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private The Storm Sapphire 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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The Storm Sapphire, a stone of miraculous energy with the power to change the climate according to the desires and will of whoever possesses it. Originally given to Princess Luna by the Tree of Peace together with the other Balance Gems to assist Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony defeat Discord.

The weight of the stones was too great for any one being, even an alicorn, to bear alone. So Princess Luna ventured forth in the wake of Discord's defeat, choosing those who Peace deemed worthy to bear the stones in her stead, retaining to herself the Karmic Diamond. Together the Balance worked to ensure the world kept moving, never falling too far out of balance, but also ensuring it never reached a state of perfect balance. Bearing the Karmic Diamond, Luna had to ensure that, occasionally, bad things happened to good ponies, while some bad ponies escaped judgement for a time. Celestia could not understand, and eventually Luna was forced to take drastic measures to guarantee the ongoing safety of the world at the expense of Equestria.

When Luna was banished for her actions, the bearers of the stones at the time sent their stones after her, encasing within them an image of their souls to guide them as they traveled. Each retaining a small piece of their gems to continue in their efforts in secret. Lacking the guidance of Luna, and therefore the Tree of Peace, over the generations the shards were lost, stolen, or hidden away to await one day the renewal of their connection to the original gems.

Together with Nightmare Moon, the gems fell to Equestria, some coming back into contact with their fragments quickly, others remaining separated for some time. The soul within the Storm sapphire had changed over the thousand years, originally a griffon named Stonewater, the soul had taken the form of a bird, similar to a phoenix, calling itself Impundulu. The soul retained the memories of the previous bearer, and was ready to pass its mantel on to whoever was chosen by Peace. However, the fragment having been collected by Celestia and placed in her Closet, the remainder came to rest in the care of the mare Steel Wheels who called herself Taps.

Impundulu found itself imprisoned, contained, its powers used only to keep a certain area without rain while the rest of the world was forced to rely on pegasi to maintain weather stability. At first it tried to escape, to force another to encounter and take it away, but Taps was too smart, too capable to allow a momentary setback to free the stone from her care. Over time the stone came to respect Taps' dedication, and decided that: If Taps was not the pony to bear it, and would not give it to the one ready to bear it, it would make her ready to bear it.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Oooooh, when tha resta loife seems rottun

an' yer feelin down an' blue

to fight th' coming weather

lemme tell ye what ya do


Ye head on doon ta Kay-dee's Bar

an' fill yer flagon full

an' ye drink until ye canna tell

the true stuff from tha BULL!


Taps groaned to herself; it wasn't anywhere near the first time she'd heard that song, and she was fairly certain it wouldn't be the last.  Kayde's Bar was a rollicking drinking song from the Shettish Isles, and it got more and more silly (and ribald) as it went on.  She'd heard all six verses, every one of them just a reason to belt out a tune when one was drunken enough.

She wondered, and not for the first time, if Cappy had ever been an actual creature before; he seemed to act just like anyone else... well, anyone with a snarky attitude, a chip on their shoulder, and a penchant for teasing would act, anyway.  But that was the heart of the matter, wasn't it?  Cappy was one of the oldest and most well-read and prolific personalities she'd ever met in her entire existence, which was far more than most ponies even dreamed about.  He was quite a fellow...

For a bowler hat.

The fact of Cappy being the name given to a sentient magical construct made little difference anymore - she'd gushed over him when they'd first met, but now it was, er 'old hat'... she'd seen and experienced a lot with him, so the novelty had worn off centuries ago.  Yet still, as the sole, solitary guardian of Princess Celestia's Magical Closet, she had to admit he was a great deal better to deal with than some of the other enchanted personalites among the many artifacts within.

Like for instance, a scarf who refused to be worn on an unhealthy pony's neck, a set of billiard balls who were rude and foul-mouthed, two table lamps who always finished each other's sentences... and perhaps a certain draconequus madman who was contained within a jet black stone...

Yes, Cappy.  A bowler hat which, when worn by a pony, would grant all the power and ability of an alicorn to the wearer.  It wasn't cursed, actually - one of the small list of things which weren't - but the temptation had already claimed another pony, and Taps had sworn it would never fall into the wrong hooves again... as she had finished burying the one she'd had to end to keep that promise.  A friend.  One of her very, very, very few friends in all of her long history.

She rounded the corner where Cappy was hung on the wall, singing his fool felt heart out.  She made her way over, then stopped short of the hat rack as he finished the last verse.

"Oi, I dinna hear yew singin' with me; d'ya know the wurds, lil' one?" he asked her, his Shettish brogue thick and hard to decipher... but Taps knew it well.

"The words, I know... I just wasn't in the mood to try to match vocals with a musical butcher," she smirked.

The hat rattled a bit on the hook, two slits in the hatband opening to reveal a pair of little blue dots that served as his eyes.  "Ye state I'm 'butcherin'' it, do ye?  I'll have yew know that I could sing CIRCLES 'round yer flanks whilest whistlin' about a Glass of Water an' doin' th' Cha-Cha, should I be so inclined!"

Taps shrugged.  "Maybe... but that doesn't mean your singing will get any better."

Smirking as she walked off from his attempts at a returning insult, she headed down the long and tall rows of shelving, headed for the place towards the rear with the highest security... the Red Candle section.

Each section in The Closet had magical rune candles that marked off what area was which: green for money magics, blue for emotional magics, orange for mischevious magics, and so on.  The Red Section was reserved for the most powerful and dangerous artifacts in her possession.  Glass bells, magically and hermetically sealed, covered the five MOST powerful of all:

The Sleeper's Pillow.  An artfact created by a dragon to make others forget he existed, it's power was subtle but strong as it slowly removed thoughts from the minds of those sleeping nearby.  It could also be used to plant false information as well; Taps knew it was important to hang onto.

The Kalaraha Egg.  An artifact powerful enough to allow it's bearer to erase anything they chose from existence completely - but the price was to erase the user as well; there was LITERALLY no telling what it had already done, and it terrified Taps to think of what it might do in the future.

The Jynx Stone.  An interdimensonal vessel, crafted specifically to house the soul of an insane draconequus with massive Chaos Magic abilities.  It actually existed between worlds; it was the only way to disrupt the foul presence inside, keeping it from getting free without assistance.

Tandem's Key.  A small, unassuming brass key that, when placed in any lock, could not only unlock it... but the doorway behind it could lead to any other doorway EVER: doors on the other side of the planet, doors on another planet, doors in the past, doors in the future... even doors in different dimensions!

The Storm Sapphire.  A massively powerful elemental battery which held the power of the weather within it, a gem which held a swirling, violent-looking storm inside.  There was supposedly more to it... but honestly?  She had a feeling that learning more about it could be potentially dangerous... but she still kept it here, all the same.

She made her way to that last specific magical glass dome and removed it, regarding the Sapphire completely free.  "Another sunny day," she murmured as she placed a single hoof at the base of it, then channelled that energy accordingly (or at least as much as she had been doing for the past number of years), and began to imagine a clear sky over the quarry once again.

Nobody really knew, but Taps was the direct reason it had not rained in the Blackwater Quarry for a long time - as in, since her fifth day in the quarry itself... nearly a decade ago.

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Little did Taps know, or perhaps she didn't fully realize, but using the Sapphire had a cost associated with it. She had to open her mind to the stone in order for it to enact her desires, which wouldn't be a problem if there weren't a consciousness inside who had recently decided it would mold her into the perfect bearer.

As Taps tried to envision the clear sky over the quarry, a static shock crossed from the gem to the metal in her hoof, causing a sudden flash of lightning would cross her vision, and consequently across the quarry sky, the ensuing thunder ensured that all nearby took notice. She could then see in her vision the great bird with wings of lightning beating back the clouds with powerful flaps, ensuring the quarry would not see a drop of rain that day.

The bird turned to face her in her vision, it's electric eyes seemed to pierce her soul. "Soon."

Taps could feel the gem start to resist her control.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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23 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:


THAT had never happened before.

Taps' eyes flew open, and she stared at the stone in shock; she'd never even caught a flicker of anything like this before, nor all the times she'd ever used it in the past - she'd even tested it to make certain it wasn't going to bite her in the flank, covered in enough nullifying artifacts to ensure nothing would happen to her... and nothing had happened.

Why was it doing something now?

When it started to resist, however... she knew she'd have to run another battery of tests on it; with what it was, and the power levels it had registered at, combined with how very hard Her Majesty Princess Celestia had impressed upon her that this particular artifact was of utmost importance to keep within The Closet... Taps was more than a bit alarmed at what it might possibly mean.

During her time as the sole, solitary head of The Closet, Agent Steel Wheels had been a rarity among ponies; she was a pegasus with extensive training with handling magics.  Not like weather magic - but actual, real magical power and spellcasting practice.  Mostly thanks to items (such as Cappy) which allowed her to use magic, and her dedication to her role being her biggest motivator, she'd cast spells that some unicorns ever only dreamed of being strong enough to cast.

But today, she'd experienced something she had never seen before... but she had heard about before.

... One of the following will happen, either the stone will leave through some freak accident or coordinated theft where it is the only thing stolen... or you will find yourself carrying it with you. Should the latter occur you will either find yourself having given it away or you will encounter in full the entity that lies within...

That voice had belonged to a powerful entity she'd encountered a little while ago, one she'd made tenative friends with... she hoped.  With her history of friendships, it was the closest thing she had to someone who could understand and appreciate what she did.  And he had warned her about the Storm Sapphire back then.

... in any of these cases, the new bearer of the balance of Rain and Shine - and by extension the balance of Nature - will have been found...

She slowly released her control on the stone, not just breaking contact immediately, but instead a gradual and deliberate release.  Magic had taught her before that just letting go of a connection with a spirit of any kind could be a problem - they might assume your weaknesses and attack, or be able to break free of their possible prisons... either way, Taps slowly let go of her control and stepped back, regarding the gem with a new sort of awe.

I only have to worry if it starts talking to me, she thought.



  • Brohoof 1

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Impundulu was content, for the moment, with Taps' progress. She had, at the very least, gone from using it as a dangerous tool to seeing the power it possessed. It enjoyed the shock and concern that had gone through Taps as she withdrew from the resistance. Impundulu did not need to press the advantage, it had seen enough into her mind to know: She would come back, because the clouds would return one day soon, if she didn't come back then the rain would, and with it would come questions.

And there seemed to be nothing Taps feared more than questions, or rather, the answers to those questions.

Taps had answered her own question with her memories, why now? Because Karma called for aid and Taps answered. Her nullifying magics were trivial compared to the deeper magics of the tree. In a way, Impundulu had been awoken by Selena's presence, and it would not be slumbered again.

If Taps looked closely at the stone, she'd be able to see, faintly, the same bird from her vision flying about in the rolling storm within the gem. Had it always been there, and she hadn't noticed it? Or did what just happened cause it to appear?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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She blinked a bit, making sure it wasn't fatigue... then she made her way out of the Red Candle section, after making DOUBLY sure the runic glass bell was back over it properly.

Most of Taps' day was being the local mailmare, a job that she found more interesting than many of the other jobs she'd hidden under in the past: cropduster, janitor, croupier... all of them had a different appeal, but everyone was usually happy to see a mailmare - even if she played mute.  She'd learned a while back that speaking usually got her in trouble somehow, so she simply had played mute during her time in the quarry.  Only a small hoofful of individuals here knew she could speak...

She simply hoped it didn't bite her in the flank, later.

She now headed upstairs to greet the day without a word; it would be hours before she got back down here - but, inevitably, she would be back tonight.  Because Taps always came back at night; she was too paranoid of anything going wrong to leave The Closet, even for a day... as it had been for her for... wait, I know this one... carry the five...

Well, for a very, very, VERY long time.

However, tonight the Storm Sapphire was getting a magical scan - Taps knew that waiting any longer was just begging for disaster to strike.

  • Brohoof 1

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When Agent Steel Wheels had first received the stone it was only a fragment, the piece left behind with just enough power to maintain a tentative balance supplementary to coordinated weather management efforts, back then there was no soul within, no direction beyond the wielder to direct its power. Celestia had entrusted it to a number of head weather pegasi before proximity to Nightmare Moon's return encouraged her to put it in more secure storage, and as such in the care of the Closet. When it had been scanned on induction it was wholly benign, no security required except to ensure it was not used inappropriately. Celestia's requirements seemed quite extra at the time.

When the stone was first reunited soon after Nightmare Moon's return, it finally possessed the levels of power to warrant the protection that Celestia had required, the amount of energy within was similar in scale to the full output of Cloudsdale in a year, ready to be released in an instant however, and wherever, the wielder directed. Nonetheless, the spirit within was drained from its journey, and did not manifest itself when the stone was first discovered. While Celestia had been aware of its power, she had never known of the bearers designs to imprint their souls in the stones, and as such had not thought to prepare nor forewarn Taps against the spirit within. Once assembled the scanner was overloaded by the stone's vast power, and as such did not warn them of the spirit within.

Now, Impundulu had begun to manifest, it was visible even on the surface that the storm within was gaining direction, momentum. When Taps would scan it with the improved scanner she'd see that the power level had not so much grown as it had coalesced. Before it was simply a massive amount of energy contained, like a billowing electrical storm, but now the energy was being organized, directed within itself like a super-tornado. The best description one could have of the readings before the scanner was, almost maliciously, overwhelmed by the stone's power (Which caused a small cloud to form and rain to fall in whatever room she performed the scan in) was that the energy within was discontent.

It was abundantly clear that Illiad was right, some entity lay within, and it was beginning to manifest itself.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Taps continued to stare at the little screen on the scanner device, running the same question over and over through her own head:

If it disappears, what am I going to do?

If it really HAS found who it wants to bear it, that means I'll somehow be manipulated into giving it away... and I'll be dipped in batter, fried and served to Timberwolves before I allow something with that kind of power to slip through my hooves... AGAIN.

She gave the Jynx Stone a sidlelong glance.  It had been over a year since the incident where she'd accidentally lost the Jynx Stone through a hole in her bag; the stone's occupant had gotten loose, and had caused quite a bit of HAVOC  within the walls of the quarry.  If it hadn't been for some timely help from some unlikely allies, she'd been able to contain the horror once more.

Worse than that?  It had happened, in a way, before... and that time, there had been a body to bury.  And tears of hard-won wisdom to shed - rivers of them.

She gave the stone a scowl before returning her attention to the Storm Sapphire once again.  She set the scanner down and made her way over to it, nestled in a runic-covered little bowl on the table.  The runes were for the bowl's contents to be protected - not the holder.  And since it had done what it had done... well, she wasn't certain if she should be touching it anymore.

But she stared at it, looking for the bird in the swirls inside the gemstone... it couldn't have been just an illusion...

  • Brohoof 1

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Now that I have your attention, Impundulu thought on how they could continue. Looking out from the gem he could see that the mare who called herself Taps was hesitant, she knew something about the gem, she was now aware of its power, she didn't want to use it.

I'll just have to force your hoof then.

As Taps looked deeply into the gem looking for the bird she'd briefly catch a glimpse of it sitting in the eye of the storm, staring back at her with its electric blue eyes, before the center shifted to show something else entirely: Taps could see a vast field of dead and dying crops as a farmer stared at the empty sky, then a treetop village ravaged by an intense tropical storm, houses and ponies torn from the trees by the intense wind. The image then shifted, she saw herself wielding the gem, then the storm stopped, in the dry plains the rain came, restoring life to the dying crops as the farmer rejoiced.

You could do so much good.

The image would fade, returning to the storm and the captive bird staring back at her.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 7/12/2020 at 5:03 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Taps could see a vast field of dead and dying crops as a farmer stared at the empty sky, then a treetop village ravaged by an intense tropical storm, houses and ponies torn from the trees by the intense wind.

Taps watched, knowing full well what sort of things Nature itself was capable of, and witnessing the events made little difference...


On 7/12/2020 at 5:03 PM, Illiad Easle said:

The image then shifted, she saw herself wielding the gem, then the storm stopped, in the dry plains the rain came, restoring life to the dying crops as the farmer rejoiced.

Taps eyes shot open, and she sat down HARD on the floor, holding a hoof over her heart and suddenly finding herself near panic.


She closed her eyes and worked to get her breathing under control, pulling herself slowly out of panic mode.

This is IMPOSSIBLE, this is INSANE, this is NOT what I was EXPECTING!  I just thought I'd have to add runes and glyphs to keep it from making me give it away... but THIS is a wholly different ball of wax!  She might have been special, yes, but she was just a caretaker - a custodian of amazing artifacts... not a FORCE OF NATURE of this caliber!

She closed her eyes, counted to ten silently, then slowly picked herself up as she looked back at the Storm Sapphire once more... and saw the bird inside it, looking back at her.


On 7/12/2020 at 5:03 PM, Illiad Easle said:

You could do so much good.

Taps wasn't stupid - she knew that the power of these gems was like a pendulum; if it swung towards good to help a problem, it would have to swing back the other way to balance out.

Unsure of how to communicate with a gemstone, she focused her thoughts at it.

Her mind became filled with the sight of a ship being tossed about during a hurricaine, the ponies onboard crying out for their families or mercy, as she weilded the stone with a sad, yet hard look on her muzzle.

And I would be expected to do this as well? she thought at it, hoping it understood what she was projecting.

  • Brohoof 1

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Impundulu was content for the moment, the mare wasn't opposed to the task, but worried? There was much that could be done to assuage this.

The image of the bird retreated, drawing her unconsciously closer to better see the depths within. A series of circles formed, ovals really, intertwining in a circuit:



 The vertical oval shone like a diamond, and Taps was reminded of the diamond Illiad had carried with him. The horizontal one shined like a sapphire, like the stone itself.

Weather is rarely good or bad, some events are necessary yes, but harm need not be done.

The image was more abstract this time, there was a tension in the earth under a small town, an earthquake zone. The image split, on one side where Taps did nothing the tension grew until a large earthquake destroyed the village entirely, on the other, Taps guided the civilians out before triggering herself a smaller earthquake to relieve the tension, some buildings were destroyed and some injured, but overall the damage was mitigated by her actions.

The image faded, returning to the image Taps had presented, Sometimes nature's wrath is required, but it is not born alone. 

The circles returned, the storm she envisioned falling into a point of intersection between the sapphire and the diamond.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/16/2020 at 11:19 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Weather is rarely good or bad, some events are necessary yes, but harm need not be done.

She watched the unfolding scene within the gem, saw the earthquake, and the benefit of being in control of something of that measure.  It DID appeal to her, the idea that she could save lives and do good with the power it was-

Dear sweet Celestia, I'm listening to it!

Her mind raced to try to catch up to the idea that she might have to choose between her duty... or her potential.

That would be a difficult choice; she'd been the guardian of the closet for hundreds of years, thanks to the artifact in her chest; it was all she knew anymore, as she hadn't been able to do little things like visit someone on a whim, or take a vacation, or even just go somewhere other than the quarry or its' mail routes.  It had been her responsibility, her calling, and her entire life for hundreds of years.

And yet... the possibility of doing good, matched with the call of freedom, was stuck in her head far more firmly than she was comfortable admitting.

Looking at the gemstone again, Taps worked to focus her rattled mind on it.

Why me, she thought, why, out of all the ponies and other creatures available, why me, specifically?  Is it SOLELY because you're here in The Closet?  Am I just a tool of convenience for you?

The thought wasn't bitter towards the gem exactly, but it was a bit bitter, nonetheless.

  • Brohoof 1

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Impundulu was satisfied with Taps' progress for the day, the more she was made to think about it, the more the idea appealed to her.

The bird reappeared in the view, it's expression was ever so slightly coy. I think you know why. But if you think you're incapable... you could always suggest someone else?

The bird faded back into the storm, it was much calmer than when she had started interacting with it, it looked almost dormant.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 7/28/2020 at 2:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

I think you know why. But if you think you're incapable... you could always suggest someone else?

Taps stepped back, staring at the gem for a moment... then her own brow darkened, and with an angry expression, she stormed out of the Red Section.

As she passed the hatrack, the bowler there opened a single blue eye and watched her passing.  "Oi, Tappie... are ye-"

"NO, CAPPY, SHUT UP," she snapped without looking at him.  The bowler gave a start, jumping on the hook a bit... but he said nothing more, and simply closed his eye again when she was gone from his sight.

The angry mare stomped her way upstairs to her postal office, grinding her teeth the entire way before she reached her room, where she threw herself onto her small bed, and began to weep tears of pure, unmitigated ANGER.

Another damned artifact that wants to make a TOOL out of me!  How many times will I have to DEAL with this treatment!?  The Foxglove Typewriter, the Argonaut's Helmet, Alahuptra, the Demon's Scythe, the Gem of Zarathustara, Pontius' Soap, the Filly's Needle, Torus The Hammer, the Barleystone Bit...  ALL OF THEM, nothing but arrogance and pressure, pressure and arrogance - and I cannot even begin to describe the utter hate and loathing I have for that sort of attitude!

She beat her hooves into her pillow.  I am NOT a tool, NOT a convenience, NOT A SLAVE!!!  For once, JUST ONCE, can't an artifact simply see me as, at least, a PONY!?  Can I not get even one IOTA of respect?  NO, NEVER!  It's always 'oh, you know nothing, serve my purpose as I belittle and confound you for my own fun!'  BAH!  Why do I even BOTHER guarding this stuff?  CELESTIA HERSELF has all but abandoned me - though I still get the occasional delivery!  I know The Closet is supposed to be a secret, but...

She stopped pitching her fit, her anger melting into the abject sorrow she was so accustomed to by now.

Don't I deserve a break, sometimes?  Some slack?  A little damned dignity?

  • Brohoof 1

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It was hardly the response Impundulu had expected, nor could it honestly say it desired to anger the mare. However, it could not argue with the results. In her anger or haste to leave the influence of the gem, Taps had forgotten a singular crucial step:

The gem was not returned to its place. The enchanted bell was not replaced.

Impundulu was free.

It supposed Taps had a point, perhaps it was mostly Stockcolt Syndrome that made her seem like a good candidate. The only way to determine if that was the truth however, would be to go out and evaluate other potential candidates.

While Impundulu might not be the most intelligent being, it did gain something from its centuries in space and the years patiently waiting in Taps' care. Every time she had used the full gem it had glimpsed into her mind, over the years it had planned for it's chance to escape, and had only recently given up when Taps had proven quite infallible at putting the gem back in its place. But now it was free and alone, and it knew Taps whole procedure to leave the Closet.

Once it was sure the coast was clear, Impundulu would set its plan in motion. Water began to seep out of the gem, eventually taking the form of a small bird, the sapphire becoming its head as it climbed out of the bowl it had been left in before taking flight, following Taps' exact path to the stairwell, watery limbs replicating her important motions such that, should nothing unexpected occur or something be out of place in the routine, it would quickly enter the postal office, and soon after the Quarry itself.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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As the creature passed through the warehouse, the bowler hat on the hook opened an eye and watched the entity as it passed.

"Oi - yuir headed out ta see th' warld, aye?  Perhaps ye have some room fer an' ol' topper like meself, eh?  I've yet got some power in me band, and Tappie hardly lets meh use it - perhaps a foine fella like yerself'd be wantin' some goidance, er a tour at least?  Eh, whatcha say, laddie?"

Cappy did enjoy the time he spent here as his 'retirement', bu a chance like THIS never presented itself before.  Maybe it was his time to be free as well?



The protective bell's omission didn't even occur to Taps; she'd been so upset over the events of the sapphire that she had simply allowed it to overwhelm her.

Of course, the pressure of guarding so many items, plus their care and handling, plus being the quarry mailmare just enough to keep from being found out, plus the occasional delivery for even MORE caretaking, plus her soul-crushing lonliness, PLUS her anger at feeling manipulated again, PLUS never having had a single break in centuries...

And now, the eventual revalation that she'd gotten sloppy just long enough for yet another breach?

Taps had done nothing but tried to stay loyal to her princess, her country and her duty... and yet, Life always seemed to slap her with nothing but pain for her troubles.  She worked hard at what she did, and deserved plenty of respect for it... but due to the secretive nature of her job, all she ever got was heartache - and even with as much as she had worked over the centuries to keep everything safe, all it would take was one small mistake - like forgetting to return an artifact to its' place - to put her right back into the failure category, regardless of whatever had come before.

Taps continued to vent her anger and sorrow... but it wouldn't be long before she remembered her duty.

  • Brohoof 1

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Impundulu froze when the hat spoke, literally turning to ice where it stood. While it had heard Taps talking when she left, it hadn't detected any other ponies, Taps had never used the gem in conjunction with the hat before, nor was the hat part of the procedure to leave, thus Impundulu had not looked to learn anything about it.

But now the hat was there, talking to it, and would more than likely tell Taps if they didn't leave together.

The ice bird reverted to a water bird as it cautiously approached the hat. Water was patient, persistent, it had waited this long for an opportunity, it could wait until the next time if it had to. It may not have another opportunity to learn. Impundulu did not have the capacity to speak in this form, and could only bridge minds with Taps given how long they had been in contact, so it was reduced to charades to communicate with the hat.

It did it's best interpretive dance that the hat could come along, but if anything untowards happened it would be struck by lightning and left to sit in the rain.

Provided the hat was agreeable to these conditions, Impundulu would balance it atop the gem that formed the physical head of the bird before resuming their efforts to leave the closet.

If possible, once they reached the post office Impundulu would take notice that Taps' anger had turned sorrowful, and it had a twinge of regret for leaving. Nonetheless, storms were stubborn, and it had a job to do. It took some of the paper and writing utensils available and did it's best to write without getting the page too damp: If I'm right, I'll be back. If you're right, you'll be free of me. I'll return the hat regardless.

Note written and left in a conspicuous place, it would leave the building to perch atop it, getting its bearings on the quarry.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 3 weeks later...

The quarry was vast - there were a number of different buildings here, and living souls that seemed to be all over the place.

As soon as they were outside, Cappy laughed heartily and happily.  "Och, what a loverly scene t'greet th' warld with!  Tis quite a soight, the ol' quarry be - and ta think I've only heard uvvit through Tapsy - yet here I be, lookin' th' place over like a bord in the sky!  HA!  Ye have me thanks, there... t'never know where yer at's a croime, but t'finally SEE sooch a place..."

The energy coming from the hat was flowing and rippling; he was exicted about his newfound freedom, and it was obvious as the blue eyes in his hatband were wide and gleeful.

From the post office, most of the rest of the quarry was visible; the gem refinery, the Blackwater Vault, Shed Row... and, atop the ridge that rose above the quarry proper, was the stately Blackwater Manor.

And all around, there were the subtle strings of life, all singing their harmonies from their respective places.  It would be up to Impundulu where it would begin the search for a worthy host.

"Laddie!  D'ya ken the oidea of gettin' ghost from here as fast as we can?  Or are we bound fer someplace in th' quarry yard?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Impundulu wasn't so much focused on the creatures of the quarry as it was on the plants, or rather the sad lack of them growing in the area. It decided that the best way to find a wielder would be to discover who among them did not fear the weather, one who would welcome rain after the land was held baron for so long.

It figured the hat would be able to understand the answer to its own question once Impundulu acted. It flew up to one of the smokestacks of the gem refinery to get a good look over all those who were nearby before he started to draw on the power contained within the hat. Impundulu spread its wings, reaching out to the clouds standing outside the range of the quarry. As it slowly pulled in its wings the clouds began to roll in, first slow and white, then larger dark grey clouds started to cover the sky over the quarry.

To anyone who looked up it would seem like the clouds were about to rain, but Impundulu was in control, the rain would not start until it decided so. It was waiting for a reaction, waiting for the citizens of the quarry to take notice and react before sending down the life giving waters.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 1 month later...

"OCH!  Tha' tickles a wee mite!  A twee bit o' warnin' would be noice, y'know?"

But Cappy didn't resist the use of his magic - in fact, he gave a bit of a grin as he once again felt the draw from his vast power well...

THIS was one of the reasons the bowler hat had been put into The Closet in the first place... and he knew his curse rather well.  The hat wouldn't say a single word about it, of course, and the magical effect was insidiously hidden from detection.  It was THE reason why Taps, in her years of service, had only donned him AFTER so many other spells and rituals to prepare herself before she even considered using his power in any way.

The hat held the ability to give the wielder the ultimate power that one would find within an alicorn natrually, but the PRICE was the slow and steady corruption of the wearer's mind.  Impndulu had no idea of the peril, and would feel nothing but a growing desire to use the hat's abilities more and more to fuel his own... until Cappy grew powerful enough to switch places with it's bearer, leaving them trapped inside the bowler hat while HE took whatever body the poor soul had.

Taps herself had experienced this only secondhoof - but it had cost her one of the only friends she had ever really had.  She'd learned her lesson well, and had never used his power well without the proper precautions.  Precautions that Impundulu had NO CLUE of.

Cappy simply allowed the entity to use whatever it needed; he always enjoyed the part where the victim learned far too late that they were duped... and he could hardly wait to try out those wings himself.

The quarry below didn't seem to notice... at first.  

However, as the clouds rolled in, Chuck List - the Blackwater's Head Forepony - tilted his head skyward and looked at the clouds with a suspicious stare.  It hadn't rained at the Blackwater Quarry in over a decade, and even though he had no idea why it had stopped, the middle-aged earth pony stallion HAD been here the last time it had rained...

Seeing the clouds coming on with a vengeance, his look went from suspicious to slowly alarmed; he began to make his way towards the mine proper - a huge hole in the side of the mountain - while looking over his roster sheets to see who was on duty at the time.

By this point, a few of the random workers began to take notice as well; they simply figured it was about time for the rain to come, and had not a clue what it would mean for the quarry itself.


  • Brohoof 1

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15 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

Impndulu had no idea of the peril, and would feel nothing but a growing desire to use the hat's abilities more and more to fuel his own

True enough, Impundulu had not the slightest clue as to what Cappy had planned, but if there was something it had learned during it's thousand years in space, it was restraint. Impundulu hadn't sought out the hat for power, it could have just as easily grabbed anyone nearby and bent them to call the rain. Cappy was a tool of convenience, and nothing more. When a suitable host had been found Cappy would be returned, no sooner, no later.

As soon as the clouds were coming in Impundulu stopped the draw on the magic, it hadn't used much more than a unicorn would have used to levitate a heavy book. It turned to watch the reactions around the quarry, it saw Chuck, and was intrigued. He feared, but it wasn't the rain. He feared what the rain would do. He seemed one who understood what good and harm the weather could do, and seemed pragmatic enough to side as Impundulu preferred: One who would seek to maximise the weather's benefit and minimise the harm.

Further, he was the only one who had any sort of notable reaction.

Impundulu flew down from the smokestack into the cave that Chuck was headed towards, it would hide out of sight of the others, but do it's best to attract Chuck's attention, enticing him to come close enough that they could be alone.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...

Chuck List had never really been one to engage in flights of fancy; he'd been a poor sot growing up, and he'd been at the bottom of the proverbial barrel when he'd been found by Luther Blackwater in Manehattan.  Because of this, he tended to have a very down-to-earth attitude about things.  Even so, the sight of the clouds gathering was a point of worry; he remembered well what happened the last time the clouds had brought the rain - years ago - and it wasn't pretty.

The mines were built for efficiency... but against the rain, they were practically defenseless.  It might cost the Blackwaters millions of bits to clear the mines of water - not to mention the lives that could be lost in the process.  But that paled in comparison to his memories of the last rainstorm that had happened here:

FIRE OPALS didn't mix well with water, and the steam produced caused enough pressure to build up to where portions of the mountain itself had exploded outward, causing quite a lot of damage and a panic to boot.  There'd been something else as well... but with his memory locked onto the possible trouble ahead, he barely had time for thought.

Now, however, his logical mind wasn't quite sure what it was that he saw; was it some kind of bird?  A magic bird?  It didn't look like a phoenix, but it most certainly WAS NOT a robin.

His curiosity piqued, Chuck gave the creature a wary eye as he came closer to try to get a better look at it.

  • Brohoof 1

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Impundulu beckoned Chuck closer with a wing, with the hat it was able to project mentally a bit further than before, still it used very little magic.

"Worry not noble stallion. The rain will not fall just yet. Not unless you request it."

"This place has gone many years without rain, such a debt must be corrected. But there need not be danger. You could be the one to decide when it rains, let the others prepare and protect. You would like that wouldn't you?"

As it distracted his thoughts with the mental words, Impundulu would take a deeper look into Chuck, see how his subconscious responded, see if he would make a suitable candidate. At first glance he seemed similar to Impundulu's last host. But it would take a deep view to see if he held the core values that Impundulu wanted.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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