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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods as she goes to help Button with making dinner, while Dusk sat next to Dynamo. "W-well, I had a dream w-where everyone had left me a-and it was completely dark all around me" he says, curling up in Dynamo's lap, "A-and when I saw that nana had gone, I-I thought it was going to come true" he whimpers a little.

Broken was helping Button with dinner, but she heard what Dusk had said, and she was sure that Button had too. She places a gentle hand on his shoulder and then goes over to Dusk and Dynamo, sitting down, "Oh sweetie, no one is ever going to leave you" she says gently to him, gently stroking the small colt's mane "Mommy won't leave you, nana won't leave you, and I am sure Dynamo and Button here won't leave you either."


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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo sat quietly and listened intently, while Dusk explained what his nightmare was about. The blue unicorn could only frown sadly as he watched Dusk curl up in his lap. "Shh...it's okay, Dusk. It was only a dream." He said soothingly, while calmly rubbing Dusk's back. "Let me tell you something. I had the same type of fear like you did in the past. I was afraid that if I lost at a video game, then I would feel that everyone would leave me in the end. I was afraid that they'd think of me as a failure and then they'd want nothing to do with me." He closed his eyes as he recalled the fears of his past. He shook his head and decided to continue. "I had to realize that fans can come and go, but true friends will always be there. If I lost, then I know my true friends will always be there to back me up. I happened to come across such a friend about a year ago." He recalled, but stopped as Broken and Button had made their way into the living room.

Dynamo watched as Broken went to reassure Dusk that everything would be okay. He moved over, so that Broken could sit  next to Dynamo and Dusk. The blue unicorn smiles softly as he nodded in agreement. "You're mother is right, little buddy. Everyone who's here will always be there for you. Nobody is going to leave you, no matter what. I know we met today, but you're my friend. I'd never leave you behind, Dusk." He says as he pats the young colt on the shoulder. Button nodded as well as he stood near the group. "I'm not leaving, either. You're a pony who's kind, funny, adventurous and is passionate towards his games. I know you'll do well in the future as a gamer, Dusk. You're always welcome at my arcade and I know everything will be just fine." He says, before turning his attention over to Dynamo. "Dinner was just finished and put in the over. It'll take some time, but we'll eat pretty soon." He reassured as he went to sit down in the chair sitting across from the couch. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk looked up at everyone, smiling a little "R-really?" he asks as Broken smiles back at him "Really really, sweetie" she says reassuringly "None of us will be leaving you for as long as we can stay here for you for" she says and then looks up to Button "Thanks Button, mom shouldn't be too much longer" she says and hugs both Dynamo and Dusk close to her.

After a while, she smiles a bit more at Dynamo "I know how it feels, it's the same with my music. I sometimes change up my style, and the real fans will stay but the ones who aren't real, will just leave, and maybe just come back every now and then" she says and then just looks at the door as it opens and her mother trudges in and flops on the sofa, still in her armor.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo smiled back at Dusk and nods. "Of course, Dusk. We'll always be there for you, no matter what." He reassured the young colt as he felt Broken pull him and Dusk into a hug. Dynamo wrapped his arms around Broken and Dusk and returned the embrace. Button nods his head at Broken's remark. "You're welcome and it's no problem. I hope you're right. It's getting a little late and I'm just feeling a little worried. I guess we can all feel worried, but I trust in Night."

After some time had passed, Dynamo nodded in agreement to Broken's statement. "It's always good to change up your music. That way, one style doesn't become stale after some time. It's always good to see what fans will enjoy the music and to see if they have taste. It's nice to have that type of variety, if that make sense. It's just like myself in games. I like to change up the characters I use, so I don't become predictable." He says as he soon heard the living room door open. Button heard the door open, as well and they all saw that it was Night. Button sighed in relief as he saw her trudge through the house and fell onto the sofa. "Welcome home, Night. I'm glad you were able to make it home. Are you okay? Were you able to find that changeling?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Night sighs "Yeah, it wasn't easy of course, but his uniform kind of gave it away" she says and chuckles a little "And who ever said that Changelings are stubborn was understating it quite a lot" she chuckles and smells the food "Mm smells like the dinner is ready" she says "I'm just gonna go shower and change, then I'll be down for dinner" she says, gently kissing Button on the cheek "Thanks for looking after my babies, dear" she says to him softly and walks up the stairs to her room and private ensuite.

Broken smiles "See Dusky, nana came home just as we said she would" she says, helping him to dry his tears, and he nods 'O-okay mommy, I know" he says and snuggles up to her lovingly, as Broken just holds him close. Even though she seemed confident, her face showed that there was a look of massive relief.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Button smiles and nods, while sighing in relief. "I'm just glad he was able to be distinguished by his uniform." He says as both he and Dynamo joined in on the laughter. "That's an understatement. I guess there are still some changelings out there who haven't embraced the new ways of their kingdom." Dynamo says as he shrugged his shoulders on the idea. Button blushes and smiles as Night complimented on the dinner. "I'm glad you think the dinner smelled good, Night. Just take your time and dinner will be right out for all of us to have." He says as he felt Night kiss him on the cheek. He nods slowly, but frowns as he noticed Dynamo's crestfallen look. He would make sure to let Night know that Dynamo took care of Broken and Dusk.

Dynamo looked over to Broken as she hugged and reassured her son. He noticed that she had a look of relief upon her face. He smiled softly and placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "You see? I told you that everything would be fine. If one works in the guard, then I know they are tough. All you need to do is to never give up hope and keep on thinking and beliieving that everything will be okay." He says with a grin.

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles and kisses Button on the cheek once more before heading to her room, she also pokes her head around the corner "And don't think I've forgotten that you're here Dynamo dear, thank you so much for being there for both Broken and Dusk as well." she says before ducking into her private ensuite and getting into the shower, singing softly as she felt the water run down her back and through her mane and fur. Broken smiles and winks to Button "You know Button dude, I'm sure mom wouldn't mind if you paid her a little surprise visit" she says with a teasing laugh.

Dusk was snuggled up to Dynamo and nods "I-I know, but I always worry about nana when she goes to work, a-after what I was told what had happened to my daddy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo's ears perked as Night calls out to address him. He smiles and nods at her remark. "You're welcome and it's no problem. I'll always be there to make sure that your daughter and grandson are safe." He says as Button wrapped an arm around Dynamo and smiles. "Though to be fair, you were the one who was there for them both. All I did was make dinner and got help from Broken." Button wanted to continue, but was stopped as Broken grabbed his attention. He raised an eyebrow at Broken's wink, while wondering what the gray unicorn was plotting. As he listened to Broken's remark, he blinked suddenly, before coughing to clear his throat. "Excuse me, but I think I forgot something in the kitchen. I'll be right back." He quickly stated, before flying right out of the living room.

Dynamo blinked at what was going on, before smirking at what was being planned. He looked back to Broken and kissed her on the cheek. "Finally! I thought Button would never leave. That was very clever. Plus, you got him to leave and give us all the time to bond. Plus, he was being a buzzkill." He chuckles at his little teasing as he felt Dusk snuggle up to him. "I understand and that shows that you care about your nana. Ponies go into many different jobs. Some that are scary and some that are dangerous. You just got to keep up hope when it feels as if all hope is lost. It's how I was able to when bad things...happened." He stroked Dusk's mane and while reassuring the young colt.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Yep, more time for us to bond, and time for Button and mom to bond too" Broken says with a smile, as a squeal could be heard from the bathroom and then rounds of giggles. Broken then covers Dusk's ears and looks to Dynamo "Shall we go to the soundproofed rehearsal room? That way Dusky won't have to hear the adult fun mom and button are now having" she asks with a subtle wink to him and picking Dusk up in her arms.

Night giggles as she felt the embrace of a certain pegasus stallion, she turns around and kisses him "Well hey there handsome, what took you so long" she asks and kisses him some more.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo smiled and nodded in agreement as Broken's remark. He raised an eyebrow at Broken's action, before nodding in her suggestion. "I see what you mean. Very well, then. I also didn't know you had a rehearsal room. Granted, this is the first or second time I've been to your home. So, I wouldn't know you had a rehearsal room or anything like that." He winks back as he made his way off of the couch and followed Broken and Dusk to the rehearsal room. "What's the room like? Do you have loads of instruments to play, or something like that? I remember you told me that you like music, as well as video games." He asks while trying to learn more about the gray mare. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Yep, well it's mostly full of my DJ equipment, but it does have some instruments and amplifiers" she says, carrying the small sleepy colt in her arms, "My main career is DJing, so you can sort of see why mom and I would like to have someone like you and/or Button around at night to look after Dusk, as the both of us mostly work at night" she nuzzles him and unlocks the door and walks in "Well, welcome to my rehearsal room"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo had a wondrous look upon his face as they made their way towards the rehearsal room. "That sounds really interesting. I remember you said you are a DJ, but I didn't know you had instruments. I guess the instruments are to help set tones and beats for your song tracks?" He shrugged his shoulders as he wasn't sure, but he was impressed. He noticed the sleepy colt in Broken's arms, so he decided to lower his voice, so he wouldn't wake Dusk up. "I would say with your cutie mark, then you have two main career's. However, I guess that being a DJ is more of your true career than a gaming career. I can sort of now see why you would like to have myself and Button around. It must be a pain when having to work at night." He says and nods at her explanation. He smile and returns the nuzzle as she opens the door to the rehearsal room. He steps in and was greeted with soundproof walls, wires, DJ equipment, musical instruments and chairs. He whistled at how cool her musical setup was. "This is a really nice room. I can see why the walls are soundproof. This way, the music won't have background noise when you do play your songs at your job. I also like the instruments you've got. They seem to be in very good condition and are well taken care of." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she could see that Dusk was once again falling asleep, and knowing that Button and her mom may be a while, she had not problem with putting him down somewhere comfortable and then putting a blanket over him. She kisses his forehead "Sleep well sweetie" she says before sitting down and smiling at Dynamo. "So Dynamo, I know it is a sore spot for you, but I do find that talking about things can help you feel better" she says, patting the spot next to her for him "Please, tell me about your father..from just knowing you today, I can tell he must have been a wonderful stallion who raised you to be who and what you are"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo chuckles softly as he could hear that Dusk was falling asleep. He couldn't blame the young colt as Dusk was young, it was a long day and he went through a lot. He watched as Broken placed him in a comfortable spot in the rehearsal room, placed a blanket over him and kisses his forehead. The blue unicorn could only smile softly at the heartwarming site. His ears perked as Broken had sat down and addressed him. "I guess you were going to find out sooner or later. I guess it's better to talk to you about what happened now." He sighs as he felt his ears droop, while remembering the subject of his dad. He walked over and sat down next to Broken. He chuckled slightly and nods at her claim. "He was a great guy, but I took more after my mom. His name was Quick Fix and he was a Pegasus pony. His cutie mark was a checkered flag with a welder's helmet in front of the flag. He was a welder and he loved racing against other ponies. I guess that's where I get that competitive spirit from." He says, but he had a curious look upon his face. "Where should I start? I mean, I'm not sure how to really go about this. Do you want to know what happened and everything after that?" He asks as he turned his attention to the mare sitting next to him. He wanted to be sure on how to go about talking about a difficult subject of his past. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods and gently holds his hand in her own, gently rubbing his knuckles with her thumb "Start wherever you feel comfortable starting from dear" she smiles gently at him and rests her head on his shoulder "He does sound like a great guy though" she says before looking up at him once more "So I guess, start with what happened to him then" she says, glancing over to Dusk, thankfully he was still asleep. It was bad enough he lost his father before he was even born, but hearing about what had happened to Dynamo's father, that would likely really upset him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo took a shaky breath, but he started to calm down as he felt Broken take his hand into her own. He nods at her suggestion as he felt her head rest upon his shoulder. He leaned his head back against the wall and looked up towards the ceiling. "I guess I should start on what had happened to him. It was about a year ago when this all took place. My dad would occasionally be out of breath and sometimes feel dizzy. My mom and I thought it was because he got up too quickly. That happened to myself and my mom when we got up out of our seats too quickly." He shook his head as he didn't have an answer to that. "Anyway, he was always feeling sick and not wanting to get out of bed. So, we decided to take him to the hospital and see if everything was okay. At first, the doctor's told us he had a welder's lung. My dad wore a helmet, but he never wore the face mask. This lead him to having one lung not fully functioning. The worst part...was what was said next." He whispered as he felt tears were beginning to well up in his eyes. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his tears from falling. "The doctor's had said...that he had lung cancer. We were honestly all shocked by what the doctor's had said and we almost were in denial. My dad was such a strong pony, so it just seems unbelievable that he would get sick, you know?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken's ears folded down a little as she heard what happened, but she couldn't help but smile as she heard the tone of pride in Dynamo's voice. She nods and gently holds his hand in hers once more "I'm really sorry to hear that, to lose a loved one to such circumstances, is a horrible thing to go through" she says but then smiles at him gently "But want to know what I believe? I believe that when a loved one passes on, they don't completely leave you" she says softly "So long as you hold their memories close to you, then they are always there, and are likely watching over you from the Heavens" she says, nuzzling Dynamo a little, "It could just be a young widow trying to not get lonely and remember her beloved passed on husband"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo felt his hand behind held by Broken's hand. He looked to her and gave nods. "I can understand how you and Dusk feel. You lost a husband in an accident and Dusk lost his dad. In a way, I can understand how the two of you must have felt." He had a wondrous look upon his face as she went on to explain what she believed in. He was quiet for the longest time, even if it was just for a few minutes. He couldn't help, but smile softly and nods at what she had said. "You know something? I think you might be right about that." He returned the nuzzle, before continuing. "I think something like that happened back then. There was this convention that was coming up, but my dad was sick at the time. He didn't have much time and I knew being with him was the right thing. During his finale moments, he said he wanted me to go to that convention. I wanted to tell him no and that he was more important, but he put the happiness of others first, until the very end."

He wiped a stray tear as he could remember that moment vividly. He took a deep breath, before sighing softly. "I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. I knew I shouldn't let his final request to be abandoned, so I told him that I would go. I even promised that I would win a tournament in his honor. After everything that had happened, my dad had passed away. A week later, I made my way to the convention in Baltimare. The convention was a lot of fun and I remembered some familiar faces from the year before. I even met this one pony who was pretty nice and funny, in my opinion. We talked and got to know each other. It turned out that she liked board games and video games just like I do. I remember signing up for the tournament and I was feeling pretty nervous. That pony was with me and she wanted to cheer me on. I thought it was nice and told her that she didn't need to do that, but she insisted."

He had a thankful smile upon his face and chuckled slightly, while he remembered that day. "When I was about to start my match, I said to please give me strength and to please show me the way. I don't know why, but I wanted to not feel so nervous. However, as I played I felt like there were two different presences watching over me. One had felt like my dad, who was watching me from up above. The other was the pony, who was cheering me on. Even though she was in the crowd, it was as if she was sitting next to me and gave me strength. In the end, I was able to win the whole tournament and I won a trophy, but the trophy didn't matter to me. I don't know if you know this pony, but her name is Starlight Glimmer. I remember after the tournament, she and I hung out throughout the weekend and watched a lot of panels. At the end of the convention, she had to make her way back home to Ponyville. I lived in Ponyville as well, so I hoped that I would meet her again. I know we didn't get to talk about it, but I considered her a true friend. I just hope that she would truly feel the same way."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and held his hand as she listened to him tell her what had happened. She then kisses his cheek "See, your dad was watching over you the whole time, he gave you the strength to go into the tournament and even to win it" she says, smiling even more "I feel the same way with my husband, when ever I feel nervous about releasing a new song to the public during one of my concerts or gigs, I can feel him watching over me and giving me the courage to do so" she then smiles as she could hear Button and her mom talking upstairs "Thank you for telling me everything sweetheart, it shows that you trust me a lot, and it means a lot to me" she says and smiles as Dusk soon woke up with a cute yawn, "I guess we should go upstairs now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo smiles as he felt Broken was holding his hand. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze to let her know that he would be okay. He nods at her remark as he felt her kiss his cheek. "I guess you were right about that. I was glad to know that he was there to give me support, as well as Starlight, who was cheering for me in the crowd." He says as he smiles softly, before continuing. "I'm glad that you can understand what I mean. I know he's watching over you and your son to make sure that you both are safe. He must have loved your music and would always be there to support you." His ears perked as he could hear Button and Night were talking upstairs. "You're welcome and I should say the same thing. I'm glad you were able to tell me about your husband and everything that had happened. It means that you trust me and that means a lot to me, as well, sweetheart." He says, while leaning over and kisses her cheek. He chuckles lightly as he could hear Dusk waking up with a yawn. "I guess it's about time to have dinner, huh?" He asks, before standing up from his seat and gets ready to head up to the kitchen with Broken and Dusk. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and gently picks Dusk up into her arms as he slowly wakes up "Honestly? My hubby was more for hard rock and heavy metal, but he was very supportive of my music career" she says and starts to ascend the stairs back up to the 1st floor of the house "And you are welcome" she says as she sees Dusk waking up a bit more. "I-is it dinner time yet, daddy?" he asks, looking up at Dynamo.

Night smiles and nuzzles Button as she finishes serving the food and putting the plates and such on the table "It was real fun earlier" she says with a giggle "But I hope you don't see it as me trying to lure you to stay, I want it to be both your and Dynamo's decisions" she says and waits for the others to come up from the rehearsal room.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo raised an eyebrow in surprise as Broken talked about her husband's taste in music. "Really? What kind of music do you like? I would have expected that you and he would share the same taste in music." He says with a chuckle, before continuing. "For me, I like rock and some metal. I'm more for alternative rock and alternative Japanese rock. I don't know why, but I like the different languages. They have a sort of feeling and power emanating from the lyrics, if that makes sense. That, and I like listening to some songs from anime openings." He grinned as the trio began ascending the steps to the first floor of the house. The blue unicorn almost suddenly stopped in his step at what he had heard Dusk was asking. He looked back and he couldn't help himself from smiling softly. "It sure is time for dinner, son. You must be hungry, huh?" He asks while leaning his hand over to ruffle Dusk's mane playfully. He turned back and began making his way back up the steps.

Button smiles and returns the nuzzle as he helped Night in setting the table. He couldn't help himself in joining with Night in the laughter. "I'm glad you think that, honey." He frowns and nods in understanding, before smiling softly once more. "I know you wouldn't do that, Night. I guess it's just odd seeing how Dynamo and I lived in our homes for a good amount of time. I guess we'll have to figure it out and let you know. It would take some time having to move our belongings into your home. As well as having to find other rooms to stay in, if that makes sense." His ear perked as he could hear a door being opened behind them. He looked back to see that Dynamo and the others had made their way back to the kitchen. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Well..you see my hubby was into those types of music, especially metal and rock, but I'm mostly into dubstep, trance, house and techno" she says with a smile "remixes too, ever heard of Vinyl Scratch? She's like my idol" she says as she walks up the stairs with Dynamo next to her and Dusk following close behind. "I-I like game music, like s-soundtrack music" he says, trying to be a part of the conversation, and it worked, as Broken scoops him up and hugs him "Yes sweetie, you sure do, and mummy is working on a new game remix album just for you" she says, nuzzling him lovingly, "R-really?! Thank you mummy!" he exclaims, hugging her tightly.

Night smiles as she nuzzles him "Of course, though you know as well as I do, you'll likely be in my room and Dynamo in Broken's.. I mean we are couples after all, what's the point of sleeping in separate beds?" she asks with a giggle then turns to look at the trio that had come back and smiles, "Broken is such a good mother, I did my best but..she is just so wonderful to our little Dusky"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick

Dynamo raised an eyebrow in surprise as Broken, who had explained the other types of songs that her late husband had liked. "I didn't know that your husband liked those other types of music. I guess he and I would have gotten along pretty well, in my opinion. I do like some of the type of music that you listed off. I don't listen to those types of songs a lot, but I listen to them from time to time." He says and smiles at the name of the pony that Broken had mentioned. "I've heard of Vinyl Scratch. I think I've seen her with Octavia or Neon Lights from time to time, but I could be wrong. Vinyl is a pretty cool pony and I think it's great that you see her as an idol. Have you ever gotten to meet her or play in a music gig together?" He asks as he listens to Dusk, who was trying to join in the conversation. "I like game music too, Dusk. I even like some intro songs to games like in Kingdom Hearts. It feels like you're watching a movie when you see and listen to both the songs and opening cinematic's." He smiles softly as Broken explained that she was making a musical present for Dusk. "I think that's very sweet. Every time he'll listen to the remixed songs, he'll think about the kindness and care his mother put into making the special present." He says as the trio made their way into the kitchen.

Button smiles and returns the nuzzle, while chuckling in agreement. "That does make sense when you think about it. Granted, Dynamo and Broken aren't a couple yet. They haven't even shared a kiss or had a date yet. However, I think that will change in the future." He chuckles once more as he looked at the trio, who had just arrived. "I agree that Broken is a really good mother. You helped raise her to be a really kind, caring and sweet pony. She's also done an excellent job in raising Dusk to be a sweet child. He'll be a great gamer, or whatever he wants to be in the future." He says as he sits down in his seat and waits patiently for dinner. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles widely as he is nuzzled by his mother and nuzzles her back "Thank you so much mommy" he says again before seeing that his nana had dished out their dinner. He jumps out of Broken's arms and rushes to the table,sitting down and waiting patiently. It was pretty easy to tell which was his though, as his sippy cup of chocolate milk was set there. Broken smiles and shakes her head as she then begins to reach over and hold Dynamo's hand gently "I've met her a couple of times, and yep, we've performed together a couple of times, and she's always been so kind when it comes to criticizing my music"

Night smiles and waits for everyone else to sit down before sitting down herself "You'd be right there, I don't think it'll be very long before they do become a couple, especially with how well Dynamo gets along with Dusk" she says, sitting down next to Button, "Dig in everyone, there's enough for seconds if anyone wants any"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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