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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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She would give it some more thought before nodding "Well okay, if you believe that the worst that could happen is you blacking out, then alright we can try it" she would say as she lead him back to the apartment and shop "I'll give you some from my emergency stache"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Ok here we go....

Winters hands weaved through various symbols. The air grew bitterly cold around him. The wind began to pick up. With a flourish an ark of ice forms with wind howling at its center. With a hiss lightening sparks from Winters fingers and suddenly the shop can be seen through the ice. 

" Head...in....i'll....follow.

with clear strain Winter urged Tranquil to use the portal. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil would watch Winter do his thing before the portal opened, she was quite amazed, but could clearly see that Winter was straining to keep it open, so she quickly goes right through the portal and immediately goes for her chocolate stash to have it ready for when Winter would be through and needing it.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter stumbled through the portal. He fell to his knees panting and his shirt soaked in sweat. But he was laughing almost hysterically. 

" By Celestias' fore-hooves it WORKED! I combined all of my chi and magic and it worked. "  

He got to his hooves but stumbled forward catching himself on the nearby chair. 

" Ooooh Im a bit lightheaded

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil gently helps him to the sofa and helps him to sit down, while giving him some of her chocolate "Here love, this should hopefully help you regain some energy" she would say "I think this should only be done for short distances, for now" she would say "If this is what you are like just from the church to here, then imagine how much worse it would be for you, if you were to go from here to Manehatten"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

" Oh I have no intention to try such a stunt. Though it might be amusing to appear in my parents living room like that. " Hi mom/dad "  Clang! Flat on my snoot.

Winter laughed so hard he let out a whinny. It was clear he was in good spirits if tired. He tucked into the offered food with gusto. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil sighs in relief "thank the stars" she'd say, leaving the chocolate for him "I always knew that the Father could be relied on for these sort of matters" she would say, looking at her medallion that they were given "This amulet, it's strange..reminds me of something out of mythology" she'd say, looking to Winter "Ever heard of R'lyeh" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

" No I have not. Its not something I am familiar with. But I my brains mush at the moment so I cant count on my memory. "

Winter sighed contentedly as the chocolate kicked in. He knew that with the way things were going he would be learning much more then what Renpony taught him. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nodded and just shook her head "Anyway, I am glad we have a sort of idea of what this is now" she would say "I'll go pack our things, then we can make a quick run to the shops before getting to the train station"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

" That sounds perfect. We can grab some....

As his words trail off Winter falls into a deep slumber with just a tiny portion of chocolate uneaten in his hand. His dreams were undisturbed so deep was the sleep that came over him

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil would put a blanket over Winter and tucks him in before cleaning up the left over chocolate and the wrappers. She would then pack what she believed they would need for Manehatten and would then find a book she thought might help and read it, while watching Winter sleep.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

Winter wakes up. Ravenously hungry he starts cooking a heavy meal of oats fortified with hay. He tried to be silent as he could but ended up swearing loudly as he dropped a pan of hot water. 
" I really hope I dont wake Tranquil.... "
As the food heats he grabs some herbs from his dwindling stock from Renpony and the monastery. He proceeded to make a powerfully fortifying tea for the journey ahead. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil didn't seem to have heard the cursing coming from Winter, as she was fast asleep, how-ever, if Winter listened carefully, Tranquil could be heard whimpering in her sleep, possibly having a nightmare, or even being affected by the magic that has been affecting everypony else.

There was a knock on the front door.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 months later...

@Lazy Ferret

Winter set the herbs to steep in the tea and set the oats and hay to cool. He asked softly

" Who is it ?"

As he opened the door a crack while using his body to block the door. Winter was on edge as it was meeting his parents soon. But this sudden visitor was one more unknown in the expanding world he found himself in.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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It was the Father, he smiles a little "Hello Winter, I thoguht I might bring some things you will need for your travels" he would say, as he had some bags with warm clothing and some instant hot cocoa "It's going to be cold, and I know this isn't much, but I hope they will help, your namesake is coming sooner than expected"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

" Ah father Tranquil is sleeping but you can join me for a cup of tea if you'd like. I greatly appreciate the supplies. While I am built for the cold nonpegisi are not as well suited and even I need something for cold this biting. I wish I was not so low on herbs from the monastery..." 

Winter opened the door wider as he offered the priest some tea stepping back slightly. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The father would smile and step in "Thank you" he looks to Tranquil and sighs "seems she is having nightmares again, hopefully it's just that' he'd say, "how are you though? Apprehensive about seeing your parents again?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

" Yes I am. We don't exactly  have the best relationship. Nor are they going to be pleased with my wanderings across half of Equestria rather then taking up some "respectable" career.

With a wave he cause a gust of air to flick a tea packet his way. With which he set about brewing a nice white tea for the father. As he did so he took a few cautious sips of the stimulant tea he made himself but even that caused minor puple dilation. Then with a sharp crack he face hoofed.

" Father with how easy that just was to summon wind we are going to have some serious issues with ponies and magical creatures over doing it with their natural magic. I really think the Princesses must be informed. " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Father Sunrise would nod "I'm doing that after I've been here" he would say, sitting down and looking at him "I fear by destroying that talisman, I may have caused this" he would say, then listen to what he said about his parents, nodding "I heard how..your parents treated you" he'd say "Typical elitists"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Winter took a further sip of his tea. Turning towards the father his eyes almost fully dilated. The room was almost painfully bright.

" Very glad to hear that the Princesses will be notified shortly. But why do you think the distruction of an evil relic could have caused this? " 


Struck by a sudden idea Winter once more used his portal trick to send a request to Renpony for more herbal ingredients and a more advanced time on herbal brews. The stimulant tea made the act almost effortless. His chi now courses around him making the air staticky and smelling vaguely of the ozone after a lightning strike.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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He nods "things were already beginning to cause an unrest, but after I destroyed the relic, I felt a surge of dark energy" he'd say, rubbing his temples "I'm trying not to focus too much on it, not until I know the full facts, but..I still feel like I had a part in it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Winter nodded.

" Its best not to dwell. If one acts with pure intent you cannot beat yourself up when the outcome is unexpected. Keep your head up father I have a feeling we will need your aid again before this is all over. "

Winter set about pouring the rest of his own tea into a flask to save for later. Taking a double dose of it was almost never wise but it was smart to have some on standby.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Father sunrise would nod with a small smile "You are right there, I'd be better off spending my time trying to figure it out and seeing how I can hopefully stop it" he would say and finish his tea "thank you for the tea, I best get going to the castle" he stands up and smiles "I think Tranquil's parents will be here soon"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

" It was a pleasure father. Keep safe.


Letting the priest out Winter then ensured his bag was packed and provisions stocked. Satisfied he was ready he fell into meditation. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Sunrise waved and left to go to the castle. Meanwhile, Tranquil woke up and covered a yawn "Mmm" she'd mumble with a stretch "right..to pack" she'd say to herself, being mindful to not disturb Winter while he meditated.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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