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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Akari Maverick

The blue unicorn sighed in relief as Dusk was more focused on the game. Dynamo's ears perked as he thought he heard footsteps from behind him. He looks back to see Broken had walked up to him and Dusk. He smiled briefly, but frowned as he saw concerned filled look within her eyes. He looked over her shoulder to see that there were no customers that needed help within the arcade. He was confused as she asked Dusk about needing to talk to him for a bit. He was taken off to the side, but he made sure that he could see that Dusk wasn't in any trouble. "Yes, babe? Is everything okay?" He listened to her as Broken asked him what was bothering him. He smiled at the nuzzled as he returned the nuzzle. He shook his head and gently kissed her on the forehead. He blushed as he realized what he did and smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry about that. I know we didn't go on a date and all, but I just kissed you on the forehead to let you know that I'm okay." He took a deep breath, before continuing.

"It's just...Dusk asked me about my dad. It's honestly a sore subject to talk about, but I'll tell you about it later. He didn't do anything wrong. I promise you that. He's just too young to understand and I don't want him to feel sad." He says, before trying to get back on a better topic. "I have to say. Dusk is really a ball of energy. He's really funny, yet kind and determined. He really takes a lot after you. You've raised him well and that makes you a great mother, in my eyes." He blushed lightly, but smiled kindly to Broken.

Button could only nod in agreement to Night's remark. "I think both Dynamo and Dusk will be a good influence to each other. That, and I hope Broken can understand, as well.  A lot has happened, but I think I can see a loving family in the future. That and a really nice relationship, as well." He emphasized his comment by wrapping an arm around Night's shoulder.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and hugs him "It's okay Dynamo, I really didn't mind, as for your dad. I understand, Dusk is rather young and probably won't understand just yet" she nuzzles him some more and kisses his cheek "He is, I'm just happy he has someone to look up to now" she says to him with a smile "and thank you, mum and I do our best, and I'm also happy I've found a decent stallion who likes him" she boops his nose with her own and giggles "Thank you for being there for him, I'll let you go play with him some more" she says before hugging him and going back to the counter.

Night nods and smiles, leaning in close to him "I can see it too." she says and smiles "I don't think I've ever seen Dusk this happy in a long time, Dynamo really is doing wonders already" she says and kisses his nose lovingly "and as for us, I wouldn't mind having another male around" she giggles.


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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo sighs in relief as he returns the hug. "That's good to know. I didn't want to rush anything or ruin anything, before the relationship even started." He chuckled in embarrassment over what he had said. He nods at her remark and smiles softly as she kisses his cheek. "I'm glad you think that way. I'll tell him about this when you and I feel that he is ready. That, or when he gets older. I'll tell you about it later when it's late and when he's asleep. You and I are going to be together and you deserve to know anything and everything about me." He says and nods, before continuing. "You're welcome and I'm only speaking the truth. I hope I can continue to be a decent stallion and father figure to you and Dusk." He crinkles his nose as she playfully boops said nose.

He couldn't help, but chuckle as the mare next to him giggled. "You're welcome again and I'll always be there for him. He's a good kid and he deserves to have a father in his life. Maybe someday I'll be able to be that father. You never know what the future may hold." He nods and returns the hug as she started making her way back to the counter. "I'll see you in a little bit and talk to you soon." He says, before making his way back to the arcade machine that Dusk was playing at. "Hey, little buddy. I'm sorry about that. How is it going so far. Did you make it to the first dungeon?" He asks Dusk as the blue unicorn inspected the are of the game.

Button sighed in content as he took a turn at a level in the game. "I'm glad you can see that, Night. I think this is the start of a lovely relationship." He says and nods in agreement. "I haven't seen any of those three this happy in a long time." He says while motioning to Dynamo, Broken and Dusk. "I think they all found something one had lacked, or something along those lines." He chuckles as he felt Night kiss his nose. He raised and eyebrow and blushed slightly. "What are you implying, Night? Is there something that you would like to ask me?" He asks, before completing the level and kissing her cheek. "It's your turn to take level three, honey. Just be careful. We're about to approach the mini boss of the world." 


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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "It's okay love, if I feel you're going too fast or too far for now, i will certainly let you know" she says, kissing his nose once more and goes to the counter to help out some customers who were looking for something in specific.

Dusk smiles "I did, but I paused the game so that we can do it together" he says with a bigger smile and continues the game "ooh, look, I got a new weapon!" he giggles and claps his hands together happily just as an enemy crept up to him.

Night smiles and rest her head on Button's shoulder "Well, I wont' make assumptions on your housing situation but maybe..if you and Dynamo move in with us..be a constant male presence in the house..it will be nice, and we can spend a lot more time plus Dusk will have a good pony around for when both Broken and I are at our respective jobs" she says softly, playing the third boss "Ugh I always hated this mini boss"


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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo nods in understanding as he felt Broken kiss his nose. "Thank you for telling me that, Broken. That really means a lot to me, you know?" He smiles as he leans over and kisses her cheek. He waves to her retreating form as she goes off to help other customer's, who were looking for a game to play. He smiles softly as he playfully ruffles Dusk's mane. "You didn't have to wait for me, but I really appreciate it. Thanks for waiting for me. Now, let's show what this game what we can do, together." He looks to the weapon that Dusk had collected in the adventure and whistles, while feeling impressed. "That's not a bad weapon. Picking up the boomerang is very handy and helps against long ranged opponents. Nice find, little buddy." He says as he noticed a nearby enemy approaching them. "Look out, Dusk!" He calls out as his magic came to life. The control sticks moved on their own as Link had throws his boomerang behind him. The resulting action caused the enemy to disappear from the screen.

The blue unicorn canceled out his magic, before sighing in relief. "Whew. That was close." He chuckled and smiled at the young colt. "You see? I told you I would be your backup if anything approached." He says to reassure Dusk of his promise.

Button paused to think about what Night had told him. He had been thinking for a while, that he almost didn't realize that Night rested her head upon his shoulder. He snapped out of his thoughts and nods. "I think that would be a good idea, but maybe we should give that idea some time. Once we all get to learn more about each other, then maybe we can give the whole living together a try." He gave her an apologetic smile, before continuing. "I'm not trying to say no. Plus, I think it would be nice for Dusk to have someone there for him when you and Broken aren't available. I just don't want to rush anything. Maybe the four of us can discuss this when Dusk is asleep. That way, we can plan out when we would all try out your plan. Also, Dynamo and I work at this arcade. We would probably have to figure out how to coordinate which days to work, so Dusk isn't left unsupervised." He explains and nods in agreement to the mini boss comment.

"I hate that boss too. He always changes, but his attack patter can be predictable when you time it right. Let me see if I can help even the playing field." He places his hand upon her own and presses the buttons to help Night in the battle. Button smirks as within a blink of an eye, the mini boss was easily taken down. "There we go! That boss was nothing against the two of us. Two minds are better than one, if I do say so myself." He grins with a chuckle over their victory of the level. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles and nods "That's so cool, I didn't know you could do that"  he says as he continued through the dungeon "ooh yay another rupee" he says as he continues, going through wave after wave of enemies "Okay, first boss of the dungeon time" he says as he readies himself, pausing the game, rolling his shoulders and looking up at Dynamo "Alright wingman, lets do this together" he says with a smile, looking over at his nana and Button playing Mario together and blushes "D-does Button like my nana?" he asks softly.

Night smiled and blushed a little at how gentle Button's touch on her hands were "Alright, yeah lets defeat this boss together" she says and soon after, they did indeed defeat the boss and she sighs in relief "Normally I get very frustrated with this miniboss" she says with a soft chuckle and kisses his cheek.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo chuckles and nods at Dusk. "I'm glad you thought that was cool. My talent is all about playing video games, so I can play with either my hooves on a controller, or with my magic." He watches as Dusk was making his way through the dungeon. Making sure to keep an eye on the game. In case there would be an ambush by an enemy. "Rupee's are always good to collect. You never know when you might run into a health container, or an item that helps reduce damage." He says as he recalled a few items that could be bought within caves. "I think there was a show that helped in making the game more accessible to finish." He spoke his thoughts out loud as he watched Dusk clear wave after wave of enemies. "Just do you best and watch for a pattern. If you need help, then let me know and I'll step in to back you up."

He chuckles as he watched Dusk roll his shoulders and preparing himself. "You seem to be getting ready to take on a fierce opponent. I used to do that when I was younger. Always preparing to take on a challenging boss, or an opponent when it came to fighting games online." He returns the smile and pumps his fist to show his determination in clearing the boss stage. "You're right. Let's defeat this battle together, little buddy." He raises an eyebrow at Dusk's question, before looking over at Button and Night playing Mario together. He smiles softly and kneels down to Dusk's eye level. "It's difficult to say, but I would say yes. Why do you ask, Dusk? Is everything okay?" He asks with concern and care in his voice for the young colt.

Button smiled softly as he saw Night sigh in relief. "I don't blame you. Some enemies are simply moving across the screen. While this boss tries to be tricky to make you lose your power up and lose a life. It's the same thing with the koopa children. While it's a pain to deal with the increase of difficulty. It's always fun and a challenge to see how prepared you are in progressing through the game." He blushes softly from Night kissing his cheek, but leans over and kisses her cheek. "Don't ever forget. I'm here with you and I'll always have your back, Night." He turns back to face the screen with a determined look in his eyes. "Now what do you say? Ready to keep this game going and take down some koopa's?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles and looks up to him "Well I hope they do get together, nana's been just as lonely as mommy has been" he says as he goes into the area with the boss for the dungeon and nods at Dynamo's remark "Everything is okay..I guess, I just..don't like hearing both nana and mommy crying at night" he says, "Lets..lets just focus on the boss now" he says as he then begins to attack the boss, evading it's attacks almost like a professional.

Night smiles and nods "Of course, the challenge is all part of the fun of the game" she says, but as she hears what Dusk had said, her ears fold back "Come on then Boo, let us get it on and see just how good you are" she says and starts attacking the boss "It's the fact that you have to time your jumps and landing perfectly, else Boo will just deal damage to you, that annoys me, precision is key"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo looks to the couple playing Mario and smiles, before looking back to Dusk. "I hope they get together, as well. Button is a good friend and is someone you can depend on. I know he'll treat your nana with love and respect." He says as he watched Dusk walk into an area with a boss. He narrowed his eyes as he felt a bead of sweat trickle down the side of his forehead. "I don't know why, but I'm actually a little nervous." He chuckles at his little comment, before continuing. "I guess it's because I haven't played this game and I don't know how this boss will fight. I guess you got to live and learn in the gaming world, huh?" He listens to Dusk's explanation and nods as he pulled the young colt into a hug. "I understand and I'm sorry to hear that. I can promise you that everything will be okay now and that there will be no more tears." He pulled back from the hug and nods at the suggestion. Watching and helping the young colt into evading and fighting the boss.

Button grins and nods in agreement. "Where have you been all of my life, Night? It seems like you and I have a good understanding of what gaming is all about." He chuckles, but stops as he heard what Dusk had said. He frowned softly and looked to see the disheartened look upon Night's muzzle. He placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder and nods. "You've got it, dear. Let's show this game what teamwork is all about." He watched as the boss moved up to them to knock them off the ledges. He hit the jump button in time to hit the boss and avoid being knocked off. "I hate how the koopa's can also use magic. The magic rings expand, so you get hit on purpose. It's all luck too when you think about it. You either have to duck or have to jump, but precision is definitely the key to winning." He says as he knocked the boss off of the ledge and into the lava pit. Which resulted in their victory of the first world. "Yes! We actually did it! That's showing that boss who is the real boss." He chuckled at his little joke, before looking up at the clock in the front of the arcade. "Well I guess it's about that time again." He mutters as he cupped his hands over his mouth. "Okay! That's it you guys! The arcade is going to close up for tonight! It'll be open early tomorrow!" He calls out to the other gamer's, who were all quitting their games and leaving the area.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles a little as he saves the game and smiles "Alright, that's about all I can cope with for today anyway" he says and hugs Dynamo back "I'm also pretty hungry, I bet you are too, nana's cooking will help settle that though, she's an amazing cook" he says as he gently holds Dynamo's hand to start going back to their small group.

Broken smiles as she waves goodbye to the other gamers and going over to Dynamo and Dusk, she hugs Dusk "Dusk here really is such a sweet little angel, I don't recall a night where I've been crying that he hasn't curled up in bed with me" she says with a giggle as Dusk hugs her tightly.

Night smiles and nuzzles him "Thanks Button" she says "and yeah, playing a new game can be the real challenge" she says and then holds his hand "Alright everyone, we're heading home, time for dinner, and yes Dusky, it's your favorite, come on then" she says, leading the rest of the group out of the arcade, allowing Button or Dynamo to lock up.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard that Button was closing up the arcade. "Oh, man. Why do you have to be such a buzzkill, Button?" He pouts as Button raised an eyebrow and smirks. "I'm sorry, buddy. It's getting late and some ponies need to sleep. Unless you want to host an all night gaming marathon, then you can keep running the shop." Dynamo could only chuckle and shake his head, while raising his hands to his defense. "While the offer sounds tempting, I think I'll pass. I love gaming, but I wouldn't go that far." He looks to Dusk and returns the hug. "We can always continue the game tomorrow. I'll see if we can look up some guides on how to take down some of those bosses." He says, before he could hear his stomach begin to rumble. He blushes slightly and nods in agreement. "I guess I've gotten a little hungry. I didn't think we'd be at the arcade for most of the day, but I guess we lost track of time." He took Dusk's hand as the two made their way back to the group.

The blue unicorn smiled as he saw Broken making her way to both him and Dusk. He watched as she pulled Dusk into a hug. "It really shows that he really cares about his mother's well being. I can see that he's a good, well behaved son. I can see that he'll turn out to be a great gamer and adult in the future." He smiles with a nod, while playfully ruffling Dusk's mane. He then turns his attention over to Broken and holds his hand out to her. "Are you and Dusk ready to go home, sweetheart?"

Button smiles at Night and returns the nuzzle. "You're welcome Night and it's no problem." he says with a nod. "That's true, but it's good for a game to be challenging. If not, then video games wouldn't be fun at all. Plus, it gives other gamer's a way to see how one goes through a game, or something along those lines." He says as he takes Night's hand into his own. He walked out of the arcade with the group, before letting go of Night's hand to go and lock up the arcade. Once he made sure that everything was secure, he rushed back over to the group, took Night's hand into his own once more and began walking back to Night's home.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and kisses him "Sure am love, and I can't wait for mom's cooking" she says, covering a yawn and stretching as she then walks closely beside Dynamo, with Dusk in between the two of them, though it was clear the excitement of the day was starting to get to him. Broken smiles as she picks him up and cradles the small colt in her arms ,with his head resting on her shoulder. "shh, it's okay baby, mommy's little angel, we'll be home soon and you can have a nap before dinner" she says, gently holding him close and kissing his forehead.

Night smiles as she sees the sight "Some may see Broken as a terrible and neglectful mother, due to her habits of gaming and listening to music all night and her all night gigs at clubs, but they don't see the behind the scenes of it all. In reality, she would do anything for Dusk and give anything to make sure that he is always healthy, living comfortably and happy." she says, holding Button's arm "I couldn't be any more prouder of her"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo smiles and kisses her cheek. "I look forward in getting to know you more. I know you like gaming and music, but that's about it. That, and where you're from, but still. Hopefully I'll know a lot about you and Dusk in the future." He chuckles as he could see her trying to cover up a yawn. "It seems like everything from today has taken a lot out of you. I don't blame you after this somewhat stressful day." He says, before a yawn escaped from his lips. "Look what you've done! Now the yawn is contagious!" He exclaims, before chuckling and giving her a wink. "I'm just kidding, sweetheart. However, it's kind of true. When one person yawns, then there's another. Not sure how that happens." He shrugged his shoulders as he saw Broken cradle Dusk in her arms. He smiles softly, while placing his arm around her shoulders and held Broken and Dusk close. "We'll be home soon, little buddy. Then you can nap, we'll have dinner, we can play more games and then you can rest for bed. I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon." He promised as they continued to walk home.

Button nodded in agreement as he too, was watching the sight. "Some individuals are fools for what they say. They don't see how one person acts, until you get to know them. If gaming and music is one's talent, then you have to let them do what they want." He shook his head in shame, before continuing. "It honestly makes me sick just to hear that. A majority of ponies think that gamer's have no lives and have no responsibilities. Dynamo and I work diligently in an arcade and we make sure that everyone is taken care of in the arcade. Everyone in the arcade are more than just customers. They are our friends and family because gamer's are connected, in my opinion." He says as he felt Night take hold of his arm. He notices that Dynamo wrapped an arm around Broken's shoulder. "I can't agree more with what you said. I'm proud of Dynamo and I can see that they'll be a happy family in the future." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she then hugs Dusk closer to her and smiles a bit more, walking closer to Dynamo "You could say that, go to the arcade to beat a guy's score, only for said stallion to save me from the stallion who killed my husband and then falling for said stallion" she says with a chuckle and nuzzles him some more "That's right angel, Dynamo's not going anywhere anytime soon, get some good rest and sleep for dinner, it's your favorite after all" she says and then smiles at Dynamo "His favorite just so happens to be a healthy salad with pasta and pesto" she smiles wide.

Night smiles and nods "That is so true" she says and looks over to them once more "A very happy family, Broken has been quite well..broken as of late, so lonely, I think that might be why she stays up so late with her games and music" she says "she uses it as an escape"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo smiles as Broken was walking closer to him as they made their way for home. He chuckled and nodded in agreement. "I guess that's pretty ironic or something like that. You try to beat my high score, but then we meet and saved each other. I guess some pretty weird and/or crazy things can happen while living in Ponyville. I can't complain because I was able to fall for that mare that I met today." He looks down to see that Dusk had a peaceful look upon his face. "It looks like he's sound asleep. Seems like he had a really nice day. I can say the same to you, Broken. Unless we take out the part of that stallion showing up." He chuckled sheepishly and shook his head. "I'm sorry about bringing that up. I'm glad that all is now well and that I was able to keep you safe." As she described Dusk's favorite dinner, the blue unicorn's stomach growled once more. "That dinner sounds really good. I look forward to having that for dinner. I'm just glad that I'll get to spend time with you and Dusk." He smiles softly as he kisses Broken's cheek.

Button frowned and nodded solemnly at her remark. "I guess that's no pun intended, huh?" He didn't even chuckle at his little joke. It didn't even feel like a joke to him, if he could be honest. "It's sad that a cutie mark talent can be used as an escape. I can understand how Broken feels, but gaming and music should be a key to one's soul. A way to show that games can open the mind. A chance to feel passionate towards what you truly love, or something along those lines." He smiles softly as he looked to the couple ahead of them. "I hope that Dynamo can help Broken in not feeling so lonely." He says as the home was within their sights. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Ironic, but the only thing I would change would be having to be defended like that" she says and kisses his cheek in turn and they soon arrive at the apartment, "Well here we are again" she says as she waits for Night to unlock the door "Lets put Dusky into his bed for his nap and then we can probably snuggle on the couch" she suggests and walks in, "Follow me, I'm sure Dusk would like a kiss goodnight from his Daddy Dynamo" she giggles.

Night smiles and nods as she unlocks the door for everyone and walks in "Make yourselves at home dears" she says before turning to Button and smiling "I know for sure he'll help her not feel so lonely, she seems to be absolutely smitten with him, it's quite endearing to see really" she says as she then goes to the kitchen to begin making the dinner.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo could only nod in agreement as he felt Broken kiss his cheek. "I would say the same thing, but I think today was perfect as is. If that stallion didn't show up, then I wouldn't have had gotten to know you more. That, and I probably would have not had the chance to ask you out. I'm glad things worked out for the best, in my opinion." He says as the group arrived at the apartment. "You can say that again. However, I didn't get a chance to get a good look of the apartment. Granted, a lot of stuff had happened, so there was a lot of stuff going on." He says as he waited for Night to unlock the door to the apartment. He nods and smiles at Broken's suggestion. "That sounds good to me, sweetheart." He nods and walks into the apartment and begins followed Broken. "I would be honored to do that. If all goes well, then I might just be his daddy in the future." He smiles softly as they make their way to Dusk's room.

Button nods as Night unlocked the door and steps inside the apartment. "Thank you and sorry for the intrusion." He says to nobody, but himself. He looks around the apartment and marvels at the home. "This is a really nice place. It's not a big home, but it still feels like home." He turns to Night and smiles back. "Are you kidding? They seemed very competitive when it comes to gaming. I could tell there was a bond when I watched them play in games. Even now, I can tell they have a really close bond. It seems that they've grown fond on one another. I could even guess that you might be pretty smitten with me." He chuckles as he watched her make her way to the kitchen, to start making dinner. "Are you okay making dinner by yourself? Would you like some help with anything, Night?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she tucks Dusk into his bed and kisses his forehead "Sleep well baby angel, Princess Luna will always watch over your dreams" she says softly and then waits for Dynamo to say goodnight to Dusk before leaving the door a crack "Love you sweetheart" she says softly to Dusk, who replies with "Love you too mummy" sleepily. Broken smiles and then walks down the stairs with Dynamo in tow "You know, I'm sure Dusky wouldn't mind if you played on his Switch, so that you could have a go at Breath of the Wild" she says and holds him close.

Night smiles and nods "Oh yeah, that would be wonderful, we're having salad with pasta and pesto" she says and continues to prepare to make the dinner. Just then, her phone rings and she answers it "Captain Night Shadow here" she says and then nods "I see..I see, I'll be there asap then" she says with a sigh "I'm sorry Button love,  dinner's gonna have to be put on hold, I've been called into work. .A changeling's been spotted in town, and even though it's normal these days, this one's got well weapons and the such."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo smiles as he watches Broken places the sleeping Dusk in his bed. "Princess Luna will always keep your dreams safe. Just like how she'll always keep the world of games in a safe environment." He says softly and chuckles. He moves closer, until he is right next to Broken. "You just get some rest, little buddy. We'll see you soon and then we can play more video games." He spoke softly as he kisses Dusk's forehead. He turns in his step and follows Broken down the stairs. He smiles and hums at Broken's suggestion. "While the idea sounds nice, I think I'll pass. I think it'd be fun to play a video game together with friends and loved ones. Plus, I'd like to get to know you more. That's also if you want to know anything about me." He says, in hopes that she would remember about the earlier question that Dusk had asked the blue unicorn.

Button smiles and made his way into the kitchen to help Night. "That sounds really good and there's no worries. I would love to help you out in making dinner. This way, we can get a chance to talk and get to know each other." As he entered the kitchen, he stopped in place as he heard a phone going off. He waited patiently as he wondered who was calling Night at this late of an hour. He raised an eyebrow in concern over hearing Night sigh sadly. As Night explained that she was being called in, Button felt saddened, but he could only smile and shake his head. "I guess business beckons, so it can't be helped." He says as she explained that a changeling had been spotted. "A changeling? I heard about those creatures. Apparently they changed and turned over a new leaf, but I guess some changelings have still gone rogue." He walked up to Night and pulled her into a tight embrace. "Just be careful, okay? I know it might be dangerous and I know we just met, but I worry about you, Night." He says, before kissing her cheek. .

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Of course I would love to hear more about you hon, I mean you did say you'd tell me about your father when Dusk is asleep. I'd really like to know more about you and well..what makes you tick" she says as she then turns her head to look at her mother, a worried look on her face "Oh no, looks like mom's been called into work, but she had leave..why would they want her back so soon?" she thinks out loud.

Night sighs as she goes to her room, emerging in full Night Guard armor and uniform, she hugs Broken and kisses her cheek "Don't worry baby girl, I'll be back" she then turns to Button and hugs him "I'll be back dear, don't worry, it could just be a case of being lost" she says and then leaves the house, making her way to where the Changeling had been spotted.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo frowns slightly as the mentioning of his father was brought up, but it was quickly replaces with a soft smile. "I'm glad you want to know more about me. I also remember saying that and I'll tell you, if you truly want to know." He runs a hand through his mane as he smiled sheepishly. "I honestly don't know many good questions to ask someone when getting to know them. Hopefully, you can bare with me and we can ask questions back and forth." He frowns as he could see the worried expression upon Broken's face. It broke his heart that Broken felt upset. He could only shake his head as he didn't have the answers for her question. "I'm not too sure, to be honest. I would probably guess that they were short on staff? That, or maybe Luna couldn't think of anyone better for a job in finding a changeling?" He asks as he pulls Broken into a tight hug. "I know everything will be okay, sweetheart. I don't know your mother well, but I can tell that she's strong. She'll be okay and she'll come back home. She wouldn't want to have all of us worry. Especially Button since they've become close in this short amount of time."

Button watched as Night made her way to her room. Only to reappear in her full Night Guard armor and uniform. Button could only marvel at how stunning, menacing and powerful Night looked in her armor. "You look beautiful in that armor, Night. The armor suits you well. It's like you just appeared out of Legend of Zelda game, or any other video game for that matter." He smiled at his compliment, but it was also to reassure himself that she would be okay. He watched as Night hugged her daughter, before walking over and hugging him. He returned the embrace and nods. "I hope it's just nothing, so you can return soon. Just be safe, okay? You and I still have to go on a date, after all." He says with a smirk. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods "I know sweetheart, but I do worry, don't forget what my ex husband used to do" she says and nuzzles him as she sits down and nods once more "alright, a back and forth sort of thing sounds good to me for sure" she says and smiles "Well then, how about you start, what is your first question?" she asks, giving him a warm smile.

Night smiles "I hope it's nothing too dear" she smiles "and I know, don't worry I'll come back home" she says as she goes to check on the situation in town.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo frowns as she brought up her ex husband's job. He knew she had every right to be worried about her mother. He nods and decided to be there for Broken, so she wouldn't be worried. "I don't blame you for worrying, Broken and everything will be okay." He says, returning the nuzzle as she sat down next to him on the couch. He smiles as she agreed on his idea of asking each other questions to learn about one another. He rubbed his chin, while trying to think of a question to ask her. "Hmm...how about we go with a simple question. What's your favorite color? My favorite would have to be purple." He says, while returning the warm smile.

Button could only nod with a small smile. "Okay and good luck, dear. I'm here for you and I'm always with you." He waves to Night as she went to check on the situation in town. He closes the door behind him and sighs. He was worried, but he knew being a guard had it's dangerous missions. He just had to put his trust in Night and hope that she would be okay. He then raises and eyebrow as he turns his attention to Dynamo and Broken. "I know Night said that she was going to make dinner, but she had to leave. So, should we wait for her to return, or should we try and make dinner? That way, she'll have something good to eat when she gets home. Along with friends and family altogether, to share a peaceful evening."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Well my favorite color actually has to be blue, I just always find it to be rather calming" she says with a soft giggle "and it certainly does help that you're blue as well as cute" she says with another cute giggle before looking over to Button "Well it was supposed to be my turn, but I suppose we can answer your question first" she says teasingly, trying to hide the fact that she was really worried about her mother, "I'd say we can cook it, I know how to make it just the way that Dusky likes it, and you're right ,we can make it so mom has something nice and good to eat when she returns" she says, but then notices a sleepy looking Dusk "Oh sweetie" she says softly as she goes to the stairs and picks him up, as he was holding onto the banister and covering a yawn. "Where's nana, mommy?" he asks, nuzzling into  her shoulder as she held him in his arms "I-I'm scared" he starts to cry.

Broken's heart broke just at that moment, carrying him to the sofa "Oh honey, nana had to go work, did you have a bad dream?" she asks him, and he nods softly "Y-yes mama" he says through his sniffles and crying. She gently strokes his mane and shushes him gently "It's okay sweetie, mommy has to make dinner with your uncle Button, why don't you tell Dynamo about your bad dream?" she asks, motioning for Dynamo to come over, while she went over to Button to help him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo nods in agreement to Broken's choice in favorite color. "That makes sense when you think about it. Blue seems to have a mysterious color of sorts. It's calming, yet calculating. I remember hearing about that when compared to red. I think it was a game theory video and it was about League of Legends. I've never played the game myself, but I have heard pretty good things about the game." He blushed at her remark and giggle. "I'm glad that I'm your favorite type of color. On top of being considered cute. If I can be honest, then I think you're cute, as well." He pouts slightly as Button asked for some help, but he smiles in understanding. "I think that sounds nice. Do you need my help with anything? I'd hate to be sitting around and do nothing when others might need help." He offered, but his ears perked as he could hear a yawn in the background. The yawn came from Dusk, who looked as if he had woken up from a bad dream.  

Button could only shake his head and smiles at the request. "Thanks for the help, Broken. I can cook somewhat, but I'm not really good at cooking. The same can be said for Dynamo. I remember once we made dinner for my buddies and it was a disaster. We had to order out and it was good, but it wasn't my exact plan." He chuckled at the memory, while Dynamo gave Button a deadpanned expression. "Oh, come on. It was one time that I accidentally messed up on making dinner. I said I was sorry." Button grinned sheepishly as he gave the blue unicorn an apologetic look. "Like I said, thanks for the offer, but it's okay. Dinner will be made quick and then you can enjoy your quality time with your special somepony." He used air quotes, to help emphasize his response. He made his way into the kitchen with Broken to begin making dinner for the group. Dynamo frowned softly as he saw how upset Dusk felt. He smiled and patted the spot next to him on the couch. "Come on over here, little buddy. It's better to talk about how you're feeling instead of bottling it all up inside."

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