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private A Wufksy in Equestria (With Lord Valtasar)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika smiles and wags his tail "Great, lets go then" he says, leading the way to his car, Justin all the while, was hugging his plushies and cooing cutely. Mika smiles and opens the car door for Aya "Get comfortable, it takes a little bit to get this little one settled into his car seat" he says with a laugh.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika smiled as he nods "I'm quite excited, still not sure how they'll react when they see my uhm...extra assets" he says with a bit of a blush. He then gets into the driver's seat, buckles up and starts the engine "So where's the interview at?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
"you mean they don't know you're male yet?" how did you even get a job without giving that info? aya thought. "just leave me at fluttershy's it's a short walk from there,and i'd like to talk with her a bit too, its been some time" it really had been too long, they hadn't been in touch ever since she lost kaku(her pet jerboah)

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@Lord Valtasar

He chuckles "Oh they know I'm male, but I mean my uh..chest" he says, pointing to his bound chest "I'm sure Rarity will think of something" he says with a smile and nods as he parks the car outside Fluttershy's. He smiles as he turns the ignition off and puts Justin into his stroller "You okay there Aya?" he asks


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
she saw his chest was bound, was he injured? she decided to just ask "what happened? were you injuered maybe you should go to the hospita, i'm sure they'd understand" was she overreacting? he seemed pretty calm about it, maybe he was being strong for justin's sake, she lowered her own voice and asked more calmly "i'm fine, but.. are you?"

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@Lord Valtasar

He chuckles a little "Well you see, no I'm not injured, though I did suffer many from the war I was involved in. No, it's not as bad as that, you see..." he pauses for a moment "I was born with abnormally high estrogen levels and low testosterone levels, and because of that, once I started growing, I also uhm..started growing breasts" he says "It also explains why i have a rather feminine figure" he rubs the back of his neck "Also a major reason to why my drunken deadbeat father hated me so much"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
"oh, sorry.. your father sounds like an awefull person, but do not worry, people here aren't like that, they'll let just anything pass by like its nothing" she  unconciously motioned towards her horns as she said that "if anything, they'll think it a good thing, you can use it to your advantage in your new job, i think you should just be yourself, and when you shine in your own light, people around will start seeing how great individuality can be" there's nothing wrong with being unique after all, everyone was, in their own way. "being normal is overrated"

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika smiles and wags his tail some "That is good to hear then, and you're right, I could quite possibly play these girls.." he says pointing to his chest "to my advantage" he then chuckles and strolls Justin's stroller to Fluttershy's door, he then knocks.

"Coming" Fluttershy calls out as she rushes over to the door and opens it "Hello mr Greymist, I assume this is your little one?" she asks as she looks down at Justin and then instantly melts "He is such a angel" she pets him gently, she then looks up and smiles "Miss Aya, always good to see you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
"uhm, hey there fluttershy" she looked as cheerful as ever, and didn't seem shy at all, must be the baby, she always had a weakness for these cuties"i had some business nearby and i thought we might catch up,it's been some time" looking at the clock she made sure that she had enough time before the interview and then turning to Mika she said "good luck on your first day, and thanks for the ride"

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@Lord Valtasar

Fluttershy smiles "It has been a while, ever since you lost your beloved pet" she says waving to Mika as he says his goodbye to everyone, especially Justin. He turns to leave and smiles "Thanks Aya, you have my number if you need a lift home" he says, going to his car to start his first day of work.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
after talking a bit with Fluttershy, she was tempted to get a pet once more, but resisted the thought, she wasn't in any position to care for anyone else without a job, then, making sure there was time enough time, she went to give her old work clothes back before she went to the interview, and now it was time to enter, taking a deep breath she stepped in. about half an hour later, she was done, already looking through the papers for the next interview, this one was a dead end, everything was going fine, until they asked her what was her previous job, and why she left it.
the next one was an offer for a journalist, that would fit her perfectly, she had high hopes

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@Lord Valtasar

Half an hour later, Mika had fully opened up to Rarity and Photo Finish about his breasts and some of his history, and of course they didnt mind at all, in fact they were quite giddy about all of the things they could now do, and had Mika sign his contracts, and while they were talking among themselves, He smiles and texts Aya "hey Aya, you wee right, in fact they seemed to be very accepting of my 'problem' and have even offered a higher pay than what was originally discussed.. How are your interviews going?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
a text came, it was from Mika, after reading she frowned, how was her interviews going, Terrible she wanted to say, but instead she wrote "hey Mika, glad it worked out so well, things aren't great on my end but i have more interviews soon so we'll see" in truth, she didn't have many more, the one she was wating outside the office for was the last one, for today at least, they seem to value degrees alot, and her being from another world meant her studies in Eiseth's tower didn't count for much more than made up nonsense.. with a sigh she decided to just cancel the interview, and went outside, she already had a good offer, in fact it was better than any of the jobs she applied for, deep down she knew it will come down to this in the end, she wasn't really sure why did she even resist it, but she had a bad feeling about that school, it was time to face it like an adult, she wasn't a kid anymore, no matter how much her dreams insited of making her 7 again and again, now that she built up the resolve, she dialed Luna's number before it was gone..

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika smiled as he got the return text back then frowns, he didn't like hearing that things weren't going so well for Aya, but really, there was little else that he could do for her except to continue to off his aid to her. He shakes his head as he sees Rarity come out with something "Alright darling, I know this may not be what you were expecting on your first day, but Photo and I agree that this would look wonderful on you" she says, holding out a rather punkish looking outfit, that was suited more for females."Oh my, I didn't quite expect it, but I'll try it" he says as he takes the outfit and goes to the change rooms, as he noticed he was given a bra and chuckles a little, then looks between his legs, wondering if he could just go all female..would Aya think differently of him if he did? With a shrug, he gets undressed and puts it on, "Hmm not bad actually, I might ask for a photo to show Aya" he thinks to himself as he then goes to the stage area for his photo to be taken for the first time.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
after a few rings Luna picked up "Vice Principal Luna, what may i help you with?" quite formal, was she making a mistake in thinking this will work? but no, Luna didn't know who was it yet that had to be it "uhm, hello Luna It's Aya.. the demon girl with the teleport thing" she quickly added just in case "i was wondering if that offer still stands"
"Oh. hello Aya, i thought you'd never ask, yes of course, can you come by the school so we can talk about it?" Aya smiled at that, she might aswel go all out since she decided to do this"Right away" was all she said and she hung up" then with a bit of concetration she teleported there, she knew she shouldn't use magic for everyday tasks in this world, but it had been so long, she felt overwhelmed by it for a momment.
the offer was a job in a research team, comparing Equestrian Magic with other kinds she had studied, she was excited just by thinking about it, but she was also intimidated, she would finaly work with something she knew and loved, but what if those who chased her had connections to this Equestria world? she hadn't gone there yet but maybe she'll have to, now that she had agreed to it though, she knew it was what she was meant to do. she'll have to Text Mika, he was probably worried considering her last text
Got a job. how are things on your end" she hit send, and then realised something,In the short time she'd known him, Mika had managed to become the first one she wanted to tell the good news, not Abigail, she quickly sent a msg to Abi aswel 

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@Akari Maverick
now that she had talked everything over with Luna, she was free for the day, she wouldn't start until tomorrow, they decided it would be best to have her presented as a teacher of some sort, to avoid questions of what's she's doing at the school, you couldn't just go and tell the students you were researching the magical ocurances all around them, after all, their experiences with magic weren't the best. the problem was, she was not teacher, she couldn't teach a class if her life depended on it, so they had settled into making her a librarian along with the current one, it was perfect, she would also have a reason to be there, and plenty of excuses to be taking notes.
a message came from Mika. she tried to imagine how he would look in one of Rarity's creations "care to share a picture? or are they strictly for work?"

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika chuckles and asks Rarity, who was more than delighted to have Aya look at the photos, so he sent over the ones of him in the punk outfit and one of him in a corset/skirt combination. He chuckles as he presses the send button and goes back to looking at some more of the outfits he had to try on, at least he got to choose which  ones to try on and in which order, from that point on.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
as she was making her way back to town, Mika send two photos, one was a punk outfit, and the other was.. a dress, Rarity sure grasped the oportunity to have him in all kinds of different clothing, she thought as a smile appeared on her face, being unique was everything in the fashion business, and Mika sure was, on top of being a Wulfksy, his career would be a bright one

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@Akari Maverick
Aya double checked her list to make sure she got everything she'll need for tomorrow, nothing seemed amiss, she started heading towards the bus stop when a text came "Hey Mika, sure, i was about to head home, thanks, i'll be there in 10 minutes" she hit sent and turned toward Fluttershy's instead

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  • 7 months later...

@Valty Fett ((holy Cow, I completely forgot about this RP until I saw it in the list of rps lol, so sorry))

Mika smiles as he saw the text and went to Fluttershy's to pick Justin up and to wait for Aya. He arrived early and smiled as he thanked Fluttershy for looking after his son and discussed future foalsitting with her.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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