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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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She smiles and nods "Four is a good time to start" she says as she then leads him around the apartment. "Well obviously you know where the living room is, over there is the kitchen' she points to the kitchen "the first door on the left is the bathroom, and then on the right are the two rooms" she says "My apartment is small, but it's home and it serves its purpose well. The laundry is down the stairs and behind the store, you'll see that in a bit"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" So which room might I be using? Also I do not know how to ask but I know you offered me a place to stay for a bit so are you ok with my unpacking? "

Winters' ears dipped a bit. Social settings always made him nervous. He always messed things up by being too eager to help or being too honest. Somepony always ended up offended or having to fix his mess. 

" If not I more then understand. I dont want to be pushy. But I do want to be a good house guest.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Jaded smiles "Oh second on the right, and of course you may unpack, you're free to stay as long as you like" she says, gently patting him on the shoulder before opening the door for him. The room wasn't anything special, it had a double bed, a simple carpet, curtains to block out the light and for privacy and a small desk. "I hope it is to your liking, I know it's nothing special but it's a room, right?"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter burst out laughing at her comment. His shoulders shook and wings flared a bit. 

" Compared to my tarp tent or the monastery chambers or barns that I have stayed in this is a palace. It will be amazing to sleep in a bed again. This is more than fine. Thank you for giving me a place to stay.

Winter grabbed his bags and set them inside the room he had been given. This felt like a new start and he was determined to make the most of it. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Jaded smiles "Well I'm glad. Let me know when you're finished unpacking and we'll do the tour of the store next" she says and turns around to leave "I'll be in the living room" she then leaves, making her way to the living room, though, she did swish her tail a bit at him playfully as she walked out the door. "Oh, you may be in for a surprise though" she says softly before she goes to the living room and relaxes a bit.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter unpacks his bags. He sets his journal and various items for the morning on the desk. He drapes the tarp over the chair of the desk to air it out. His three pairs of clothing he places in one of the drawers of the desk. Outside of this, it was just a few camping supplies such as a fire and first aid kit and cook set. His few personal items in his hip bags went onto the desk. The journal of friendship and the journal of the two sisters along with a book of fencing techniques and a book on meditation from the Temples of Yak  Yakistan. In the smallest drawer of the desk he places his small bag of bits and his necklace. Closing the drawer he lays his pajamas on the best and leaves the room.

" Ok all unpacked. Its easy when you travel lightly. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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As he would approach the living room, he would be greeted by a different mare completely. This mare would still be Jaded, but her true self. She smiles at him "Hi Winter, well uhm..suprirse" she says in a soft spoken manner "This is the real me, all that other stuff  was make up and all, I normally don't show my true self to others, but for some reason, I feel safe to do so around you" she smiles at him "and I guess you're right"

  Reveal hidden contents


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"Ara Ara"

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Winter cocks his head to the side for a moment. He silently took in the new mare before him. Her coat and eyes had changed he was a bit surprised but he knew a lot about wanting to be someone new. He flexed his wings and hovered a bit as he contemplated his response. Revealingly he said the first thing that came to mind. 

" How on earth do you change your coat like that? Isn't that a pain in the plot to deal with each day? Plus I like the blue color better. buuuuut I might be biased.

He waved a hand at his own powdery blue coat. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"It is a pain in the plot" she says with a soft giggle "Honestly, all that makeup means my skin and fur doesn't get to breathe much, and well most of it is applied using magic" she then looks to him, "Personally, I prefer this look a lot more too, it is more...true to myself" she says, patting the spot next to her "My real name is also actually Tranquil Serenity"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter takes a seat next to her. With a raised eyebrow he extends a hand. 

" Well, my name is still Winter Bolt. Just dont turn out to be a changling on me

His voice is filled with a hint of mirth to show that his statement is teasing and not a serious concern. Taking a deep breath he decides to share bit more of his own story as a sign of solidarity and understanding. 

" I left home after I got my cutie mark as you know. My mother is Honey Leaf the premier botanist and discoverer of the Ink Flower. My father is Comet Tail head astrologer of the Manehattan astrophysics department he has discovered many a comet as his name implies. I ran away after I over did the start to winter and caused a backup at the main intersection of the city that delayed the arrival of Princess Celestia herself and embarrassed my parents socially. I have not been home since one week later after the held my cutecenera to keep face. "

He said all this in a rush as if once the story started it had to be told. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles a little as she listened, "But, was that the first time you did that? I mean helped with the start of winter and all? If so, then they shouldn't be so hard on you" she says, in a very soft spoken manner "I-I mean, I know when I had that..change in me..I got into metal music, dressed in all black, all of that, my parents were disappointed. Not at me, but at what had happened to me" she looks to him "Have you tried talking with them? Maybe..seeing if things between you and them could be fixed?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter laughed bitterly. He shook his head with a snort. 

" They are prim and proper ponies. The creme de la creme of the Manehatten elite. I was always a source of embarrassment. to them.  That stallion we saw? He was a bully and I got into trouble for breaking his shoulder. As I said earlier tonight he is the son of my Dads trust fund manager. He used his status to get away with picking on new ponies at the academy. Well, one day he was particularly bad about it and bloodied the snoot of some new colt and I tried to stop him. He tried to fight with me over it and when we scuffled I broke his shoulder with a throw. He landed badly and well snap. 

After that, I was labeled a thug around the school and my father embarrassed for months at parties as the cry babies shoulder healed up. Then there was the party where I dumped my plate on the head of some rich old hag that was speaking down to Dainty Hooves a housekeeper we employed. She was always so nice to me and I could not stand to see that rich old bat treat her that way so I dumped a full plate of food on her head and told her where to put her opinion. In short it's not just that one thing. It was just the icing on the cupcake. One more time I made them embarrassed to hear my name in polite society. So I left.

He sighed and his wings drooped. He hated talking about his former life. Sure he lived hoof to mouth but it was better than being rich but miserable. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nodded "So you chose emancipation over having to deal with it?" she asks, and smiles a little more "I can understand that, in a way, I admire you for it. You chose your own path in life, but you also chose to not be like your parents, who sound absolutely horrid, I'm sorry, b-but they sound just so..snooty" she says and thinks of the name he mentioned "Dainty Hooves? Is she a grey mare with blonde mane and tail? A little clumsy but has a heart of gold?"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter nodded.

" That does sound like her. Frankly, she would have been fired within a week if she did not do so well looking after me. My parents were always off at some gala or brunch or art function. She was the only member of our staff that could manage me. Otherwise, I ended up sneaking out and roaming the city on my own. Half the time she broke something I said I did it. Because at least she was fun to be around. The rest of the staff was almost as big on appearances as my parents. 

Dont get me wrong they are not bad ponies. Just too worried about appearance and their legacy to think about how they treat others. Then again Im not exactly much of a legacy for them at this point. More like a pony of shadows the Manehatten elite threaten their foals with. "

Winter laughed at the last part but genuinely wondered what the newest rumors about him were. Last time it had been that he had taken to living in a shack in the hills of Appleoosa selling cidershine 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She nods "Oh yes, I've met her a couple times, she is indeed a very nice mare..in fact, now that I think about it, I am sure I have done a couple seances for your parents" she says, shuddering as she remembers those times "Ah well, you are your own pony, and I think a very nice pony at that" she smiles reassuringly at him. She then looks at him "truth be told, I'm very happy I met you, because..I feel like..I've found someone who can appreciate me for...well who I really am, and not the goth punk mare most see me as" she shakes her head.

She then looks at the clock "I'll be honest with you, I've been meaning to shut up shop, seances are a very seasonal thing, and not a lot of ponies are into the spiritual things.." she says "I was just waiting for a good enough reason to, and I feel..you've given me the reason" she blushes some "I've always wanted to help out my parents, to..open up a music store in junction with theirs"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" I didn't know that such things were seasonal. Then again with Nightmare Night and all it sort of makes sense. So what do you do with the shop during the rest of the year? Or do you mean shut down for good? As for a music shop, I can't say I have much exposure to such things outside of Octavias concerto in f minor and so forth during parties. Outside of that, I have not really been able to afford much other than a book or two as I travel. Half the time I have to sell an old book to afford a new one. "

He sighed and looked over his clothing once more. It was time for his spartan existence to change. Heck, the Equ' Tine monks had better robes then he had clothes most days. What they hay. It was time to let things move forward. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "For good" she says softly "And there is always this one rich pony or other who wants me to help them get in touch with their 'lost loved one'... but it's what's getting to me" she says "it's always the same..they pretend they miss the one that has passed away, but it's  always about a dispute about a will, some fancy utensil that's gone 'missing' or the such" she says and shakes her head "I'm getting sick of it, and of course there's how..unappreciative they are once they get what they want" she then smiles at him "But a music store..well, my parents taught me that music is the purest expression of the soul. Music, especially the piano, has always made me happy"

She says and then notices him looking at his clothes "How's about this? I help you buy some new clothes?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter was a bit embarrassed by the offer of help which caused the insides of his ears to glow red as they flushed. He knew he could have all the money he might ever want. He just had to speak to his parents. They would never leave him in rags if for no other reason then to save face. As he paused he finally took a deep breath and nodded. 

" Yes thank you. I could likely use a new outfit. Even my best cloth right now are heavily patched. So what is the plan for the store tomorrow? Anything I should be ready for? " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Well alright then, we'll go shopping tomorrow. As for the shop? Well, I think we might just do stocktake, tidying up and maybe taking what we have in the till and safe to the bank" she says and thinks for a moment "I might still just sell over stock and what we still have in store once we shut up, but I'll sell them online or something" she says, rubbing the back of her head "Honestly, it'll be good for me to get rid of all that stuff and just move on, I think"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Well, it sounds like we have a plan. We had best get to bed if we are going to have an early start.

Winter stood and stretched realizing he had to grab his blankets out his larger bag. He had aired out the tarp but not the blankets. They would be a source of familiarity in this rapidly changing environment. He looked forward to exploring Canterlot a bit as the last time he was here he had really just delivered his parcel and left. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods "Indeed, I do believe a good night's sleep and rest is well in order" she says and walks past him "And of course, if you're ever hungry or thirsty during the night, the kitchen is free to use" she says and makes her way to her room.

She looks around her room and sighs , she knew while she had reminders of her past with all the posters and such still up on the wall etc, she won't be able to sleep. "Luckily I have my magic" she says to herself softly before using her magic to take down the posters, put them away with all her other things she wanted to sell or give away.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" That sounds like a plan. Good night, sleep well, and I will see you in the morning.

Winter laid out his fleece blanket on the bed and the sheet with it. he laid out his heavier wool blanket on the floor as a meditation cushion. Sitting down he proceeded to meditate for a couple of minutes before changing into his pajama and sliding under the blankets. As he lay there the days events suddenly caught up with him and he was soon fast asleep deeper than he normally had while he was camping or sleeping in a barn. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The next morning, Tranquil was already awake and up at about four and she was in the kitchen, sipping on a coffee. "Ugh, I'm going to need to get used to this change..again" she says softly to herself as she looks out of the window "Still dark out, I wonder how today will go" she says to no one in particular as she closes her eyes "It's been so long since I had some peace and quiet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter woke up and dressed in his workout clothes. It was a tattered Gi with a bit of cord replacing a typical rank belt. After a few minutes of meditation, he came out with his collapsible fencing trainer in his hand yawning. 

" Oh, Hi Tranquil. I'm just going to get my morning workout in and grab a shower before we really get going if that is ok. "

Winter grabbed a small amount of water in a metal teacup. It was scoured by fire as he used it to brew tea in while camping. He set the empty cup on the counter waiting for his return. Following the previous night's directions, he went down through the store and into the aforementioned courtyard. He snapped the blade of the training sword out and then raised the blade in a salute before falling into a basic cadence. His footwork was like a dancer flowing and graceful. His blade hissed through the air at invisible opponents and his breathing slowed as thought stopped. He moved without thought shifting and sidestepping with an instinctual flow rather than conscious effort. 

After warming up with his blade he set the blade down and begin to go through basic boxing drills. His fists a blur the gi snaping with the speed of each strike. Bobbing and weaving he shadow boxed until a ring of sweat started to form on the back of his gi. As suddenly as he started he stopped slowing his breathing and shutting his eyes as he centered himself for the day ahead. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles at him "Of course, I have a bit of thinking to do anyway, so I'll just meditate for a bit" she says as she watches him leave and then she closes her eyes and begins her own meditation. In her mind, she thinks I could still do what I am doing while not being all caked in makeup and covered in black and those accessories. I could also just change up the shop a little. She smiles as she thinks on that, as another voice  entered her mind Is that what you really want dear child? she smiles a little Well hello there Salvador, it has been quite some time, and well, I do like some of the music that comes from that culture. Not so much the metal, but Voltaire and Creature Feature.. she says back to the other voice in her mind I guess, maybe I could discuss this with Winter... You like him, don't you? what the other voice said made the mare blush a little Maybe a little. She  then smiles and opens her eyes a little as she then gets up and begins to get out some parchment and writes some things down.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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