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private A Wufksy in Equestria (With Lord Valtasar)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Lord Valtasar

"My day was pretty uneventful really, and yeah I did thanks for the tip..oh I did manage to make more than enough, so you're welcome to come over. Give you some time to relax and reflect after the events of today, instead of stressing over while slaving over a hot stove"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist
she hadn't even tgought about dinner, not to mention the lack of lunch due to having a double shift, she accepted greatful for the offer "i think i'll take you on on that offer then, just let me go change out of these first"she said showing her work clothes with a motion, it was a long day and she didn't want to be reminded of it

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@Lord Valtasar

"Of course Aya, just come by when you're ready" he says as he parks in the parking lot of their apartment and turned off the ignition. He then gets out and takes Justin out, who  was now awake but just happily cuddling his Bunbun plush. Mika smiles at Aya "See you soon Aya" he says to her and then hugs Justin close "Come on champ, time for numnums"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist
she went to her apartment and straight to the shower to wash the day's tiredness away, then put the work clothes to the washing machine, she'll have Abigail return them,she wasn't about to go back there so soon,but all that would have to wait for tomorrow, now that she had time to sit a bit she realised just how starved she was, she crossed the hall and knocked softly,just in case justin was asleep again

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika smiles as he opens the door "Come on in Aya, dinner is just about ready and Justin is happily playing in his playpen, so don't worry about waking him up" he says, allowing her into his apartment "Make yourself at home" he says. In the living room was a coffeetable with a few pieces of paper on it, which looked like job advertisements, and it would seem that Mika had done a little searching for Aya.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist
"sorry to intrude" she said,"here, i brought this for Justin" it was one of her plushies,a cute little wolf, she had a victorian decoration now and they didn't match it very well, so maybe they'd be more usefull as toys, which was their original purpose she suposed, she noticed he was already looking through job offers, she blushed at that, he was more determined to help her than she was herself, she had put it off for tomorrow and here he was searching already.

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika smiles and takes the plush "Aaw it's adorable, I'm sure he will love it and thank you" he says taking it to Justin who immediately hugs it, along with his bunbun plush. Mika smiles "Yep, he loves it, and it's no worry at all Aya, would you like something to drink?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lord Valtasar

"One cold water coming right up" Mika says as he gets her a glass of cold water with some ice and brings it over to her "Find anything you seem interesting?" he asks as he sits down, just letting some of the other things cook a bit more.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika nods "Yep, I start tomorrow actually" he says with a wag of his tail, "I am going to go see miss Rarity tomorrow morning and then miss Finish in the afternoon" he says then smiles "Tell you what, until you can  get back onto your feet, how about you become my nanny for when I'm at work and such? I can pay pretty well and help you stay afloat and pay your bills and rent" he suggests


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist
she gave this a thought, she knew next to nothing about babies, she couldn't risk it,"thanks for the offer, but i'm just not suited for such responsibility,i can look after him for a bit, if you can't find anyone else, but that would be free of charge of course"besides fluttershy had offered to do it, she was the perfect person for this kind of thing,"i'll find something, don't worry about it" if it came to it, she could always go work for delivries, it would be the easiest thing since she could teleport, but she wanted to avoid using magic for trivial things

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@Lord Valtasar

He nods "Well alright, the offer, like the other one will always be there though" he says as he hears the ting of the oven "Excellent, the rest is done" he says, getting up and going to the kitchen, dishing up the food and places the two dishes on the dining table "Dinner's ready"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist
it wasn't the easiest recipe but he seemed to have it right with the first try "smells great" she looked at her plate longing to just devour it like a savage, instead she just took a small bite, she could restrain herself, she wasn't that hungry "it's delicious, i must have that recipe" she teased "did you make any changes?"

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika nods "Just added a few spices here and there" he says "and thanks, I wasn't sure how it would turn out, being my first time in a long time that I had cooked for myself and others" he says, eating his own food, as he takes small breaks here and there to feed and check on Justin.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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she finished eating more quickly than she thought she could, and now that her hunger was tamed, a wave of fatigue washed over her, it was there all day, but she started truly feeling it now,
come to think of it, Mika must need some sleep aswel,"it was a fine meal, thank you, but i'd better let you rest, tomorrow is your first day at work after all, you don't want to be sleep deprived for that"

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika chuckles "Yeah, I can imagine their reactions if I show up with bags under my eyes" he says and smiles "you're welcome, also if you need a lift to any interviews, just let me know, I'm sure if they clash with my work, I can work something out with Photo Finish or Rarity" he offers


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"oh, right, the intervies, can i borrow these?" she asked motioning towards the papers he had gathered with job offers" don't you worry about that, i have my ways of getting places" maybe she shouldn't have said that, but something about him made her open up easier than she ever had "once again, thanks for the offer,"they did seem to pile up, these offers of his, he was really generous, he and rarity would work wonders together "goodnight, and you too" she said patting justin on the head

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@Lord Valtasar

He smiles "Of course you can take them, I printed them out for you after all" he says as he leans back a little "And alright, but if you do find yourself stuck for a lift, just give me a holler" he says, smiling at how Justin reached out for a hug from Aya. He gently picks him up and holds him to give to Aya "I think he wants to give you a goodnight hug"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
"aww, he's such a sweetheart"she said as she hugged justin,his fur was so soft and snuggly, she was carefull though, he was only 2 months old after all, "goodnight then"she said as she gave justin back to Mika

once she crossed the hallway to her own appartment, she just went straight to bed. faintly thinking that she needed to remember something, but it eluded her what it was until sleep finaly overtook her

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika smiles as he took Justin back and watched Aya leave to go to her own apartment. He then changes Justin and puts him into his crib to sleep "Sleep well little buddy, daddy starts work tomorrow" he says and kisses his nose before  he too got ready for bed, layed down and fell asleep.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
she was gathering herbs with her borther,he had promised to teach her how to tell them apart on her 7th spring and it was finaly time,"this one is good for closing wounds"he was saying "you can recognise it by its dark stem and the splittinh leaves but do.."he stopped,
"what is it she asked" but he hushed her "go to the village and tell them someone's comming, Go like the wind"
she knew that meant quickly but silently, so she took off her shoes, the grown ups were still working on the fields or hunting so she ran straight to the elder's hut "Someone's comming!" she shouted when she entered, and the elder frowned at her "Rakhe sent me, like the wind," she explained and the elder seemed to understand, even though she herself didn't
"what if someone's comming" she thought "its not like we haven't had visitors before" but she didn't say anything,it wasn't propper to question the elder or her brother
"gather the others and go hide in the caves" the elder said urgently "the mountain will protect you" when she tried to put on her shoes again she interupted her "Feah!, like the wind.."
the moment she stepped out she finaly understood why, there were warriors charging towards the vilage, her mission seemed imposible already, but it didn't matter, she had to follow it so she started sending the others to the caves.
It was too late for her, but most got away and even as she got captured she smiled to herself "i did it,for once i did my mission right" then she saw that they had also captured Rakhe and her smile faded, he was badly injured and looked very sleepy,they left 4 to guard them and went to search the houses.
a few minutes later they brought out the elder, who looked at her with worry, she noded at her and made the sign of a mission completed with her left hand, the elder looked sad and proud at the same time, if that is even possible.
the warriors parted for one who must be their chief to come through, a tall graying man, she froze, she was never more terrified in her whole life, not when they attacked, not when she saw her brother wounded, but now when she saw Him, it didn't make sense, but she knew him from some far away memory that she shouldn't have"keep the girl, kill the rest" was all he said. she started screaming.. and that's when she woke up, it was a dream, of course..

her phone was ringing, with all that happened yesterday, she forgot to call Abigail and tell her about the job, she must have found out by now and want some explanation, she picked up the phone and had the instict not to hold it too close to her ear, sure enough Abigail was on the other side, and she could hear her loud and clear without having the phone close"WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING" Abigail started, but then lowered her voice"are you ok? i just heard" "i'm fine, i was thinking of quitting anyway remember?" said Aya "we both were but that's not something you do out of nowhere, you need planning, do you have a plan?" "more or less, i have some job offers printed, i'll call Luna if nothing else works

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@Lord Valtasar

Mika woke up with a yawn, thankful that Justin slept peacefully that night and he stretched before checking the time. With a smile he called up  Fluttershy "Hello?" Fluttershy says in a shy tone, "Ah hey Fluttershy, it's Mika, i was wondering if you're available to babysit Justin for me today? I've got work with both Rarity and Photo Finish today" mika says, covering a yawn, "Oh, of course, just drop him over when you're ready with anything he needs" she says before hanging up.

Mika smiled as he got a couple of milk bottles ready for Justin, put him in his stroller with his bunbun plush and his new wolf plush that he got from Aya. He straps the diaper bag onto the back of the stroller and then locks up as he leaves his apartment and makes his way to Aya's. He knocks on her door "Aya? If you're awake, I'm just going to drop Justin off to Fluttershy's before I go to work, do you need to go anywhere today or would you like me to get you anything while I'm out?" he asks, humming a bit of a tune as he waits.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Akari Maverick
there was a knock on the door, she had just finished some calls to the job offers on the papers Mika had given her "oh hello, i have an interview today near Fluttershy's place, so why not,since you're going there already, thanks, one momment, i'll go grab some stuff " she went to her room put on a jacket and took the work clothes to drop at Abigail's so she could return them, then grabbed her phone "i'm ready" she said to mika

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