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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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She smiles and accepts it, "It sure does sound like a plan to me" she says, leading him towards the sweets district, "and careful, else ponies might think that we're together" she giggles and kisses his cheek "N-not that I'd mind, mind you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter choked on his cider a bit as she kissed his cheek. Color rose beneath his pale blue fur. For one addle brained second, he almost flew. He did not know why but whenever anything was a shock flight was the first idea in his head. He wings fluttered briefly before he contained himself.

" Well, I dont think I would mind that either. Though I have to say I am hardly decent at being a regular acquaintance... let alone anything else. .... "

His finger gently traced the inside of her palm letting her know that he enjoyed the affection but was just a bit overwhelmed and unsure how to respond. With a voice softer then a breeze he muttered.

" Not exactly how I expected my first kiss to happen and I dont even know how to react... "

It was more a verbal kick to himself as he was freezing up and did not want to hurt Tranquils feelings even as flustered as he was. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil giggles a little "Same, to be honest" she says and shakes her head "I mean..I've never had a coltfriend before..Salvador usually scared any stallion with intention of dating me, away" she says and then smiles at him "and by regular acquaintance, I hope you mean, boyfriend, because I am now really hoping that you will stay with me" she says and looks away briefly, she was babbling now, and she just sighs a little.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter gives Tranquil a hug and lightly brushes a stray hair from he face. 

" I can say that I intend to stay for the moment. I want to see how we get on and how all these items in the air play out before making any more promises. I wont ever lie to you nor will I ever commit to something I wont keep. So I cant say yes right away. Because if we were to not get along well or something crazy were to happen I would break my word to you and likely hurt you in the process. Which I would hate myself for. So this is not a no. I just want to let things develop to the point I am confident I wont hurt anypony along the way...

He hoped she understood. He wanted to say yes. But he was not school pony blinded by peer pressure and growing up. He knew that rushing into things might hurt everypony involved and the last thing he ever wanted was to see Tranquil hurt. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles, returning the hug "That's all I ask for, is your honesty, and I truly appreciate it" she says, leading him into the best sweet store in the district. She smiles at him "Pick out whatever you'd like, it's on me" she says as she picks up her basket and begun to go through the store, putting the sweets and treats she wanted into it.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter browsed the various sweets and finally settles on a few pastries and a bar of chocolate. 
" So do we have any idea of what we want to do after this? I mean for lack of a better term its your city and I have no schedule or jobs here yet. "

Winter chuckled wondering what regular ponies did when they had the evening to themselves. Generally, he was flying or camping or working. This was totally new. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She smiles and takes everything to the counter and pays for them "Well, I was just thinking of hanging at home, as for you not having a job..I'd like to think you helping around the store is a job for you..I'm more than willing to work out a pay for you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter chuckles and nods a bit. 

" Im sorry I meant I have no work for the evening....unless you have work for me....boss "

he sticks his tongue out playfully. 

" As for pay yea I am sure we can figure something out. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil giggles and nods "Oh of course, silly me"  she says and pokes her tongue out at him "How about we leave work for work time then?" she suggests "Enjoy the rest of the evening together, talk about other things"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Ok boss, whatever you say, you're in charge.

Winter dances away from Tranquil sticking his tongue out. After a few more seconds of teasing, he moves back arms out ready to take the sweets so Tranquil didn't have to carry it all. 

" So wait if I work for you whats the corporate policy about inter-office dating.. I mean I dont want to get fired.

He laughs and swishes her tail at her playfully. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil giggles "You know, I've never had to put anything like that in place" she says with a smile and nuzzles him as she pays for the sweets and then begins to lead the way back to the apartment "The only thing I can really think of, is maybe tone down the lovey dovey stuff in front of customers" she giggles once more, returning the playful swish of the tail.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter returned the affection before leading them back out of the shop. As the wandered the streets of Canterlot he could not help but relax. For once the natural tension in his posture was gone. He was not always looking around like he was ready to leave. He was purely int he moment with walking with Tranquil when suddenly a voice thundered out. 

" Winter Bolt? Oh you scrawn flightless dodo it is on!

Winter turns to see a massive Pegasus flying right at him and a split second he steps clear of Tranquil to remove her from the impact zone. The pegasus crashes into him with a sickening crack.  But rather than falling over Winter flairs his wings and his feet skid along the pavement slowing the push. With a twist of his hips, Winter spins and flings the pegasus off of him and opening his mouth to speak. But before the sound can escape Winter is forced to dodge a punch. Shifting and weaving Winter dodges what appears to be a hail storm of combos. Finally, an opening presents itself and Winter slips inside an uppercut skids up the larger ponies chest and suddenly stops right at his chin. The massive pegasus lets out a booming laugh and envelops Winter in a hug that could crush iron lifting him off the floor.

" Winter I have not seen you in ages! Ever since you left the Temple. I am on special permission to visit my family before a long period of meditation and fasting. I never expected to see you in Canterlot of all places!

Winter gasps for air as the bone-crushing hug is released. His expression is an odd mixture of anger and amusement. He shakes his head trying to get a handle on the situation. He snorts in annoyance and then laughs a bit. 

" Iron Feather what they hay is wrong with you?  Do you realize that what is an old game to us looks like a brawl in the middle of the street dont you? As much as I am shocked to be running into what appears to be everypony I have ever met in my life in Canterlot in the space of two days Id rather not have said reunion be in a prison cell or at the least be accosted by angry guards for causing a disturbance.

Winter is breathing hard trying not to shout at an old friend over what is clearly a juvenile mistake. In the chaos he forgets to check on Tranquil as ponies seem to start back about their evening business having realized that there was not a fight but merely roughhousing going on.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil was a bit shocked at first, but as she stood out of the way, she could see that their moves were practiced and there didn't seem to be any aggression or malice to their 'fighting'. After the 'fighting' stops, she sighs in relief "Do all of your friends want to pretend to kill you Winter dear?" she asks with a slight giggle, "First that mare who nearly crushed your ribs by hugging you, and now your friend here?" she asks.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Iron Feathers' ears perk up at the word dear. His eyes dart between them for a moment and then again booming laughter washes over the crowd. Slaps his thighs with a crack like a whip and then claps Winter on the should hard enough to buckle his knees a bit. 

" Aaah no wonder you could not stay at the Temple. It appears the vows could not have held you eh?

With a smug grin, he stands there looking down at Winter. With a snort and whinny Winter thumps his friend in the chest. 

" I was not one for the vows to being with true. But I've only met Tranquil a few days ago. I swear to Celestia if you make a joke about working fast  I won't pull the next punch..

Iron Feather is trying so hard to hold back laughter he is snorting and stomping a hoof on the ground. Winter shakes his head and turns halfway between Tranquil and Iron Feather. 

" Sorry, this is Iron Feather a very old friend from the Temple. He honestly was the first friend I ever made out of school and was my regular sparring partner for my entire time there. Even after he became more mountain then pegasus.

Iron Feather gives a polite nod to Tranquil and holds out his hand. 

" It is good to see Winter relaxing for once. And anyone that can make him happy is good with me. " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "Hello mr Feather" she says politely "and well, Winter's been just so kind to me from the moment we met, and I personally believe that kindness should be met with kindness" she says, looking to Winter "I mean..well, he uhm..kinda saved my life earlier today as well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Iron Feather looks at winter quizzically but decides not to press the matter. He gently shakes Tranquils hand. 

" Well, I am glad he was there for you then. If you are up for it I would like to invite you to my family home tomorrow. We are celebrating before I get my mane shaved.

At those words, Winter gasped. He knew that this could mean only one thing. 

" You are taking the third set of vows?! You are ready for the full robes of an ordained monke?! "

Iron Feather smiles and nods. He tries to be composed but it is clear he is excited. 

" Yes, Renpony has declared that I am ready. They let me come home before my fasting and meditation in preparation for the ceremony.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Scarlet Rose

Winter lets out a laugh and nods excitedly. 

" That sounds like a great idea. I can't believe we got to meet before you're are ordained. That is just a brilliant stroke of luck. Maybe it's a good thing that I decided to stop in Canterlot after all. Only good things... and ponies have come my way since that choice.

He casts a sidelong glance at Tranquil as he speaks the last few words. Iron Feather smiles and gives Winter Bolt a hug and clap on the back. 

" Good, I look forward to seeing you both tomorrow. Around 4 pm but guests will drift in a bit earlier or later as they please.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods "Alright, we'll see you at 4pm then" she smiles at Iron Feather "Oh, mr Feather, if you're interested in visiting the church, my old mentor and friend, Father Sunrise is there. If you do go there and see him, please tell him I am doing better" she says to him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Iron Feather nodded and gave them a wave as he took to the skies joining many pegasi on their way home for the evening. Winter returned to Tranquils side and gave her a hug. " 

" Its been a long time almost a year and a half since I have seen Iron Feather. It means a lot to be there for this celebration. So few make it to this stage. Most leave after a few months. This is huge and Iron Feather is one of my first real friends. I mean you saw how I hardly know my former school pony classmates.

He starts to walk with Tranquil back towards the shop and apartment but he decided to take a bit of a winding route spreading out the evening and just enjoying the city. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "Well, I'm not some big corporation who would stop you spending a celebration with a friend" she says with a smile "Besides, I could see how much this celebration means to you, so who am I to stop you?" she asks, hugging him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As they walked the city Winter smiled slightly content with one of his best days and years. He got them back to the apartment and held the door for Tranquil. 

" I am glad to have such an understanding boss. But does said boss have coco? Because some hot coco would go great with these treats so we can relax for the evening.

Heading inside Winter locked up the doors behind them each and set their purchases on the counter. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Thank you" she says, going through the door of their apartment "As for Coco, Canterlot Coco or Yakyakistan Coco?" she would ask, leading the way through the store to the stairs up to the living quarters.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

" Its been a long time so Canterlot Coco. Honestly, you have no idea how nice it is to eat regularly again. These last few days I have eaten more then I might eat in a month when I was wandering around doing odd jobs.

Winter turned a bit red at the comment. Having come from a well to do family he was still a bit embarrassed by the vagabond lifestyle. It was reflexively drilled into him by his private school training and his parents. Frankly, his mother would faint if she knew the conditions under which he used to live. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She nods "Canterlot Coco it is, marshmallows and whipped cream too?" she asks, going into the kitchen and starting to make the two of them their hot cocoas each and using her magic to light the fireplace in the living room.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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