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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter allows his eyes to open slowly. He is centered and calm as he returns to the shop. With a sigh, he stretches his back just before opening the door. As his back and wing pop he sighs with the release of tension. He enters the apartment and heads right to his room. Grabbing his towel and hygiene kit he exits and looks over at Tranquil 

" Hey, I'm just gonna wash up real fast and then we can head out to do whatever you need. I just want to know if I need work clothes or decent on the town clothes so I know what to bring into the bath with me.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles as she looks up at him from her work "Oh uhm...just something casual for now, we'll get you something, decent, as you put it, during our lunch break" she says "Oh and feel free to use any bathroom product you find there" she says, standing up and looking around "I'll be downstairs when you are ready" she smiles and makes her way downstairs.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter nodded and grabbed a sturdy pair of jeans and button up work shirt. They were well worn and faded in spots. But it was clear that he took care of the few things he owned. He showered swiftly using a mint scented soap set he had picked up the last time at the monastery. He dressed and headed downstairs with his mane still damp from that water. 

" Hey, all set for the task at hoof. What do we need to get done?

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles as she had begun to tidy up the store "Ah wonderful" she says, blushing a little though at the sight of the stallion's wet mane. She shakes her head to clear it and smiles once more "well, during my meditation, I did some thinking and while I am quite fond of classical piano music, I do like some harder music" she says with a giggle "And I thought, maybe what we could do, is keep the store and my seance business, but also mix it in with the music?" she suggests "We can start by tidying up, liquidate and sell off excess stock online" she says, handing him a broom "Sorry to get you to do basic duties like this already, but I'm just doing the stocktake right now. If you see a way to help an item stand out more and get ponies attention, please feel free to do so" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter grabbed a broom, mop, and bucket with some rags. He started to clean the store from top to bottom. As he moved section by section the areas he left were spotless. He gave his all any task set before him and by the time he was close to done he had the store looking like a professional crew had been there. 

" Well the cleaning is almost all done. But what stock do you want to be taken down? Also if we want music mixed in we should clear a section for it. So we can use the liquidation of the stock to consolidate some areas and thus make space for the new stuff. " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil looks at the store, it was indeed spotless "A-are..wow, you know, I might just need to hire you as an actual employee" she says and smiles some more "You are right there, so far, I believe the band merchandise is a little old, so if you can please put it in boxes and put them in the back"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Well, I try to do the best I can with any task before me. Besides if it was half done it would just double the time needed to get things finished up. So lets get this stuff backed up."

He grabbed a few boxes and swiftly started to pack up the band stuff away. As the last box was closed up he stacked the three boxes and lifted them as a unit. Uncommonly strong for a pegasus his hard living and consistent training really made a difference. 

" So where do you want this stuff? "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Well I appreciate you putting your all into it. You have no idea how many employees I've had and fired because I've caught them half-assing  their work" she says before looking around "Just through the back please, there's a storeroom attached to the laundry"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" I've never understood that personally. I mean somepony is nice enough to give you a chance to support yourself and you flake out on them? I guess people that have never had to go hungry due to lack of money are ok trying to cheat the system for easy bits. "

He set the boxes in the storeroom and returned to the front of the shop. He walked among the books and herbs around the shop.  He gently traced his fingers along the spines of the books as he headed toward Tranquil  

" So what now? Is there more stuff to move around? Anything else need cleaning? By the way what sort of books do you generally stock? "

He cocked his head to the side as he spoke and playfully whipped his still damp tail so that it cracked like a whip. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods "They'll never know"  she says and then smiles at him "Books? Well we get a lot on the supernatural and paranormal, we also get those on Wicca and the practice of Majick" she smiles at him "Other  than that, there's some self help books, books on various recipes and various herbs and spices" she says "I think some of those books have gotten mixed up, could you see if you could sort them out, please?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Not a problem. I will knock that out in a jiffy.

As he moves among the shelves he takes a couple of books out and sets them to the side. He sorts the book by subject and author taking the books with the most dust on them at the top shelves as they are the least handled and thus with the least interest in them. Those with no dust and thus high interest he put at eye level. He grabbed the book on medicinal teas and a book on meditation techniques before headed for Tranquil. 
" Ummm what is the price on these? I have a few bits to spare and need some new reading material.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "Thanks Winter" she says softly before she took another look around, "Oh, those ones that are covered in dust, they can go out the back as well, please" she says and then looks to the books he had in his hands and raises an eyebrow "Oh those are the old prints, I've got the updated prints out the back, I just hadn't had the time to actually swap them over." she smiles "Tell you what, you can take them and consider them your welcome to your new home gifts. But I think I have them in my living room upstairs, so put them aside and read the ones I've got to see if you like them first?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter nodded and swiftly swapped out the dusty books. He also brought out the updated prints to replace the outdated the stuff. He then tucked the books he had picked up under the counter following Tranquils advice. Once he was done with everything he returned to her for the third time. 

" Ok, all set. So what's next

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "I'm going to give you a special job"  she says as she takes him to where the safe was, showing him the combination "Do you see this book?" she points to the intake book "This is where we put in how much money we take in during the day, and here" she says, showing him a different book "Is for the end of the week, at the end of each week, which is today, we take what we earned to the bank" she smiles "this book is for when we need to purchase things, we mark what we bought down as well as how much it cost" she smiles "I'd like you to count what we earned and put the bits into this bag, then take it to the bank for me, just mention Jaded and the clerk will know what to do"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter went upstairs and changed into his slightly better shirt so that he looked more presentable. It was not his sole dress shirt but it was a step up from his day to day tee shirt. The light red button up was an example of power clashing against his coat. It made his pale golden eyes stand out and definitely made him look less like a homeless vagabond. Even if that is what he was more or less. He made sure to tuck his small leather pouch of bits into his belt. He went downstairs and copied over each transaction into the appropriate books then gathered up the bits into the appropriate bag. Before heading out he called out to Tranquil.

" Hey, I am heading out as you asked. Do I need to do anything else while I am out? Should I expect a receipt for the cash?

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Oh yes please, I always get a teller's receipt, for taxes and such" she calls back out to him as she shifted some things around, opening the curtains and windows to the store and breathing in the fresh air. "Ah I've missed this" she whispers then smiles "If I'm not here, I'll likely be in the cemetery nearby"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter stepped out of the shop and in an instant took to the skies. His mane whipped behind him as he flew. The icy air at higher altitudes always invigorated him. It was good to cool the muscles after a workout and cleaning the shop. For a moment he paused hovering on the spot so that he could see the bank from the air. Taking note of his direction he flew to the bank and landed as a group of ponies passed so that he did not bump into anypony. Walking inside he waited a bit for a teller and once he got to the front of the line he set the bag of bits on the counter.

" I am here to drop this off for Jaded's shop. " 

The teller as promised instantly knew what needed to be done. They took the bits and filled out a receipt for the account details. As he exited the shop he spotted Heavy Bags and in a flash took to the skies. In a blast of speed he returned to the shop in about half the time it took him to get to the bank. He came in too fast and ended up crashing through the open doors. He fell flat on his fact scattering his small bag of bits across the shop floor. 

" Oh horse feathers!

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil, who was in the back, heard the crash and went out to see what had happened. Upon seeing it was Winter, she just shakes her head and helps him pick up his bits "You ought to be more careful" she says, giving him the bits he had spilled onto the shop floor. "I was just about to head out, so do you think you could watch the shop for a bit? Prices are either marked on the item or in that book over there" she says, pointing to her inventory book.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose 

Winter winced a bit as he saw Tranquil appear. How often did he end up face in the dirt plot in the air because he was clumsy? Why was it so easy to be graceful when he was sparing or training but not when he was just going about his day? As her hands touched his helping him up the softness and warmth were apparent. His inner ears flushed and he folded them reflexively. He wondered if the callouses bothered her...

" Oh yea umm sure. Sorry for the noise. I just almost bumped into the ponies from last night so I sorta took off faster than was wise. I'll watch the store no problem. I just collect the bits and write down the sale in the books right? "

He found a chair and the proper books and set up at the counter ready to do as he was asked. His shoulder and forehead stung a bit as he landed sideways and failed to roll out of it. Being a judoka he should have known better. He snorted in irritation at himself and then flushed again as he remembered Tranquils hand upon his. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "Thanks a bunch Winter, I probably won't be too long" she says and then listened to what he said about nearly bumping into the ponies from the other night and shakes her head, "If the shop is quiet, feel free to get the books from upstairs, I've found that there are some quite good techniques for calming the mind." she says, walking out of the store front and swishing her tail a little bit as she did.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose 

He watched her leave spotting the tail swish and ducking his gaze to the side a little so as not to seem like he was staring inappropriately. The last thing he needed was to make a mess of the first friend he made in years. He set himself down on a stool behind the counter and grabbed the books he had stashed rather than walking back upstairs. He started to read the book on meditation as he awaited Tranquils return. Most of the book was techniques he already knew. But there were a few new mantras and visualizations to be found. He slowed his breathing and centered himself trying to let go of the knot of stress from earlier that was lodged in his chest. 

" Maybe Heavey Bags is nicer now... maybe I dont have to worry about him starting trouble. Am I just being a coward by flying off and panicking any time I see him? "

He looked around the empty shop and wondered if anypony would think him nuts for speaking out loud to himself. But then he remembered his inner council. It was a technique the abbot had taught him at the monastery. It required you to study somepony famous and learn to visualize them to gain their wisdom in meditation. He slowly started to visualize his most trusted counselor Sharp Hoof the master fencer. It was said this pony was a life long martial artists that just preferred the blade. With his mentor firmly affixed in his mind, he spoke out loud

" Sharp Hooves what the heck am I doing? Am I a coward for avoiding trouble? Am I going to make a mess of things with Tranquil like I do everything else? Why cant this all be as easy as crossing blades. Just one dance and a flash of steel and its the outcome is known? "  


May the Friendship be with you. 


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A soft, friendly voice could be heard from within the store, I wouldn't worry so much. There are some who would say you are a coward, but I have a feeling that you are doing fine with her. the voice sounds out If you must know, she actually likes you quite a lot. The voice then disappears. At least for a while, as about an hour later the voice returned Oh a customer, I best leave you be.

Just as the voice said, a customer, a blue hippogriff walks in "H-hello is this..The Soul and Spirit Shope?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter looked around but could not feel out the exact location of the voice. It was everywhere and nowhere all at once. His heartbeat sped up and he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself. he knew that this was something outside his experience but not the strangest thing to have happened. The voice was gone so fast that it almost seemed like it never happened. But just as he settled back in he heard it again. At the same time, he heard the tell-tale click of talons on the sidewalk so he restrained himself from speaking to the voice. He looked up with a friendly smile. 

" Why yes, it is. I am Winter Bolt and I am minding the shop for the owner. Is there anything I can do to help you? I am a bit new so I do apologize if I am not as informed as I ought to be or if it takes a moment for me to find an item for you. "

He deliberately held back Tranquils name as he was not sure how open she wished to be with her new identity and it was not his place to share that information. He got to his hooves ready to help in any way he could manage.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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//Do you really know Ed and Lorraine Warren? That's pretty awesome, I'd love to meet them, I have so many questions to ask.

Azure smiles "Oh wonderful, uhm let's see, what does Queen Nova need?" she asks herself, getting out a piece of parchment "O-oh, she needs some Opals, Rubies and hmm..some books on Spiritual Renewal and Restoration" she smiles up at him. "I do hope you have these items, I've tried everywhere else and was pointed over here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Having reshelved the books Winter instantly found the requested tomes and set it on the counter. The gems took a bit more searching but he eventually found them and set the containers on the counter as well so that they could be counted out as needed. As he went back to grab the container of Opals he bumped the shelf knocking over a small jar of herbs from the end of the shelving unit. WIthout a moments thought he sprung into a fencers lunge stretching his arm out and snagging the handle of the jar by just two fingers. He managed to return the jar with no harm done and then set the second container of gems on the counter. Grabbing the appropriate ledgers he found a bag for the requested items and then some brown wrapping paper to wrap the gems in to prevent them from being scratched. 

" I'm sorry it took me a moment to find everything as I said I am still learning the ropes. How many of each gem do you want?

May the Friendship be with you. 


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