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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Azure smiles and looks at the list "Oh, she wants..ten of each, please" she says and looks at him "It's okay, you should have seen how disorganized the Queen was when we finally returned to Mount Aris" she shakes her head just as Tranquil walks in. "Oh hey there Azure, it's okay Winter, why don't you take a break and I'll finish up here?" Tranquil says to Winter as she then  got out the ten of each gems "Also thanks for watching the store for so long, I didn't expect to be contacted"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter had just started laying the gems out on the wrapping paper as Tranquil came in. As she suggested he take a break he nodded politely and allowed her to take over the transaction. He walked toward the stair heading back to the apartment before pausing. 

" It was nice to meet you Azure. I hope your day goes well.

Winter headed upstairs and made himself a cup of tea to sip while he tried to wrap his head around the morning's events. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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After helping Azure and putting down the intake for what she had bought into the books, Tranquil climbs the stairs to the above apartment and covers a yawn. "Hey Winter, sorry I took so long, one of my..Spirit guides wanted a nice long chat, though he kind of faded in and out, as if he was going somewhere else at times" she says and flops onto the sofa and smiles at him "Let me know when you're ready to go clothes shopping. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter slowly sips his tea and shares the events of the day with Tranquil. He seems a little hesitant to share the story of the voices but finally opens up.

" So while you were gone I did hear a disembodied voice in the shop so that might have been your guide talking to me. I am ready to head out as soon as my tea is done."

He drinks the tea savoring the warmth of it after his chilly flight this morning. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nodded, happy that the store wasn't too busy for him to handle and then smiles a little "That does sound a bit like Salvador, I hope he was kind, he can be..pretty protective of me" she says as she sips on her own tea and nods "Alright, that sounds good to me, I know a good spot to go to as well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" He was informative to say the least. If it helps I am looking for something practical and something a bit dressy.

Winter toys this a lock of his mane as he speaks clearly unsure of what else he wants to share. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She nods "That surely sounds like him" she says and continues to sip on her tea "I can see you in something like that..hmm..maybe a trip to the Boutique?" she suggests "I've been meaning to visit miss Sassy Saddles"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" That sounds like a great idea. Its been a bit since I had halfway decently made clothes I have to admit that is one of the things I miss about my parent's money is that they always were willing to get me an outfit if I wanted one." 

Winter drains his tea and pats Tranquil on the knee as he stands to put the cup in the sink

" I really cant thank you enough for all your kindness. You dont know me from Celestia but are still willing to do so much for me. It means a lot.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "Kindness deserves kindness in turn" she says with a soft smile, placing her hand on his, "If not for you, I might have still been stuck in my darkness." she says to him and then gets up to put her own mug into the kitchen "Come on then, lets go"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

With the day being nice Winter left his coat behind. He would not be flying so there was no need for it. He simply pated his waist to ensure his pouch of bits was still on him and headed to the door. 

" You know I think the hardest part about civilization for me is not flying all the time. There were days where I could fly only stopping for food or the restroom. I could be in the skies from day break to nightfall and never touch hoof to the ground. So what is your typical day like here in Canterlot? Its been so long since I had a real home its odd to think of a day to day routine. But if I want to settle down I suppose I need to figure that out for myself.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "Honestly? Canterlot is what you would expect for a capital city. It's busy, both day and night, and a bit too crowded for my liking" she states, following him, after locking the doors behind them. "I tend to like to watch the streets from my apartment window, and when I feel that the foot traffic is small enough, that is when I usually go out" she explains "though with you around, maybe that won't be too much of a problem" she giggles cutely.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Her laughter was contagious and Winter chuckled alongside her as they stepped outside. The crowds of the city hummed along as usual. It reminded him so much of Manehatten it was eerie. Though there was more of polished and civil tone to it. Manehatten tended to feel a bit cold. A bit you either fit in or did not. There was a snooty feel to the air in the areas of Manehattan he grew up. This city felt different. More open, more possibility to it. 

" So it's busy enough today. But it feels so different from Manehatten. I wonder if its the actual city or just my mindset? Oh, I have heard a ton about the sweets district or is it the food district... I'm not sure. I just know that almost anywhere I went there was talk of some amazing treats to be had in Canterlot. The best outside of Sugarcube corner was the statement if I remember it right. " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles a little "Oh yes, the sweet district is wonderful, I do go there as often as possible, but I do try to limit myself" she says, patting her belly a little "And there is Doughnut Joes, best doughnuts in Equestria, next to the ones at Sugarcube Corner" she chuckles and nods, leading him down the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone who might cause them trouble. "We can go to the sweet district after visiting Sassy Saddles"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter chuckled and shook his head his well-kept mane flowing like water with the movement. 

" That sounds like a plan. Besides, I generally operate at such a calorie deficit that I struggle to maintain weight. I think I can afford to indulge a bit. "

Up ahead was Heavy Bags now in designed gym attire. He was surrounded by ponies fawning over him. He looked up and spotted winter. With a bit of a grin, he walked towards the pair before booming out. 

" Hey, Winter I heard you ran away from home and have been living as a hobo. How did you afford the date?

The normally shy and peaceful look on Winters face melted faster than snow at Winter wrap up. His eyes narrowed and he spoke between gritted teeth in a sharp hiss. 

" Good to see you again Heavy how is the shoulder?

The tension after that last response could be cut with a knife. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil was smiling but as they came across the rich pony, she scowls as she hooks arms with Winter and whispers "I really wish today was a day I was my old self" she says "We can take a different route if you want, honey?" she asks, then glowers over at Heavy Bags "And you, I remember you..your father still sour that his father refused to let him in on the will?" she taunts him, "Also, if Winter was such a penniless hobo, he wouldn't have a mare like me as his marefriend, plus he has a home"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Heavy Bags scowled darkly at the comments. He stepped forward as if to intimidate them but in a flash Winter had moved in front of Tranquil and shifted his stance as if to fight. 

" Listen Heavy I do not want to ruin my day with a fight. But if you take another step this will end badly.

Heavy laughed and moved to clap a massive hand on Winters Shoulder. Winters' hand flashed up catching Heavys wrist. 

" Dont..touch... me... and if you dare!

Winter is cut off by an older pony posh voice calling out. 

" Heavy is that young Winter Bolt? Why we have not seen him in ages. I wish I could let you catch up but we simply must move on to your press conference. "

" You got lucky Winter Dolt but I am sure I will see you again

Heavy Bags walks of with is father Money Bag. The older pony nodding politely to Tranquil and Winter without so much as  hint that he knew what almost went on. 

Winter on the other hoof was shaking from head to horseshoes. His eyes blazed and it was clear that the large earth pony was very close to something he was not ready to face. 
Breathing raggidly Winter muttered the words 

" Peace, Knowledge, Serenity, Harmony, Force.

Under his breath trying to steady himself with the mantra. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles and hugs Winter close as she nods at the older pony "that was close" she says and continues to walk with him "Come on Winter, lets..get something to eat first, for some reason I'm starving right now" she says as her stomach growls "A-ah ooh, be right back" she says as she rushes to a side alley and the sound of dry retching and vomiting could be heard. Soon after, she hadn't still returned, as she was curled up in the alleyway, shivering and quivering.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter darted to the alleyway when Tranquil did not return. Any anger or fear left in him evaporated in an instance when he saw her on the ground. He lifted her easily and felt her neck for a pulse. 

" Tranquil are you ok?! Do you need a doctor?

Winters wings vibrated ready to take to the skies in an instant if help was needed. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Priest" she says in a raspy voice "G-get me t-to a priest" she continues, as she looks at him, her eyes were all red and she felt extremely cold to the touch. She wasn't dead, but in actuality, possessed, and not by a kind spirit like Salvador, but by a very malevolent demon by the name of Valac. "S-she's g-going t-to hurt you i-if we d-don't get to a p-priest" she cries, still in her raspy voice.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter swiftly said a prayer that he had learned at the Temples of Yak Yakistan. He kicked off the floor while keeping her close to his body to attempt to warm her. 

" Tranquil just hang on! Keep talking to me, about anything you like. Just keep talking got it?

Winters body was a blur through the skies as he saw what appeared to be a holy site up ahead. He was not sure if it was a Temple or Church but he landed inside its gates and bellowed out for assistance. Barely slowing down he was inside the doors with an almighty clang 

" Help. Someone get out here I need a priest now!

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil looked up to him "Y-you're the f-first pony to be so kind to me in s-so long" she says in a hushed whisper "I-I hope you s-stay" her eyes were beginning to close, how-ever she had begun to froth at the mouth a little, and her breathing was that of the living dead.

It just so happened that a visiting Priest was visiting the church and heard the commotion. He steps out of the hallway to see what was going "Mother of Celestia" he whispers "quickly, get her in here" he opens the doors wide for him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter followed the Priest without question while slowly reciting his mantras and prayers from his time at the Temples he had stayed at. He sets Tranquil down gently and turned to the priest. 

" Please do something! All my spiritual work is martial in nature. I have no idea what to do here. "

Winter reached out his energy feeling for the life spark in Tranquil. he was not an expert with energy work but he knew enough to read his opponent and to speed his own healing. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"I will do what I can, you are lucky that I am a trained exorcist" he says and gets out his holy book and holy water along with his holy symbol of Celestia's sun "In the name of Celestia, I compel you!" he starts sprinkling the holy water everywhere, as the demon inside of Tranquil spat and cursed at the Priest. "Mother of..Valac" the Priest mutters "But..why? What would she want with such a nice mare?" he asks, "The power of Celestia compels you! I expel you from this mare! Come out..VALAC! the great defiler!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter held Tranquils wrists down and kept her as still as possible. 

" Tranquil listen to me. I can feel you in there. Do not give up do you understand me?

Winters energy crashed over her lashing at the foreign spirit in an untrained and sloppy manner. He was really able to handle this sort of thing but his will and focus was strong and he was pushing as hard as he was able to stabilize the situation.

" Just you stay with me you got it? 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Valac! I command you! In the name of Celestia..." The priest begins. "I CAST THEE OUT!" Celestia finishes. It would seem Celestia had been paying the church a visit, seeing what, if anything, needed to be mended or looked after, when she heard the noise and went the check it out.

"Curse you Bringer of Sun and Light!" The demon inside Tranquil spits before finally being expelled from her body and mind and leaving the poor mare, limp and drenched in sweat.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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