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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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" I just don't like not knowing what is causing this shift in the energies of the world around us. " 

Winter stared out the window. He hated the idea of having to meet with his parents again. But he knew very well that he might need their resources to face what was to come. Some esoteric texts and ingredients are not cheap and were not going to be bought on a shop keeps salary. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nodded and held him close "I feel the same way, I might have some things we need, depending on what Father Sunrise finds out" she would say "Other things..I suppose I could see if any of my contacts have anything or know of anything we'd need"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" My parents would have any herb we could possibly need and the resources to buy anything else. As much as that would be a trial for me it might be a good idea. Celestia knows they wont stop trying to contact me. So two birds one stone etc.

Winter scuffed his hoof on the fine wood floors clearly torn with the idea. He did not want this but he knew it was one of the best options. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil could sense his unease about it "How about we see if we can find those herbs and whatnot without having to meet your parents first?" she'd suggest, "and only if we cannot find then, then we go see your parents"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" We can try but know that my parents have already had two people mention they want to see me. Its likely my father will stop asking.

He said this with venom in his voice knowing that his mother might let things slide but his father was obsessive about  keeping appearances. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods "I suppose you're right" she would say, "Two birds with one stone, as you said earlier" she'd sigh "Alright, I just..well you know me, I don't exactly get along with the 'elite' of Canterlot." she'd look to him "You're the exception of course"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Well I guess we can head to Mantehatten tomorrow then? I figure this is best like a bandaid rip it off fast. Do we have anything we would like to get done before we head out tomorrow?

When making plans Winter seemed much much more confident and far less stressed. It was clear he was a stallion more comfortable with movement and action then waiting. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Just need to straigthen a few things up with the shop and my apartment, but it's all mostly done. I've entrusted the Father my shop and apartment in case I need to leave for some time" she says "So we can drop by the temple and I can let him know and give him the keys"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter nodded. He moved to say goodbye to Iron Feather. He knew that his friend had to return to the monastery soon. As the party buzzed around him he said good bye to those he knew and made his way back to Tranquil. 

" I am ready to head out. Whenever you are

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil said her goodbyes to Iron Feather and to his parents, before nodding to Winter "I'm ready, oh and Iron's mother is a dear, insisting we take some of her sandwiches and cookies for snacks on our journey" she'd say with a  smile, "We might get to meet my parents too, they ought to be in Manehatten this time of year"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter guided them back to the streets of Canterlot. The air felt tinged with energy. It was like the feeling one would get before a cloud let go a bolt of lightening. He almost felt like his mane was going to stand on end.The ponies around them all seemed to feel it to but without his knowledge all it did for them is amplify their emotions. It was causing a huge buzz around them as they moved. Several ponies were arguing and others were professing undying love. Whatever they felt it was amped to the next level. 

" Well this is getting worse. Or Canterlot is along powerful spiritual cross roads and the veil thinning at night makes it worse.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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" You know I have never had to get anywhere on hoof. I am so used to flying straight to wherever I wanted to go. But I believe there is a train that does leave in the morning and mid afternoon. That will get us to Manehatten early morning or midafternoon. Will that work or do we need more time? "

Winter guided them through the streets of Mantehatten as they grew closer to the church the air seemed to thin. The ponies seemed calmer. It was if the closer to holy ground they got the more protected they felt. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Early morning sounds good to me" Tranquil would say "The sooner we can get this all sorted, the better, in my opinion" she'd follow alongside him and would also notice the atmosphere thinning the nearer they got to the church "Think the father could know what is up?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"That sounds perfect. We will have the night to prepare and pack. We can take the train in the morning and get to Manehatten the next day. I think that the holy land is acting as a buffer to all of this energetic fluctuation. We ought to see if we can make any wards to protect ourselves. "

As the church loomed before them he could almost see a line in the energetic fluctuation stopping at its gates. He was sure the father would have some information to share with them. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods "Good" she would say and as they saw the gates. "Lets go see what the Father has to say about this, see if he's got any advice, and anything to ward against this magic" she says, going through the gates with Winter.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" That sounds like a plan. Maybe you should head in first. I will follow your lead as you know the Father best.

Winter guides them to the gates of the church. He opens the door or Tranquil. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods, leading him into the church, where the Father greets them "Ah welcome Tranquil, welcome Winter" he would say "Come here about the sudden influx of magic that happened?" 

Tranquil would nod "We're going to Manehatten to get some things we need from Winter's parents" she would say, holding out her keys "As per usual, I'd like you to take care of my shop and apartment, please"

The Father nods and takes the keys "Of course, when are you two leaving?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Tomorrow morning. It will take a day ish to get to Manehatten. This energy is getting so powerful there is no telling what I might be able to do with Chi at the moment. I can feel every ounce of elemental energy that a Pegasus normally manipulates for weather. I can even feel the unicorn spells in the area that are being cast if they are weather or elemental related. This is a massive shift in the normal patters of things.

Winter clearly looked uneasy but a tinge of excitement in his voice hinted at his desire to push what was possible. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The Father nods "Very well, I'll open up the shop after you two leave" he says and then he frowns "I have seen, it is very worrying" he says, pulling out two sun talismans "These will ward the magic flow away from you, and this..may be of help to find a way to stop it" he says, handing over the talismans and the book "I hope that this can be done with soon"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Thank you Father. If I might make a suggestion.... you might want to reach out to Renpony in the Yakyakistan mountains and other religious leaders across Equestria. We very likely will never every bit of spiritual wisdom we can muster. This energy is not normal. The few skills I have learned seemed heightened to an extreme degree. More disturbingly I feel whispers that I might be able to attempt much more advanced skills. 
I do really suggest asking her majesty Celestia and the other Princesses to keep an eye out for magic out of control in any fashion. Regular ponies might start to have outbursts of wild magic or their normal abilities and magics might explode in ways that far exceed the norm.

As he spoke Winter pressed himself a little into Tranquil. Her warmth kept the pull of the ice and lightening magic around him from becoming too much. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The Father smiles "Already on it, in fact after this, I will be dropping by your friend Iron Feather's parents' house to give him my letter and a talisman for Renpony, as for Celestia, I have sent a missive to her" he says and nods "I have also sent a missive to the Crystal Empire. I have heard their crystalier is actually very knowledgable and might know of something like this that may have happened in the past"

Tranquil nods, holding Winter close "Thank you Father"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter got a look that seemed torn between amusement and fear. He could feel the winds calling to him. The weather power of the Pegasus were at an all time high and he wondered if his talents could get them home much faster then on hoof. 

" Tranquil I want to test something but I might black out at the end of it and if I don't well I will be very weak... do we have something super high calorie like chocolate at home?

For a moment he was amazed he felt that the apartment above the shop was home But truly he did. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil would think for a moment "Well yes we do, but..what are you planning dear? Is it dangerous?" she would ask, clearly concerned for his safety and wellbeing, considering that he was already showing signs of having a panic or anxiety attack due to having to face his parents.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Well it depends on what you mean by dangerous. This will either not work at all, work but be very draining, or work without a hitch. Worst that could happen as is I blackout. I want to try to use the enhanced chi in the air to summon the weather abilities of a Pegasus. I will use ice, electricity, and wind to create a tunnel from here to home.. or at least that is the idea.

He knew it sounded far fetched but if now was not a time to test what he learned he had no idea when was.  

May the Friendship be with you. 


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