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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and waves Luna off before giggling at Button's response to the question of dessert. "If I know mom, it will be something decadent" she chuckles and shakes her head as Night simply smiled "well, I have home made chocolate and strawberry mouse, triple chocolate cake and whipped cream with chocolate custard." she says as she goes to the kitchen, swiping her lover's hand away from the desserts "You'll get yours hon, don't worry" she giggles and then looks to her daughter, grandson and her daughter's lover.

Dusk nods as he goes back over to the table and sits down, waiting patiently. "Mm what did I say? decedent" she giggles as she takes Dynamo's hand and leads him back to the table before Night giggles "I wasn't expecting today to be quite special, but after what happened at the arcade..well" she smiles "I thought we could all do with something nice and sweet" she says, giving each a serving of each of the desserts.


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"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles and chuckles at Broken's remark. "Dessert sounds pretty good. It seems like we all have a lot to celebrate for." Button hisses as he felt Night swiping his hand away from the desserts. "I was just seeing what kind of treats we were going to have. I wasn't planning on taking anything Night." He says, while pouting slightly. At the mention of what they would be having, Dynamo hummed happily. "Those all sound good, but I have to be careful. I love chocolate, but if I have too much, then I'll get a bad stomachache." He grins sheepishly as Button laughed in agreement. "It's actually pretty true. One time he ate a lot of brownies that he couldn't go to work the next day. He told me what happened and it was bad news." Dynamo gave Button a deadpanned expression, before shaking his head at the explanation.

Dynamo chuckles at Broken's questions as she took his hand into hers. "I think that word means something that's bad for you? I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. Correct me if I'm wrong, if that's okay." He says as they made their way back towards the kitchen table. Button couldn't help, but nod in agreement to Night's statement. "I can't argue with that, honey. After everything that's happened today. That's including the meeting with the Princess. Dessert is the perfect occasion." He says as he was given his serving of dessert.  

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles and looks up the word "Oh wow, yeah, that isn't the word I am thinking of" she says her face falling a little "I meant the other kind of it, decadent, with an a, not an e" she says and shakes her head as she looks to Dynamo "It's all about self discipline, son" she says and  sits down to eat "Enjoy everyone, then you can all enjoy each other's company" she smiles at them.

Broken smiles and nods before she begun to eat "I think I'd like to go for a bit of a moonlit walk, Dynamo you're free to join me or play games with Dusk"


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"Ara Ara"

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As they made their way towards the kitchen, Dynamo raised an eyebrow as Night explained the definition to him. The blue unicorn had a look of understanding and nodded. "Thank you for clearing that up. I always thought that the spelling of the word was always one way." He smiled sheepishly, before giving Night an apologetic look. Button shook his head and smiled at Dynamo. "It's okay, buddy. You didn't know about the word. I looked it up once and the word wanted to auto correct itself. Sometimes a word has more than one meaning, but most of us use said word in one way. It's rather confusing, but at least everything was cleared up." He says, before taking a bite of his dessert. "This is so good. You make such delicious dessert treats, honey." He says, while humming in delight at eating his slice of cake.

Dynamo took a piece of cake, as well as a chocolate and strawberry moose. As he took a bite of his dessert, his eyes lit up and he hummed in delight. "This really is some good dessert. It's been a while since I've had dessert this good. I mean I have treats at Sugarcube Corner from time to time, but still." He says, before he turns to Broken, who offered him to go on a moonlit walk with her. He smiles at nods at her offer. "I would love to go on a walk with you, sweetheart. I hope Dusk doesn't mind if I go with you." He says, before Button waved a hand to the blue unicorn. "You don't have to worry, Dynamo. Night and I can watch Dusk for you and Broken. Besides, Dusk should get a chance to spend some time with his uncle Button." He chuckles as Dynamo smiles at his friend. "Thank you Button." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles and nods "Thank you you two" she says as she continues to eat her own desert and then smiles at Dynamo and Broken, "Yes don't worry you two, you enjoy a nice moonlit walk and Dusk can spend some time bonding with Button" she says as Dusk smiles "It's okay mommy and daddy, I can't wait to play some games with uncle Button before I go to bed tonight" he chimes in and finishes his desert.

Broken smiles "Well then, I guess it's settled" she says with a small smile at Dynamo "We'll do the dishes and then go for our walk" she too finishes her desert and smiles at him.


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"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles and nods at Night's thanks. "You're welcome, Night." He says as Button nods in agreement. "You're welcome and you don't have to thank us, honey. I really and truly appreciate all that you've done today. I'm glad that you and I are together and that I met you today." He says, before leaning over and kisses her cheek. Dynamo nods as Night gave both he and Broken the reassurance of watching Dusk. Even Dusk was okay with Dynamo and Broken going on their moonlit walk together. "Then, I guess it's okay by me." He looks to Broken, before looking back to the others and continuing. "Thank you for understanding, everyone." He says as he finishes up his dessert. Button grinned and shook his head. "Again, there's no need to be formal, or anything like that. It's no problem, buddy. Go and spend some time with your special someone. You two can probably plan your date for tomorrow." He looks to Dusk, who had finished up his dessert. "So, what video game did you want to play, Dusk?"

As he finished his dessert, Dynamo looked to Broken, who had also finished her dessert. He returns the smile and nods at her suggestion. "That sounds good to me. I can help you with the dishes, sweetheart." He says as he took some of the dishes and walks towards the kitchen.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she collects the dishes and takes them to the kitchen, scraping the scraps into the bin and begins to rinse them off "Dynamo sweetie, think you could any left overs into containers and into the fridge, please?" she asks him with a smile "Then after this, I know just the place to go for our walk" she tells him, while filling the sink up with hot water and dishwashing liquid.

Dusk looks up at Button "I wanna show you Breath of the Wild, it's so much fun and keeps to the story" he says happily, getting up and going over to the lounge room, "Dusky, wash your hands first, okay?" Broken calls out, and Dusk's ears fold back as he was caught out, but he then smiles "Alright momma" he chimes as he runs to the bathroom, and soon comes back with his hands having being washed. He then begins to set up his Nintendo Switch.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles with a nod at Broken's request. "You've got it, sweetheart. Can't let good food like that go to waste." He says as he packed the leftover food and dessert into the containers. Once he made sure the containers were all sealed up, he stored the containers into the back of the fridge. He nods in approval that the food would stay refrigerated, so they could have that food for another day. He raises a curious eyebrow as Broken mentioned the perfect place to go to on their walk. "What did you have in mind, sweetheart? Also, do you need any help with the dishes? Would you like me to help dry? It could make cleaning everything go that much more quickly and efficiently." 

Button nods with a grin as Dusk mentioned Breath of the Wild. "I think that's a great game. You're right that it keeps to the story." He says and chuckles as Broken asked Dusk to wash his hands. "Alas, the poor boy was close, but still so far away from the need to wash his hands." He laughs, but did his best to get his laughter under control. He understood that it was important to wash your hands. He wouldn't want Dusk to get sick. After a few minutes had passed, he saw Dusk return and was setting up the game. "Did you know about the timeline to the Legend of Zelda series?"

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh yes please dear, if you could please dry them and find where most things go, that'd be great" Broken says as she kisses his cheek "Well, it's actually a nice little place that my second husband and I used to go before..well before the incident" she smiles at him "You'll see when we get there, okay honey"

Dusk giggles at Button's joke before he nods "S-sort of, I know the hero's name is actually Link, and Zelda is the name of the Princess that he rescues from Ganondorf" he says as he looks to Button once more "I also know that the first two games were actually more like sequals to the ones that were released on the...uhm I think it was the 3DO, those ones were absolutely abysmal" he giggles.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles and kisses her cheek, before taking a dish towel and drying the dishes. He opened the cabinets and made sure that each of the plates and utensils were put in the right place. "Hey, it's no problem. When I was younger, I would help my mom when it came to cleaning the dishes. It helped me to know where everything went when it was my time to take that responsibility." He chuckles, before nodding at her explanation. "That sounds good to me. I guess it'll be a sort of surprise, but only if I get to take you to a special place I know after our date tomorrow." He says, while giving her a wink. He looked around the room and saw that there were no dishes left to put away. "Whew. That wasn't too difficult. It went pretty fast because we worked together. We make a pretty good team like Luna had said." He chuckled as he pulled her into a hug. "Ready to go on that moonlit walk, m'lady?" He asks, while leaning forward and placing a kiss upon her forehead. 

Button smiled and ruffled Dusk's mane playfully. "It's okay if you don't know much of the timeline. The odd thing is that there are three timelines. You're right that the hero's name is Link, or Dusk, if you named the character in the main menu." He chuckled at the possibility, since he could imagine the young colt wanting to be a gaming hero. "Zelda is the Princess and Ganondorf is the villain. However, Ganondorf is his humanoid form name. If he's in his true form, then he goes by the name of Ganon." He says, while trying to help Dusk in learning something he may not know of the game. "Tell me, have you ever beaten the game yet? How far have you gotten." He sat down near the TV, so he could observe Dusk playing the game. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Of course Dynamo, I wouldn't have it any other way, just let me get my jacket" she says, after finishing the last of this dishes and putting on her leather jacket and then accepting the kiss on the forehead "Dusky, mummy and daddy are just going out for a bit of a walk, we will be home in time to tuck you in" she says, hugging him and kissing him on the nose. "Okay mommy" Dusk nuzzles her.

Dusk then watches as his mother and hopefully new father walked out of the door before turning his attention back to Button "I had heard something like that, it's a little con...conv..convoluted, I think is the right word" he says.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nods as grabbed his gaming jacket. While it was around the spring time into summer time, the night would usually be a little chilly outside. He went over and gave Dusk a tight hug, before ruffling and kissing him on the head. "It's just like what mommy said, little buddy. We'll be going for a walk, but we'll be back soon. Have fun and enjoy your company time with uncle Button. Make sure to show Ganon that you are the hero of that game." He says as he heads towards the front door of the house. He opens the door and allows Broken to walk out first. "Shall we?" He asks as he offers his arm to her.

Button waves to Dynamo and Broken as the couple made their exit. "Have a nice evening, you two." He says, before turning his attention back to Dusk and the video game. He raised an eyebrow as he was impressed with what Dusk had said. "That's a really big word for you to say, Dusk. It sounds like your mother and grandmother have been teaching you well." He says, before nodding in agreement. "You are right that it can be really confusing. You see, the series starts with Skyward Sword, then the Minish Cap, Four Swords and then Ocarina of Time. One the last game appears, then the timeline splits off into three separate timelines." He explained to the best of his abilities. He knew that Dusk was young, so the timeline would probably be really confusing to just about anyone. "One timeline follows Link as an adult after the events of Ocarina of Time. The second follows Link as he is turned back into a kid at the end of the previously mentioned game. The final timeline is where Link fails to stop Ganon and is defeated. Thus, causing Ganon to take over Hyrule and the Triforce, as well. Would you like me to tell you where Breath of the Wild takes place?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she accepts his arm and starts walking with him down the paths towards the park "I think Dusky learned that word by himself, he's quite intelligent for his age, and I know he has a bright future ahead of him, whatever he chooses to do, I will always support him...unless it's harmful to himself or others, or criminal" she says, resting her head on his shoulder, before leading him down a lesser used path, towards a lovely field of flowers leading to a overlook.

Dusk listened to what Button was telling him before nodding "Sure I'd love to know which timeline Breath of the Wild takes place in, uncle" he says happily, wagging his tail like a happy puppy that just received a treat.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles as he and Broken began making their way towards the park. He looks to her and nods happily. "He's has a wonderful mother and aunt to help him become both kind and intelligent. Whatever he chooses for his future, I know he'll be just fine. If the path he chooses is harmful, then as his father, I will make sure he'll be on the right path." He says as he felt her rest her head upon his shoulder. He smiles softly and leans his head against her own. As they walked, he noticed that they went along a path that he had never been on before. Soon, they had reached a hill that had overlooked a field of flowers. The light from the moon had shined upon the flowers. Giving the area such a beautiful view. "Oh, wow. This place is truly beautiful. I've traveled to play games and and I've seen beautiful views of the towns. However, nothing could beat a beautiful view like this from our home in Ponyville." He gently moved away from Broken as he made his way down towards the field of flowers. He picked a flower and made his way back up to Broken, who was still on the hill. He presented her the flower, before placing the flower in her mane. "There we go. A beautiful flower for a truly beautiful mare."

Button chuckled at how enthusiastic Dusk was being at the mention of the timeline. "Okay. Hold onto your seat because this one is actually pretty crazy." He took a deep breath to build a somewhat dramatic effect. "Breath of the Wild takes place during the failed hero timeline. You see, in the game you fight Calamity Ganon. A creature, who has shed away all forms of humanity. In all the other games in the two timelines, you fight Ganon, but mostly Ganondorf. It's also in the cap that Link wears. In the other two timelines, Link has a complete green hat. In Breath of the Wild, Link must find and reclaim all of the memories that he has lost throughout Hyrule. If you manage to reclaim all of his memories, then you are given the Hero outfit. For the hat, it's green, but it has a yellow striped sash in it. In the original Zelda 1 and 2 for NES, Link Between Worlds, Link to the Past, and the oracle games. The thing they all had in common was that the hat had a yellow sash to it." He says as he began to draw a timeline of each and every Zelda game. "So, that's how each of the timelines work, Dusk. Breath of the Wild would be at the end of the Failed Hero timeline." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nuzzles him "Mm thank you dear, and you are right, nothing beats a breathtaking view like this in your own home town of Ponyville" she says "My second husband took me here on our first date" she says and sits down on the cliff, her feet dangling over the edge "I love it here, especially on the most clear of nights" she says, patting the spot next to her "It was his and my special spot, and now it can be ours"

Dusk blinks "Well..that explains the feeling of dejavu then. When I got the cap, I saw the yellow stripe and was wondering why it looked and felt so familiar" he says as he then cuddles up to Button and Night.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles as he returns the nuzzle. "You're welcome, sweetheart. Have you ever been to any other place in Equestria that has a better view than this field?" He asks as she explained that her second husband took her here. He walked over and sat down next to her. He felt slightly nervous as his feet dangled over the edge. He wasn't a fan of heights, but the view of the field made him feel less afraid. "I'm starting to like this place, as well. A view like this is rare. It's like a once in a lifetime opportunity, or something like that." He says, before smiling softly and nodding in agreement. "Thank you for allowing me to be here in this field. I would be honored if this could be our special spot. I have a special place in Ponyville, as well. You'll be able to see it on our date tomorrow." He wrapped an arm around her as he looked up to the night sky. The lavender sky, the stars and the full moon was both beautiful and fitting of a romantic setting for this field of flowers. He glanced slightly over to Broken as he felt his heartbeat quicken.  He took his other hand and placed it upon her cheek. He slowly and gently turned her face to him as he slowly leaned forward and kisses her softly on the lips.

Button chuckled as Dusk felt that he had a sense of deja vu. "Oh, trust me. I had the same feeling when I first saw the cap with the yellow stripe. I was honestly shocked, but that shocked turned into a sense of understanding. Seeing as how Ganon won and that Link had to be healed after losing his memories and such." He says as he noticed Dusk had cuddled up to him and Night. "There's no need to worry though, Dusk. We'll be able to stop Ganon together. Even when things seem there worst, the hero will always be able to turn things around. You can show that villain that you can become a true hero."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods, nuzzling but as she was kissed on the lips, a blush could be seen form across her muzzle, though she did happily return the kiss "Well, took you long enough" she jokes as she then looks over the view "Not here, or anywhere else in Equestria that I have been to, but back home in Mobius, the forest was perfect" she says with a soft sigh "And yes, we really should discuss what we're actually going to be doing tomorrow night" she jokes "all this time we've already spent together and we haven't discussed it much...not that I am complaining, I've absolutely loved seeing our Dusk so happy and feeling that he finally has a father figure to look up to" she smiles, resting her head on his shoulder "So, what do we wanna do for our date tomorrow night? Make things, you know, official"

Dusk nods as he snuggles up to them some more, more so to Button this time, as Night just gently ran her hand through his mane "I will, and I am sure with your help, we can do it easily!" he exclaims.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As Dynamo pulled back from the kiss, he blushed and sighed happily as he finally had the courage to kiss her. He chuckled and smiled sheepishly at her remark. "You're right and I'm sorry about that. I didn't want to rush the relationship, before we made it official. I guess I also wanted to make the kiss to be special. With a beautiful place like that, I couldn't think of a better time for the special kiss." He raises an eyebrow in wonder as she talked about her old hometown. "You said you're home was in Mobius. What was it like to live there? I haven't played the Sonic games all that much, but I could imagine that it was a beautiful place. I wonder if I'll be able to visit there sometime." He says as he wondered if Luna knew about traveling to different gaming worlds. As she mentioned about their date for tomorrow, Dynamo placed a hand under his chin to think. "It's true that we never really thought about where to go for our date. Maybe we can go to a nice restaurant, walk around to see if there's something nice to do around town. Afterwards, we can go to a special place that I found a little ways outside of Ponyville. Sort of like how you have this special place with the field of flowers." He smiles as he turns his attention over to her. "So, what do you think? Would something like that be okay, sweetheart?" He asks as he nods in agreement. "I'm glad to see that Dusk is truly happy now. I'm happy to know that I can be a father figure in his life." He says as he felt her head rest against his shoulder. He smiles softly, while resting his head against her head.

Button smiles as he pats Dusk gently on the back. "Now that's what I like to hear from a future gamer. I'd be honored to help you out. I've played a bit of the game on my spare time, but I haven't played in quite a while. So, it'll be interesting to get back into this game." He says as he watched Dusk begin to play the game. He smiles softly as Dusk had snuggled up to him. "So, where are you at now in the game, Dusk? Have you beaten any of the temples yet?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "I couldn't agree more with wanting the kiss to be special" she says "And as for Mobius, yes, it is a wonderful place to live, if we can ever get rid of Dr Robotnic for good, it'll be even better" she says and shakes her head "Assuming I can ever get back there" she says and sighs "and if Luna can get you there somehow, do look out for my first hubby, he's kind of hard to miss" she giggles a bit more, nodding "A nice restaurant then wondering around town sounds perfect" she says, resting her head on his shoulder "And with his uncle, likely soon to be called pop or grandpa, due to his relationship with mom, Dusk also has him to game with when we want some time alone to each other"

Dusk smiles and shakes his head "Nope, just about to get to the first one" he says with a soft smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles and chuckles lightly. "To be honest, I wanted the first kiss to be on tomorrow's date, but I can't complain." He says and nods at her explanation of Mobius. "Sometimes I wonder if Robotnic is just crazy, or he's trying to be nice. I've seen how he acts in the games, but it's hit or miss. If only it was easy to make him stop his evil ways." He places a comforting hand on her shoulder as he gave her a reassuring look. "I think you'll be able to get back to Mobius someday. If Luna is helping me in getting to the gaming world, then there's a chance we can get you to be back home. I know it's your old home, but I hope you'd still love to stay here, in Equestria." He chuckles and nods at her warning. "He looks like Sonic, but he's different. You could never forget his attitude, but he's a nice guy." He grins as she liked the idea of their date. "Then, I guess we'll need to dress up nice for the restaurant." He noted as he came to a realization. He glanced to Broken, who rested her head upon his shoulder. "It's always nice to spend time with Dusk, but it's good to have some alone time with each other. Button will make a great uncle and/or grandpa for Dusk."

Button hummed at the mention of the first temple and nods with a smile. "Okay. Why don't we see if we can take down this temple as a uncle and nephew team." He smirks as he looked to the TV, which had Link at the front of the temple.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

"I'm not entirely sure I actually want to go back there. I've made a name for myself here as someone somewhat successful, I didn't quite have that back there" she says, resting against him "Shadow, he was wonderful when we were alone together, but when we were with the rest of the team, he just..changed. In a way, though I do sometimes still miss him, I'm glad to be away from it all. I do miss my other husband though" she sighs a little "But hey, new life right?" she smiles "and you're right, I can tell Button truly cares for Dusk as much as you do"

Dusk smiles as he nuzzles Button "Button, if you're dating my nana, wouldn't that make you my papa or grandpa?" he asks innocently


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nodded in agreement as he felt Broken rested against him. "I know how you feel. Fillydelphia is my home, but I feel as though I've made a name in Ponyville. At least, that's what I want to say. I don't think I've done a lot of great things yet, but I know I'll get there someday." He says, before looking down towards her. "I guess being on Shadow's team didn't really give you a lot of credibility? I know in the game there's a good team and a bad team. Although, they are more of the anti hero kind of way." He frowned and wrapped an arm around her. "I guess things can change over time. I know he lost Maria after that whole incident went down, but I hope he could change for the better. I'm sorry that you still miss some things in your old life, but I'm glad that you're here now." He pulls her close to him and hugs her tight. "You're right about that. A new life is a new, fresh start for everyone. I'm also glad for Button too. He'll make for a great relative for Dusk." He looks up to the sky to see that it was beginning to get late. "What do you say? Do you want to head back home, sweetheart?" He asks, before looking to her and giving her a warm smile.

Dusk chuckles, before humming at the thought. "I guess that would technically make me your grandpa. That's if everything will be okay and work out with your nana and I." He winks at Night and gives her peck on the cheek. He fakes a pout as a thought occurred to him. "Aw and here I was beginning to like the name, Uncle Button. Oh, well. Grandpa doesn't sound too bad, if you ask me." He hugs Dusk and gives him a grin. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Yeah, it seemed he and Rogue got all the attention" she chortles and then shakes her head and looks up to the sky "Yeah, lets head home, so that we can be home in time to tuck Dusk in" she says, getting up and stretches "I'm looking really forward to our date tomorrow night too" she says, kissing him softly and making her way back to the house.

Dusk giggles and then climbs into Button's lap and curls up, gently dropping the controller as he closes his eyes and falls asleep


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo chuckled at her response and nods. "I can imagine that. I've played the game and it felt like the others were overshadowed by those two. No pun intended." He chuckled once again as he realized his pun. He nods as he gets up and stretches. "It should be close to tucking Dusk in, so it's a good time to head back." He nods and was surprised by the kiss, but smiles and returns said kiss. "I'm looking forward to our date, as well, sweetheart." He says as she starts making her way back to the house. He smirks playfully as he slowly made his way towards Broken. He suddenly scooped her up in his arms and carried her in a princess style like fashion. "I was going to ask if you wanted me to carry you home, but you left before I got to ask." He chuckles as he made his way home with his special someone in his arms.

Button chuckles as Dusk climbed into his lap and curled up. He waited for Link to head into the temple, but stopped as he heard the controller drop to the ground. He looked down to see that Dusk had fallen fast asleep. He then looks to Night, while smiling softly. "I guess even Dusk has a limit on staying awake. He's still young, but I would have imagined that he'd stay up late." He whispered and chuckled softly.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken squeals and giggles as she is then scooped up into Dynamo's arms "Well now, such a charming stallion"she giggles and nuzzles into his chest "Sorry, I never miss a night of tucking Dusk in if I can help it" she says, wrapping her arms around him. "Mm love you sweetie"

Night smiles as she gently strokes the colt's mane and nuzzles Button "I suppose the excitement finally got to him. Don't forget, he's spent his whole life so far without a father figure and without a grandfather figure."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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