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What would a live action/CGI MLP movie have been like?


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On 2021-03-30 at 5:59 AM, Sonic Shimmer said:

I just had a vision of the ponies running around New York, getting up to hijinks while generic pop rock music plays in the background.

I pray to Celestia this never becomes a reality :unsure:

I can see it now:

Twilight: "pinkie no!"

*Pinkie steals a stack of donuts and eats them in one bite*

*Dramatic silence*

Pinkie: "whaaaat? I was hungry!"

Basically this: https://youtu.be/VM1JiZYNbkM

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On 2021-08-05 at 1:37 AM, Sonic Shimmer said:

Fluttershy would have a complete breakdown if she finds out what hot dogs and hamburgers are made from.

Speaking of which, imagine the Mane Six in Central Park and seeing horse-drawn carriages.

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I was totally opposed to the idea, but since I saw Detective Pikachu, I’ve realized that is possible to work. Still, partly of what worked in that movie, it was not a case of Pokemon trapped in our world, but a live action film taking place in possibly the same Pokemon world as in the anime. With a healthy amount of Easter eggs and references to it, and make it slightly more mature, yet not to the point to alienate the target audience and being out of place

I’ve heard mostly positive comments about Sonic as well, but I guess that’s mainly because of Jim Carrey as Robontik. I dunno, haven’t seen the movie


My guess on how make a live action MLP movie work, and this is taking many cues with DP, are

1- Keep the Mane Six out of it, or from taking any major roles. The main ponies are other characters. Be it original, grown up underused ones (Luster Dawn, McFlurry come to mind), but keeping their numbers low. Something that could help, is that they are somehow at least familiar with the Mane Six

2- taking place in the pastel human world. As mentioned before, one thing that worked with DP was it not taking place in OUR world with a handful of Pokemon in it, but a plain Pokemon world in live action, plus the Pokemon being photorealistic, yet believable. However, that presents it’s set of challenges as well.
Starting taking place in the pastel human world doesn’t automatically solve the problems of fictional CGI characters in our world, as the pastel human world was as mundane as our, and mostly remain so despite all the magic amok. However, the EG universe itself already went past the suspension of disbelief with the lives of the average human remaining the same despite witnessing, AND going through Equestria and transformed into ponies (this being most outlandish case, as a whole cruise of even adults being transformed into ponies as a quick way to escape a desert island), yet, there’s no evidence their lives and worldview ever changed. Maybe it can be fixed by stating rare, yet now normalized by the public of equestrian magic leaking occasionally to the human world, to the point of being a government branch for it with humans, either powered or not, who can deal with them. That sets the scene their world is different from ours

another thing is the aesthetic. Horse pun locations, horse imagery are easy. However, if it’s going to be a live action EG world, it has to make tpit’s inhabitants look the part. However, I don’t see the skin color would work. I think the skin colors should remain normal. Not because a sudden change in the EG world skin color would suddenly change to normal, but that’s because in live action it wouldn’t work at all. At least that can be mitigated with colored hair, that can work

as with the ponies, minimize presence of canon animated characters, or leave them to the backstory. At most Rebecca Shoichet could appear live action as Sunset Shimmer, considering she’s already a case of ink suit actor, with her hair colors. But the rest of the Mane Seven should remain absent (I’m not opposed for the other Mane Six actresses making cameos, or playing new characters)

celebrities are fine, but if a canon character happens to appear at all (like McFlurry if she were a main pony character) don’t give them those roles. Keep celebrities to original characters 


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