is, but it does look cool, in my opinion." He looks down at the pokeballs he held in his hooves. Inside these capsules were the Pokemon that he raised from all the games he played. He took a deep breath and smiled. "Come on out, everyone!" He tossed the pokeballs up into the air as they all materialized before Kitty and himself.

The six Pokemon on Dynamo's team were revealed to be: Infernape, Alolan Ninetales, Hawlucha, a Dusk Form Lycanroc, a shiny Metagross and a Flygon. As they all appeared, Dynamo was in awe and shocked that his team was real. He took a hesitant step forward, while reaching a hoof out towards them. "Y-You guys?" Each of his team turned to see the blue unicorn and smiled. He was greeted by each of them as they all tackled him to the ground. Dynamo winced from the slightly pain of hitting the ground, but he smiled and laughed as he was hugged by his team. "I can't believe you're all here! I know I've seen you all when playing the game, but this beats playing the game by a long shot." He felt tears were welling up in his eyes, but he didn't care. He was just so happy to finally see his team in real life. His team allowed him to stand back up as they looked towards Kitty.

Once Dynamo stood up, he smiled as he turned towards Kitty. "What do you think of my team, Kitty? These are some of the greatest friends I could ask for." He grinned as his team grouped up together to do a sort of pose.


(Commission made by @StormBlaze)

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*Kitty is shocked* *Woah...... Thats awsooooome!! I bet your team could beat mine with no problem, haha! Its good to see they recognize you and enjoy you. You seem to have taken great care of them! So uh... what should we do now? Im gonna train my Mew.

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Dynamo chuckled at Kitty's shocked expression. He smiled and nodded his head at her kind words. "Thank you and I'm glad you like my team. I transferred some of my team from game to game, so I could keep them with me. It was because I wanted to make sure to keep up with the newer games that came out every few years." He says as he smiled in nostalgia. He chuckled once again as he shook his head at her claim. "I don't think it would be a simple battle. You have a few legendary Pokemon, so I think it would be an even battle. Perhaps we should battle sometime." He says and nods at her remark. "I'm glad they recognize me, as well. I chose each of them because of how special they've meant to me. I'm truly happy that they picked someone like me to be their trainer." He hummed in thought on what they should do for the time being. At the mention of training her Mew, Dynamo smiled and nodded as a thought formed in his mind. "Maybe we can go find a few Pokemon to battle. That way, we can try and help your Mew train and become stronger. If not, then maybe we can have a battle to help Mew in gaining experience. Would something like that be okay?" 

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Kitty: *Cinnabar Volcano does offer some decent EXP, but I guess a battle would bring so much more. I mean, I really haven’t much to lose, do I? Heh. I’ll probably head to Cinnabar Volcano then we can battle if that’s ok with ya. 

*she decides to open her bag to check something as she says this. She takes out some strange gadget and checks it. She then puts it back into her bag, nodding.*

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Dynamo hummed at the mention of Cinnabar Volcano. "I think that's a good place to train up Mew, but that's a pretty far away place. I believe you would have to take a boat from a certain town to reach the island." He placed a hoof to his chin, while thinking of a way to get there. "Do you have a Pokemon that can fly? If not, then does Mew have the move, Transform? Mew can learn just about any move, so maybe Mew can turn into a Pokemon that can fly. That way, we can fly over to the island to battle and fight different Pokemon." He stopped in his train of thought as she opened her bag and took out a gadget. He raised an eyebrow as she checked the gadget, before putting said gadget back into her bag. "What kind of gadget was that in your bag? Would it help us in getting to Cinnabar Island, Kitty?"

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Kitty: *I dont, but I do have an alternative. I mean, I can fly, but teleportation is easier and much faster.

*Oh that was an EXP share. It shares EXP to all of the Pokémon in the party with 1 HP or more. I was just checking to make sure it was on.

*So uh.... do you prefer flying or are you ok with teleporting again? Heh...


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