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Grogar Set King Sombra Up?

Misty Shadow

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Why was Grogar so quick to send Sombra off on his own despite all his talk about working together? If he was only trying to teach him the lesson about the futility of trying to do single-handedly what should be the work of a team, why not bring him back right away? An easier explanation than a permadeath for Sombra (which I do not believe, but am willing to consider every possibility) is Sombra going back on the deal by not only refusing to submit after he failed ("failed"?), but also trying to take over Equestria for himself when he was only given permission to take back his kingdom, which is what I believe Grogar really meant by "he gambled and lost". It seems open-and-shut, that Sombra just proved himself too stubborn and untrustworthy to be on their team...but shouldn't someone like Grogar, the Father of Monsters, have known this from the start? What if he never wanted Sombra as part of the team to begin with and was just using him as a way to control Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow more easily? Manufacturing a failed rebel to discourage them from free-thinking would be the perfect swindle (and the perfect irony, considering that Sombra's a tyrannical emperor :P ). If this leaked plot synopsis for a later episode is to be believed...

"Grogar sends his legion of doom on a mission to become allies, but his plan works too well and they almost become friends." 

It would seem he doesn't want them to become friends, but why? Could it be that he fears a revolt against him? Since Sombra would be the most well-equipped to lead such a revolt, it would be no wonder why he'd want him out of the way. 

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I think that Grogar sent King Sombra out on his own for two reasons:

1.) Based on the dialogue, between the two, it was clear to Grogar that Sombra wasn't going to be a team player and was actively going to make it difficult for the team to work together. Sending him off avoids tensions in the group.

2.) He used Sombra as a way of driving home his point about why he and the other villains need to work together, and also as a way of keeping them in line.

And as a bonus, he was able to take out the heroes' main source of power.

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2 hours ago, TheAnimationFanatic said:

I think that Grogar sent King Sombra out on his own for two reasons:

1.) Based on the dialogue, between the two, it was clear to Grogar that Sombra wasn't going to be a team player and was actively going to make it difficult for the team to work together. Sending him off avoids tensions in the group.

2.) He used Sombra as a way of driving home his point about why he and the other villains need to work together, and also as a way of keeping them in line.

And as a bonus, he was able to take out the heroes' main source of power.

Well said. Even if one is disappointed by Sombra's new characterization here compared to the Comics or S3 premiere, he shall forever hold the honor of destroying the Tree of Harmony, even if the Spirit of Harmony survives.

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4 hours ago, Bas said:

He might be afraid of that friendship might actually reform them.

Interestingly, in the premiere Cozy is quite adorable, frightened and innocent. I wonder if she might play a key role, also considering that she is prob the closest of them to understanding friendship.

It's difficult to imagine evil reforming evil, however. XD Don't forget that Cozy Glow seeks to only use friendship for her evil plans and that every reformed villain in the past made friends with a good character. 

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I think Grogar knew that Sombra would want to go do his own thing, and let him go do it. He used Sombra as a pawn to go break the tree of harmony, and Sombra's plans were not really compatible with Grogars, so Grogar had Sombra eliminated...by Sombra's own doing and lack of own planning. Grogar knew that Sombra would gloat, which is what lead to his downfall in his not mind controlling the mane 6.

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21 hours ago, TheAnimationFanatic said:

I think that Grogar sent King Sombra out on his own for two reasons:

1.) Based on the dialogue, between the two, it was clear to Grogar that Sombra wasn't going to be a team player and was actively going to make it difficult for the team to work together. Sending him off avoids tensions in the group.

2.) He used Sombra as a way of driving home his point about why he and the other villains need to work together, and also as a way of keeping them in line.

And as a bonus, he was able to take out the heroes' main source of power.

It's a little strange though that Grogar didn't give Sombra a chance to admit he needed help. That seemed to be the point of the whole episode was Sombra trying to prove to Grogar that he could handle it on his own. And Grogar basically said, "If you fail, then you will submit to me." That Grogar went back on that deal, doesn't sit well with me for some reason. I'm not sure if Grogar knows more about the nature of the Elements than Sombra, but for all our available knowledge at the time, what Sombra was able to accomplish was crippling and irreversible, and the way he managed to do it was absolutely brilliant. Sombra would have been a great asset. If Grogar isn't just letting him cool off in the ether for now, or maybe incubating/regenerating him in a stasis crystal or something, I'm going to be very disappointed. I thought the group dynamic of the villains would be more interesting with Sombra there too.

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From their dialog it seemed to me that sombra wanted to work on his own and would not submit to anyone. I guess grogar want to avoid unnecessary competition for the lead in the group, so it makes sense.  For grogar, sombra did enough by destroying the tree of harmony and making things slightly easier for him.  

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Just look at the way Sombra interacted with Grogar, he is the only one who stood up to him and wasn't intimidated, he actually got in his face. The others nervously laughed and were scared of what he can do. Grogar wants them to work together but he also wants them to serve under him. He knew Sombra wouldn't play that game.

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I have a feeling he will back-stab cozy, tirek and chrysalis once he regained his full power and control of equestria. Although he may just treat them as his minions after he accomplished his goal like the monsters he created back when he ruled.   

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I’m not convinced Sombra is dead, mainly because of what Grogar said to him. Grogar said he would revive him and make him a slave if he failed. That line doesn’t make any sense if it’s not going to happen later.

I think Grogar will resurrect Sombra again. But I do t think there is anything shifty going on. Grogar seemed sincere about his plan for the villains to work together. So it doesn’t seem like he’s going to pull a submissive Sombra out as a secret weapon.

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