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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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The priest looks at him and nods, sipping on his tea "Truth is, the Church does their best to keep these books out of the hooves of somepony who might use them for evil. We keep them locked up for good" he says and shakes his head "But I do know that Tranquil here doesn't actively go out to search for them, it's more acquaintances of hers that finds them in their travels and brings them to her for attention."

Tranquil nods, sipping slowly on her own tea "Father, Valak tried to get a hold of me during a moment of anger I was having" she says to him "A rather...spoiled and rich stallion who Winter knew was..poking fun at him and well..I honestly just wanted to beat his head in"

Sunrise just nods solemnly "It would seem, the darkness within you is still there" he then looks to Winter "But I am sure with your help, it could lessen, hopefully"

Edited by Scarlet Rose


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter contemplated the situation silently for a bit. He slowly drank his tea letting the warmth flow through him. He set the cup down and stretched a bit. Sitting too far back always cramped his wings which is why he leaned forward a lot. 

" To master darkness, one must accept it. To master the acceptance one must master the mind. To master the mind one must master the body. "

All of this was said with a bit of a grin and clearly emulating a monk from the Temples he had stayed at

" So it seems to me the first step is working out. Then the rest will reveal itself. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Sunrise smiles just a tiny bit and nods "Wise words indeed, but please do keep an eye on her" he says then notices that the pendant that was the planchette was sitting on a table "One thing I can recommend, destroy that evil thing, burn it in balefire if need be" he says, closing his eyes "That thing will only keep the darkness around and subject you to even more attacks"

Tranquil looks at the Planchette, the thing that gave her the company of good spirits for so long, but also subjected her to attacks from evil, dark spirits as well, she simply sighs, levitating it with her magic "What do I do? I don't even know if it can be destroyed, and I'd rather not just bury it where somepony else could find it and be subjected to it's dark powers"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter looked at the planchette and considered it for a moment. He did remember a few things that he had been given by his masters before he left. He returned with a small pouch from his bags. 
" Well, I do have a few items from the monastery if you wish we could try them. Or we could wait and work on getting you stronger and then see what opportunities and advice present itself first? I mean honestly if it's not an immediate danger I would think it best to do a little homework before we just start burning things. "

Winter flexed out his wings as he drained the lost of his tea. Taking the empty mug to be rinsed he looked at Tranquil.

" Finish the regenerative tea before it gets cold or at least reheat and stir it from time to time. If it sets it does not taste as good and gets a bit thick. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles a little and nods as she continues her tea "Thank you for the tip Winter" she says softly and then finishes it. She saw what he had "I think..maybe you are right, we could see how to destroy it properly. I have a feeling, that if we jsut straight up destroy it without any precautions being made, we  could unleash something not only dark, but also very powerful"

Sunrise stands "I thank the both of you for your hospitality, but I should return to the church and notify the Elders of the discovery of the book, as well, I think I might be able to help divine how to properly dispose of the planchette, if you'd allow me to take it with me to the church"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter looked at Tranquil with a shrug. He could give advice but this was not his property nor area of expertise. He would follow her lead on it. 

" Tranquil in this area you are the boss. I will help you. Give advise or guidance where I can but I cant make the final calls. Its not an area I am too well versed in and besides... sometimes we can only walk with others as they grow or train them for it. But we cant fight the battle for them if that makes sense? "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods, levitating the pendant with her magic and placing it in a protective pouch "Take it with my blessing, Father" she says, not getting up "Hopefully we can resolve it..soon enough" she says with a soft smile, then looks to Winter "Let me know when you're ready to continue on our journey to get you some new clothes"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter laughed he had totally forgotten about the new clothing. But he really did need it. So he reached into his pouch that he had brought out and removed what looked like a small pair of symbols connected by a leather cord. He firmly struck the edges together and they let off a clear melodic chime that seemed to fill the apartment. 

" Tingsha are supposed to clear negative energy from a place or situation. That should help the apartment remain clear of darkness. So I figure why not head out and grab the clothing. When we get back we can consider dinner. Or maybe we can grab it on the way back. After that, we can consider building up physical strength to build up mental toughness for the deed ahead.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The priest nods as he puts the pouch into his pocket and smiles "I will keep you both in the loop" he says, then looks to Winter then to Tranquil "and miss Serenity, it would be wise to heed what mr Bolt has to teach you, you will find that while meager compared to what you would get at a temple, they are still good teachings and methods" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter placed a hand on Tranquis arm in an offer of help standing. He was trying not to be patronizing but he was very worried about her after all that had gone on. He cleared up the cups and ensured that there were no dishes left in the sink when they got back. Then he paused and clapped his hand to his forehead. 

" Here I am talking about getting dinner and we just had dinner supplies dropped off by the princess herself.... Let's get going and on the way back I can grab some stuff for a really good dessert I know....oooooh and you still gotta show me where the sweets district is!

Winter seemed to yoyo between concern for her and excitement of having a friend to go out on the town with. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles as she gladly accepts the help up "Thank you Winter" she says with a smile, placing her hand gently on his as a gesture of thanks. "I'm sure Celestia wouldn't mind if we kept these for another time..if you want to eat out tonight, then maybe we can, I'm sure I'll be hungry later on anyway" she smiles and picks up her bag and purse.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter grabs his leather coat and slings it over his shoulder. With the bag of bits still on his belt he was all set. He gently nudges Tranquil playfully. 

" Well I am all set but you know the city so you lead the way. " 

He casts a swift glance at his training blade on the desk in his room but dismisses it. Sure it could be hidden under the coat but was he really going to go ready for trouble? It was better to not get into such a mindset. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles a little at him as she leads the way out of their apartment and locks the doors behind them. "I am glad you were there for me Winter" she smiles at him "If you weren't there while I was having that attack, I may not have made it" she states somewhat sadly "and I would likely still be hiding behind a false personality" she says, looking around a little. She then smiles at him "In this, my original personality, I'm basically a pacifist"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter chuckles and snaps out a few jabs. 

" No need to thank me. I mean you gave me a place to stay and kept me from going hungry my first night in town. Getting you help is the least I can do. As for pacifism well.... I'm not and between the two of us that might give some sort of balance to this whole crazy dance. Besides if we both wanted to fight I think we'd end up seeing the Canterlot guards on more then a grocery run. " 

He offers his arm as an escort. 

" So where to first? "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil giggles a little "Yeah, and I honestly don't fancy spending the night in the cells" she says with a shudder but then smiles a little more as she accepts his arm "I think we ought to get you your new clothes first" she says, looking around the streets and sighing in relief, "Hmm.. there's the Boutique, shall we go there?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter opened the door a bit and held it for Tranquil allowing her to enter the shop before him. He was a bit nervous as he loved new clothing. But the process of measure and fitting always bothered him. It might just have been the snooty designers he had to deal with in the past though. So he entered and looked around marveling at all the fine fabrics and excellent craftsmanship of the displays. 
" I really miss this level of effort and care in things. Its one of the few things I love about money. If you are willing to spend a few bits you can get items that last from ponies that care and put love into their creations. I mean mass creation via magic is great for when you cant afford better. But things like this well you just can beat them

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "I do prefer my clothes to be personally tailored myself" she says and sees Sassy Saddles, waving her over "Miss Saddles, I've got a customer for you" she calls out as the slightly taller and slimmer mare walks over to them "Tranquil is it..wow, you've finally gotten out of that stage of life then?"  Sassy asks as she looks at Winter "and by the looks of it, a coltfriend?"  she teases.

Tranquil blushes "W-well I mean..I am letting him stay at my apartment and he helps around the apartment and the store, he's in need of some new clothes, what can you do?"

Sassy smiles "I think I have just what you need, follow  me please"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winters' ears flushed red inside and he had to take a breath to center himself. He was not sure what to say or how to react without assuming things or acting like he was against the concept entirely. So he let out a slow exhale and followed silently behind Sassy Saddles. 

" So Miss saddles I am looking for something for day to day and something a bit more dressy if that is any help. Oh for my day to day clothing I tend to be pretty active so something too tight or rigid would be a bit of a discomfort. I am not sure how else I can be useful here. " 

He often felt useless but not at least it was not useless and alone. Maybe he could even find something meaningful to focus on now that it appeared he was not a vagabond any more. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Sassy smiles as she leads him to a rack of pre-prepared suits "Well, for day to day wear, we have a variety of activewear suits and even some sports wear" she says showing him "And we of course, also have a wide range of formal suits, once you've decided on the designs you'd like, I'll get to measuring you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter looked over the clothing and picked out a grey suit with a white shirt and grey dress jacket. it bordered on semi-formal but the fabric seemed flexible and the grey and white would look good on his blue coat. He then looked over the sportswear and shrugged a bit. He had his gi so that would do. Walking back to the semi-formal stuff and chose a black number that was almost an exact match of the original grey he picked out

" I think this will work. But I am open to suggestions. I mean I am no fashionista so I defer to the expert's opinion when possible.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Sassy sees the designs he had chosen and smiles with a nod, "Alright, I think I can make them work, please stand on the pedestal in a T-pose" she says as she then proceeds to get out her measuring tape, notepad and pencil. She smiles "you know, it's nice to see Tranquil as her old self, happy and a bit more carefree"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter gets on the pedestal and raises his arms. He was glad that he had chosen his better set of traveling clothes for this as the worn down ones might be embarrassing with such a high-level fashionista helping him. He tried not to move much as she spoke because he knew her measurements must be exact.

" Well, I can't say I know what she was like before I arrived. I have only been here for about two days. Frankly, she kept me from camping in some random woods or field outside of the city my first night. If I have helped her at all then its the least I can do. She seems like a great pony and I always look out for those that care for me.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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As Sassy was taking notes of his measurements, she nods "Mhm, she's always been like that. For as long as I have known her, if she sees a pony in need, she will do her best to help" she states "and if she sees good in a pony, she'll do her best to bring it to light"

"O-oh hush" Tranquil blushes


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter chuckled at Tranquils blush. He snorted and tried to cover his face for an instant but then realized that he might mess up the measurements. He instantly moved his arms back out to the proper position. 

" You are hilarious when you blush Tranquil. How can a compliment get you so worked up.

He stuck his tongue out with a teasing grin. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Sassy Saddles giggles "She's just so humble, a breath of fresh air" she says and smiles a bit more "But it is true dear, you almost could rival Rarity in her own field of generosity" she giggles before turning to Winter "alright, mr Bolt, I've got your measurments, your suits should be done by this time tomorrow" she smiles at him


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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