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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter was totally oblivious to anything but his companion right now. He tore the sleeve off of his shirt and soaked it in holy water that was nearby. He mopped at her forehead and neck trying to bring some relief. 

" Tranquil I'm sorry I dont even know if what I did has any effect here. Can you talk? GRRRRAH I hate anything I can't fist or blades on! 

Winters fist almost lashed out but he pulled back to avoid property damage. He was only willing to do so much blaspheming on holy ground. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil's eyes begun to slowly open, and as they did, they were back to their normal color "W-Winter?" Tranquil asks "I-I'm sorry..I s-should have controlled my anger better, b-but I let it get to me a-and she took over" she says, looking down in shame."I-I understand i-if you w-want to leave"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter continued to wash her head and neck with a damp cloth. He then tore off the other sleeve to dry her. 

" What are you talking about? Why on earth would I leave?  I dont care about your temper or anything else. Even if I didn't like you I owe you a debt and if I am breathing I repay it.

He places a hand under her shoulders and puts enough pressure to let her sit up if she so desired. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She smiles up at him "I-I like you too" she says and then sees Celestia "C-Celestia? W-.."

Celestia smiles as she goes to her and places a healing hand on her "Shh dear child, rest now" she says before turning to Winter "Take her home, she'll be right after some rest"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Save your strength. Look let me get you home. I am going to grab us some food as well. Are you able to make a stop along the way?

He helped Tranquil to her hooves. His arm was around her waist ensuring that she could keep level. Winter checked his pouched and dumped about half of his bits into the donation box. What remained was enough for food today and breakfast tomorrow. 

" Thanks, padre use the Bits in good health. Princess, I wish I could show more reverence but my friend needs sustenance and rest. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil closes her eyes, but this time her breathing was normal. The Priest bows his head "Thank you for your donation, ser" he says and then turns to Celestia "And thank you for your aid, your highness" he says as Celestia bows and turns to Winter "It is quite alright, I'll have someone drop by with some food"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Thank you, Princess. Can you see to it that you have someone bring raw ginseng, honey, ginger and a bit of echinacea?   Also, we will need enough food to last until the morning. I am sure she will be well enough to go shopping by then.

He was giving no thought to formality or the idea of giving a shopping list to a Princess. He was so focused that he was just saying the first thing on his mind. He slowly started to guide Tranquil to the door. 

" He are you able to walk or I could fly you again? The tea ingredients I asked for will help you rejuvenate and heal. "

His arm was an iron bar around her she could float on her heels if she wanted to without exerting much effort. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil shakes her head, she was still exhausted and could barely keep herself up, let alone awake. Celestia nods "Of course, they will be over soon" she says as she gently shoos the two out of the church, but before they crossed the threshold, the Priest gets up "I will come with you, I have a theory about this demon, I just hope I am wrong"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Fine but you can meet us at this address because I am going to fly and there is no way I can carry two ponies. "

He tells the Priest the address and he leaps into the air. He is a blur through the streets landing swiftly at the shop and get her into the apartment gently laying her in a recliner while heating some water to again cleanse her fur of the sweat. He gives her a bit of water until the food arrives. 

" Tranquil are you ok? Is there anything I can do for you until we can get some food here?

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Scarlet Rose

" Nah I dont think you understand how this works. If I am living here the debt racks up. Not that I care mind you. So unless you plan to kick me out I cant say we are even until I start paying rent or something.

He grabs her purse and sets it on her lap. Reaching over he takes her wrist and measures her pulse making sure that its steady if a little faint from the exhaustion of the ordeal. 

" The revival tea is a bit strong but once I mix it up and you take it with a bit of food you will notice a big improvement in how you feel. The strongest variations can cut healing time in half. But well they taste terrible and require some expensive stuff in them. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles as she listens to him "it's not always about bits" she states, digging around her purse before pressing a set of keys into his hand "Whether or not you choose to stay here or to go on your way at some point...I want you to know that you will always have a home here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter smiles warmly and pockets the keys. He looks at her a little strangely and it almost appears as if he is trying to see right through her. With a sigh, he shakes his head. 

" Ok, you have to explain what happened while we wait for food and drink. Or I could at least make us some normal tea for now. If you like. "

His voice is a little uncertain but he pushes on.

" Now normally I could read anypony else like a book. Heartbeat, Breathing and Ki or life energy all combine to tell a very precise tale. But with you, I can't read anything. I cant lash my energy against yours for good or ill. Its almost as if there is a component I am missing. I spent years learning to manipulate life energy as surely as a sage interacts with the spirits and today it meant about as much as snow in Yak Yakistans. So what gives?

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"First, what happened was I got so angry at seeing that spoiled colt again, that I let my guard down and thus Valac, a very powerful demon, was able to get hold of me" she shakes her head. "I once did a seance for his father, it didn't go very well." She then looks at him "as for your other concern? I.. don't really know what to say to that"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter sighed. He hated things like this. The physical made sense. A fight made sense. But this... this was like trying to grasp Ki for the first time. With a low growl he got to his stalks to the room he had been granted. 

" Aaah horse feathers I hate a puzzle with half the pieces missing. Well if I cant figure this out at least I can help you warm up a tad. You still seem to have a chill about you. "

He grabbed a small sachel from the bottom of his backpack. He laid is carefully on the kitchen counter and opened it almost reverently. A strong smell of herbs wafted out from the open bag. He drew out two sachets of herbal tea. 

" Its Yak Yakistan inner fire tea. The herbs and berries really perk you up and should warm you from the core. Pretty hard to come by but if now isnt a time for it well when is? "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil sighs "it's..the reason I took so long. See, I recently came into possession of a grimoire, one of the world's most haunted ones at that" she says and smiles as a knock could be heard at the door.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Haunted you say? Hmm we can talk about that in a moment it appears we have company. "

He sets some water to boil and grabs two mugs to place the bags of herbal tea in. Striding toward the door he sets a hand on it and pauses. 

" Who is it?

Winter was cautious after the days events and did not want Tranquil disturbed needlessly. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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There was a Royal Guard with the Priest "Service Bolt, it's Father Sunrise, I've come with a guard who has what you asked for" he says softly "may we come in please?" He asks as he and the guard wait to be let in


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter was cautious wanted to ensure that this was not some demonic trickery. So he discreetly made a few symbols of warding and protection using mudra the priests of the Temples had taught him. Further, he took the groceries from the guard with a nod of thank. But as he stepped away from the door he did not give permission to enter. Speaking loud enough for Tranquil to hear. 
" You know father I have heard that some otherworldly creatures cannot enter a home uninvited. Is that indeed the case? I cant say that I am that knowledgeable on the subject.

He headed to the kitchen leaving the door open as he set the bags down. As he did so he looked at Tranquil with a raised eyebrow as if asking if he was doing the right thing. He might be out of his depth but he was not taking risks with her safety. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Sunrise nods "it is true, what you say, but it is also just impolite to enter into someone else's domicile uninvited. Otherworldly or not." He says, smiling softly.

Tranquil smiles "Father Sunrise? Please come in, I suspect I know why you are here" she says as the father and the guard both walk in 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter set out some extra cups just in case as he changed his mind on the method of brewing tea. He took the boiling water and set the tea sachets in it. This allows the tea to steep and brews a larger amount than just the water in single cups.  He sits down close to Tranquil looking that the guard and priest carefully. He was ready to act if need be but was trying not to come off as too hostile. 
" Tranquil do you want me to find seats for our guests? Is there anything I can do for you right now? "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "I expect the guard needs to return to duty, as for Father Sunrise though, yes please" she says to Winter as the Guard sets everything down and then bowed before leaving.

Sunrise sighs "So it is true then? You have the original Grimoire?" He asks

Tranquil nods "Yes father, I have left it as you instructed"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter sets the second recliner facing Tranquil and gestures for the father to take a seat. He then shows the guard to the door as he thanks him for his help with the matter of food. 

Returning he grabs the chair from the dest in his room and sets in facing bother the priest and Tranquil. As he can hear the water boiling he pours three mugs of the tea before setting about putting away the food. He put what was in need of refrigeration in the fridge and the rest he set aside for later. 

Grabbing the tea components and washed the pot from the first set of tea. 

" So let me know what you think of the tea. Oh and is there any way I can help here? I am not sure what to do or say. This sort of thing has me a bit out of my depth.

Winter returned to carefully measuring the ingredients for the next cup of healing tea. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Sunrise smiles "The tea is delicious, Yak Yakistanian, correct?" he asks as he sips on the tea and then nods "This grimoire, it is called The Lesser Key of Lulamoon (Closest thing I could think of for Solomon), or Clavicula Salomonis Regis, is among one of the most haunted and dangerous books in existence. Now, there are reprints that are pretty harmless, but the original, that is something, not even I will touch" he explains.

Tranquil smiles at Winter "As for how I acquired it, I am a collector and seller of rare books.  Normally if it is just a rare book, I sell it to the highest bidder, but if it is a book like say the original Lesser Key of Lulamoon, Nightmare Moon Bible or the Unknown Grimoires, then I immediately alert the church and they send the Father here to inspect it, and if it is in fact the real deal, he tells the higher ups and they come to retrieve it, so that it can be held under the holy protection of the church." Tranquil explains "I make absolutely no profit from such books"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter expertly mixed the next cup of tea chopping and grinding everything into a fine slurry after adding a dash of water. He then whisked the tea into a frothy mixture that almost looked cream like. As he listened to the explanation of the book he sighed and shook his head. 

" Yes, its inner fire tea from Yak Yakistans monasteries where I stayed for a bit. In regards to the book, I am not sure how much use I am in such matters. If its not martial in nature my energy work or herbal knowlede does not really apply. So unless I can sword fight a spirit I am afraid I feel rather useless.... "

He set the cup down in front of tranquil and sat down with his own cup of inner fire tea. 

" Be careful to sip those two teas slowly. They can make you rather uncomfortably warm if you drink them together too swiftly. I once made that mistake and almost froze because I sweat too much and soaked my own clothing. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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