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Search engine in forums is broken

Jon the VGNerd

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So apparently, the forums' search engine is still broken as shown in the attached files. Anyone else getting this kind of issue? Whenever I'm trying to find a specific thread (can't be bothered to keep clicking through each pages), it becomes slow to load and when it does finish loading, the "Something went wrong." image soon appears. I'm surprised that this issue is yet to be fixed so if anyone can resolve this issue would be highly appreciated. Thanks.



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Moving to Tech Assist. 


It seems to be working fine for locating general terms. What are your search terms that you are using and how old is that thread?




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I have no idea. I suppose it's been that way since the MLPForums got a major upgrade. My broadband has zero issues as I can easily browse other tabs and sites perfectly fine. Yet when it comes to using the search bar on the forums and enter something, it loads for a pretty big amount of seconds before an error message pops up.


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So apparently, my post is held back by the "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator", but yes,t his is a technical issue from the search bar not working properly.


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5 minutes ago, Jon the VGNerd said:

So apparently, my post is held back by the "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator", but yes,t his is a technical issue from the search bar not working properly.

Yep, this is how this specific area has worked since its inception long before I came here. Gotta keep wrong answers hidden from public view. Anyway, try searching for Fandoms You Left, since there is not a topic for Forums You Left. You posted in the former so I'm guessing that was the one you were looking for. 




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Yeah. And sadly, search bar still refuses to function for me, no matter how many times I keep on trying. You'll have to direct me to the specified thread I wanted to check in since the search bar is just simply uncooperative with me.


EDIT: It seems to working fine, as there are specified words that can't be retrieved as a result. Go figure. Least the issue's solved, heh. Do lock this thread or delete it, either or.


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Don't know if this is relevant to this issue but there seems to be some kind of cap on how long the site allows the pages to load before it throws that message if I have understood it correctly. And while checking on some of the heavier pages and searching some common English terms like "and" etc. It throws that error page.

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