Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 December 12, 2019 Share December 12, 2019 G5 UPDATE!!! This thread is a resource for those who want to cover a song but don't know what key it is in. Fan songs can be added by request. The songs listed in this thread are in chronological order according to the MLP Wiki. Additionally, there will be definitions of specific terms that are bold throughout the list. Main Theme - D Major Season 1 Giggle At The Ghosties - D Major Pinkie's Gala Fantasy Song - G Major The Ticket Song - E-Flat Major Hop, Skip And Jump - C Major Evil Enchantress - G Major/Mixolydian (Pinkie Pie), E Major/Blues (Fluttershy) Winter Wrap-Up - C#/D-Flat Major (Enharmonic) Cupcake Song - D Major Art of The Dress - E-Flat Major Hush Now - A-Flat Major CMC's Song - B-Flat/A# Minor (Enharmonic) You Gotta Share, You Gotta Care - D Major So Many Wonders - C Major Pinkie's Singing Telegram - C Major At The Gala - B Major, C Major, C#/D Flat Major (Enharmonic), (Chromatic Direct Modulation) I'm At The Grand Galloping Gala - C Major Pony Pokey - C#/D-Flat Major, D Major, E-Flat Major, E Major, F Major (Chromatic Modulation) Season 2 Find a Pet - C#/D Flat Major, E Flat Major Becoming Popular - E-Flat Major The Heart Carol - D Major Happy Monthiversery - A-Flat Major PIggy Dance - F#/G-Flat Major (Enharmonic) The Flim Flam Brothers - F Major, F# Major (Chromatic Modulation, Spoken Word in Rhythm) The Perfect Stallion - F Major Smile Song - E-Flat Major, E Major (Chromatic Direct Modulation) Cranky Doodle Donkey - F# Major Welcome Song - E-Flat Major Cranky Doodle Joy - F# Major B.B.B.F.F. - C#/D Flat Major (Enharmonic) This Day Aria + Reprise - C# Minor (Watch for accidentals) Love Is In Bloom - F# Major (Chromatic modulation to G Major for extended version) Season 3 Failure Song - G Major, D Major (Circle of 5ths Modulation using V of V) Ballad of The Crystal Ponies - C Major Success Song - G Major, D Major (Circle of 5ths Modulation using V of V) Babs Seed - E-Flat Major Raise This Barn - D Major Morning In Ponyville - D Major What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me - C Major, C# Major (Direct Chromatic Modulation) I've Got To Find A Way - B-Flat Major A True True Friend - B-Flat Major, B Major (Direct Chromatic Modulation) Celestia's Ballad - B Major Behold Princess Twilight - B-Flat Major Life In Equestria - D Major Equestria Girls Strange New World - C Major Cafeteria Song - E Major Time to Come Together - D Major This Is Our Big Night - E-Flat Major A Friend For Life - C#/D-Flat Major (Enharmonic) Season 4 Hearts Strong as Horses - F# Major (F Major, G Major [Chromatic Modulation, Reprise) Bats - B-Flat Minor/A# Minor (Enharmonic) Generosity - F Major, G Major (Whole Step Direct Modulation) Apples To The Core - C Major, D Major (Whole Step Direct Modulation) Glass of Water - A Harmonic Phrygian (D minor key signature) Pinkie The Party Planner - D Major, E Major (Whole Step Direct Modulation) The Super Duper Party Pony - D Major Pinkie's Lament - B-Flat Major The Goof Off - B-Flat Major, G Major, C Major, D Major, F Major, B-Flat Major, G Major, C Major, B Major (Direct Modulations, be very careful) Cheese Confesses - D Major Make A Wish - E-Flat Major Music In The Treetops - A Major Find The Music In You - B-Flat Major Miracle Tonic: C Major, A Major, D Major, C Major (Spontaneous Direct Modulation, Spoken word in rhythm) You'll Play Your Part: C Major, E-Flat Major, F Major, G Major (Direct Modulation) Let The Rainbow Remind You - D Major EQG Rainbow Rocks Shorts Shake Your Tail - D Major Perfect Day For Fun - C Major, D Major (Direct Modulation) EQG Rainbow Rocks Rainbow Rocks - D Major Better Than Ever - D Major Battle - C Minor, D Minor (Direct Modulation) Bad Counter Spell - D Major Under Our Spell - C# Minor Trix Up My Sleeve - A Minor Awesome As I Wanna Be - D Major (Watch the naturals and mode mixture) Welcome To The Show - B Minor (Part 1), D Major, E Major (Part 2, Direct Modulation) Shine Like Rainbows - C Major Season 5 Our Town - E-Flat Major, F Major (Direct Modulation Make This Castle A Home - E-Flat Major I'll Fly - C#/D-Flat Major (Enharmonic) Rules of Rarity - D Major Sisterhood - D Major We'll Make Our Mark (Prelude) - E Major The Vote - A Major, A Minor, F# Minor, F# Major (Parallel Direct Modulation, Time Signature Change 4/4 to 3/4) The Pony I Want To Be - A Major Light of Your Cutie Mark - E Minor, G Major, E Major (Relative Direct Modulation) The Pony I Want To Be (Reprise) - A Major, G Major (Indirect Transformative Modulation) We'll Make Our Mark - E Major Equestria, Land I Love - E-Flat Major, A-Flat Major (Indirect Modulation) The Spectacle - C# Minor The Magic Inside - A-Flat Major Equestria Land I Love (Reprise) - E-Flat Major, A-Flat Major (Indirect Modulation) Friends Are Always There For You - D Major EQG Friendship Games Friendship Games - D Minor, D Major (Parallel Direct Modulation) CHS Rally - D Major (Watch for naturals and mode mixture) What More Is Out There - D Major (Watch for naturals and mode mixture) ACADECA - C# Minor, E Major, B Major, D# Minor, F# Minor, A Major (Relative Direct Modulation, Circle of 5ths Modulation using V of V, Passing Tone Direct Modulation) Unleash The Magic - B-Flat Minor, C# Minor (Direct Modulation) Right There In Front Of Me - D Major Season 6 Out On My Own - D Major Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again - D major Say Goodbye To The Holiday - A-Flat Minor, G Minor, C Minor, G Minor (Direct Modulation, Circle of 5ths Modulation using V of V and V7 of IV) Seeds of The Past - B-flat Major, F Minor, B-flat Major (Indirect Mode Mixture Modulation) Pinkie's Present - A Major, B Major (Direct Modulation) Luna's Future - A Minor Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again (Reprise) - D major Can I Do It On My Own - C#/D-flat Major, E-Flat Major, F Major (Direct Modulation) It's Gonna Work - A Major (Watch the naturals) Go Derby Racers - D Major, A Major, D Major (Circle of 5ths Modulation using V of V, Chromatic step direct modulation) A Changling Can Change - F Major (Watch for mode mixture) Find The Purpose In Your Life - C#/D-Flat Major, C# Minor, E Major (Parallel Direct Modulation, Relative Direct Modulation) EQG Legend Of Everfree The Legend Of Everfree - C Major Midnight In Me - B Minor Embrace The Magic - E-Flat Major We Will Stand For Everfree - B Minor, E Minor, C Minor, C# Minor, F# Minor (Direct Modulation) Legend You Were Meant To Be - A-Flat Major Season 7 Best Friends Until The End of Time - B-Flat Major Battle For Sugar Belle - A Major, B-Flat Major, B Major (Direct Modulations) You're In My Head Like A Catchy Song - D Major Flawless - B Minor Blank Flanks Forever - B Major EQG Special: Dance Magic Dance Magic - B-Flat Major EQG Summertime Shorts Mad Twience - C Major/C Minor (Parallel Direct Modulation) Monday Blues - E-Flat Major Shake Things Up! - B Minor Get This Show on The Road! - G Dorian/F Major Coinkydink World - E-Flat Mixolydian/Blues Good Vibes - D Major MLP The Movie We Got The Beat - A Major, D Major (Circle of 5ths Modulation using V7 of IV) We Got This Together - E Major, E-Flat Major, E Major (Direct Modulation) I'm The Friend You Need - D Minor (Watch for mode mixture) Time To Be Awesome - D Major, A Major (Circle of 5ths modulation using V of V) One Small Thing - D Major Open Up Your Eyes - G Minor Rainbow - D Major EQG Better Together Season 1 Rise Up - C# Minor, E Major, G# Minor, B Major (Relative Direct Modulation, Circle of 5ths Modulation using V of V) Room To Grow - F Major, F Minor, F# Minor, G Minor (Parallel Direct Modulation, Direct Modulation) Five To Nine - A-Flat Major (Watch the C-flats) So Much More To Me - E Major The Other Side - E-Flat Major EQG Forgotten Friendship We've Come So Far - D Major Invisible - A minor (Watch the fake-out on the VII) Season 8 School of Friendship - A Mixolydian, C Major, C Mixolydian, E-Flat Major (Direct Modulation, Watch the deceptive changes) Friendship Always Wins - D Major, E Major (Direct Modulation) Your Heart is In Two Places - F Major, E-Flat Major, E Major (Direct Modulation, IV-V Indirect Modulation) Friendship U - F Minor, B-Flat Major, B Major, A-Flat Major (Direct Modulation) We're Friendship Bound - B Major, C# Major, E-Flat Major (Indirect Modulation, Direct Modulation) A Kirin Tale - F Major, G Major (Reprise, Direct Modulation, Watch the V of V in chorus and mode mixture) Just Can't Be a Dragon Here - G# Minor (Don't let some of the major chords in the instrumental fool you!) EQG Rollercoaster of Friendship Photo Booth - A Major MLP Best Gift Ever One More Day - D Major, C Major, D Major (Indirect Modulation off of V of V to vi of C with mode mixture modulation to return to D) The True Gift of Gifting - C#/D-Flat Major (Enharmonic) EQG Spring Breakdown All Good - A-Flat Major EQG Better Than Ever Season 2 I'm On A Yacht - B Major Run To Break Free - C#/D-Flat Major (Enharmonic) Find The Magic - C Major Let It Rain - D Major Cheer You On - B-Flat Major MLP Rainbow Road Trip Rainbow Roadtrip - D Major At The End of the Rainbow - C Major, A Minor, C Major (Relative Indirect Modulation using V of vi) Living In Color - E Major, F# Major (Direct Modulation) EQG Sunset's Backstage Pass True Original - A Major Season 9 The Place Where You Belong - C Major Fit Right In + Reprise - D Major Better Way To Be Bad - A Minor Lotta Little Things + Reprise - B-Flat Major The Last Laugh - D Major, A Major, B minor, C#/D-Flat Major (Enharmonic, Direct Modulations, Mode Mixture) Being Big Is All It Takes - D Major The Magic of Friendship Grows - E Major (You can modulate the last chorus up to F, F#, G or A-Flat, but no higher) A New Generation Gonna Be My Day - C Major (watch for syncopations) Angry Mob - F minor Fit Right In - C Major, E-Flat Major, C Major, C# Major (vi conversion modulation from C Major to E-Flat Major, Direct Modulation) Fan Songs (To Be Updated) Discord (Original) - G Minor Discord (Living Tombstone) - G# Minor Diamond Dogs - E Minor Luna - E-flat/D# Minor (Enharmonic), F Minor (Direct Modulation) Rainbow Factory - F# Minor Wonderbolt - E Major I'll Fly Higher - E Major Loyalty - G Major Lullaby For A Princess - F#/G-Flat Major (Enharmonic) Children Of The Night - C Minor Terms Enharmonic - When two keys are enharmonic, they sound the same in terms of pitch, but are written differently (Example: C#=D-Flat) Mixolydian - A mode of the major scale where the 7th note is flattened. In G mixolydian, F# becomes F-Natural. Modulation - A change in key in a piece of music Chromatic - Consisting of all half steps (example: D, E-flat, E) Direct Modulation - A key change that moves to the new key without any transition chords Chromatic Direct Modulation - A key change that moves one half step without any transition chords Accidental - A sharp, flat or natural that is outside of the key signature Circle of 5ths - A diagram that displays all 12 keys in order that when moving clockwise, goes up a 5th. V of V - The 5th of the 5th resolves to the next key in order as shown on the circle of 5ths. For example, to get to G from C, use D, which is the V of V of C, then resolve to G Whole Step Direct Modulation - Key change of a whole step with no transitional chords Phrygian - The 3rd mode, The 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th notes are flattened Harmonic Phrygian - Unlike standard Phrygian, the 3rd note is sharped Natural - A symbol that resets a note back to it's standard pitch (Example, C# - C-natural - C) Mode Mixture - A phenomenon that takes a note from a scale and changes it's function (Example: D Major-B-Flat Major, D and B-Flat share the note D) Prelude - A longer introduction to a song, some can be lyrical while others are instrumental. Parallel Direct Modulation - A key change with no transitional chords that changes to the opposite of the current key (Example: A Major -> A Minor) Relative Direct Modulation - A key change with no transitional chords that changes in the opposite of the current key that holds the same key signature (Example: A Minor -> C Major Reprise - A sung summary of a song using the same melody as the chorus. Indirect Modulation - A key change that consists of transitional chords that eventually arrive at a new key Indirect Transformative Modulation - A key change that takes the current chords and changes them according to function that eventually arrive at a new key Passing Tone Direct Modulation - A key change consisting of no transitional chords but a single tone (usually stepwise) to the new key V7 of IV - The five-seven of the fourth is the same at making the I a seventh chord. This modulation travels up a perfect fourth from the original key (Example: C Major-> F Major) Mode Mixture Modulation - A key change where the functions of notes change for transitional purposes. It eventually resolves to a new key. Chromatic Step Direct Modulation - A group of key changes that occur back to back consisting of half-steps; usually used to build tension Dorian - The second mode where the 6th note is raised a half-step Blues - A special scale that consists of minor thirds, chromatic steps and two whole steps Fake-out - A phenomenon where a tone approaches a point where a resolution can be predicted, but it moves in a different direction Deceptive Change - Any progression that starts on the V but resolves on another chord IV-V Indirect Modulation - A key change that uses the IV-V progression; can be used for key changes bigger than a perfect 5th) Relative Indirect Modulation - A key change with transitional chords to the opposite of the current key that holds the same key signature V of vi - 5th of the 6th, which is the common chord used to modulate to the relative minor of the current key (Example: C Major, E7, A minor) vi Conversion Modulation - When the I (root) chord is transformed into a minor chord, it transforms into the vi of the new key Hope this resource helps everyone who wants to show their stuff! Remember, you can always leave a question and I'll be sure to get back to ya! 5 Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jesse Terrence 2,969 December 12, 2019 Share December 12, 2019 Hah, even the circle of fifths! And you explained a bunch of theoric concepts without too much fuzz which is actually helpful for beginers. I'm wondering why I never heard of you in all these years, though. I mean, you seem to know far more music than many popular brony musicians out there. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
applesjck 5,602 December 12, 2019 Share December 12, 2019 Thank you for this!!! 3 Lover of all things Applejack. <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 December 13, 2019 Author Share December 13, 2019 1 hour ago, Jesse Terrence said: Hah, even the circle of fifths! And you explained a bunch of theoric concepts without too much fuzz which is actually helpful for beginers. I'm wondering why I never heard of you in all these years, though. I mean, you seem to know far more music than many popular brony musicians out there. Heh, well, figured I'd get it done since the show's all finished. I may even add the songs found in the upcoming series. And yea, it's disappointing that only a few brony musicians know actual music theory like me... Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
limbosystem 2 December 27, 2019 Share December 27, 2019 This is really cool! I've been meaning to brush up on my music theory and this is a good way to get my feet wet again. Nice! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 December 27, 2019 Author Share December 27, 2019 3 hours ago, limbosystem said: This is really cool! I've been meaning to brush up on my music theory and this is a good way to get my feet wet again. Nice! Glad you like it. Anything you need more in depth detail on? If so, I'll send it in PM Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allen 1,387 February 4, 2021 Share February 4, 2021 Good job from theory identifying the key of each song! One thing for the song named Flawless, the original key was D major, which I thought it's in B minor but from theory that I learned about modulations (instead of key changes when keeping the original key) it modulates to that relative minor key before performing back to D major. I'm very smart in pitch too, and identify what key it performs! 1 Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past. ~Allen The V.I.P., The Legendary Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 February 4, 2021 Author Share February 4, 2021 5 hours ago, Allen said: Good job from theory identifying the key of each song! One thing for the song named Flawless, the original key was D major, which I thought it's in B minor but from theory that I learned about modulations (instead of key changes when keeping the original key) it modulates to that relative minor key before performing back to D major. I'm very smart in pitch too, and identify what key it performs! Either or, still the same number of sharps...but thanks anyway! 1 Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,860 February 17, 2021 Share February 17, 2021 @C. Thunder Dash This is masterful and I can tell a lot of work went into this topic. I am not musically trained in any way shape or form, but your effort should be a hundred percent commented here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 February 17, 2021 Author Share February 17, 2021 17 minutes ago, Jeric said: @C. Thunder Dash This is masterful and I can tell a lot of work went into this topic. I am not musically trained in any way shape or form, but your effort should be a hundred percent commented here. Whoo, let me tell you, this was a ton of work to do. I first listened to the song, deduced the key with my perfect pitch, checked the Wiki to see if I was right (which I was), and then listen for all the key changes and progressions that could trip up someone when they either covered or remixed the song. 1 Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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